THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCT( ublished evcry morning except Monday ng the University year by the Board in trol of Student I'ublications. embers of Western Conference Editorial ;ociation. he .associated Press is exclusively en- ed to the uae for republication of all news atches credited to it or not otherwise lited in this paper and the local news pub- rd 1 here in. ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, hi- an. as second class matter. Special rate postage girated by Third AssistantaPost- Ser Gci y$ral. ubserliption by carrier, $3.50; by mail, iccs: Ann Arbor Press Building, Street. ones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; o96o. May- busi- land. One cannot refrain from a little regret that Mr. MacDonald even faces the spectre of political obscurity be- ASRD ROLL fore his little experiment was coin pleted. RESOLVED: THE UNION OF TIE FUTURE The culmination of years of effort THAT THIS HOUSE IS OPPOSED TO on the part of Michigan men is found THE PRINCIPLE OF PROHIBITION in the fact that the Michigan Union in its intiriety is now nearing comn- Wednesday night the propositionj pletion. In the years since the build- above was debated in Hill hall. As ing has been in active use two features the Daily said yesterday morning, necessary to the exercise of its func- 'Michigan won her first international tion has been lacking: the reading debate, that with Oxford last night room and the swimming pool. The in Hill auditorium, according to a reading room is now being finished by vote of the audience. The final vote4 virtue of the generosity of an alum- was Michigan 1,247, Oxford 520. The nus, and it is understood that in the I Oxford team, contending that the near future another project for thl principle of prohibition could not be! completion of the pool will be launch- right as long as a large minority ed. Whether or not this proves to be strenously objected to it, kept the a success will depend largely on the Michigan team on the defensive (on student body. the defensive indeed!) from the first.'j Coincident with this work has been What really happened was that the the carrying out of other equally im. President of the Oratorical associa- portant improvements in the Tap room tion arose, placed his hand on the in the matter of ventilation and qual- rostrum, and proclaimed that In his ity of food. A new manager has sucn opinion it was a pretty good house cessfully impressed upon the staff 01 at fifty cents the head. He then'seized workers in the club the necessity of the opportunity to pour into the ears service, and himself has carried out of his audience. some remarks on the this principle in his relations with oratorical association lecture course. -Musi- AND DRAMA BOOK BOOKS "TICKLED TO DEATH" College The dilemna of the Union Opera- assuming that there was a flaw some- both en where--has invariably been a hope- less, tawdy book. As far as the pro- fessional technique of the perform- ance, the dancing, the settings and the ; lighting, they have beeen comparable very nearly to none: even Broadway was a bit amazed at the speed of the! O CTOBER, 1924 second act of "Cotton Stockings." The S M T W T F S .. .. .. 1 2 3 4 plot of the revue, however, has late-19 6 7 8 9 10 11 ly been next to impossible, soggy, trite, 12 13 14 15 16 1' 18 and unmaleable. 20 21 22 23 24 25 The story this year, on the other26 27 28 29 30 31 hand, all press enthusiasms to..the side, is as fine as it has been in any:I opera and edition; since, say, and harking back to the wonderful days a ,, Notice of "Contrary Mary" and "Fool's N tc Paradise." To begin with, it reverts back to the old-fashioned comic opera now coming into such modern vogue; We clean and reblock hats and caps there will a ,.-i -t, nd do it RIGHT You will appreciate and SUPPLIES for all s at GRAHAM'S, (at ds of the diagonal walk) . ** wir rs ww wwir s s EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176. MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay Night Editors George W. Davis Joseph Kru-er 'Thomas 1'. henry John Conrad Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal Sports Editor.........William 11. Stoneman Sund ty Edltor.........Robert S. Mansfield XXocI 1?ns ditor..............Verena, Moran Music and ramna......Robert 1, 1Henderson Telenraph Editor...William - J. Walthour Assistants 1,ouise Marley Winfield 1-. Line clarion !arlow lard A. Moore a lie S. Bcniets Carl E. Ohlmacher iorina Hick-nell Williami C. Patterson Herman Boxer 11yde W. Perce, Jr. I telen hrowxn Andrew E. Propper Smith Cady r. Ileien S. Ramsay \Villane L. . eosby Regina Reichmann Vatente1I L)Davies \Marie Reed James W Fcrnamberg Ednmarie Schrauder Ceorre . '.iske 11rederiek H. Shillito Joseph O. Gartner Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. M aunii g o wseworth C. Arthur Stevens Dorothy 1amni Marjory Sweet Margact Kedi Frrederic Telmos 3aizabc'h S. Kennedy IHans Wickland Eli~abeth I altt n herman J. Wise Francis R. Line BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER A dvei tisin g...... .............E. L. Dunne 1rdvertising........... ..J. Finn A(vertisin:.................... IA. Marks Advertising................H. i. Rockwell Accounts.............. yron Parker Circulation...........R. C. Winter Publication...............John W. Conlin Assistants P. W. Arnold W.s IL. Mullins IV. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast C~ol-tnn Burris 4. L. Newmnann F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead Philip Deitz 1). Ryan Pavid Fox °1. Rosenzweig Norman Freebling Margaret Sandburg NV. E. Hlaraker V. K{. Schoenfeld V. Jo.nson S. H. Sinclair L. H. Kramer F. Taylor Louis W. Kramer I I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 Night Editor-NORMAN R. THAL PROFITLESS PROPHECY There will always be prophets who like the muck rakers of the Pilgrim's Progress see nothing but the dirt and filth of the world about them; there will always be gloomy Cassan- dras to gorge the land with ill timed and pessimistic prophecies of impend- ing 'doom, and there will always be people ready to lap up these pearls of sophistry with an appetite whetted to starvation point, always ready to feast upon ill news. Dealers in wholesile prognostica-j tion devote much of their energies to prediction of ultimate doom for Eng- land. Events of the past few days, in which James Ramsay MacDonald, thb labor prime minister of England dis- solved parliament; choosing to go to the country for support rather than to resign ignominiously before he had an opportunity to finish his work which he had begun, have greatly in-l creased the market for such ama- teur prophecies as we have spoken of. The English "crisis" is not the " catastrophe which most people believe it to be. It is unfortunate that Mr. Ma,Donald has been forced to call an election, the third in two years, but the results. of that election will not ,pel1 the death of England. At the worst, it would mean the disappear, =nce of the liberals, a party which has been dead for many years, hang. ing 1ie a vestigial limb to the roster of English political organizations. Torn within between its two great mdler. attacked from without, the liberal party long ago lost its liberal character and has for many years been little more than a compromise uarty between labor and conservative. The probable outcome of the election -which will occur in the early part of Tvember will be a small gain for the laborites, even the most sanguine managers hone for little more thon a gain of forty votes, a sharp loss on the rart of the liberals, and a gain for the conservatives. i i I I erell a severe limitation ofhe students. The Union this year has be- Having described this coming treat at showy and possible tasteless costue come more an organization for Michi- some length, and quoted prices, names ay gan men than ever before. of speakers, etc., he graciously turned parades that have nearly come to be a hackneyed stamp of the Mimes' Despite these very definite accom- the meeting over to President Burton. work, and better yet there will be a plishments there remain many things The President introduced 'Mr. Mac- to be done. Too often the ser ice of Donald, the first speaker for Oxford.' genuinely clever d - dialogue. the Union benefits those who least Mr. MacDonald, after several mom- It has always been Mr. Shuter's need it-campus organizations. Those ents -of well-phrased courtesy about desire to produce an opera such as who have formed no such connections how glad he was to be in Hill hall, "Tickled To Death," but for lack of a come to look on the Union as a purely debating with the keenest wits of the half-respectable book he has been formal institution. It is in this field University of Michigan, plunged lei'forced to camouflage, as any director of work, the promotion of individual surely into the subject of Prohibition with his seven wits about him woulI student interest in the Union, that the (He managed to pronounce the word have done, with the gaudy tinkle I new administration and management more fetchingly than we have ever tinkle that Broadway turns out. With can bring forth the best results. Each heard it pronounced before, by the an interesting scenario, however, he male student on the campus must be way; really made it sound like- a can finally patten something more made to feel that he has a part in charming institution.) When he had nearly after his - ideal of the true! Union activities aside from acting as talked for about fifteen minutes there",,n a decoration for the reading rooms. was a terrific noise behind him. He all.m Another aspect of the Union which took it quite calmly, though, and said The entire action of the present ed has been neglected is its sponsoring be believed he had two minutes left. tion is laid in and around a Chinese of discussion by students, faculty, and It developed that he had three'. (You monastary-instead of the eternal qualified political leaders leading woulda thought from the noise that jumping from Zululand to a New York! questions of the day. Monthly debates the debate was called on account of beauty-parlor!-and the prevading at of the nature of the Hobbs-Slosson rain.) So he talked away and pretty mosphere, subsequently, will be mark contest of last year, the Oxford de soon there was another terrible racket edly Orienta At the very beginning, bate and open forum discussions led behind him. He finished up his para- by members of the faculty or promi- graph and then sat down, amid the you see, there arise infinite possibl nent students should be held in the plaudits o. the throng, as the fella ftic taleaus, gorgeousvgori:u fantastic taleaus, gorgeous, glorious' assembly hall .In addition the Union says. costumes, unusual lighting and scenic is an organization which could invite A guy of the name of Demmink was effects. Truly it is not exaggerated,' candidates for publc office to Ann the first orator for the U. of M. He trite as it may seem in print; you Arbor to speak before the students. said the Oxford fellas weren't really would believe the prevelant rumor It is a disgrace to the University that enemies at all, but that they were just if you could hear Mr. Shuter explain during the present campaign not a gonna talk about prohibition in the his plans-a kimono dance behind a single such candidate has so far been friendliest kind of way and the first 'giant fan, another in a mamouth scheduled to address the stulent body thing he wanted to say was that a - lantern, a 'cherry blossom number as a unit, and yet college men are cohol did a lot more harm than the with color everywhere and soft hazy supposed to be interested in politics. Oxford speaker would lead us to be- t ts, The Union has in this case a distinct lieve. He went on to say that while lig o n the Urn an. fading stars in the Urban heaven. function to perform. drinking was a bad thing in itself, it The music, too, is a great improvex In the field of dramatics there is was also a bad thing indirectly; for ment. There is none of the lengendary, also opportunity for expansion. The was it not well known that Drinking polite plagarism from the lesser class- Mimes society has in the past two and Immorality went hand in hand? ics: a bit of Chopin here, Schubert years done some excellent work in the (You will laugh, you will cry, toseej there, with the melody played back- production of such an essentially ar-DrnigadImalthoeFN ny FUN-ny fellows.) He also adduced wards and the rhthym inverted. It is tistic production as "The Cloister." statistics to prove that typsetters were original and definitely melodic, and These involve a small financial loss, slowed up 7-10 of a second in their out of the entire eighteen odd num- but the income from the opera shoulk work by habitual use of alcohol. He bers there is but one pure, thumping more than offset this in addition to announced, further, that a man who jazz piece-although that one, of aiding as at present in the general was accustomed to drink moderately course, is more than tintillating. The financial support of the Union. had an expectation of some 13 years other works, "Peaches," "The Lament These opportunities for extended less than one who was not accustomed of Nyan Toy," "Hail to the Sun, activity are a challenge to the students to. drink at all. He was developing of Nan oy," Hito thset these three whimsical themes into a on and on the titles that as yet are and faculty who are in charge of the veritable Fugue Aride, when the Pre- only names run-tend more the purely organization. The Union isfulfilling liminary noise was heard behind him. lyric, the type of syncopation that quite successfully its social possibil- He thereupon spent three brisk min- becomes music in spite of itself. ities. The next step in advance should j utes winding up, and at the final Gong * * * be a broadening of the scope of its he said Well I guess I better quit now,! THE PLAYER'S WORKSHOP activity so as to aid in stimulating (with a sly leer at the audience) be- I A call has been issued by the direc- intellectual activity among its mem- cause I'm taking up the Oxford fella's tor of the Player's Workshop, the hers. time. scenic department of the Player'I IMr. Woodruff, of Oxford, was noth- Club, for assistance in the construc- CO-OPERATIVE ENTERPRISE ing short of swell. He said that he hadtion of the settings for their produc- When the Ann Arbor roo-.ers who come to America, a dry country, ex- to ftestig o hi rdc wilhatend the nib gamepraw pecting to 'take soda water in the tion in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall will attend the Illini game parade spirit in which it was offered,' and October 22. Work will commence this the streets of Urbana led by the Var- had been surprised at the many offers Saturday in the auditorium of Uni- sity band, and enthusiasm runs high, of whiskey that his hosts had made versity Hall from nine o'clock in the the extent of what Ann Arbor towns- him in New York. He then said that morning until five or six or seven in people r have done in raising funds to his attitude toward alcohol was that the afternoon. send the band to this game will be of a man toward a friend, while that Anyone interested is invited-and a to some extent realized. of his opponents was the attitude one -little more-to work as long Saturday It is interesting to note that the has toward a man one has read about.'i as their time will permit, one, two, $1,800 drive, which was completed in Then he took up the joint about his two days, was the work of all casses Expectation. He granted that he might or as many hours as they feel con- tof citizs,repesthinwgrktheaproasesremove 13 years from his life, and scienciously inclined. No one has to be of citizens, representing the profes admitted that he could live the extra an artist, for none of us are; and sional, industrial, mercantile, and edu- time by mounting the Wagon. "But,'. more than this, even artists find that cational fields. This is evidence that he said; "am I to forego my privilege actual scenic construction is largely the University here does not create a of drinking just for that? Shall I sell a matter of ordinary nails and glue, town within a town, as is true in my birthright for a mess of dotage?" lumber and Kling-Keano. The only many college communities, but that - (really vital necessity is something like the interests of the University are a [-, There were other speeches. The Ox- an apron to keep the dozen forms concern to the townspeople. Students ford boys kept on running over theb of paint from your single suit of are recognizing more and more that time allowance, finishing their para- clothes. their best interests are advanced by graphs in leisurely style; the Amer- co-operation with the merchants and words and hoofing it over to their A conference was held yesterday citizens. table. The American table was liter- to investigate the problem of rubber - ally covered with papers, cards, stats. culture. Students, draw in your necks. Henry Ford will entertain the tics, and God knows what, and the Prince of Wales in Detroit. When one Americans were writing things on GRID GRAPH TOMORROW remembers that England has a great cards all through the evening. The many tin mines it will be seen that English table was bare; the Oxford these two men have much in common. team leaned back and looked at the ABSENTEE VOTERS I ceiling in its spare time. . . . It is the sense of the Public Speak- By this time most of the students is de sens of the Publieak Students who are going to be 1 knw ha teyshul "ot b m- n department that the Ame r'c"nsI I know that they should "vote by ab-won an easy victory. This Department away from home on election day sentee ballot" but very few of them xI and want to vote by mail are ballot" t ew decried the Oxford Platform Manner- know where they are to vote it was too careless. The same Body j asked to see the announcement I V deplored the Oxford tendency to make of the Republican club of the I The Oxford debaters have been light of 'This and That, while warmly I University. It makes no differ- here; the Prince of Wales is probably a p p 1 a u d i n g t h e s e rious, manly, jence what state you are from. coming. When may we expect the straightforward technique of the Mich: the club's information bureau having your hat done over in a clean and sanitary manner, free from odor and made'to fit your head. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) Coming Sunday ARCADE THEATRE Rafael Sabitini's Mammoth Spectacle I For the M. A. C. game. Get your order in early.. real choice ones at 75c We have 1 I t A Very Atractive GIFT Just in is a beautiful pottery bowl with bulbs, in gift I boxes. Helen T. Sellman 2 Nickels Arcade O,)pobite"Sub Station z __________________________ ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 East Liberty Street Phone 1630 Iv Subscribe for The Michigan Daily PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS mums j CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN T \r , -- WING CAMPUS BOOTERY Vo80. STATE STREET Toi errow Health Is On Thing You Can't Afford t "Experiment" xe{ o oy ey With ear---- - - w - -- You can buy anything earth, if you have the mon -except health. 3 I : Il I I THE HAUNTED. TAVERN 1 s i I 1 t t i IF You can "experiment" with almost anything on earth ex- cept health - and perhaps love. Just because someone else seemed to feel sick the same way you do, is no reason why you can get benefit from the same medicine. Know you are right by con- sulting your physician-get a prescription of your own-- 417 E. Huron w 4000 One cannot help in a discussion of profitless prophecy referring with somewhat of irony to the trend of prophecy last January when the labom party took over the reins of govern- ment. It was ta black future which w,,s painted for England, but it has existd for the past nine months, and has spent probably as profitable a nine I months as it has since the war. The labor party did not play the havoc which people expected. It is a well known maxim that a radical man placed in a position of responsibility i soon becomes conservative. The same; applies to parties. The labor party j Filled by When you dance at Grangers stop at The Haunted Tavern for hot chocolate or coffee, sand- Wiches and fudge cake you won't forget. Only four doors west of Granger's. D. CLAUDE DRAKE'S Drug and, Prescription Store nL___ ) Ifill !3 °+ 1 0 - -