I TWO --
- - i
Quialified Elector.,. feeStfites Lsted,
Absent FromnItlo 111, Alloxveti
>!a1Iof S
A~n opportunity for every qualified1
voter to cast an ibsentL voter's bal-
lot~ free of charge at thef general ee-
tions to be held Novemblet 4 is being
offered by the Republican club, ac-
cording to officials of that ogn
A qualified voter 'must have regis-
tered at his plazce of residence. In
nearly all states, registration must
be done in person, therefore all who
are able should return to their place
of residence before October 18 and~
have their names placed on the vat:-
ing lists.
But a qualified voter abse;(nt from
his home in any one of the following
states may obtain a ballot for the
general election 'by malting an appli-
cation to the clerk of his county:
Alabama, Arizona, California, De-
ware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,1
Maine, Massachusetts, M1ichigan, Min-
nesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebra5-
ka, Nevada, New Jersey, New "York,!
North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oregon, South,~ Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Vermoant, 'Virginia,
Washington, West Virginia, Wiscon--
sin, Wyoming.
The Republican club will .have
these applications ready for distri-
bution between 9 and 4 o'clock every
day from now until October 15, at the
table in University hail and Room 302
of the Uilon.
The ballots will be returned "to the
applicant and further announcement
will be made as to when and vwhecre
they may be notaried after they are
marked. This notary service will be
rendered free of charge by the Re-
publican club. Applications will ho
handled from all voters regardless of
their party affiliations.
The New "T. R."I Actin
Automobile Club BIG *TEN CLUB JO MAIL
By act of the board of directors of
j tudlcnts who expect to drive to the Big Ten University club, compli-I
I Lnsngfor the M. A. C. game tomor- mentary copies of the Weekly Line-!
r<;w are advised by the Ann Arbor lip, the club's publication, will be sent
blranch of th~e Detroit Automobile club to all Big Ten alumni in Cleveland
to tatke the rouate ;riven below. The during the football season in order tot
new (,oncrete pavement from Brighton interest them in the society.
to, (i.;e, us has juist lbeen opened to This year the club, in accordance!
t r :::., thus giving the motorist well with the precedent started last year,
1-,i , Vts roads frami Ann Arbor to Oke- will give football returns, play by1
. e road from Okemus into East play, of 17 of the best games by a
l in hs not been opened as yet, Western Union wire.
1c'sst~dnga detour of about four Prof. Franklin C. McLean of the
riifles otfairrad according to the Medical school of the University of
,.1lub {)[hciahi. Chicago will address the club 'at its
, ,{r t ot North Main street for' next meeting on a subject of especialI
10.4 iles to Whitmore Lake. Follow interest to alumni of the Big Te4n.
pavement. Four corners straight.
ahead, following M-65.j Columbus, Oct. 9 -Progressives of
22.0-1righton, turn left on M-:16. Fol- Ohio State university recently organ-
M-16 through ized a La Follette club.
17.5-Folervfg, VoebyAbsenteeBiflet, on (~inipii-.
41.-0-W cl (rviiie,-
- 2-.Wl.mson
(,.2 _(Ocaius, follow well marked de-I
t our 1by w-ay of Cedlar 1Lake for four
tnle s,
(4t) 1 as4i.t, La sing, Michigan Agricul-r
tuira)l ellege. Lansing is three miles
[a rthr west
Complete play-by-play
Michiigan-M. A. C. game
results of tho
at East Lan-
sing tomorrow will be shown by the
Alumni association on the grid-graph
tin Hill auditorium. The game will
start at 3 o'clock Ann Arbor time and
a special Western Uion wire will carry
Ithe account to the auditorium. Doors]
'will be opened at 2:30 o'clock.
Tickets for the showing' are 25 cents!
and are one sale at the bookstores,
1 Huston's anid the Union. The graph
records each play on a minature grid-
iron, "a light being used to represent
the ball. The name of the man makting
the play and the kind of play are also
Cc limbus,' Oct., 9.-"Hello Ohio"
day was recently observed at Ohio
.state U.niversity. All the women spoke
."to °all the menl, an d'visa versa.
Union Pins Sent;
To Be Here Soon
U n o i s f r t e f e h m u cl slong delayed by a lost shipm ent,
were sent from the factorylata-
u rday and should be available todIay
or tomorrow, of ficials said laist night.
Freshmen may secure their pinis by
prese7,1ing their Union cardls at the
recording secretary's office on the
third floor of the Union.
Comning Sunday
Itafamel Sibatini's
Nam moth Spectacle
.:, ::
J. ;
.s :
..heocoare Roosevelt, eldest son of tire late f3, ;jlii ,senonte 5
in hi.c campaign for governor of Ne w York !tats ("eil cI .'lU
R eed Satisfied -With ?CiOxford
0111)1 Prof. IT. 1: Riggs, of the civil eng-
1i< ir,"' , toorgdpa rtment, is. attending theI
weingof the American Railway as-1
n:Sntmon's cmmiittee on "Co-operative
h~l~ msswi Universities, which is
beig hld t.the University of Tor-
o To'ihe work of the committee is
to brimig-the university trained engin-
cc i' ito aI clo b~er relationship with the
"Ilad I bec.On judgle at this deba1 f, 1
as I have been at many s imfiar d>I
bates, I 'Would have unhesittilg Iy gv
en mny vote for the Micigan team,"
}'_ t:
f) ,.
.: i a,
(1c ! ; I
asserted Prof. T. 1_ Reed, of the poi- I
U 1 DIFICTSitical science departmienrt, when qui^;i-1.1.. t !A
PH BIA~DEECS RE tinned about the Oxford-Michigan. de- I o
Itffao ae "In delivery, in the liteary ml
W96HER ON 6avor of their production," he con-1hI i -
WARRE ON B DR. tinnmed, "the Englishmen were distinct- a"<ro
thoPh attdee ts i ll b gi vea.mo re -t probative matter on the subject undcer ,a ,. Y
thorughattntin fom folowu~~ discussion, the American team great- liven
standpoint this year than ever bc-. ly excelled.
fore according to Dr. George. A. Mi- "y ecsinof.ouas,.oud av
the physical education dep~artniient. ;be esduon thcoAericanldthaeory ,
All posture defects and cdeformni r ,1be asduo h meia oy
will ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c becrete nodr o 7o eb ate. 'there is room for art u- F
morl e cen hcally it re r. menit as to the soundness of that tihe-
-When, the physical examinations ory. 'the English theory of debate isI
were% held, tracing; were madiee ;;.. h.at nwu should be taught to be ready IIA r
all men whose postures wecre wrong.;' tn their 'feet, prepared to hit their l omr
and each man was then given alh. opponent. and hit hime hard, while atCla
of exercises to follow, one s >pairie- tesm iepeevn hi w
larlY suited to remedy his troublelpoise. Thley pay little at~tention ap- [ho
Soon these mhen will report to 1 ;. parently to tihe matter of prelmratiui. 11
May in order that lhe may ascertain They seem to be indifferent to the fa1ts tcc
what improvement h1a, taken place ini of the subject. They develop writ, lirp
each. Also during thi ery cla,ses' readiness, and facility in spech1. OurI
the en ill o aout nce mditheory of debate is that a solid argue
month to Dr. May to find out whether mienit should be presented, they totality -
fute mrvietbr eutd fwihsol mutt ro flThese exercises ;ire important in the p~rop~osition uinder, discussion. WO
some cases as they s;ave the indlividuai spiendi atrest deal of time in gazY h-
from fuiture illness and imnprove his , emring material, i briefing and arr a 1, -
immediate health considerab.ly'. "If -ijg ocur debating speeches are uisual- '11
we correct defects now, w<e correct ly artificial and tilted. Our speatkers a
conditions whlichi lead to chronic ill- hate mutch less readiness in rebuti
ness in later years," stated Dr. May,. tal.ngihiter
lr+i nih (lebatling ~is amm ~n
y.llO TiltIU ,_ 71'. l U ;:: tIUIIIIU I i'.' I I
'lo1t ~aoLa 'l-~ ~
1 ' gli ;]II ocl1 Ii' li -
Ially $ 5'1501 '
Chimues To Stress
Campus Problemsr
('himoa- e n pus opinion magazine,
whic mmi.te its; initial appearance
of' U,- Lsc:tinext, week, will be
odil -A tlis yer under much the same'
;i )' yes last with the exception
i an addlitional effort will be made.
' abando~n all sub~ject matter which
tlw-. not truly bear on campus prob-
101115. The editors are dloing their ut-
mnost to soure, as a basis for the ar-
I in los; to aptyear this ,year, the direct oInoscfi~ os eibesucs
v.1,0 (an s neak authoritatively on
j 'r:,-At ions of present day student in-
'i'1 r first issue has. as its back-
a err; ,d:a number of articles on'stu-
'Pcn uSiseipline, politics, freshmen, and I'
Football. -Among the contributors are
President Marion L. Burton, Coachs
(Ioorgeo F. Little, Professor T. H. Reed
of the political science department,!'
andl Prof. John Di. Waite of the law I
f Lawrence, Kan., 'Oct., 9-University;j
rof Kansas has an annual Fine Arts
Tray, at which time a recital, art 4
exibmit and numerous lectures are some rt' v nsc n utd t tm lt
an interest in fine -arts at that uni-,I'
(r rsi ty'
-ow4low AlwAlumb
'4 I/J.. , ,.l .
(IS t1 S"{Y 1_;l.'e.red jim --u ds311'
( 1 1 Ve~ iVi('t ell tis
11a i 1.
Starts Friday--Itdcor Price
P4)OIT A LI~l 1110TOCNII A111
15 I
']"w' tll ' rietpic d ior (l h
lDqily Sent To 38
States And "Five
Foreign Countries
Into 38, states and five foreign
countries go copies of The Mlichigan
Daily. The five foreign countries
represented on the mnailing lists are
Canada, England, Southi Aft-ica, Por-
to Rico, and Sweden.
Throughout the mn(l~lewestern
states where thousand, of alumni amid
former .students are located, scores
daily keep in touch with University
Th~e 38 _states on the mailing lists,
are: Arizona, Arkansas, California,
Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Gecor-
gia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, I
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary-
land, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mini-
nesota, Missouri, Montana, .Nebraska,
New Hampshire, N"ew Jersey, New
Mexico, North Carolina, No:rth D~a-
klota, New 'York, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota,
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, gsig
ton, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Badge'To Visit
'Prof W. L. Badger, of the chemical
engineering department, left yesterday
afternoon for Boston, where he willI
visit the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. During his stay at the
Institute he -will consult upon the
problem of heat transfer.
Professor B3adgelr, who is a memn-
ber of the executive commit tee of
the section on heat transfer of time
National Research council, plans to
attend the mneeting of that commit tee
tomorrow in New York City, lie will
s~omething ~llike the l1ngli sl gaY r~tir I
l'uylby. There is sustained effor-t, it.
is trume, but they depend for' scoring -I
upor; a swift and brilliant at tack.
The. English speakers played for hits,
and they. made themirpe '''ytrn-i
ing the laugh on their ( pirlet
0On the other hand, their attliude to-
ward the subject was nonchalamnt and
at all timges tingedl with levity. They;
bowled theim' opponents over repeat-
edly, but they dlid very little to de-
velop a constructive argument against'
prohMI.bition. They were not even c arcs-
ful to keep their' arguments mutually
consisten~lt. One speaker declaredi that
they admiJtted the superiom'ity of sobi-{
city and that tihe debate was properlyj
to be confined to the question, D~oes I
pmro'ihiition promote sobriety?' 1-ils
elleagues, however, spent ich h(if
the.ir time defending the use pf ,, !1
cohol, and one of them sang a Dio-
nysiac hymumi in which all thme achiev e-
muents of art: andi literature were ats-
cribod to intoxicating dr'ink.
"The IMichigan speakers ;were ,(s
at thmeir' ease ,ess fluent and chmoic e
in theirm language, crueder in their hu-
m-nor. 'they wvere not adverse to jok-
bigbut on the whole they took theirI
juob of defending prohibition seriousl y
,Thety did not present the case of pro-I
hibition as well as it might have bees4'l
pi'esented, and their handlig of fig- I
res was peculiarly weak, but they I
dlid present a solid structure of argum-
me(nt on their siege. 9'l way stuck to their
joib and~ were not led away by thei
temuptations of their own cleverness
as were time English, speakers.
"Ability to meet an opponment in-
prepared is found in the Eng5isha
speaker. Young nien endowed and '
trained as the three Oxford rep re-
sentatives last night were can aiway',
Albert T. Jacobs, '21, Rhodes schol-
am' at Oxford umniversity, completed his
thIee year course at that institution
last. June. I-Ic is now acting s sa law
tutor iln Oi'(il college.
)o ~hm ~ ~ mr n oe
Friday, 125 silk dresses in all the nmuch wanted shades, black, penny, caffir,
taupe, green, etc., will be offered in an extraordinary sale! Straightline
models. Styles suitable for Miss and matron will be found in this splendid
selection. While we do not quote comparative prices, we assure you these
stunfning new silk dresses have been much higher in price. All sizes, 14 to 46.
A Marvelous Hat Sale
... ,
rr r ,fllflW
_._ .. _ ._._.__.., ._. _ _ _._...... _.._w::..,.
-.Friday ,.,and Saturday
Lends tme
of Style
to $15~.06)
These gnats
atia * e.dHrrso Fr
4. a,.owell
Hats from some of the foremost millinery designers
LASDON, BLOSSOM and many others as -well
from our own work room.
r -:,.
3. ..JS, : vDlb 'EA. ,.
U. Fil.John
Y .
7:a' ? 1 News
Xucrth Orchestra
Where Shoppn
lmpppw" - , *