FRIDAY 7 :30-Congregatiounal stuldent Clb hushing L~ee, gather at church. SENIORS, ATTENTION r i i .i Seior pictiCs will be0 on enior pictures, are oaf sale it tlie Thlanks=giving. After this datce 'Ensian office from 2 to 5 every aft- no pictures will be sold. 1 ernoon until Thanksgiving. All emmpus organixal ois, fraternities, sororities, and societies must have' .Eugene,. Ore., Oct. 8.- Announce- their contracts for organization meat has been made here that the Or- space in the 'Michiganensiani office egos Emerald will. pub~lish a 16-page by Nov. 1. monthly literary magazine. Hanover, N. H., Oct. 8.-Biyls cce-long ago placed in the same class with high hats, stiff collars, and umbrel- las an the Dartmouth carpus, have again made their appearance here. Members of several of the leading fra- ternities have purchased the vehicles, and other students are about to fol- low suit. Have You Voted? apply on Caippus. LEARN TO DANCE IAT rGRAkN GEl RS: SCHOOL OF DANCING Classes Tuesday and Thursday, 7-7:45 P. M. Beginning Tonight Twelve Lessons, $5.00 , - = i11DI#1####r111##N##r~###r##ulU ####1 Ir1r#rr#r##1#I#U #####1#!l##r##1#r##r 2 Comiing Sunday ARCADE THEATRE )Jaiiniotli Spectacle I t THE GREY SHOP -I1 -- -__ Our Food Open Evenings is Clean Until 10:30 Wholesome Salads, Sandwiches 1 AND and 600 E. LIBERTY Deicou Fountain Service "16 know. I cook it." -Starbuck I A Bigger and Better Plant Il For your convenience it Drop in and inspect our new plant. You'll like the way we do things. More than this you'll like the service and quality that extends over every printing need. Special chicken Dinner Sunday Music, 'Bryant. Orchestra Retaurant 601 E. Liberty D~o Your Duty, B e Sure and vote. uT r rSetter imppressions" Over Arcade Theatre Phone 2936-M . . I ... S. . NEW ORK7 ti4' Our Representative Exhibits at 608 East Liberty j% All This Week s 2 s1= over ""TrT fL~X JUST RECEIVED IEUCKEN: PROBLEM OF IIUIAN LJIFE BOTSFORD): HELLENIC hISTORY MA 'JTHIE IS:IPHIYSIOLOG ICAL CHIEMIS'TRY SCHIAUB AND ISAACS: BUSINESS LAW KRIAUS AND HUNT: MINERALOGY WA R'SUNI"VERSITY U16661 6666661111111 111 Ii1166 II Iii 16666611661115 1116666 166 111 I 11111111 Iii JI1111111 1161161 1611 66611111 IIIJ l 111P11 111 1111 11101 l I M . ll~kn$t' Busy Store lit soutN a "I, ms t COATSFly ie Soft Fluffy Wool Polaire Coats! W9IRP-Smart! $16.75 Not only copies of fashionable higher priced models but made 'of the same fine polaire used in much more expensive coats ! Fliocked and Plain Saddle Penny, Deer Taupe Polaire in 2room Tah .Sizes are 16 to 44. this remarkably low price. Some are even fur trimmed at - t r I sse.- ..-~ ". 1,, New Silk Dresses $5.,Q9 SATIN-CREPES in smart, youthful styles-sizes up to 42. Copies of fine dresses.. Worth far more! Cloth and Flannel .Dresses $1O075. Very° unusual price for flannel dresses so extremely fashionable this fall. Beautiful twill dresses, too. Sizes up to 44. Important saving. Girls--rwiaayand Saturday-- NEM~ i T COATS