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October 09, 1924 - Image 1

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t 43a




VOL. XXXV. No. 15





MacDonald's Son Here Declares
STDN, ONIF ather's Party -Expected FallVlIToienc
THNSUINS "It had to come eventually, and it eventually and at the expense of the IU91556ULY
will be the best way to clear the ail Liberal party," said MacDonald. He
of British politics," said Malcolm J. further stated that although the Lib-
MaacDonald, ion of the Labor premier eral party might still hold the bal-



DAily to Announce Freshman Liter-
ary Class Election Results
"Generous contributions from more
than two hundred business and pro-
fessional men of Ann Arbor will send
Michigan's Varsity band to the Illi-
noishgame. As a mark of apprecia-
tion for the whole hearted support
given to the project the Student coun-
cil wishes to take this opportunity to,
publicly thank these men for the fi-1
nancial assistance which will make]
possible the appearance of the Var-
sity band on the field at Urbana on1
October 18."
The above resolution was passed
by the Student council at their regu-
lar meeting held at 7:30 o'clock last
night in their offices at the Union.
The matter of decorations for the
Illinois game was discussed and de-
finite action will be taken today. It
is hoped that conditions will warrant
the formation of a large block "M"
at the Illinois contest.
The present system of ticket distri-
bution used by the Athletic associa-
tion was considered by the council.
A survey of the method of ticket dis-
tribution at other universities will be
made and the council will then draft!
a resolution outlining a new system
calculated to smooth over many of
the difficulties created by the system
used at Michigan this year. The res-
olution will be presented to the Ath-
letic association in the belief that
the student body demands a change
in the present system of distribution.,
Charles Merriam, '25E, chairman'of
the cheerleading squad reported that
the squad has been cut to six men
and' that these men are at present
busy practicing new yells and new
formations for the opening confer-
ence game with Illinois.
Robert J. Hummer, '25, reported
that tho. sub-committee of the Stu-
dent council will be chosen in the
near future. The sub-committee is.
composed of twenty-four men chosen
from the junior and sophomore class-
-- - .-.. , ,.«.-,... , ,..' - - -- - .no rah

and Oxford debater when interviewed
early this morning concerning the
crisis in the Labor government.
MacDonald further stated that the
government knew that the issue would
arise soon and took the opportunity
of getting a vote of confidence on this
relatively unimportant amendment
rather than on the Russian treaty
which would have been a major issue
in the election. It is probable that the
Prime Minister already has an agree-
ment with the king to dissolve Parlia-
ment and will set the election dat6
some time late in November.
"The election this time will go hard
with the Liberal party for a two-party
government in England will come

ance of power they would probably
lose many of their seats.
When asked why the government
did not resign after the vote of lack
of confidence, as is usual, MacDonald
declared that in that case the king
would immediately call Stanley Bald-
win, Conservative leader to the Prime
Ministership and it would be almost a
foregone fact that he would be de-
feated on the first measures it
brought up.
MacDonald, when told by the re-
porter of the fall of his father's ad-
ministration, appeared very calm and
read the story that was handed to
him with scarcely any emotion.




Robert Falconer
Will Speak Here
Washington Day
Sir Robert Falconer, president of
Toronto university, was yesterday an-
nounced as the speaker at the Wash-
ington day convocation by President
Marion L. Burton. The' exercises will
be held Monday evening, February
23 at Hill auditorium. The twenty-
second being Sunday, the holiday will
be observed the day following.
Sir Robert took his present post at
Toronto in 1907 and has served there
continuously since that time. He has
been granted the honorary degree of
L. L. D. by the University.
Reservations Available at Union;
Lansing Special Leaves
At 8 Saturday

Scott Returns From Trip In
Southern Europe And Egypt



Spent Six

Months Doing Research
in British Museum

Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric
department has returned to the Uni-I
versity after a leave of absence of
one year. During the year he travel-
ed extensively in the countries bor-
dering the Mediterranean and in
Europe. He visited many places of
particular interest, met many note-
worthy men, and did research work
in London.
While in Egypt Professor Scott
went down the Nile to Luxor and
Assuan. At the former he visited
the Valley of the Kings where is lo-
cated King Tutankhamen's tomb. He
was taken ill while at Cairo with an
unknown disease which is claimed
by the Egyptians, he says, to be the
fates taking revenge on those who'
visited the tombs.
From Egypt his travels went into{
Sicily and Italy. Naples, Rome,
Florence, Venice and Milan were -also1
included in his itinerary.
After visiting Switzerland Profes-
sor Scott went to France. He spent

some time in the Riviera and in Paris.
It was his good fortune to attend
a political ward meeting of Left in1
Paris. This group is made up of'per-
sons with semi-socialistic views. j
Six months of Professor Scott's
time was spent doing research work
in the library of the British museum.
This work was in preparation for a
book on "English Usage" which he
plans to write.
At Oxford he was present when
Masefield's verse speaking contestj
was in progress. Five hundred twelve
persons were entered in this from all
parts of England and her possessions.
A Scotch girl won the prize.
The Prince spoke at the Wembly
exhibition when Professor Scott was
there and hehalso heard Winston
Churchill at this time. Among other
people of note whom he met wereI
Edmund Gosse, Bernard Shaw, Wil-
liam Archer, John Buchan.,.d" John
Professor Scott's ship, the Acqui-
tania, ran into the edge of the re-
cent hurricane, and it was only after
a very rough voyage that she reach-
ed New York on August 6.

Present Government In Power Short
Time Following Defeat of
London, October 8. (By A. P.)-The
Simon amendment was adopted 364-
198. This means that the government
will ask the king to dissolve parlia-
The vote was taken after several
days debate on a Liberal amendment
added to a Conservative motion asking
a vote of censure in connection with
the government's withdrawal of
sedition charges against the editor of
a Communist paperi.
The labor government of Ramsey
MacDonald came into power in Great
Britain in January of the present
year, when the Conservative ministry
of Stanley Baldwin, which had been
at the helm only a few months,, was
dismissed by the House of Commons,
with a vote of lack of confidence be-
cause of its expousal of protection.
The defeat of the Baldwin adminis-
tration was the culmination of a
Laborite amendment to the reply to
the King's speech from the throne.
[ The amendment declared that it was
the duty of the House "respectfully
to submit to your Majesty that your
Majesty's present advisors have not
the confidence of the House." The
amendment was introduced by John'j
R. Clynes present lord privy seal,
then deputy leader of the Parlia-
mentary Labor party. It was adopted
by a vote of 328-250 after Mr. Mac-
Donald had moved closure on the de-
At the time of MacDonald's assump-
tion of power at the request of King1
George it was believed that at any
time by coalition of their votes the
Liberals and the Conservatives coulda
overthrow him on a question of highj
import, for in the general election ofc
Deember 1923 the conservatives had I
259 and the Liberals 159 seats while
the Laborites had only 191.
Iiir'vrinril Tfl nu'npirer

Professor Carver Appeals for Clean
Athletics; Uses Cross Country
Running as Example
Freshmen of all clases were given
their first formal introduction to the
traditions of the University at the
Traditions' Day exercises held yes-
terday afternoon in Hill auditorium.
Lyman Glasgow, '25, opened the
program by leading the yearlings in
several Michigan yells. The words
for "The Victors" were projected on
the screen for the benefit of the new
students and Glasgow led the sing-
ing of Michigan's renowned song.
Alfred J. Connable, president of the
Student council then addressed the
gathering on the subject of Michi-
gan's traditions. Connable traced the
growth of customs at the University
and the inpeitance of the freshmen
abiding L:y them. He also called the
attention of the freshmen to the fact
that for the first time a discipline
body would be chosen from within
the ranks of the freshmen class. Con-
nable laid emphasis upon the impor-
tance of this committee and stated
his belief that the class of '28 was
capable of handling any infringe-
ments of the traditions through the
use of such a committee. He also
made a plea that the freshmen electl
a capable man as president of the
Dean J. A. Bursley, the next speak-:
er on the program, gave the fresh-
men valuable advice upon certain as-
pects of life at the University. This
was the first opportunity that the
freshmen have had to become ac-
quainted with Dean Bursley.
Prof. H. C. Carver of the mathe-
matics department spoke on the sub-
ject of "Clean Athletics." He took
cross country running as an example,
and- requested that as, many fresh-'
men as possible should go out for)
the freshmen cross country team. As'
a special inducement Prof. Carver se-
cured from Dr. George A. May, di-i

Railroad tickets for both the M. A.
C. game at Lansing ,and the Illinois
game at Champaign may now be pur-
chased any afternoon thishweek at
the committee booth on the main
floor of the Michigan Union. A rep-
resentative of the Michigan Central
railroad 'is in charge and has both
tickets and berth reservations.
The special train for Lansing
leaves Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock Sat-
urday morning. It will leave Lansing
at 7:30 o'clock Saturday night for
the return trip. The round trip fare
is $3.38. The trip will take ap-
proximately one hour and 50 minutes.
The special train for the Illinois
game will leave Ann Arbor at 10
o'clock, eastern time, Friday night,
Oct. 17, arriving in Champaign at
7:30 o'clock Saturday morning. It
will leave again at 10 o'clock Satur-
day night and get into Ann Arbor
7:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Ticketsj
however will be good on any train
leaving Champaign at any time Sat-
urday. For the benefit of those who
desire to stay in Chicago the tickets
will be good on any train leaving1
Chicago at any time on Sunday. AI
special train for those staying in
Chicago will leave there at 11:30
o'clock Sunday night.
The round trip rate to Chamaign
is $11.24. A lower berth in a Pull-I
man will cost $3.75 each way and an
upper $3.00 each way.
The train will go over the Illinois
Central route from Chicago to Cham-
paign. It is advisable that students
secure their Pullman reservations
as soon as possible.

Holds Democracy Must Satisfy 1
jority Without Antagonizing
Michigan won her first internati
al debate, that with Oxford 1
night in Hill auditorium, accord
to a vote of the audience. The fi
vote was Michigan 1,247, Oxford 5
The Oxford team, contending that
principle of prohibition could not
right as long as a large minor
strenuously objected to it, kept
Michigan team on the defensive fr
the first. The question of the deb
was "Resolved, that this house is
posed to the principle of prohibitio
Malcolm J. MacDonald, son of
British Premier, in opening the
bate conceded that "a sober nat
is a good and healthy nation, but t
Michigan team must prove that
principle is right, that prohibit
has resulted in sobriety, better heal
and greater respect for constitution
"A true democracy should sati


majority without anta-

His Royal Highness, Prince Of
. ales, Invited To Ann Arbor

the minority," he continued. "r
question of prohibition is one in wh
we must consider more than the ca
ing of votes,-it is an interferer
with their rights which will ma
the minority resent'and want to bre
the laws enacting it. A good heal1
democracy would try to defend t
feelings of the minority and prot
their interests."
In the first negative speech,
Demmink, '27L, attempted to pro
that prohibition can be and will
,.successful. He said, "We cannot hc
to cling to those liberties which a
(fudamentally out of accord witht 1
rest of society. The evils arising o
of the excessive use of- alcohol y
so extremne that some aet
taken to curtail the "w
s o1 using.
Th eientinw L'aute dtc
"one broad issue, Oxford cuuwit 1
that prohibition suppresses indi
dual rights, Michigan declaring th
the evils of alcoholism justify th
. C. Hollis, the third Oxford spet
er, said: "Alcohol is in itself neith
good nor bad, but a thing whi
{like all the forces of nature, may
either used or misused. And if ale
holic beverages have any evils, thi
evils are justified by the thousan
who have been made a little bit mo
congenial, a little bit more tolerant
little bit more happy by the irregu
', se."

es and was organized last year as anRU u rector of Waterman gymnasium, per-
auxiliary body to aid the council in IIULIU rmission to announce that all fresh-
carrying out its work. An invitation requesting the Prince Prince the great athletic plant here n men who go out for cross country,
The results of today's freshman lit- of Wales to make a stop-over in Ann was stressed and attention was called rUregardless of their ability, will be ex
erary class election will be an- to the fact that Michigan boasted theU ed f teir abili, w l s-
AroronhiwyoDerotasbencsed from regular gymnasium class- l
nounced in tomorrow's Daily. Achampionship football team of the es. This provision will also apply to
sent to the Prince it was announced Western Conference. W. E. Wickenden, who is directing cross country running next spring.
yesterday from the office of the Due to the fact that Ann Arbor is the survey of engineering education Glasgow then led the freshmen In
Shenandoah, Navy Chamber of Commerce. only 40 miles from Detroit it was under the joint auspices of the So- several more cheers and the program
Dirigible, L an ds The wire which was sent to the dis- suggested that the Prince could eas- ciety for the Promotion of Engineer- was concluded by singing the "Yel-
tinguished visitor in asking him to ily make a break in his journey and ig Education and the Carnegie Foun- low and the Blue." The freshmen1
A t For orth stop here pointed out that Ann Arbor continue from here to Detroit by au- I dations will be in Ann Arbor Satur- literary students remained for the
was an example of the finest Ameri- tomobile. The Chamber is confident day to confer with the University election of officers.
Fort Worth ,Texas, Oct., 8. -The can cities, besides being the seat of that the Prince will accept the invi- committee on the study of Engineer-
giant navy dirigible Shenandoah' ar- the University of Michigan, mother of tation as he is scheduled to pass ing Education.
It ikndnwl seko was dak1hntegetsii'*-I~I C T M L
rived at Fort Worth at 7:25 o'clock all state universities. On account of through here on the Michigan Cen- MAkd w s k h
this evening. the well known athletic tastes of the tral, October 14. progress of his research after which
It was dark 'when the great ship ithere will be a free discussion of}
skirted the city limits and, following Oasome of the outstanding problems in
the guiding light of the mooring mast Cham ber OltCom m erce R aises the field of engineering.
beacon, passed over the eastern por- For some time in the past Mr. is OPEN1ED HERF
tion of the 'city, and settled at the 8 0 To S ndT Wicknden has been prominent in'
mast. Little difficulty was encoun- $18"o Se d anu ti ® rbanai the field of electrical engineering
t inakntg t h e hiy$pna .fasthaving been professor of electrical Rev. Jump In Opening Address Calls 1
A crowd of several thousand people I engineering at the Massachusetts In- Building Finest One In
welcomed the big craft and a mighty Approximately $1800 is the final W. Hackley Butler president, and stitute of Technology, personal man- State
ti f whistles and bells an- amount collected by the Chamber of P. P. Woodbridge secretary of the ager of the Western Electric com-
ovation of whisles andCommerce inY "thef twoW edayn driveicfor'
nounced its arrival. National guard- Commerce in the two day drive fori local Chanber, were instrumental in pany, assistant vice president of the WILL SEAT 1,000
t a funds to send the Michigan band to American Telephone and Telegraph.
sei agumen e back heBocrowds wich the Illinois football game at Urbana the drive. Max Goldman, chairman of company, member of the American "Free Masonry in Ann Arboi puts
surged forward as the Shenandoah's a week from next Saturday. Not only the campaign did much towards Institute of Electrical Engineers and on a new suit of clothes," was the
nose was drawn into the big cone of the band but the head Varsity cheer- pushing the drive as he turned in the since 1923 has been directing the sur- manner in which Rev. Herbert A.
the mast leader and perhaps others will be greatest amount of any single worker. vey of Engineering Education. Jump, pastor of the First Congrega-
sent along. It is not certain as yet what will tional church characterized the open-
As illustrating the interest of the be done with the surplus collecteding of the new $1,000,000 Masonic)
Will Debate On University in the project it is to be! over the necessary $1400 but it is R .O.T.C . W ork tmpe before 200 mason gathered
"Better Educator noted that President Marion L. Burton thought that $250 will be contributed there last night for an informal smok-
Be ___r (and Director Fielding H. Yost, both toward buying a new bass drum which Is Organized er.Rev. Jump called the building the
of whom are members of the Chamber at present is badly needed by the!ZI finest masonic temple in the state, and
Alpha Nu literary society, at its of Commerce, contributed to the fund. ! band. Due to the large number of I said that it tml en t t Jtn
regular meeting dtonight P U rsit Among the 204 subscribers who re- contributors it is found impossible to Under the direction of Lieut. R. T. Lindenschmidt, chairman of the tem-
hall, will discuss President Marion sponded to the requests of the can- publish a list of those making possible Schlosberg work of organizing the re- pie building association. He also re-
of Burton's campaign for a higher type vassing committee are counted all the Illinois trip. serve officer's training corps has been lated some incidents from . his last
queto R evd thyta in rt' classes, business, professional, in- The band will travel to Urbana on completed. Mr. C. H. Beardsley has summer's trip to Europe. Among these
question, Resolved, that in recenti dustrial, and private citizens. The the special Chamber of Commerce been chosen as band leader, and it is i was the impressive architecture of
years too much emphasis has been 1 amounts pledged range all the way train and will lead the Ann Arbor expected that the band will be bet- the Cologne cathedral which, it is
placed upon securing appropriations from five $50 contributions to 100 routers in a parade on the streets of ter this year than in any previomts said, is one of the principal historical
for University buildings compared or more $10 contributions. the Illinois city. year as a number of experienced men marks of early Masonry.
with that devoted to securing appro- have applied for membership. The new temple has on the first
priations for the improvement of theA i'Band practices will be held every floor an auditorium with a seating
teaching staff Freshm an A ttem pts In Vain Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5o- capacity of 1,000. The seats on the
The' discussion will take the form!
Th a debte, sonwdetakerth'27,andrclock, under the leadership of Captain main floor are removable so that floor
Francis Line, '27, upholding the affir-' To Buy His Cam pus Ticket Wilfred Wilson of the University may be used for dancing. This auditor-
FaieLanAexanderTibgrth'26, andSchool of Music. The R. 0. T. C. band ium will be available for various
mative and Alexander Tibbert, '26, and has in the past been the proving public functions. On the second floor,
H. Williams, the negative. Inquiring as to whether he could "Exempt fro violence," the yearl- ground for the Varsity band, and which is still far from completion,
secure a campus ticket in that office, ing replied, membership is open to all men stu- will be the club rooms and library.
a freshman hurried about from office I dents on the campus. The top floor is devoted to lodge
FaeNes sOTIiE s an--ths yseiu vnic-1 t t-snfcsx' n fie imUnriersibtfrhall fieser- He explained that he already rooms and a number ofpsagwy
to office in University hall yester- Heep(md ta earad om n ubro passageways
Fraternities, sororities, and day morning to secure this mysterious had part of a ticket which he had. Vote by Absentee Ballot, on Campus. for the rituals of the various lodges.
.rocured at the time of reistratn

I II UvI IV11111 U L11U U Other typically ,nglish argu:
which seemed to be well re
Straw Ballot Taken On Presidential by the audience, were given
Race Gives Coolidge Large D. Woodruff, the second Oxford:
Majority er. Among other things, he cone
that "the argument that liquor
GUMP GETS ONE .a loss of muscular action is on
could only be heard in the
States, as in England,, where
A straw ballot on the presidential are not in such a hurry, the 1
race, taken among the freshmen at a little energy is not a handica
the combined traditions and election B. B. Sibley, '27L, the second
meeting yesterday, gave a total of 408 er for Michigan, said, "Proh
votes cast, 279 for Coolidge. 67 for came during the period of mor
LaFollette, 61 for Davis. One fresh- pression and economic failur
man succumbed to the temptation to lowing the war and cannot be 1
vote for Andy Gump, a trick the older ly judged as yet." He also con
students have avoided that "prohibition in America ha
Those votes are the last to be taken handicapped by the co-operati,
on the campus, and, when added to ceived from certain foreign cour
the previous total, will give Coolidge "The conception of personal
a tremendous majority, about double that our friends from Oxford 1
the number of votes polled by both not liberty at all,-it is licens
of his rivals for the presidency. Final F. Clardy, '25L, Michigan's
compilation will be finished today, and speaker, contended. "We hav(
Michigan's exact figures, which will be trying to use persuasive methc
published by a chain of sixteen news- years," the nation's entire life,
papers in the large cities of the coun- out avail," he said.
try, will be definitely- known. DesIpote te sad.ht nl
The vote in the downtown section votes were cast, a crowd of
of Ann Arbor, and at the meetings than 4,000 people heard the
of various organizations, such as the Pres. Marion L. Burton presid
Rotary club, Trades Council, etc, will was introduced by Millard H.
be continued the rest of the week.' 25, president of the Oratorica
These figures, which will be added to-ciation. The timekeepers, El
the university total, will give the VanValkenburg. '26, and
grand total of the Ann Arbor vote, B ackstrom, '26L, found time
and will be published in The .Daily rather difficult, as the 1
and The Detroit Times as soon as speakers all used a minute o
' these groups have voted. - than their alloted time.
Both the Oxford and the M
Detroit M an To teams were entertained at dint
night by President Burton. Af
Head COntCerell debate they were the guests o
Sigma Rho, national honorary


league houses desiring space in
the 1924-25 Student Directory
must turn in lists of their mem-
bers from 2 to 5 o'clock today at
the 'Ensian office in the Press
building on Maynard street.

piece of pasteboard which some upper
classmen had told him was necessary
for his welfare.'
Sensing the humor of the situation,
the assistants in the various offices
referred him from one to another un-

but this did not make him wholly
exempt, and he had been warned to
secure the proper credentials at once.
The dean noticing a group of four
men waiting without his door and

Post Mortem of

R. S. Perry, planning manager of
the Hudson Motor Car company of
Detroit, will head the first roundtable
discussion of the shop management
conferences at eight o'clock tonight
in Room 302 of the Union. Mr. Perry's
+ ni - wi~l 1l hp. "O Qatmn i ..+inn P,..rn , 0

speaking fraternity, at a sup
the Union. The Oxford tea
leave for Columbus this aft
as they will meet Ohio State -
sity tomorrow night.
Fvnmt-n i] it-sIe- R2q(




thei'ir idet stintesrst -inIthe action orf

+il Vhn fin. llcr ",%of ntin of the fl An.nC :i.n,(i i t

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