WFEDN2ESDAY, OCTOER l8,9i1924 TEMCIA AL PAGE TIlt tj Wit I N 051' Tf 11l ~Lbrarv xi bi2Z t ho wUs irstNrthwestern Purple Parrot, Ohio Sun tion will be held next spring in Ann UVINII~i U [ADEditions OfMDialAuChicago Ph, o e nixeJge, innsoSk- Abr Modern Authorsh, tr adetJuglerWiscoirn- Vote by Absentee Ballot, on Campus.j f First editions, of modern authors are and essayists are all impartially rep- shnetcto ndeton the o ci Re ave You oe? Ai~py on Campus. C O8J L E Y A D H [DLLLL.... 1E JIS the u bje ct of an ex hibit that has been fres n e n v l m s w i h 1 0 y a sI e d f r h s e k a h i r r .if o o il p o a l e t e piesented in1J 111I1t .t11volum es w1II i1finlnch11111111100111111YIIIa.VS1i1 f Crowell hN Choseni Vice President ofThdipaisitrsigbcuei'ogtbbokolcosinotEn- Stu~dent Cooley-Ntar.i ,,rthisin.I includes a sufficiently large number, land and America. B~ Oa'glsiizaioti of well-known contemporary writers, The first exhibit case is devoted to particularly those of England, to formI literr eidcl and contains PL N OE I PE Ha sort of literary survey of the past! copies of little known English publi- P a= --book" while all the other cases are C William Wilkins, '26L, was elected ( . A FT ~ D filled with separate volumes of dif- president of the student Cooley for i Heads , S, Banlfks ferenrt authors. Rudyard Kipling, Ar- L. L T n", old Bennett Barrie, G. K. Chesterton, .Fo ve i g W a ing held at the Michigan Union yes- a eebh ndmn thr-r tcda atenon he rprseia !# jcontained in the library collection. tives of the various schools and col- '., Joseph Conrad, whose recent death- legesme to foma rgnzto saddened the literary world and whose~ we.~ i nolaiaLo orks have taken on an added rarity r Inc which would further the campaign 'of'e iere Dean ortier E.Coo:y.ofthe.Cl.[<.{.> for that reason is represented in the.: Ben-otmrE Coe fteCl-ehbtb-is lege of Engineering andl Architecture.. __ehii yfis edition copies of - i"ostromo" and "Within the 'tides" A atent Pmp wth IToward Crowell, '25, was named gen-'**~* -.APm oral vice president. oue.fRoetBigs-mall jet Buckle and Those ~resen at te meetng wee **.*~.. ~interesting, one because it is auto- :. rn of the opinion that the students o..ilon n h csFrrebthuunaly. .Gore. A very trmf - I° i"' graphedan th other, the copy of . mark of appreciation for the services (*..* by the author when less than 1008.5 which the Dean has rendered to the copes.a...n......... t i a " Unvestyan I ready practically unobtainable. Dean Cooley will speak at 8 o'clock TeEgihdaait hw n Friday night, at the court house the___"IudeJoInCa1 wrt oh l c l stud en t clu b (d ecided to h av eD r n w t r a d L o d u n n y th him address an open air meeting ofc1 deJ ohn Maild Ruerty,,ookoa rnwaeadLr Dna h S o;rpesJonMsfedRuetBokf students at State street and Northpet, -- J an W. . Yets;and he esayits, ~; University avenue at 7 o'clock Friday. . Max Berrbohm. S Amplifiers will enable all to 'hear. The American authors in the exhibit Down Town10 Sot 108 SothMain1 Members of the club expect the tare James Branch Cabell, Theodore students will assist in the work andlFakNriadH . will not only vote themselves but will Dresnseankors adH inform alumni andI folks at home as -I to the qaiiaiosoWh Da. i~iian~ Jox -. It-is planned to have Ia member of WXiliami Knox, prsident of thie JD av dson Reurns (achi college and school be a repro- fiowetry Savings flank, New York r m Co v nio h sentative on the executive board of C (ity, is the new presidm Coent of the.,. , . ..... . the club. R. L. Smith, grad., was ap- American flanker's Association. He Daisn 2,ed ii11 pointed as general secretary and cane to this country from Ireland HaltDvisn'2,m agg.e-Ju Joseph V. Hodgson, '25L, will handle' as anin limigrant. tor of the Gargoyle returned last Sat- the publicity. The law school will eudlfomCiaowhr eated1 II reprsene(Iby Charles F. Noonan, Al eesprs ae secly Al thee sprts re epecilly'ed a convention of the Mid West Col- I J~~rSNA '25L, and the .literary college by M. benieficial as they are exercises of a lege Comic publications associations I:. Shannon, '26. As yet the engineer- piglh3; type of coordination. "Work held last week at the Sheridan Plaza filluCOE COE 2 ing college representative has not in these s;ports will not be consider- hotel under the auspices of the pub- been selected. Eugene Dunne, '25,I ed as a substitute for the freshmen lishers of College Humor. f ~v~ aecag ftewr fa-in their regular work in physical Present at the convention were rep- a (juantinig fraternities with the cam- (educa tion," said Dr. May. representatives from the Iowa Frivol, _______________ 1111 Fl The Barbary C a stoihtOl FECN ADW ESLN? and 8:40 , coured the seas of North Africa, strikin*.L}y tilterror to every heart. rom out a fog bans All Seats 25c . or hidden cove these piratical craft darter Triuning in tencing, boxing andfottofgtadcnur ocigresc *reslin wil: b cariedon uchwalk the plank, kidnapping beautiful women:. core intensively than ever before ac- . e ^ ,, } + ...t n lneigrc age.Agoigtl Cording to Dr. George A. May of the The1Grca teSt Sr=n AlI F MiO Sphysical education department. Class- p } 11 (5s in fencing to 1be coached by Dr.fimA'°"O tMay will begin onl Wednesday, Oct0o) (.", P 15, and will take place twice each1l "T HSE, A W week. _Vedniesdays at four and Satur- IMLO-bih day mornings at 11, lasting for the tILTON SILLS as " SAKRt-EL-IIAHR" rioed of one hour. d111(1 ).A -ork will obegin with the frstenamed!+ t-1; whric~hi is easily the most popular and I CVfi"L vs t he workc is; progressive the stu- ilent will learn each kind. The men must bring their own equipment which consists of a foil and mask. 1 I A O 04aI qmne C=OlAr Later in the year when the men are 1 i A well trained there will be several _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ days of competition among them, the A V N IE V 3 m tR A V O 9 7f AN0 winners being rewarded with null- ---_-L-3- eal classes in wrestling and ji boxing will also take place but at aI later time, as many of the boys who Ni are now out for football are interest- eel in these sports. Pete Botchen, the N________ freshman wrestling coach will have; hreo h rslr hl h ,( X1. boxers will be under the tutelage of ! I / Coach Sullivan. ' NOW SHOWING SUNDAY DINNER 12:36-2:400 ! PO 632 FOREST PHONE 26 +1-R LOtnc"ldsiLY O LAFRET-With- P. O ' FALLA, FORESTAND ESTELLE TAYLOR . P . Harding C-U AMidBOtERY HE DV IST-In- -Furniture in JACK WYATT " DOROZ4IY V6RIIOI And His -- Scotch Lads and Lassies, Special Designs Fra' the Land o' the Heather HotMn!o ADT 'AL :OTE.-This is one of Keith's standard top-line acts rmtermni oe hre ao an o ueieact as the title "Lads i4nd Lassies" - ._ rm h oani-oelbCa/e"ao I an no a uvenle adape by ZWademar ouno - Might Impress. Reparing, Refinishing and Ill O A S CA E O E) EW F B E C R O N o h l I Upostrn Maines, A i Seats 1215; Nights, Balconiy 35c, Main Floor 500, ielaf .j- - c cro t We 'Wash Your Rugs BB AIL COMING ..Biggest, Busiest and Best j LAST ) And PTA10 BL - IHALF Tai I A I>Tl 1nTV,- n . _ -r" rt ___ nrur r . r r