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October 08, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-8-1924

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VOL XXXV. No. 14





I i

First Year Literary Students Will
Elect Class Officers At Close i
Of Meeting
Traditions Day will be observed to-
day by all freshman classes in the,
University at 4 o'clock today in Hill
auditorium. The doors will be opened
at 3:30 in order to adequately the
large numbers of first year students
that are expected to attend the gather-
The program as announced by Ro-
bert J. Hummer, '25, chairman of the;
,Student council committee on Tradi-
tions Day, will consist in a number
of forms of entertainment. The open-;
ing number will be the singing of
"The Victors" following which Alfred
B. Connable, president of the Student
council will give an address to theI
members of the class of '28 on the

War Material
Orders Placed
1In Scandinavia
Stockholm, Oct., 7. (By A. P.)-Con-
siderable interest has been aroused
here by the large orders for war ma-
terial placed by several foreign fov-
ernments with the Bofors company,
Scandanavian's largest manufacturer
of guns, ammunition and military sup-
Less than a month ago the head
of the Boford concern announced that
it had contracted for delivery of 10,
000,000 kroners' worth of war material.
A new report from the same com-
pany now reveals the placing of an-
other $5,000,000 worth of orders with-
in the last few weeks. In striking
contrast with this, it is reported that
the demand for agricultural imple-
ments, another great speciality of the
works, is comparatively small.
Commission Will Recommend De Jure
Recognition as Way to Resume

nionlr61\ g Oxford Team Meets Michigan
NAVAL VIDltiIULL Debaters In Contest Tonight

H11 1 Ah1flhlfR1lIM TIf1HT

Commander Lansdowne is in Charge
Of Cruiser and Crew of
Forty Men
Camphille, Virginia, Oct. 7.-(By A.
P.)--The naval dirigible Shenandoahj
passed over this city at 8:07 o'clock'
tonight, apparently not more than
1500 feet high and traveling at an
estimated speed of 50 miles an hour.
The ship was heading due south and
the roar of the engine was plainlyj
heard by spectators on the street.
Lakehurst, N.'J., Oct. 7.-The naval
dirigible Shenandoah started her;
epoch-making round trip cruise to
the Pacific Coast at 10 A. M. today,
taking the air from her mooring mast
in perfect weather conditions.
With Rear Admiral W. A. Moffett,
in charge of Navy aeronautics, on
board to make the entire trip, the
Navy's pride of the air fluttered the
Admiral's pennant from the stern
circled once sbout the flying field
and headed south, with Wilmington,
Del., as the first city on her route.
"I consider this the most severe
test an airship has ever been called
on to make,' were 'Rear Admiral
TMoffett's parting words.
"It will thoroughly demonstrateI
that an airship is practicable for all
purposes, in peace-time as well as in
With her course laid for Wilming-
ton, Baltimore, Washington, Greens-
boro, N. C., Atlanta, and Birmingham
to Fort Worth, Texas, the big air-
ship is expected to arrive at her {
mnrns n f n tho fir t tii .

I I jii>4V

-Underwood and Underwood
Woodriff, and 31l. C. Hollis
meet a picked team of Uni-
uditorium. This will be the
glish team will have in their
ace last Wednesday with the

Left to right--Malcolm J. MacDonal I, J. D.
The Oxford debating team, which willn
versity debaters at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill a
second of 30 formal engagements that the Eng
tour of the country, the first having taken pl
University of Pittsburgh.


subjcet of Michigan traditions. He will Paris, Oct., 7. (By A.P.) -De Jure'
explain to the assembled freshmen recognition of the Soviet will be ree-
the origin and value of Michigan ommended by the commission appoint-
traditions; their growth with time ed by Premier Ierriot, to discover a
and the duty of the new men and wo- way of resuming relations with Rus-
men on the campus to perpetuate sia, according to Le Matin.
them. The commission has decided, Le
Dean J. A. Bursley will then give Matin declared, that negotiations for
a short address to the freshmen. It I Russia's payment to French bond-
will be the first opportunity that the holders and other disputed points can'
new students have had to become ac- be conducted better by a French am-
quainted with Dean Bursley. Lyman bassador at Moscow than by the pres-
Glasgow, '25 head cheerleader, will ent discussion. Practical results of
direct the singing of "Varsity" at the the commission's work, such as actual'
conclusion of Dean Bursley's speech. recognition are not expected to be
Prof. H. C. Carver, '15; will be the very great for some time.
last speaker on the program. He has No conditions, therefore, would be
selected as his subject some phase attached to the dejure recognitionl
of athletics. Professor Carver was a if the government accepted the com-
half miler on the Varsity track squad missions present plan. But a letter will
during his student days at Michigan. be sent, it is said reminding Moscow
Newly selected members of the cheer- that France does not renounce her
ixg squad will be present and under intentions of seeking to obtain satis-
the direction of Glasgow will lead the factory .adjustments of the claims of
freshmen in a few of Michigan's yells. French citizens against Russia, and t
The program will be concluded with that Russian property taken over by
the singing of the "Yellow and the France will continue in sequestration.
All members of the freshmen liter-
ary class will remain for the election H enry Ford 10
of class officers. The election was . I
not held last week at the time of the C tF orCi ,
other class elections but was post-
poned in order that the freshmen W elcom e W ales
might become better acquainted. Rep-
resentatives from the Student council Detroit, Oct., 7. (By A. P.)-Tenta-
will take charge of the election.DeriOt,7(BA.P)TnaI
_____k__hag ___thectn tive plans made by city officials to
receive the Prince of Wales when he
comes to Detroit October 14, were call-
ed off today following the receipt of
a. telegram by acting-Mayor John C.
Mof141VOE Lodeg stating that the prince would be
M YDILa guest of Ifenry Ford, Detroit auto- I
mobile manufacturer during the day.
A straw ballot on the presidential When the announcement was made
election, otaken at the Chamber of that the Prince would visit Detroit
Commerce luncheon yesterday, show- the acting-mayor telegraphed Capt. A.
ed: Coolidge 77, Davis 4, LaFollette 4. F.Lascelles, telling him that while he
This overwhelming majority for the understood the brief visit of the'
President has been evident in every Prince would be unofficial and wouldc
test made in Ann Arboc. require no civic recognition, there
The law school vote was finished would be the matter of policing and
yesterday and gave Coolidge 191, La- other civic details to be arranged.
Follette 71, Davis 54, a total of 316 The telegram received today by Mr.l
votes cast. This is one of the best Lodge said.
showings made by LaFollette in this "Prince of Wales much appreciates
vicinity. !invitation contained in your telegram
Different organizations are being of the 3rd. He is visiting quite private-
canvassed, including the Rotarians, ly on the 14th as guest of Mr. Henry
Exchange Club, Kiwanians, and Ann Ford who has kindly consented to ar-
Arbor Trades Council which meets I range the program for the day.'
Friday night. These votes will show -
more clearly than any others the
preference of different classes of
people, and in the latter, at least, La-4
Follette is expected to make a good T
The vote on the campus will be con-
eluded today, when ballots are passed i---
at the meetings of the freshman lit- Season tickets for the 1924-25 Ora-
erary and engineering students. Thus torical course will be placed on sale
far, the ratio of student opinion has from 1:30 to 5:30 o'clock this after-
been about 85 percent for Coolidge. noon in the box office of Hill audi-
The grand total of the University torium. The open sale of these tickets
vote will be compiled today, as soonI was delayed until today due to theI
as the freshman vote can be tabulated, conflict with the sale of tickets
and will be published in The Daily to- for the Whiteman concert, but a large
morrow. number of mail orders have been re-
ceived, accoring to officers of the
Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 7.-Rep, Oratorical assciation.
Theodore E. Burton, of Ohio, open- The program this year is said to
ing the Republican campaign here be one of the best in the history of
last night, urged Democrats to vote the course, consisting of 11 well
for Coolidge. !know popular speakers, and it is
expected that the demand for tickets
Do Your Duty, Be Sure and Vote. will be heavy during next few days.
All seats for this course are reserv-
ed. They are priced at $3.50, $3.00,
NOTICE and $2.50.
Fraternities, sororities, and k
league houses desiring space in = NOTICE
the 1924-25 Student Directory


Altitude and Weight Carrying
Marks Established by
Air Pilots

Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 7.-(By A. P.)-
Four world records for altitude and
weight carrying were established by
Lieut. John MacReady and Harold R.
Harris, of McCook field at the inter-
national air races at Wright - field
last week, according to announce-
ments today r by George B. Smith,
chairman of the contest committee forj

the race week.
Thnmfia T 4nnt_

Th1n nfT ndxr

in q I

i 1

t kflSI OiaCA L'.AeL. *zAtAA'JAAU.J Ala 0a

moring mastfor L Ln irLJU L1i1me Martin bomber, carrying a load of
some time between midnight and sun- 1500 kilograms (3,361.5 pounds) or
rise Thursday. Weather conditions (10 iorm 3,6.pud)o
along thersday. werterpoedtoas 54.6 pounds more than the required
balong the route were reported today odfrti lsiiainrahd
to be excellent as far as fort Wrth load for this classification, reached
om n Lxtasdowrne iFr n W an altitude of 17,200 feet. He re-
charge of the aerial cruiser nd its nained in the air for 2 hours 13 min-
crew of 40 men. Fuel for 90 hours' utes 496 seconds.

I lil 4 YY V1 ZV 111 G11~. 1 d L 1 V + ar

cruising was in the
tanks and food for 40
days was aboard.

men for five


This accomplishment excells the
dluration and altitude records for this
classification which were held by
Lucien Bossoutrot, of France whose
marks were 1 hour 47 minutes 8.4
seconds, for duration and 14,882 feet
in heighth.
Friday Lieut. Harris in the Barling
bomber, carrying 9,035 pounds, use-
ful load, ,,n overload of 217 pounds,
remained in the air 1 hour 47 minutes

Faculty Names
Hdickey A s Head
Of Department
Dr. Preston M. Hickey, professor of
rocutgenology, was appointed execu-
tive head of the internal medicine de-
partment of the medical school at
the faculty meeting Monday after-
noon. Dr. Hickey will serve in this
capacity while Dr. Louis M. Warfield,
head of that department, is absent
from the University. Dr. Warfield was
granted a leave of absence Saturday
to take effect immediately and to
continue until June 30 1925.
Ann Arbor's new Masonic temple
will he officially opened for the first
time at 8 o'clock tonight when a
men's smoker will be held. A pro-
gram consisting of speeches and mu-
sic has been arranged to make the
evening one of interest to all mem-
bers of the order.
"Features of the New Temple," will
be the subject of the main talk of the
evening to be given by John Lin-
denschmidt, chairman of the build-
ing association. Rev. Herbert A.
.Jump, pastor of the Congregational
church will speak on "Things I
Learned About Masonry While
Abroad." Kenneth Westerman will
have charge of the music with Harry
Nichols acting as chairman of the af-
All student Masons are invited to
attend the smoker and inspect the
new temple which is said to be one
of the most complete edifices of its
kind outside of the city of, Detroit,
costing over one million dollars.
The year's first issue of the Alum-
nus, dfficial organ of the Alumni as-
sociation, will be off the press tomor-
row, the first number to be printed
on the new Alumni press which has
recently been installed by the asso-
ciation for their work. The new
magazine will contain 24 pages of
Outlook size, standard for most'
Alumni weeklies of the country.
Contained in this issue will be arti-
cles upon the new Literary building,
President Marion L. Burton's open-
ing speech and a word of apprecia-
tion for Dean C. Worcester, '89, fam-
ous " diplomat in Philippine affairs
who died recently.

IUE11L 11iv1 1 WI 11iii 1 i i ll5 ill
Regular office hours will be
maintained from 4 to 5 o'clock BURTON T O PRESIDE
every day by the Student Cun-
1 cil in their new offices located
J in the activities room of the Audience, Instead of Judges, Wil
Michigan Union. Members of the J Give Decision; Program
J council will be on hand at the Are Ballots
j appointed times and will be glad
d I ( to confer with any student on ( Michigan will meet Oxford at 8
various phases of current cam- o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium in
J pus problems. This plan has J the University's first intrenational
has been initiated in an effort I debate, the subject of which will be
(( to bring the student body into J "Resolved, that this house is opposed
j closer contact with their rere- J to theprinciple of prohibition."' The
J sentatives on the council. ) English team will take the affirma-
tive. Pres. Marion L. Burton will
The Oxford team, made up of Mal-
colm J. MacDonald, son of the British
Labour Premier, J. D. Woodruff, who
has earned a reputation in England
as a scholar and speaker, and M. C.
THollis, who has become known in lis
through his contributions to
English newspapers and magazines,
Applicants Take Entire Allotment will arrive at 4:41 o'clock this after-
of 3,000 Before 10 O'clock noon from Toledo.
Yesterday Morning The Oxford team, the University
team, which is made up of K. F
HUNDREDS REJECTED Clardy, '25L,' G. Demimink, '27L, and
B. B. Sibley, '27L, Prof. Thomas C.
Trueblood, head of the public speak-
The 3,000 additional tickets for the ing department and Mrs. Trueblood
Wisconsin game which were placed will be the guests of P ree : r>
on sale at 8 o'clock yesterday morn- ton at a formal zi : e;t his enigs
. at the Preside.s hm A"t X e.(,-
ing at the offices of the Athletic as- bate the sam g r wi' b4 h 1[
sociation in the Yost field house were guests of Delta Sigma n m
sold out before 10 o'clock, according honorary public speaking farteitLy,
to Harry Tillotson, business mana- at a supper at the Union.
ger of the Athletic association. English Method to be Used
Soon after the offices were open- Inasmuch as the English method of
ed yesterday morning there was a debating is different from the Ameri-
line of several hundred students can, depending more upon the actual
waiting to hand in the applications effect made upon the audience, the
which they had secured on. Monday. debate will be decided upon the same
A long line o applicants were still manner as those held in England.
waiting to turn in reservations for The programs, which will be distrib-
the game when the announcement uted to the audience, are so printed
that all the tickets were sold was that the bottom may be used as bal-
made at 10 o'clock. lots. At the conclusion of the debate
The additional applications which every person in the audience will be
are accepted will be placed adjacent asked to cast this ballot for that
to the original purchase. These tick- team whose arguments seemed the
ets will be sent at the same tme as most conclsuive. Thus the audience,
those of hte first application. instead of the usual judges, will give
The number of applications for the decision.
the cheering section will not be Since the Oxford team's next en-
known until the Athletic association gagement is not until Friday, when
has counted this number. It is esti- they will debate with Ohio State Un-
mated that the 1,100 tickets reserved versity, it is hoped by the officials in
for this section will be sold out. The charge that the team will remain in
cheering section which will be com Ann Arbor tomorrow. After the de-
posed entirely of men students will bate with Ohio the Oxford men will
be on the fifty yard line in the south continue their westward tour, which
stand. Sophomores and upperclass- will end when they sail for New
men were permitted to take advant- "Zealand January 20.
age of this arrangement and secure Millard H. Pryor, '25, president of
a seat in the center of the stand. the Oratorical association, which is
stDue to a misunderstanding some sponsoring this debate, will give a
. students believed that the cheering few introductory remarks cbncerning
section was to be located in the west the work of the association and will
t sale of additional tickets iuce President Burton as chair-
Tesadal of dditiora tkes man. Also on the platform will be
means a great deal of work for the IElizabeth VanValkenburgh, '26, and
I Athletic association. It will be sever- Frank Backstrom, '26L, who will act
al days before the changes necessi- as timekeepers.
tated by these new applications can Tickets for the debate will be
be worked out by the association. placed on sale for the first time from
11:30 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon
1 IAIUIITRIIV 111111 I innnr 'land from 7:15 to 8 o'clock tonight in

Bids will be considered this morn- 10.5 seconds traveling to an altitude
ing by Alfred B. Connable, Jr., '25, of slightly more than 4,000 feet.
president of the Student council and This mark breaks the record held
T. hawley Tapping, '11L, field secre- for 2,000 pound load of Lucien I3os-
tar'y ofthe Alumni association, for soutrot and also beats the record
favors to be carried by students and 1 made by Lieut. Harris in the 3,000
alumni at the Illinois game at Urbana, pound classification; it also sets a
Oct. 18. new record for the 4,000 pound class-
These favors will take the form of ification.
small wooden wands, about nine in-
ches long, with either paper or cloth J
streamers of maize and blue. TheyJ
will be distributed on the student spe- At Union Recital
cials and also sold at the gates to
alumni at the game. No charge will .
be adeto tudnts a-Stuentcou_ jMr. Reber Johnson, the noted viol-
be made to students, a Student coun- !nist of the New York Symphony or-
cii fund being used to defray the x-chestra and Mr. Guy Maier, of the
penses unless the prices are prohibi- University School of Music, and Mrs.
tive. Maier, will play in a recital this aft-
ernoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Mich-



igan Union ball room. The recital
is sponsored by the Matinee Musicalej
and promises to be an unusually goodj
opening for Ann Arbor's musical sea-


____ Mr. Maier and Mr. Johnson will play
Lansing alumni will form a Univer- I the "Kreutzer Sonata" by Beethoven,
sity of Michigan club for that city a famous selection and one that au-
on Friday evening. A banquet is be- diences are rarely privileged to hear.
ing planned for 6:30 o'clock in the Mrs. Maier, pianist, will appear alone'
Hotel Kerns to which all students in a Brahms group. She has not
and alumni are invited. It is hoped played before in the city and as she
that the gathering may take the form is known to combine accomplished
of a pep meeting before the Michi- musicianship with a charming per-
gan-M. A. C. game the following day. I sonality her part of the program will
Prof. Ralph Aigler of the law I be awaited with special interest.
school, chairman of the Board in
Control of Athletics, has been invited I RuberCulture
to speak, as have Paul Goebel, '23E, b rl
of Grand Rapids, captain of the foot- To Be Discuissed
ball team in 1922 and T. Hawley
Tapping, field secretary of the alum- Prof. Francis E. Lloyd, of McGill
ni association. Dean W. Kelly will university, Montreal, and James Cran-
represent the alumni body of M. A. C. them, of the U. S. Rubber Plantation
W. S. Foster, '2, and . M. W. company, will be in Ann Arbor today
Shaw, '12L, are in charge of arrange- and tomorrow to confer with Prof. H.
ments. The dinner will be $1.50 per I. Bartlett and Prof. C. D. LaRue of
plate. tho ht n.t ne .rtn-ent on the nroh-

Dean A. S. Whitney will deliver an
address to students of education who
will assemble this afternoon at 4:15
in Tappan hall for the first general
!convocation. The meeting was called
by the fcaulty committee on student
welfare, of which Prof. T. S. P'irdom
j is chairman. Every person on the
campus enrolled in the school of edu-


cation or interested in educational1
, theory and practice is asked to be
R.0. . .. Begins#present this afternoon.
n I The situation in the school. here,
Year Of Activity especially in relation to changes in
-administration resulting from the
Work in the reserve officers train- opening of the University high school,
ing corps has started for the year will be the chief subject of discus-
after a successful season at the var- I sion. Practice teaching to begin the
ions R. O, T. C. summer camps which ; second semester has necessitated the
were attended by a number of stu- initiation of new policies.
dents in the University. Time and places of class organiza-
The activities this year are much tion, including those for students in l
the same as those of last year, con- physical education. will be an-
sisting, of weekly drills of one hour j nounced.
each, along with the bi-weekly band The convocation will last not long-!
practices. Membership in the band is er than 45 minutes.s
open to all the men students on -the
campus playing band instruments. Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 7.-The War
1 Besides a special effort is being made Department plans to promote Lieut.
this year to interest the men in inter- Lowell H. Smith, commander of the
company athletics which are to be 'round the world flight, to the rank

the box office of Hill auditorium.
There will be no reserved seats, all
the seats being priced at 50c.
Large Crowd Expected
A large crowd is expected, not only
from the canipus and from Ann Ar-
gor, but also from the surrounding
towns. Arrangements have been
made for special cars from Ypsilanti
and Detroit, and the Oratorical as-
sociation has been notified that large
delegations will attend from High-
land Park, Jackson, and Albion. Word
has also been received from Heidel-
burg university, Tiffin, Ohio, that
their entire debating team and coach
will attend.
The debate will start promptly at
8 o'clock. After that time the doors
will be closed and no one will be al-
lowed to enter the auditorium during
any of the speeches.
Dates set for Women's League ac-
tivities during the year have bee
definitely determined b« th. Iir I or
of the League. Th- F I w
will occur Fi i O'. r ,t
which a novel idea i I" -howr
is to worked out.

Owosso, Mich., Oct. 7.- Senator
James Couzens, of Detroit, and Gov.
Bartlett, of Massachusetts, will ad-
dress a Republican rally at th'e

ce) uoany paI muecvuc pt t
lems of rubber culture.
Professor Lloyd has for a number
of years been scientific adviser for
the U. S. Rubber company. Mr. Cran-
tham has held the position of head of




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