THE MICHIGAN DAILY ed every morning except Monday is I'niversity year by the Board in f StudentPub rs of Western Conference Editorial 11. lssociated Press is exclusively en- the use for republication of all news scredited to it or not otherwise! in this paper and the local news pub- I at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate e granted by Third Assistant Post- ;eneral. ption by carrier, $3.50; by mail, should be the point of strongest em- phasis. Quite often the new men prove a misfits as the number of broken pledges so well shows. The Daily is convinced that some change In the rushing system is es- sential if the fraternity system is to retain its present status. There is' little reason to advocate more organi- zations; they will come as the need is felt. There is every reason to favor some system in which the fraternity and the rushee are given equal oppor- tunity for becoming acquainted be- fore they affiliate. e i n fc ul t t e l t d t h Ann Arbor Press Building, Editorial, 24\ 4 and s76-M; May- busi- EDITORIAL STAFF . Telephones 2414 and 176M MANAGING EDITORa PHILIP M. WAGNERt editor...............John G. Garlinghouse ews Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay Night Editors eorge W. 'Davisg eo Kruger rhomas P. Henry John Conradt 9euneth C.Keer onan R. Thali ",arts Editor.......William 11. Stoneman 5unday Editor.,.. .bert S. Mansfieldt Women's Editor.........Vernea Moran meusic and 1rams .Robert B. Henderson L'leraph Editor...William J. Walthourt Assistants ouise arley 1rancis R. Line t larion Barlow Winfield H. Line 1 Lese S. Bennets :Harold A. 'Moore Norna Bicknell Carl E. Ohmacer Ur~ian Boxer William C. PattersonĀ£ Een Hiown lyde XW. Perce, Jr. Smith cgdy)r.. Andrew E. Propperr \illaid 1L Crosby Helen S. Ransay Valentine L. Davies Marie Reedt ames W. Fernamberg dmarie Sehraudert ~Edrge . Fiske Frrederick H Shillito oseph o. Gartner C. Arthur Stevens l Vgr T t oieworth Mariory Sweet Drothy KEAa }n Frederic Telmos 1 S aet kehei lans WVickland I abeth Liebermann Herman J. Wise JUSINESS STAIFFa Telephone I6t ;BUSINESS MANAFER ; W114. 1%. ROESS R detisn....... .E. L. Duine Advertising.................-..-- J J Finn Advetis .......... A. Marks zAdver ising...... I M. Rockwell co.t t ... ....Byron Parker icre in....... .. ...R. C. Winter Publicaton...... ..JohnW.Conlin P. W. Arnold W L. Mullins W I' Adussi '_ K.Fast A A Prownng I L. evmann T. I Bergman D. Ryan ,ilp itNI or n reehling F. . Scoenfeld C sGray S. . Sinclair TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 Night Editor-THOS.. P. HENRY, JR. lIE WHO IS RUSHED The decline of fraternal organiza- tions as a potent influence of Amen- oan college* life because they have faied to keep pace numerically with the Increased enrollmentrinccolleges and universities. constituiteS the ma- terial for a recent' article in The Dearborn Independent. Much time and many figures are devoted to this as- pect of the failure of the fraternity system, the writer failing to appre- ciate the true purpose of the organiza- tions and neglecting entirely an angle of the situation which transcends the importance of his subject entirely. The fact that new fraternities have not been organized quickly enough to care for the increasing number of aspirants means nothing. They were never meant merely to be rooming hoamses, rand have not attempted -to care for everyone. However, the ad- ditlonal fact that they are not select- ing their men carefully may well be the signal of approaching ruin. Anyone who has been through the rigors and strife of the fraternity rushing system for more than one year realizes its defects. Every year men from leading organisations on the campus discuss the possibility of re- form, but so far nothing has come of i. The dean of men will back any movement of the kind, but feels that it is the place of that defunct or- ganization, the interfraternity council, to initiate it. The present method of rushing freshmen at Michigan is a disgrace to the system which it represents. Th aspiring fraternity men are met at the train, taken to the "house," looked over for a few hours, and if they wear good-looking clothes, are athletes, or have a particularly engaging per- sonality; they are bid immediately. If the victims venture to say that they avould like a little time to think the matter over, they are either told that their last chance of becoming a fraternity man is at hand or they are given the fourth degree until they ac- cept, merely to get the matter over with. This is of course not true of all fraternities, but the best of them usa similartactics on a particularly desir- able man. The first argument, namely, that the freshmen will have no chance after the first, week or so to affiliate with a fraternal organization is often used with considerable effect. Freshmen are gullible creatures and are in- clined to trust the opinion of their superiors in age. They do not know that it is seldom the right type of man does not have many opportunities to become a pledge during his fresh- man. sophomore, and even his junior THE STUDENTS GET A TICKET I Every year the student body is con- c fronted with what appears to be an i injustice in the distribution of ticketso for the major football games of theA University. They feel that the Athleticn association first considers the public, I the alumni and their friends, and givesc what is left to students'.a This year is not without its diffi-1 culty. With no reasonable explanation, the association has decreed that stu-s dents shall be allowed only one ex-n tra ticket. Everyone realizes the al-t most insurmountable task of equitable distribution of the thousands ofs tickets, but it seems that years of ex-d perience would be sufficient to make this possible in a measure. As it is,c students are not being treated fairly. They are entitled to at least two ex- tl tickets apiece. The tendency to neglect the studentx body reflects the spirit in college and university ath'letics which is most criticized by educational leaders. Too much thought is given to the com- mercial aspect; too little attention is paid to the promotion of the only worthwhile feature of such contests- a spontaneous student spirit occa- sioned by a real feeling for the team and school. This can never come while football games are promoted in such a way as to enlarge their possibilities as a spectacle of purely public inter- est. Students, their family and friends, and the alumni should be the only per- sons to whom consideration is given in the matter of tickets. If any are left after these have been distributed. then it is time to think of the general public. Rumors are prevalent that the athletic association gives better tick- ets to outsiders than it does to those connected with the University. These should not be taken seriously until positive proof can be produced. Those handling the tickets have a tremen- dous responsibility and are attempting to do their best. However, they owe the student body a definite explana- tion of the present intolerable sit- uation. OXFORD VS MICHIG AN Michigan's debate with Oxford Oct. 8, should and doubtless will occasio'n the unanimous interest of the stu- dents and faculty of the University. The primary object of the series of engagements which the English team has scheduled throughout America is to establish a better relationship .be- twen the two English speaking na- tions'. The colleges of the United States offer the field, and the dis- cussions of important international problems offer the means, by which this desired object may be carried out. The coming of a foreign team to Michigan for such a purpose creates both a privilege and an obligation for the University. The three men who have been chos- en to represent Michigan have, an obligation indeed, to uphold their views In a way worthy. of Michigan and America. The question for debate- concerns prohibition, an issue on which the United States and England have varying views. The opinions brought out in the discussions be- tween the teams of the two countries will receive widespread consideration abroad as well as here. The fact that the three Oxford men represent the three political parties of England and that one of these debaters is the son of Great Britian's prime minister will ten'd to throw a political significance upon the debate. What the three Mich- igan representatives say in upholding America's viewpoint, and the impres- sion which they make on the Oxford debaters, will have an indirect, yet considerable, effect on the creation of public opinion concerning prohibi- tion on both sides of the Atlantic., The University student body, by supporting their team, will at the same time demonstrate, to our foreign guests the way in which important questions are considered by American students. Debating is Oxford's glor- ious activity; student interest in world affairs is as much .a part of the old English college as are its gray tow-, ers. The quality of Michigan's argu- ments is up to three men, but the im- pression which Oxford will gain of a western university's enthusiasm for debating and interest in international problems is up to the student body. Michigan shall not be behind the score or more of other colleges which will entertain the representatives of the British Emnire. mphasis of'the necessity for a defi- nite personality as a prime requisite or him who would be a "fighter." Many are the students in American universities who are willing to follow he crowd in all things, who are afraid o air their own opinions. It is the xeptional student who lives above the evel of life and takes an interest in he more worthwhile questions of the, day.. The most distressing characteristic of this student of today is his easy olerance of everything in general and his failure to take a definite stand on' the pressing moral and social prob- ems which confront him. He fails to comprehend that he is a person, that t is he who must make the decisions on the vital matters which affect him. Among these questions, prohibition must be considered. Those who drink n excess take no definite. stand be- cause in their heart they know they are wrong. But the real difficulty' lies in the fact-that those who do not, violate the Volstead law commit the serious offense of simply passing the matter over, of purposely neglecting to consider an imminent question. Such occasions as last night's con-: vocation serve to recall to us, the stu- dent body of the University of Michi- gan, that we have definite ideals for which we must live and fight. _... .,. -r I'MUSIC AND DRAMA And As For Drama. Drama, may have a rather failing time this year, two of its more im- portant, props being withdrawn. This is due to the leave of absence granted Professor Nelson, the director' of BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all Colleges at GRAHAM'S, (at both ends of the diagonal walk) l- N '1 j 'I Aerial transportation was consid- ered speedy until the world flier made their experiment. CAMPUS OPINION =iI - Masques and the Comedy Club, and Professor Brumm, the director of the Junior and Senior Girls Plays for the two coming terms, by the Regents. As a result the only charter members left will be Professor Hollister and Mr. Mortimer Shuter In the place of Professor Nelson, Masques have been fortunate enough to secure Professor Kenyon of the Romance Languagesdepartment to direct their annual production, prob- ably to be presented sometime in November at Hill Auditorium as usual. The director for the annual produc- tion of the Comedy Club has not yet been announcd, althought the first of their ,series of three short programs in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall will be presented late in October and will in- clude "The Man In the Bowler Hat" by Milne, "A Matter of Husbands" by Perenc Molnar, and "The Woman Who Was Acquittted," a Grand Guignol thriller, the bill was given a private performance last spring under the direction of Valentine Davies. The third program will be, as last year, two plays never before presented in this 'country, probably Luigi Piran- dell's "SiIkan Limes" or Gordon Bot- tomley's "Gruach." Professor Hollisters Play Produc- tion series, naturally, will have more than a booming year. While the series has -not been formerly selected at this time, such works as W. S. Gilbert's "Sweethearts," Brieux's "The Red Robe," and Andreyev's "He Who Gets Slapped" are being considered. The Michigan Union Opera, Michi- gan largest dramatic venture to the extent, say, of fifty thousand dollars, ($50,000), will, of course, be bigger and surely better than ever before. The book and lyrics have been writ- SEPTEMBER, 1924- S M T W T F.s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .. A Constant improvement and refinements have produced the "Jewel," the fountain pen with the "Drop Test" point. This test-dropping the pen, point down, from a height of six feet, without injury- proves the "Jewel" point to be the most wonderful achievement of Holland's long and useful manufacturing life, A- IRVING WARMOLTS, D. 8. C. Graduate and Registered Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 .N. University Ave. Phone 2652 For over ,alf a century Holland Pens have ieen the standard of Excellence and Durability. DRINKING AT MICHIGAN To the Editor: An apparently reliable report is current in Ann Arbor to the effect that President Marion L. Burton has approved .a faculty member's protest against the first editorial in The-Daily Saturday morning. The particularly offensive sentence, it seems, was a warning to freshmen that they would see much drinking at Michigan and the professional indictment, as might have been expected, was based upon the well-worn plea to safeguard the fair name of the University. A majority of the faculty and .stu-# dents will not, I feel sure, concur in Dr. Burton's opinion that the deplor- able liquor situation prevalent here' can reasonobly be ignored or soft- pedalled. As a matter of fact, the fail- ure of prohibition at Michigan is appalling and this fact is recognized by all competent observers. All sorts of forbidden beverages can be ob- ta ed herewith so little trouble that it is hard. to believe that efforts are actially Feing made to rnorce Vt - st la.. Without suggesting that 'at intoxication is the rule, it may confidently be affirmed that few Michigan ,-students -refuse- - a - drink when it is offered them .and that a very large number get drunk quite regularly. When The Daily alludes to this fact it knows what it I talking about and furthermore, it has the good sense to apprehend that few problems are solved by ignoring them. These conditions are in no sense- peculiar to the University of Michigan, and cannot possibly redound to its dis- credit because similar problems con- front University administrators every- where in this country. Anyone who thinks that the liquor problem in Ann Arbor is greatly exaggerated or that students are rarely drunk is simply ignorant of the facts. (I use the word simply in both its meanings.) Anyone who labors cinder the delusion that the drinking situation at Mich- gan is a scandal which must be sp- pressed at all hazards, is really doing .the University a great disservice.. This stupid - and nearsighted policy of at- tempting to deceive the public as to the true state of affairs is, let us hope, about to be thrown into the dis- card. H. C. L. '25.- LAWYERS' CLUB BUILDING dOPENED T1 STUDENTS (Continued from-Page One) do the windows which are construct- ed of a special glass: Topping off the general effect is the huge solid oak ceiling, which is made up entirely of wood,- there being no iron sed at all In its construction. The ceiling is old ;Gothic type also. At each ham- mer beam-end in this - room -there have been placed wooden busts of nine of the most prominent law-givers of the world.- En the part of the- building on South University avenue, the living quarters, there are three stories ex- cept for the tower, with its four main columns, where there are five stories in -all. Small entrances to each of the sections lead in from the quadrangle, Entrance to it is made either through' the main State street doorway, or through three passageways on South University. Sections D and E are gained by entrance ways in the arch under the tower. Certainly, like everyone else, we are glad to see you back; and we wish- to say that we have the same High Clas Service to offer in New Hats and Cleaning and Reblocking of Hats and. Caps. We make hats appropriate for the College Man and sell them at very reasonable prices. The hats we make are good in quality and every hat we sell is guaranteed to give aatisfactory service or will be replaced with an- other hat free of charge. Our work in cleading and reblocking hats is unsurpassed; the hat is prop- erly cleaned and free from odor; it is blocked right and fits the head when you get it.. You will appreciate hav- ing your hat done over in a clean and sanitary manner. , r $4 noren eFor Which Which Includes Includes oldR lnRn, Gold Band, Band and Lever Clip and Lever ACTUAL SIZES ARE SHOWN BY THESE ILLUSTRATIONS Every genuine Jewel point is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction Tipped with Tasmanian Iridium, the hardest substance known. Points are - adjustable to any writing touch. Jewels are beautifully finished, neat and busi- ness-like without gaudy color or trim- mings. Look for the red cap and Hol- land's trade mark. Accept no substitute -there is only one Jewel. Sold by Co-op Stores and other good dealers: If unable to purchase locally, write us, giving dealer's name, and we will see" that you are supplied. te HN HQLLAND GOLD PEN CO. ar s ofCs Sine 1841 127-129 E. 4th St.' Cincinnati, Ohio ten by Donald Snyder, ex-member of the late Sunday Magazine, and, among other things, candidate for the Rhodes Scholarship. The plot, as usual, is kept a secret until the opening night along in December when you urged to find it. However, it has been promised that it will havetnothing to do with the campus and its local =color. The Plrayer's Club rather proudly lets it be known that ever since "The Dover Road" it has had a renaissance. It hopes to present the first program of toe year about the second or third week in October, probably with an all- Shaw bill including "HoW-He Lied To Her Husband" arid "The Man of - Destiny." Later in the year they mriay present as their long play Shaw's "Arms and the Man" or even better, that best of all modern farces "You Never Can Tell.' The, Ypsilanti Players it gives us all, as they, say, a very pleasure to let you know they tare so far from dead that they have added another subscription evening to each of their five programs-making seven in all, 1 should judge-and secured the ser- vices of Paul Stevenson, lately as- sociated with Same Hume and Maurice Browne, as an assistant director. -Fromp the slightly lesser fry, such as Mummers and the rhetorical Dodos, nothing has been heard, as the copy hurries to press. Doubtless, however, both will have their seasons, and it may even be possible that -the Dodos- the Ann Arbor Playmakers,' I should say-will build themselves a new theatre from the proceeds they were supposed .to coin out of "The Grey MOUSe " . Finally, there are The Puppeteers, a marionette organization composed of Harry Burnett, Foreman Brown, and Elwood Fayfield-and, it need not be added, their sundry puppets. They have had as their second summer tour, a very successful trip through the Michigan summer resorts which in- cluded Charlevoix, Mackinac, North- port- Point, and Saugatauck, 1as well as a - delightful performance in the Mimes Theatre under the auspices of the Women's League. Mr. Brown is teaching this year in the North Carolina Female Seminary, but the other two members of the company will continue to visit near-by towns this .winter, and they are even planning a tour to England in the summer or, if not to Gloucester, Eng- land, at least to Gloucester, Massa- chusetts. The Prince of Wales consented to act half an hour for the movie men, reading, talking, and smoking before the camera. We wonder if he would have ridden horseback, on request. Students in Wyoming and Idaho FACTORY iAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State.) ---... ~~~~ ....... ~..... --... .. ---._ -..r..,_._.. _ ,......,_.,.r ---,_ ---- --:= --.-I .___:_ --- -----.,.r . 1 kv Surgical Instruments and, Laboratory' Supplies for Bacteriology Histology Anatomy Microscopes Brief Cases. Boston Bags and Many Other Student Supplies at G. CLAUDE DRAKE'S Drug and Prescription I SPECIALLY DESIGNED for CLASS ROOM USE T E CONKLIN Stu. dent's Special Fountain Pen is designed, built and priced to specifically meet, the needs of the college student. See and try Conklin Pens and Pencils in any leading store. THE CONKLIN PEN MFG. CO. Toledo, Ohio T ?ae a t is the SSTUDEN'S SPECIAL for men-a right is shownes women'smodel $3.+50 Here is the IE ConklinBdc . Penciltcomatch the STUDENT'S SPECIAL Pen E2.00 E LINE-MILEAGE' B UYA C O NKLIXN-"CGE T I BEAUTY LIES Sometimes on the surface w F Sometimes beneath the surface Either way a real photograph can interperet it But it takes skill and experience! app i 4k I, AJ -'1 I 11 I