TUESDAY, OCTORu7, 1924 IHE MICKJQAN DAILY~ IESUE, HOUSES TO BE ' ORGANIZED BY WDMEN j "VEMBEI{S OF CO3DITTEE 'F TO DISCUSS L~EAGUE RULES Y WITHI HOUSES 4 EIvery. league house will be .organ- Aized within the next week, accordling . ,J a special 'comm ittee-which has been !ornmed b y the Women's League. S l-j ;ly Walzer '25, is chairman. lDean lamilton has personally instructedj n embers of the committee so that hAtlere wil be no misunderstanding in :egard to matters concerning the or- 'anization of houses. Cases of discipline that cannot be janaged by' house presidents are to' oturned over to a judiciary commit- ce council of five representative wo- men. Only extreme cases where stu- 'ent control has failed will be brought to the dean of women's office. Absence excuses will not be ac- oxcpted for Friday or~ Monday unless the; y are written by a (dormitory head. iAn increasing tendency to cut classes nthese days has mnade this neces- 4..Memnbers of the conmmittee will dis- cuss rules and organization with the house members and presidle over the election of a* temporary president. H 1ouses containing more than 19 girls will also have an executive board. Rlegular elections will take pliace one month. after organization. Govern- anent 'by representation in the Womn- cu's League will be stressed. M ararboard Sells ' Imported Gloves Unusual new san'.ples of gloves wil be, on display in University hal from '2 to 5 o'clock today and tomnor- y row. These gloves are imported from .7 France, are of fine quality and rea- sonable in pri:re. All women on the campus are urged to see this assort- ment. Orders must be in before Wed- nesday night., EWAvA S. -S -zs s l sketches this year at the Women's play. These are to be selected at the League parties, according to officers, first meeting of the society which j of the orgnnization. In 'addition there will be held at, 4 o'clock today in will be a ntionthly play and one long Barbour gymnasium. i } W4/omen InI Politics ENPATC To Be DiscussedFO At Open Meeting, INTRAMURAL HOCKEY Athena Literary society invites wo- iitamrlhce rcie r nze wll ar inerste indebtin 1being held between 4 and 6 o'clock to attend the open mieeting of the every Monday and Wednesday. It is society whlich, will be held at 7:15 emphatic that every organized house o'clock tonight, in the Alpha Nu room, on campus sign up for entrance in fourth floor of IUniversity hall. the tournament immediately on the Dorothy Cline, '26, has charge of the -ultnbadi abu ynsu p~rograin.rThe topic of - the eveningI in order that 'drawings for the tour- "Wome in olitcs."nament may be made and the results The principal sp)eakers will be Vir-' published. nia i Cronin, '25, lMarguerite May,' Junior or senior women who are '25, Ihelen Gustie, '25, Geraldine' taking part. in the "tournament but '2.who have had no heart or lung cx- Masters, '26, and Ellura H-arvey, '2. amination this year should niake ap- At thle last meeting of the society I onmnswt r ela h it w1as decided that the policy of InealtsrithDor.ucellmiatiothe Athena would 1)e to back up the edi- Healthperviceassfomuhexainations.- lowed plolicy of The Michigan Daily, lwN o ppe ca womtetwillabenat andI to takie a more active interestloetoakprtitheouamn icampus events as well as in mt unless they take this examination. ters of national and international in- Mummers Plans .:' S:, Is .........................ars i.....q.......................................... AIRPLANE RIDE BARGAIN WEEK $3.50 Each Passenger 1L.11 III'p plug Y.lil" nmn 11;1G Dn'tspoil the lli gowns by failing tc I" iNlt corsets: under then 111in thiese underthing Ill U right. Nn4 rs. vlc~auiigli nuandl will tak~ pleaz . IIGI1 I today and make a 1166( 111414{ 1111111 r Don't 1 A- estylish sI raigh't effect of your pretty frocl~s and Lo wear tlic Proper brassieres and corsets or near- m. We h' S:it all the newest ideas and latest lines ts to ake your dresses look right while you feel !in is a hi lhly trained corsetierre cf long experience sure in fiting you wvith what you need. Come in &,,te with her. End of Packard Street car line. time call 255$ or Afternoons. For special 1113-J. I ,! c .I , ; ..11! f11fI"ttflltfltlt f~t~fttl fttttttt. . . ."I~ . . . ..1fffft ! i )orrow--Subscribel "'iA ;i !- i lillebrown of Plymp- en. e~a 11)L years old, acted as cattle jud1ge at the recent Marsh- field fair. series Of Plays Mumnmers dramatic sociey is plan- ning to produce a series of short _.. i a t i E r d . ti t } t[![! F i { ggi 3 s i 7 0 '~A CON] r n p r llhusnaW dhmvare the Student's Spe-W at $3.50 and the Men's Black Pencil uith gold cap and tip at. $2.M K(LIN PEN ."ENCIL A Special Notice to Women of Particular Discrimination Miss Agnew, buyer for the ,Jacobson Stores, Inc., will be here all day Tuesday. She is leaving for New York~ City later. in the week and she will be glad to assist any- one interested in special orders. Even though you do not intend immnediate pur- chase Miss Agnew will be pleased to learn your particular desires. Where Shopping .1s a. Pleasure 612-614 east Liberty the E~I IE i represents a bigger measure of sentiment and value to the school or college stu- dent than any other item of class room equipmen t. Any Conklin pen mneasues fully up to this requirement. Ask your C°^ cr to show you the Conklin line. ,%.j Z00. AK j Give the children WRIGL EY'S after every meal.. Let them get its daily wbenefit to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. They want sweet, and WRIGLEY'S is the sweet that's good for them. f E i i I Noti "ce 'r PENCILS S a TS 6~ka Tryouts for th. an-nual MxIsI S 1 THE CONKLIN. PEN, MFG. CO. TOLEDO, O U{O PENS PENCIL.S sers Appetite aided by and play, "Ponds will be held nnorroxv and well Angell! serge in the Library and to read the Sof lDes~re," by i cncv(, tc from 4 t) 6 o'clo k to- Thu -sday ini Sarah Ca - hall, The boo's is on rce- lower study hail of the^ mnembler s are reqjueAzd. book and ,elect th 'rI Ca ' ya, u : Y G7 ' M ' "'s L+"'7 K + r 77 parts before trying out. Glee club have been comnpleted andiII the list sent to h'e registrar's office. 1 The successful tryoits will be notified by mail the latter part of the wNe-k. Tryouts for Freshman Girls' Glee club will be held from 4 to 5:20 o'- clock Thursday and Iiriday in room 216, School of, Music. All freshman women are eligible; for muembership. Read the Want, Ads!~ ; dd./"111./11.I+ ""d. 1.I' ,d1./. : '"1. 3 . f.OJ,/. r.Y" 1 _ 1 -' .. . L + t Q" ra Ow Dancing This Week. Wednesday and Th ursday PAC KAR D ACADEMY, 8 to 10 Music by KENNEDY'S "SIX OF DIAMONDS" With Phil Diamond Members of the Mandolin club wil hold a business meeting at 5 o'clock' today at Newberry hall. Sigma Delta Phi will hold its first -meeting at 4:15 o'clock today at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. minl ,raf onal Debate OXrFORD 'VS. MICHIGAN 8:00 PL. 231. Admuission ')Oe e i I 7"+l w w4 'AMMA _ .-pp I IL Tote by Absentee Ballot, onI Hare Yoh. Voted 3 Apply on4 Camipus. ('iiiiptis. Silkl, Flannel and Broadcloth SHIRTS Are Laundered to Your Complete SATISFACTI1ON By the MOE LAUNDRY ', IItlttii llillitiltllltlt =ttt THE HOUSE2 { = Established in 1899 Meals, $7.'50 Per Weekwj $6.00 for Two Meals =j .=Breakfast from 7 to 8 Lunch from 12 to 1 - Dinner from 5:30 to 6:30 .t Single Meals "TASTES LIKE HOME" PIAN3 AND PIPE ORGAH SPRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS SA Special Course for advanced jstudents who plan to teach Spiano is also offered. Studio--610 E. Liberty St. Malcolm Apt. 8 EMIMA FISCHER CROSS S formerly of University School of ~IMusic, head of piano department at The University of Washington Sand Bellingham State Normal. Pupil of Leschctlzky, Vienna. 1rPhone 21834J Register Now r f i E 1 _ 1 Leather i 201 NO. MAIN STREET L'IIONE 2355 '! 7 Permanently on lDispiu.y at G UYV WVO'LF6,LK & CO. F :..- .- - '_' -=. Suede Leather Jackets in brown, gray and tan are very popular this fall. Everyone is -wearing them, the ladies as well as the met. We hve a large assortment of high grade leather jackets in Reindeer, Napa, Horsehide, Colt and Sheepskin-and our prices are as popular as the jackets. Priced from $9.75 up. - TOWER'S SLIC F COATS" Cravenettes, Topcoats and Reefers Auto Robe s, and Ste i er°Rugs Wool Shirts, Heavy Plaids, Corduroy and Outing Shirts. Hiking Shoes, High-Top Moccasin Packs, Puttees, etc. Breeches in large assortment, Over-Ails and Cover-Ails for shop use, Alarm Clocks, Hunting Knives, Axes, Trench Mirrors, Grids, Stoves, and in fact many needs for the college man. The mere addition of a cos- tume slip to any tunic blouse gives one a dress of fashion- able distinction. These are of silk in numerous delightful col- ors. $7.50 to $22.50. It will pay you to walk a few blocks Surplus Sstr .SECOND FLOOR I I I I I fl A