THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER7, 1924 i f r lA ichi xn tt i 1 I Published every morning except Monday during the University year bysthe Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- tit''d to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise crelite< in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entercd at the postoffiee at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- mnaster General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, S4,00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M ; busi- ness, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2114 and 176-31 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER r............Jon . Garlinghouse News Editor............. Robert G. Ramnsay Night Editors George W. Davis Joseph Kruger Thomas 1. henry John Conrad .enneth C. Keller orman R. Thal Sports Editor........William 11. Stoneman Sunday' Editor .......... Robert S. Mansfield Women s Editor.............Vernea Moran Music and nrama... ... Robert B. Henderson Telegraph Lditor.. William J. Walthour Assistants I onise Bat-Icy Francis R. Line on Barlow Winfield 11. Line Leslie S. Bennets I-harold A. Moore Not ma Iicknell Carl E. OIhlmnacher lermu oxer William C. Patterson 1icl n I' own H-yde W. P'erce, Jr. 'myith (*Iy [r. Andrew E. Propper Wi lard B. Crosby Ie een S. Ramsay \ dentine L. D7avies Marie Reed James XV. 1ernanmberg Edmarie Schrauder (:coi-e I,. 1Fiske Frederick H. Shillito ] Isc1r O. Gartner C. Arthur Stevens Banning Ilouseworth Marjory Sweet Dorothy Kamin Frederic Telmos Margaret Keil Hans Wickland Elizabeth Liebermann Herman J. Wise BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising...................E. L. Dunne Advertising............ ..J. Finn Advertising...............I3. A. Marks Advertising......., ......1I. M. Rockwell Accounts....................Byron Parker 'iircilatioai.. ................R. C. Winter Publication................John W. Conlin Assistants P. W. Arnold Louis W. Kramer V. F. Ardussi W. L. wvullins A. A. Browning K. F. Mast T. 1. Bergman 11. L. Newmann Philip Deitz JD. Ryan Norman Freehling . Roscnzweig C. 'A. Gray F. K. Schoenfeld I. Johnson S. H. Sinclair TUESDAY OCTOBER 7, 1924 Night Editor-NORMAN R. THAL THE NEGRO FRANCHISE An issue which may be attended STILL ANOTHER GUNr "Tonight I fire the first :gun," de- clared President Burton recently be- fore nine hundred visiting Kiawan- tans, "in a campaign for the highest7 type of educators that money can: procure. We have passed the peak of our building program-" A' . . . .but have we? One would think, from a cursory ex- amination of the new Literary build- ing that it was practically finished. Perhaps it is. But if so the architects have forgotten something. Fine build- ings and the highest type of educators are nice things to have at a University. But there are other things-things which may seem trivial to the mighty ,minds who rule the destinies of this institution- which play nearly as im- portant part in the educational scheme. The things referred to are coat hooks. The importance of these ob- jects, poor and unassuming though they be, cannot be too greatly stressed. Provision for an abundance of them, distributed in every nook and cranny of our halls of learning, should be one of the first acts of those who plan our new buildings and remodel our old. The lack of a coat hook might easily mean the loss to our country of a statesman, of a great lawyer, of a financial wizard.' This loss might come about in the following way: A student enters his classroom in the new Literary build- ing for an eight o'clock. It is a cold, bleak winter morning; snow is fall- ing, and the student's coat is covered with a thin film of ice and snow. lie removes his overcoat, places it in the seat, and then sits upoon it, prepared to sip the wisdom which drips from the instructor's lips. But presently the damp overcoat on which he is sitting begins to make itself felt. The student ceases to sip, his wisdom long enough to shift him- self to another position. Those about him are temporarily demoralized. In another moment he turns again from the cup of knowledge to adjust himself. This he continues at regular intervals, until, in desperation, he re- moves the overcoat and hurls it, sod- den with half-melted' snow, into the corner. Once more turning his atten- tion to the lecture, he finds himself so uncomfortable and so perturbed that he cannot concentrate,. Contrast this with the picture of aj class which files in quietly, hangs its snowy wraps in a neat room on coat, hooks, sits down, and pays steady at- tention to the instructor for n. solid .. 1- To the Editor: Your leading editorial of Oct. 3, con- tains some highly debatable state- ments. You assert that the Republican party would give the country "a gov- ernment which would be in the main united . . ." In view of the record of this party in the last four years; in view of its destructive divergence on the issues of taxation, soldier's bon- us, postal pay increase, civil war pen- sion bill and Japanese immigration; in view of the conflict between the Senate and the Executive on matters; of foreign policy and moreover with Senator LaFollette, a Republican, run- ning for President on a separate tick- Iet, with Senator Brookhart demand-F ,. :I ! ® - .. M U S I C AND DRAMA TONIGHT-Paul Whiteman and has orchestra at 8 o'clock in Hill audt. lorium. THE PLAYER'S CLUB Tryouts for the two coming Player's Club productions will take place this afternoon from three to five o'clock in Room 205, Mason Hall. The plays, as announced in the dramatic schedule, BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all Colleges at GRAHAM'S, (at both ends of the diagonal walk) II inmwmmmml/77 . .. . . R " a ing that General Dawes withdraw and Iare "How He Lied To Her Husband" with Senator Johnson also apparently by Bernard Shaw, "The Hero of off the reservation, it is rather diffi- Santa Maria" by Ben Hecht, and "A cult to understand how you arrived Night at an Inn" by Lord Dunsany. at such a conclusion. The assuinp- The Shaw play requires two men, tion that Davis if elected would be opposite as types always are, one hampered by his running mate and an artist and the other the English by his party hasi likewise no basis of prototype of the thousand-percent 'fact. Having nominated an eastern lib- American, and his wife, a little inferno eral Democrat for President it was and a pale imitation of Candida. only natural that a wectorn liberal Ben Hecht's comedy has a cast of Democrat should- be chosen for Vive some five or more men, the hero him- President thus giving the ticket the self, his fat, pudgy, blissfully indecent necessary geographical balance. No uncle, another very holy relation, and proof of any discord between the two a crowd of town politicians-fat, slim, has been apparent and the assertion oblong and otherwise. There is also a that he is "completely out of harmony part for a waspish, wiry girl in the with Davis" is a sweeping one- in- role of the very maiden aunt deed. Nor does Mr. Davis "lean more The Dunsany pelodrama uses an toward the Republican policy than all-men cast, five little runtish toughs anything else," at least his speeches -cockney and all-who are capableI fail to show any symptoms of admira- of stealing the ruby eye of a Hindu' tion for it. god, two Hindu priests, and something Furthermore your unfavorable re- like three rather iihmense stone idols. flection on the Democratic Convention The idols, especially, call for the en- is open to question. As one who at- ormous, athletic breed of gentlemen. tended its sessions, I believe that it was one of the best conventions that "THE CHASTENING' either party has held in some time. Following their established custom There were no "steam roller" tactics. the Oratorical Assciation has en- There were no party bosses saying gaged Edith Wynne Mathison and "here's your man, nominate him." No Charles Rann Kennedy in Mr, Ken- less an authority than Mark Sullivan nedy's bibical rhapsody, "The Chast-' has said of this Convention "It was ening," for the dramatic number of unbossed, it took its own measure of the series. every leader who tried to dominate The play deals with Jesus Christ it, it fought out the convictions of its in his youth, Mary and Joseph in the various factions, and in the end it author's accustomed highly symbolic nominated the best one of the twenty manner. It was presented two years or thirty candidates who were be- ago at special matinees in New York fore it." In the anmount of political city at the Equity's 44th Street Thea- vitality shown it made the Repu'blican ter, and gained, despite its specialized Party, as has been said," look like "a appearl," very considerable attention neurotic recluse." at that time. I write not as a Republican nor Edith Wynne Mathison as Mary, of as a Democrat but as an independent course, is superbly beautiful-there I tvnf' 'rhl d'-. iAn to A dAfnn Anda f.,1 ._, i! I I IBVIH WABMOLTS0.1. 0. GGiU A rVAND RFGIs TERED N.Uvropodist Orthopedist N. University Ave. Phone, 26,521 OXFORD VS. MICHIGAN Tooic for Debate: "Pr(hibition Question" Admussion 50c Vedi1mday . Oct. 13 JIMil A ud;orlun, 8 P. M. . We Have French and Parker House Rolls for Your Luncheons and Spreads The Ct P Fastry Shop Specializing in French Pastry 5 6 East Liberty Phone 3310-J I with ominous results comes to the "uu ueYV au vew aii sea na is no actress on the stage today, they hour. government by 'blocs with its atten- say, with such perfect distion-whilt foreground again with the suit which Are coat hooks important? Or are 'dant periods of political drift and eva- her husband and Margaret Gage, the has 'been brought into the federal they not? sion, and who wants the restoration third member of the company, who courts in an attempt to disfranchise of government by responsible party portrays the difficult role of the youn the Negro. The case arises from ob- A Kansas girl is able to learn even majorities. There is no indication that Christ ..w th unusual distinction, are jection to Harding's appointment of though deaf, dumb, and mute. The wayfl the're'election of Calvin Coolidge Will both Payers of recognized ability. a negro .customs collector in New Or- some University students act in accomplish this, but there is a well The piece lasts a full evening's per- leans and involves the question of the classes and still pass their courses, defined" hlpe"thatit car'be becured by .folhance, and' is presented with. a fourteenth amendment's validity. If give rise to a belief that in some the election of John W. Davis and a complete stage equipment. It is quite pressed to the limit by its initiators respects they are imitating the Kansas Democratic Congress. true that a more interesting, espec- .the logical course of the suit will be girl. Carlyle has said, "The man of in- ially unique attraction could hardly to run the gauntlet of the lower courts tellect at the top of affairs. . . Get have been selected. and thus on to the Supreme bench at Ann Arbor's post office is doing a him for governor, all is got. Fail to * * * Washington. Again to give such prom- 1,$100,000 business largely because of get him, though, you had constitutions 1RP JOHNSON'S PICTURE inence to this racial issue as would the laundry sent through the mails. as plentiful as blackberries and a par- ' be created in such a series of court Does this extensive laundry business liament in every village there is noth- A cUt of Reber Johnson, the con- investigations could do nothing else mean that Ann Arbor is a very clean, ing yet got; we shall either learn to C master of the New York Symp- hony orchestra who is to give a violin but arouse sentiments of sectional or a very dirty place. know a hero, a true governor and recital with Mr. and Mrs. Maier at hostility throughout the country and a captain somewhat better when we the piano Wednesday afternoon in the create a recurrence of the old race Can you imagine anything more in- 1 see him, or else to tgo on to be forever i IMichigan Union ball room, has just riots. . teresting than a debate between Great governed by the unheroic." I arrived. Evidently ignorant of news- For 60 years the Negro has been al- Britian and the United States on the --Ward Allan Howe, '25. paper etiquette it-.s quite unpublish lowed to vote and, in theory, has had question of prohibition? able. Neverteless, the face itself is the right to hold offices in the govern- To the Editor: quite interestni: it is tall and oblong ment. The extent to which he has After Saturday's game Miami is of Tradition day has been set for Wed- with a slender nose and as slender used the ballot in this time can cause the opinion that they lost much when nesday, October 8. This is also -the ; wide brown perhaps, ears; eyeswie arbonphps little adverse criticism even from they lost Little. Day of Repentance for adherents to anid above the upper lip there is a those who object most to the Negro's the Jewish faith. On this day Jewish nicely parted mustache cut in the lat- franchisement. In many of the south- students are not supposed to attend est fashion. His hair, obviously dark ern states the colored people make no CAMPUS OPINION class"and surely not a joyous occasion is also parted in the middle and efforts at all to claim their/rights at Anonymous commun cation. will be such as Tradition day. smoothed back into a neat respectabil- the polls; in no state is their vote of disregarded. The names of communi- Therefore, I believe the Jewish stu- cants will, however, be regarded as ity. The face being complteted, there significance. The appointments of confidential upon request. dents will not be present at Hill Audi- is finally a pronounced chin and a col- Negros to high governmental'positions torium to participate in the Tradition lar around the neck. have been few. In the South, opposi- To the Editor: day exercises. For this reason if there * . * tion has resulted from such appoint- us any possibility in justice to the meats, and pressure has been brought I am writing to you in behalf of the cl ss of '28, I think that the Student "MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE" upon the administration at Washing- Independent Progressive Party of council should change the date of ,A review, by Valentine Davies. upoMonsieurdBeaucairtiis atfirstiratE ton to the extent that &urther ap- Washtenaw County in reference to an this affair. Monsieur Beaucaire is a first rate pointments of this sort will be im- editorial appearing in yesterday mor- -S. R. '28L. movie. Technically it is excellently probable. American social ethics ning's issue of your paper. -handled and the directors have finally make it a practical impossibility The editorial concerned the candi- been able to cope with costume plays for the Negro race as a whole dacy of Senator LaFollette for the ,ABSENTEE VOTERS [jwithout achieveing results which re- to rise to positions of influence Presidency, in which you state that semble the finale of a Hippodrome and authority until the members of the I. W. W.'s are supporting him j Students who are going to be show. The one criticism which can away from home on election day , be honestly made is that the directors this race show themselves capable of in this campaign.I and want to vote by mall are cudntoeom thieerad- so doing, through an educational ad- At the St. Paul convention of theIasdwto teanom ent air could not overcome their eternal de- vancement. The white people hold the Communist's and I. W. W.'s they en- ofthe Republicanclbof th e ma play to the stands; and to judgement of such capability so that, deavored to have Senator LaFollette IUniverst.itakesunofdiffe make it worse Rudolph Valentino was in the final analysis, they can dictate head the ticket. He ''absolutely re- eince what state you are from. playing the lead, always the lead. For the position which the Negro will be pudiated them and issued a strong Ithe club's information bureau a full five minutes Mr. Valentino is permitted to hold. denunciation of them which was car-, will be able to tell you Iallowed to appear without his lacy Why then the necessity of dragging red in news dispatches to all parts ust what to do to vote. There jshirt for no reason save to justify his before the nation again the old ques- of the country. I is no charge for this service. 'posters and please the females pres- tion of Negro rights? The settlement It is not the opinion of the writer f Organization and maintenance I ent. In another scene he is attacked growing out in the Civil war enfran- that the Daily is intentionally trying of 'the information bureau by ; by professional cut-throats, whom he chised the negro, but sectional public to libel Mr. LaFollette but that rather the direction of John Hamlin, (kshortly vanquishes in the accepted opinion has since modified this settle- it was a case of ignorance on the part head of the college bureau of fashion, on the front lawn of a fash- went until, under present conditions, of the writer of the same. the Republican National commit- ionable Chateau in the presence, of the whites ia either South or North In sepaking of who is backing La- tee, to get every qualified voter course, of a large and admiring_- are not warranted in bringing up Follette I would like to state that our ing election. a ton ver-nuythe Iy Mer again a question which carries with organization in this county is made I_ _ _ _ _ _ __. ington version, by the way, Monsieur it the probability of rioting, bloodshed, up of about 20 members of the faculty is held up on a lonely road, and only and sectional strife, of the University of Michigan, five Isd The Negro problem can never take from the faculty of the Normal School I(he calls for his bodyguard. on serious proportions as long as the at Ypsilanti, state and local grange : SENIORS, ATTENTION I Lois Wilson, Bebe Daniels, and white race maintains its equilibrium ° people and a good number of conser- 1 ! Doris Kenyon from the feminine cast in the matter. Wherever colored vative labor officials of Ann Arbor, Sale of senior pictures starts and as pictures do their necessary people have proved themselves worthy besides various business and profes- tdyand ill continue suntil share; the costumes and scenery were pepl av poedthmeleswrty eids aiosThanksgiving. All seniors are beautiful and never overdone; and ,intellectually they have been given f sional men. I do not think that this IIrequested "to niake arrangements baetiuno him e a oerde; and m VA h411-r n ana .,a,.i a n. : ' Il . ,nrra'f, n-n,,'1 r ..4 ____. .. ..alentinohimself was more than im- 3 e , 0 e I air. e' Y t Make $10 to $25 a week - by selling Fowler Shirts direct to wearer. Fine qual- ity made to measure shirts, reasonably priced. Featuring collar attached white shirts in Oxford and Broadcloth. Abso lutely guaranteed products that bring repeat orders and build a permanent clientele.rCommission in advance. Sales Kitsfurnished to menwho mean business. 'White at once 'FOWLER SIRT CO, 9 East 45# St. Ne&York WomienInvited oTo Consult Famous Visitor Elizabeth Arden Sends Personal Representative 'to Advise Women on Skin Care. Sororitiesan Frateri~ties Th s beautiful property has ju been placed on the market. The location is ideal. First Floor-Five lovely rooms and sun parlor. Second Floor-Five bedrooms, two enclosed sleeping porches and two full bathrooms. Third Floor-Three Ledro-rns and dormitory. Fine basement with steam heat; laundry; lavatory and toilet; one thousand gallon oil burner; thermostat. Very at- tractive grounds with Ehrubbcry and trees; two car garage, CALL MRS. BURNETT With Charles L. Brooks REALTOR 215 First National Bank Bldg. Phones 315-3552 Evenings 2781 f t n t e t s' ' r i >, , a' d e I i e' Every woman who values her good looks will be interested in the arrival of Miss Mary John- stone, who is here as the Ver- sonal representative of Eliza- beth Arden, the famous §kin specialist of New York, Paris and Loidon. Miss Johnstone comes to us from the fashion- able Arden Salon on Fifth Ave- nue, New York, where her close association with Miss Arden has made her thoroughly familiar with the scientific methods of skin treatment developed by this specialist. I i H ere It Y; Y ,S e i a ' I Da S I S V S' :1 1 f T! 1 I : rl ,I l E Miss Johnstone comes to help every woman who is interested in improving her good looks. She issues an invitation to all women to visit her during her stay. She will give private in- terviews to all who care to con- sult her. You may bring to her your problems in the care of the skin, hair, hands, figure, etc. She will outline for you a course ot home treatment suit- edl to your particular needs, giving every detail of the scien- tific method to correct wrinkles or other blemishes which trou- ble you. Miss Johnstone will have her headquarters at "The Quarry," where she will receive visitors on Tuesday, today, from 2 o'clock until 8 o'clock. Is I Men who apprciate Fine Clothing and Wonderful Value will welcome this announcement. We are selling Society Brand Clothes as low as $40. At this price, they represent the clothing value in America. greatest G. CLAUDE DRAKE'S Drug and Prescription Store Phone 308 A rich assortment up to $60 II