T *TW- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tar: SD AY, OCTOBER 7, 1924 Sodium C(ahbona k# : foio .bydrate Vit al In al ,:aii aettareof Washing Comipounidsf DISCOVERED BY BADGER Development of a . uccessftul meth- od of sodium' carbonate mono-hydrate m~anufacture was announced yester- yesterday by Prof. W. L.,,B'adger, of' the chem ical engineering department. The series of experiments which were concluded last week in the evaporator laboratory of the depart- ment were made at the request of the Church and Dwight company, manufacturers of washing powders,l and -with the co-operation of the Swenson Evaporator company, of ' Harvey, Illinois. Economical manufacture of this ehemical which is an important ele- ment in laundry and washing com- pounds has been hitherto impossiblo because of the excessive formati'on ofI scale during the boiling process. Pro-1 fessor 1.3adlger utilizing methodsI Which le developed experimentally l, several years ago, andl with the aidl j of a system of forced circulation andl a special agitating device, achieved masnufacture of the compound with-I out scale' deposit during a period of 10 hours. Judging from preliminary l sucess commercial installation is, likely. Participation by representatives of the Swenson Evaporator company in this experiment is the most recent evidence of the association between the Illinois company and the Univer- sity wh'ich began six years ago with r the gift to the chemical engineering depattment of equipment for the evaporator laboratory. The condit- ions of the donation provided that. th.e Swenson company be allowed to utilize the laboratory for experiment- al purposes.f Prof. W. E. Lay, of the chemical englineering department, did research 'work for the government at Langley! field, near H1ampton Roads, during the Will Debate Against Oxford Read The Daily "Gl-assified" Coluimns Donf.,t B~o rw-_.Sub scr~ibe 'Today. ._ ; f, __ f_ i HI.NDENSCHMITT - APEEL & CO. ANN ARIBOR'iS LEADING CLOTHIERS i_ 209 . MAIN ST: I~~ PICT 0' N CHARLE VOIX A NN § li OdI I CAR IERS ' I Featuring University Model Clothes STEIN-I3LOCI- MICH AELS.-STERN Value-First Clothe It w illpay you to inlspect our new line of fall suits. High Grade Furnishings Left to right-K. F. Clardy, '2Th ,G. Deniniink, '273,, ind[BIL Sh )!,t,-'2.. These three men will represent Michigan in her first intiernational I!e- bate, that with Oxford at 8, o'clock tomorrow night in Fill aililoianoI. 'The subject for debate is "resolved, That t his house IS Ojpposed(Ito Uhe principles of prohibition." .1 ,;am= M.- ar .~Ta I r.: .-, r .. - -. mr " r -a - a a .t ..4 a, t n -, wr rl a fla - - y r~f I.W '" .a a~sa s l.- T'at.,.. *.'-w stad .rs - - - - - rrr na - ,e1 afa ua - w -. - -.. - we- r - r IS rrr- - - - - -rw , 22cn "cfi He is formerly a M1ichiga esao ,7 editor, and for the pa st. two W.has been on Ithce d itor ial b1)0irdl 1 oflf} osen Edit r INew York Eveninfg 1Post: and ti;e Pecs .r , York 1.1era id. I Ie is no W W i in ; (C)- 9 I if aff- ff /" "Ar3i'1"/".f [!7 2/2 7,!. .L I(A ~~t~#L1.t~1' I.nomical anid political articles for ''l:e I1U . InJdependlent. Stewart Beach, '22, has been ap- lI stachthhs lt met t WD,:n i Pi pointed managing editor of The Inda-i ttsta ehs e( siyA:-I pendent according to a letter receiv- ht 8,peeteItro e(fl ed from him by Dean John R. Effinger, 1tian Scienice ol or, alA I 10"1 of the literary college, yesterday. The that he is a cons~istent hoo.4 r cr Independent, which is published in Uiesitsty fMht tin Mn itor T1' ,i Boston, is a fortnightly journal of in-jHeassteshtte onks formiation and discussion on the im- t oti oenw lti l\ portant issues of the (lay. Beach was siytaanohe ten r active on the staff of The Daily dur- ing i Y(i hsuudErgiadut ay t hfav'ouV ui A1tqt'u University. dy tte} ae - e7 frl pl Arthur Pound, 07, has been ap -_____ pointed as an associate editor of this I_ journal. Ilie is also editor of then. If You Need an Atlantic Monthly Press. Mr. Pound's economic study "The Iron Man in1 Industry," first brought him into na- G ' E icnal prominence a few years ago. itI OC'T'OBER 12 (AULEYS AND) GA1LLY SLATES CA."LLA T were the galleys of the Spanish 1 f Mai n of old, from their sterns of hammered 1 ever to their figureheads of gold---and gal- "s f , re 12; e oarsmnen who spedl them through . ,- briine, with the swirl of foam around themf <' and the lurking shark behind. Though the \ wfwh- lashi scarred the shoulder; though the .li losgalled the heel, they toiled and fought n- icua do, whose hearts are wrought of steel. li v (tOf love or joy, or sorrw, they drank the bitter lIc' ~s, lesecrvants f the oarlocks but masters o£ Jih so l . You will live with them in. "THE SEA HAWK"/ -With- MlJITON SILLS as "SARR-ELBAHWI lii 110. aaa CA i aF3J1 I ; . .1te au a. .i a .t..~r 7G I-ODAKS Calkins -Fletcher DugCo. 3-DEPENDABLE STORES3 After the 'Game Or Show "Those Good Malted Milks" at Our Fountains Calkins - Fletcher Drug Co. 306 South State St. Second Floor, Over Haller's jewelry 9 past summer. He worked mainly on anti-knock compounds testing the var-. ious "ones on the market andi workin' on new ones. - Washington, Oct. 6.-Robert M. La- Follette left Washington Sunday to bt-gin a cross country speaking tour. Note by Abgeiifee Ballot, on Camnpus. Intearmtioiial 1Debat~e P FDMICHIGAN Wednaesd y, Oct. 8, Hill And. 8:00) P. SI. Admissioni 50e For Boie OgleE O want a picture or C ain (r cardl, Just a cross, frOM Ii e i i I a , ; ,, i t. siib-s>taion lYou will flind o APPLIED A r> _ F' s.;. r,., { ", . t1 . f 1 r1. __ i COIl. ET. S. UNIVERSITY AVE. COR. S. STATE AN~D PACKARD STS. 324 South State St. 2 Nickels Arcade IDY SODAS ek.rt...flrnSwfl.mwdTnana--a t. .._- -..-.__.._._ S. tTALITY. a, , - = = = ' ,,. :: f: .t ti: , ).e... t Mirro-Thei Finest Aluminum Every MIRRO article is designed to serve adefinite household need. It is built to give absolut~e Eatisfaction. It is guaran- teed free from dlefects in material, con- The :1Purity Enamel has questionc cl. of V/b nc' er b , 'o lIr Q 'QUALITY. x Cel Q. QUALITY. Ri -i _. I 11 ware 18 cnfi actclrizcdI excellence of desigyn. struction and workman ship. N 1111 Our Stock Is Always Complete 'Q QFUALITY. Main near Washington Washiingtan nearT AFR10 Main r F,# . - -e ! i .., After the Show, LACE A bit of sweetness YOUi'il like corn- t ined with a O T service that TN0IVEIR"SOUTH~ will please Now tUnder New Afanuac- c meni. Drop in-Let's Get Acquaintled. .,."y-' ONE BLOCK F~AST OF ENGINE~ERING ARCH I if ",,# F I :