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October 07, 1924 - Image 1

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*f r IAU



VOL. XXXV. No. 13








A. B. Connable,1'2, Counell President,
Will Stress Observance of
Freshmen from every college in
the University will meet at 4 o'clock
tomorrow in Hill auditorium for the
observance of Traditions Day. The
doors will be opened at 3:30 o'clock
to the several thousand freshmen
that are expected to attend the occa-
Robert J. Hummer, '25 chairman of
the Student council committee on
Traditions Day, yesterday announced
the complete program. Lyman Glas-
gow, '25 head Varsity cheerleader,
will lead the freshmen in the singing
of "The Victors," as the opening
number. A. B. Connable, '25, presi-
dent of the Student council will then
address the assembled freshmen upon
the full significance of Michigan s
He will explain Michigan traditions
in such a manner that the new men
and women on the campus will re-
alize to the fullest extent the great
importance and true value of observ-
ing the time honored customs of the
institution. Traditions' Day has been
set aside exxclusively for the mem-1
bers of the class of '28; it is their
duty consequently to get together
and pay tribute to the University.
Great stress will be laid by Con-
nable in his address upon the ne-
cesity of the class of '28 abiding by
Michigan traditions to the letter in t
order that the futurewillssee them
oven more firmly established. The
freshmenrowe a duty to the Univer-
sity which they have been privileged]
to attend and it is the purpose of the
assembly tomorrow to impress upon
their minds the true meaning of th.t
-Dean J. A. Bursley will then givet
a short talk to the new students.
This will be the first opportunity that
the freshmen have had to become ac-z
qua ted with Dean Bursley. Aftert
the conclusion of Dean Burley's re-1
marks Glasgow will lead the year-
lings in the singing of "Varsity."
Prof. H. C. Carver, '15, will thenl
speak on some phase of atheltics.
Professor Carver is a former mem-t
her of the Varsity cross-country team.e
Glasgow will also have a number1
oa the other members of the cheering<
squad on hand to lead yells at oppor-
tune moments; The program will beI
concluded by singing the "Yellow and
the Blue."
All members of the freshmen liter-
ary class will then remain for the!
purpose of electing officers for the
present year. The election will be
supervised by Student councilmen.
Teachers over the state who aret
former Michigan students will meett
each other this month at get-to-I
gethers held during the district meet-~
ings of the Michigan State Teachers'
association, according to plans made
by the committee. Prof. J. B. Edmon-
son is chairman.
Centers of the Seven state districts

are Detroit, Bay City, Lansing, Grand
Rapids, Manistee, Alpena, and Mar-;
quette. In each city a Michigan lun-I
chmeon or dinner is to be given.
Local chairmen will be assisted by
university representatives, who are
Dean A. S. Whitney, Prof. C. O.
Davis, Prof. C. S. Berry, Prof. J. R.3
Schorling, Prof. S. A. Courtis, Prof.
T. L. Purdom, and Prof. Clifford
Woody, for the seven districts re-
Professor Woody has already left'
Ann Arbor en route to the convention
at Marquette, which is to be held atI
the end of this week. Professor Ed-:
monson will leave Wednesday to join
him there.
Other reunions, will be held later,
ending with the one at Grand Rapids
on October 31.
This afternoon <at 2 o'clock and
every afternoon for the rest of the
week there will be a man at the com-
initte both on the main floor of the
Michigan Union to give information
concerning transportation to East
Lansing Saturday for the M. A. C.
ame Anninaations for railway tickets j

New Union Radio
Draws Big Crowd
If the enthusiasm <and size of the
crowds1 are any indication the Michi-
gan Union's new radio, receiving play
by play reports on the big league
world's series games, is a success.
Large crowds have filled the tap room
every afternoon since the radio was
installed last week .and cheering is
not uncommon when a sensational
play is made. The crowds thus far
have been unanimously for Washing-
ton in the world series and Sunday
afternoon they waxed hilarious when
fthe Senators beat New York.
The set has been working to per-
fection with practically no trouble
with static. Two loud speakers carry
the announcer's voice to all parts of
the tajn room and anothr one is to be

Invocation to be Offered by Unitarian
Church Pastor; Miss Nora Hunt
Will Sing

t I

installed. Reports start coming in President Marion L. Burton will
every afternoon at 2 o'clock and will address the first of the University
continue until the close of the series. services which will be held at 7:30
o'clock next Sunday in Hill audi-
torium. This service will introduce
the first of a series of seven, at which
men prominent throughout th'e coun-
try are scheduled to speak. Nora
Hunt of the School of Music will
sing and Sidney Robbins, pastor of
the Unitarian church will offer the
Staff of Literary College Appoint Invocation at the service.
Phillips, Saunders, to Among the men slated to talk at
Council the meetings are: Fred B. Smith,
chairman of the committe of law en-
R- - Sforcement; G. S. Lackland, president
of the Labor college at Denver, Colo.;
~James C. Baker, director of the west-
Prof. U. B. Phillips of the history ern foundation at Urbana. Lloyd C.
department was elected as the repre- 1 Douglas of Akron, Ohio, and Alger-
sentative of the faculty of the Col- non R. Foster, secretary of the north-
l oern students Baptist church. The
loge of Literature, Science, and the titles of the lectures will be announe-
Arts on the Senate Council for a two ed late.


alowr Will 'You Go
Down To Urbana?
Bum, Bus, Or Train
As the time for the Illinois-Michi-
gan football game approaches many
means of transportation to and from
Urbana are being proposed by stu-
dents eager to see the battle between
the two conference champions. Prob-
ably the cheapest mode of transporta-
tion as yet to meet the favor of Michi-
gan football enthusiasts is the original
catch as catch can method, that is,
ride as far as an empty pocket-book
will allow, and let conscience be the
guide the remainder of ,the way.
There will be other students who
will probably feel themselves flushed
and for their benefit the railroads and
motor bus lines have devised means
by which they might be relieved of
their burden.
A round trip by way of the Michi-,
gan Central Railway can be had, due
to a special rate offered by that rail-
road at only $11.24 plus a charge of
$7.50 for a lower berth.1
Determined to Reduce Number ofr
Cases; November Trials Delayed r
One Week
Washington, r ct., 6.(By A.P.)-The
Supreme cou today began its regu- 1

Students Will Be Given Preference
Over Alumni That Parents
May Attend
Additional student tickets for the
Wisconsin game will be placed on
sale at 8 o'clock this morning at the
offices of the Athletic association in1
the Yost field house. The sale will
be continued Wednesday or until all
of the tickets on hand have been ap-
plied for by the students. Three
thousand tickets will be plac'd on

Paul Whiten
chestra will m

Famed Leader To ghA f
Appear Tonight!HIIll U V iiid

sale. Ann Aor at
Harry Tillotson, business manager auditorium. T
of the Athletic association, explained trely differen
the surplus tickets by stating that las spring
"student demand for Wisconsin tick- George Gerst
ets this year was far under the de- B
mand of previous years." Evidently
many students being unable to get
seats for both their father or mother
decidedvto apply but one ticket for-
Each student will be allowed to a
ply for two more ticketswhenoat 0
offices of the Athleticassociation
open this morning. Thus, a total of,

l Whiteman
map and his ramous or-
nake their appearance in
8 o'clock tonight in Hill
The program will be en-
t from that given here
with the exception of
hwin's "Rhapsody in


Varied Selections, Including Numbers
By Young American Composer
To Be Offered
Paul Whiteman and his famous or-
chestra will make their second ap-
pearance at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
auditorium when they will present
an entirely new program with the ex-
ception of George Gershwin's "Rhap-
sody in Blue," which is being repeat-
ed by request.
The program is unusually interest-
ing, for beside the popular music Mr.
Whiteman is, to introduce a new comn-
poser, a young American, Eastwood
Lane, who is responsible for several
numbers on the program. "Persim-
mon Pucker," is the first, and is in
a brisk dance rhythm, somewhat in
the manner of recent musical novel-
ties quite popular today. "The
Minuet," the second piece, was com-
posed to the memory of Betty Schuy-
ler, a famous belle of New York, who
was the wife of Alexander Hamilton.
It Is very quaint in its courtly state-
liness and has the charm of the old
dances which are so in contrast with
the dance music of 1924.
The third piece by Lane is "Sea
Burial," which the composer de-
scribes as a marine tone painting.
Its opening measures voice a desolate
grief poignant in its intensity. The
ship sways, lunging toward a west-
ern, sky whose vieled sun has already
set. A little crew offer a short prayer
as the elements, triumphantly claim
another soul that challenged fate by
going to sea.
Another interesting feature of the
program wil be a number of pieces
demnonstrating what remarkable
charm, can,,e the result of adapting
standard selections to dance rhythm.

year term, at a meeting of the faculty The services are being regulated lar fall term determined to make 4 Wisconsin tickets may be pur- Clardy, Deminck, Sibley, WilUphold
chased by a student. The two ad- Principle Of Prohibitiont
held yesterday afternoon. Professor by a committee headed by Maurice every possible effort to reduce the ditional tickets may be purchased ad- For Michigan
Phillips succeeds Prof. Ralph H. Cur- P. Rhodes, '25L. the other commit- number of cases upon its rapidly jacent to the original purchase of two1
tiss of the Astronomy department cteemen are: Egbert Isbell, '26L, Bill
The faculty of the Literary college, Roesser, '25, John Garlinghouse, '25, sgrowng docket. I
which has two members in the Senate Lucian Lane, '25, Alfred B. Connable, With that object in mind the court tickets may be secured in the cheer- I
Council, elects one professor each '25, Paul Einstein, '25, John Gibson, abandoned its time honored custom i section.eSuch ma arrangement
Igives the senior, junior, or sopho- Tickets for the Oxford-Michigan in-
year to serve for a two year tern. '25, and Charlotte Blagdon,'25. I of adjourning early to call upon the more male student a chance to get a ternational debate which will be held
Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the Latin For the purpose of bringing the president and pay its respects, post- seat in the center of the south stand. at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hills
department is the other member. students closer together the Univer- poning the visit to the White House The cheering section, composed en-
Prof. Campbell Bonner of the , sity services were started several Ipnn h heigscin oaoe n auditorium will be placed on" salea
Greek department, and Prof. H-1. H. years ago by the Students' Christian until late in the day. Headed by tir ly of men students, will be on from 1:30 to 5:30 o'clock tomorrow a
Bartlett of the botany department association here. Because of the in- Chief Justice Taft and escorted by At- hDue to a misconception in regard to afternoon at the box office of Hill g
were elected to serve for one year teres) taken in the meetings they torney General Stone and Solctor the cheering section, many students auditorium. There will be no advance
as members of the library committee. have become established at Michigan. General Beck the court was recevied who would otherwise have applied sale today, due to the Whiteman con-
The faculty elected Prof. Jesse S. Everyone is invited to attend the ser- in the blue room by President Coo- fod cheerlng section seats failed to do cert.
Reeves of the political'- science de- vie s. . - o; cwbs had -a 8iesitf wordaf. odo
.... e The English team, which is made ups
partment as a. member of the Dean's ing for each of the justices. to remedy the error on the new ap-' p A Th E s M ac, J. Ds Wodruf
Advisory committee. Prof James W. While no opinions were delivered plication blanksof M. J. Ma Donald, J. D. Woodruff,
Glover of the mathematics depart- Itoday the court was able to reduce Mr. Tillotson also stated that "the and M. C. Hollis, is expected to arrive'i
ment was elected for one year to take E the number of cases on the docket Athletic association considered the either tonight or tomorrow morning. !V
the place on the committee of Prof. by promptly granting a number of system employed this year to be They will be opposed by K. F. Clardya
Arthur E. Boak of the ancient his- I 6N IUIIDI 9ITiI I HILI motions and stipulations to dismiss {much fairer to the student than that {
tory department who is on a year's IIwhich had accumulated during the re- sd lt "TI s lt y 25L, G. Demmink, 27L, and B. B.
leave of absence on a University ex- --cess. Some of the cases thus disposed w u as yearuae enor, as ye' Sibley, '27L, all of whom are former
pedition. Organization of the Men's Educa- of presented issues which had been ister late was left n the old rhe varsity debaters and members of Delta
A resolution was placed expressing tional club was the business of a considered likely to cause protracted could not get any additional tickets Sigma Rho, national honorary public
the sympathy of the faculty of the lit- meeting held last night'in Room 302 litigation. coud evn e an ditin iet I speaking society. The subject for de-.t
erary college to Registrar Arthur G. of the Union. Prof. J. R. Schorling, Before beginning oral argument for n ebate, of which Oxford will take the
Hall because of his prolonged absence principal of the University high counsel in cases called for today the wn students to have mor i ve, is "Resolved, that this
on account' of illness. school, addressed the mn on the pol- court announced that all of the cases Icklts og tenso gam e house is opposed to the principle of
Several reports on proposed legis- icy of the club; Prof. S. A. Courtis which had been ,advanced at the last prohibition."''
lative measures for the literary col- spoke upon the "Project Method." session for hearing on Nevember 10, the easiest way out for the Athletic Malcolm Mac Donald, son of the
lege were received from the various The club elected Professor Schor- next, including some of the most im- association, said Tillotson, who at British Premier, was born in Lossie-v
faculty committees but no action was ing sponsor for the year and a com- portant controversies before the court, the time was busily engaged in i mouth, Scotland, in August, 1901. He
taken on these reports. mittee was appointed to cooporate with would be postponed one week and not signing a stack of refund slips to received his preliminary education at
-him in preparing a definite program. be heard before November 17. ; alumni whose applications were be- a co-educational institution, Bedalest
EOLast night's meeting is said to have It is the intention of the court to ing rejected. "Here is the easiest school in Hampshire. From this school1
been the most successful initial proceed with the call of the docket for way to dispose of those three thou- he received a scholarship in historyo
i meeting in the history of the organiza- 'the next three weeks, before taking a sand tickets," and Tillotson pointed to Oxford, where at Queen's colleges
tion, and an interesting year's work is brief recess for the preparation of l to the hundreds of applications then he studied history and economics. Ins
.b3lto be expected. opinoino. It is expected that on next being sent back to alumni with re- 1923 he contested the Bassetlaw divis-
lecionof ffierswil tae pac Monday the court will have ready for fund slips. "New applications for ion of Nottinghamnshire in the general
at the next regular meeting to be 1 announcement opinoins in some of the tickets mean a great deal of addition- election as the Labour candidate and.
Prof. Vernon If. Blackman, profes- Iheld at 7:45 o'clock on Monday Octo- 27 cases which it now has in hand al work for the Athletic association was beaten by 3,000 votes. He is stills
sor of plant physiology and pathology { her 13, in the Union. ! under advisement, the cases having but it is our belief that the students ! a prospective Labour candidate fora
at the Imperial College of Science been fully argued and presented at the should have as square a deal as pos- the same constituency.-
and Technology in London, will give { last term. sible under the existing circum- I. D. Woodruff, a native of Kent,c
his first of two Actures at 5 o'clock KinE o f lOMMERCE - stances, hence we placed the three was educated under the Benedictine
today in the Natural Science audi- I l oF IUIthousand tickets on student sale." monks at Downside in Bath. He served
torium. IHis subject will be "Some !under foreign offices and admirality
Physiological Aspects of Parasitism." IiUlflhIII ILUUin Holland in the latter part of the
He will give another lecture at the SES $U i U00 r[Dor0Nnworld war. He has won several prizes,
same hour and place tomorrow. It UR E nT N 11U IW I'iPUIN TEUnotably the Lothian. prize at New col-
will be upon "The Relation of Elec- Reports date last night received lege in 1921 and a first class ,prize in
trical Currents to the Growth of from the Chamber of Commerce indi- II TO TEIHl O I the Final History school in 1923. He is
Plants." cate that the drive carried on by that Prof. Eliel Saarinen, of Helsingfors, an ex-president of the Oxford Liberal
Professor Blackman has held his organization for funds to send Michi- 1Finland, one of the world's most fa- club.
present position since 1911. He has gan's 72 piece band to Illinois has mous architects, is planning to reside IDr. William F. Gerhardt, '17E, is M. C. Hollis was born in Asebridge,
been connected with Birkbech and gone over with undoubted success. in Ann Arbor for the coming winter taking charge of Prof. F. W. Paw- I somerset; England in 1902.. He was
East London colleges and with the Definite returns on the drive will not and will probably teach in the Uni- lowski's work in aeronautical engi- educated at Balliol college. Oxford,
University College in London. For a be known until tomorrow but that the versity for the last semester of this neering this semester. Dr. .Gerhardt entering there in 1921. While -at Oxford
number of years he was with the amount contributed will exceed $1400 year. Professor Saarinen last year was the first student to gradluate he was president of the Union in 1923.
Natural History division of the is certain. held the position on the faculty of the from the aeronautical depa'tment of He has written for one or two English,
Britishi Museum. Professor Black- According to reports from the pres- architectural college of visiting pro- the University, having completed his papers and has contributed to the
man has also written a number of dent of the Chamber the business men fessor. course in 1917 and receiving his mas- "Outlook" .
anhs also writen apar nr o dent whole-hearted in this movement, Professor Saarinen arrived in Ann ter's degree last June. For some Decision of the debate will be made
articles which have appeared in var- were whlehertdbnohismoemntsttierfteahs rauaiocr.nemfbete alotofhheauieceonth
ious scientific journals. The public is all classes wishing to contribute. One A time after his graduation, Dr. er- by the ballot of the audience on the
cordially invited to attend both of Pro- man in over-alls, unsolicited, asked to Marion L. Burton on the question of lardt was stationed at the United merits of the question and the debate.
fessor Blackman's lectures here. be allowed to do his bit. Further de- I again accepting a place on the faculty States government station at Day- Delegations from several surrounding
tails concerning drive will be known of the College of Architecture. He defi- ton, Ohio, where he was in charge cities are coming to hear the debate
tonmorrow nitely has decided to live in Ann Ar- of experimental work in the aeronau. which was made possible through the
_____,_';4,_W__I bor for the coming winter and in a I laboratories. effor of the Oratorical association.
Aofew days will move, with his family, President.Marion L. Burton will pre-
A ddress Editors!Alpha Nu Issues to the house in which he lived last side at the debate.
C ts ! "a1 H a nautical laboratories and following ,
Christian Science Monitor, aiid Dr. I ~ Forhis wiyea r ,iProfesssarie nteacesIolevofasnctuymgiar
Willis J. Abbott, '84, editor of the i } this winter, his classes will include the latest developments in the field Adelphi To Ty
Christian Science Monitor, and Dr. only graduate and special students. of aeronautics.
Marion L. Burton will be prinicipal Alpha Nu debating society will hold Eliel Saarinen is a native of Den-


these will be the Meditation
"Thais," Rimsky-Korsakoff's
to The Sun," and "By the
of Minnetonka." All these
give Whiteman's scoring
full play.
with it an elaborate set of
Whiteman's orchestra is to

scenery, lighting, etc., which r rr
to be unusually str - .- '-
from the ti-.t i
largo cryw - :
usual s r oa e
There are still some tickets left,
which will be on sale at the box of-
fice of Hill auditorium starting at 10
o'clock this morning. The price of
the tickets is $1.50 for the entire
lower floor and the first four rows
of the balcony, and the remaining
seats $1.00. There will be no reserved
seats and the doors will open prompt-
ly at 7:30
The committee announces in con-
nection with the seat sale that 125
standing-room tickets will be sold to
accomodate the audience which has
nearly exhausted the regular supply
of tickets.
Harry Hogan, secretary and mana-
ger of the Retail Merchant's associa-
tion of the Detroit Board of Com-
merce, will speak before the Chamber
of Commerce luncheon club at noon
today. Mr. Hogan has chosen as his
subject a topic which- has become of
vital interest to Ann Arbor's business
men, "What Can Be Done To Abate the
Growing Trade Menace of Itinerant
Vendors Transient Traders, and Non-
resident Dealers."
H. L. Spedding, local photographer,
who will act as chairman, says that
Mr. Hogan is a nman of wide experi-
ence and is well qualified to speak
upon this subject. He said, "his work
as head of the biggest department on
the Detroit Board of Commerce takes
tim into all the retail stores in the
city. Being a successful business man
himself- he is in great demand as a
speaker and his speeches are full of
sound advice that. no business man
can afford to miss.
Warthin Returns
From Dedication
Prof. Aldred S. Warthin of the


speakers at the annual session of the
University Press club of Michigan,'
a state-wide. organization of news-
papermen to be held here Nov. 20, 21,
and 22. In addition to these men, ef-
forts are being made to secure Frank
Vanderlip and Herbert B. Swope of
the New York World.
The nrogram of the meeting is be- ,

a special session for those desiring
to try out for the society, at 4:15
o'clock today in the Alpha Nu room
on the fourth floor of University
hall. At this time short speeches on,
any subject on which the tryout de-{
sires to speak will be given before
the membership committe.

mark and ihas done the majority ofn is
architecturalwork there, mainly in
Helsingfors, the capital of the coun-
try. It was he who designed the Hel-
singfors railroad station and the Na-
tional Museum building, beside many
of the prominent business architects1
for the Hague peace palace the Parlia-
ment building of Finland, won second
? ,.,,.., ,. 4 - fnn n /'man tr T i ia -

New Haven, Conn., Oct. 6.-Twelve
Yale freshmen, all residents of Con-
necticut, have i-eceived scholarships
this year. Eight of these have been
awarded free tuition for the full four=
year period.
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 6. - H. T.I
unker and T .C Mcloneo hrth fc*t.-

Members of the Adelphi Debating
society will hold their first meeting
under the newly adopted Oxford plan
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the new
Adelphi room in the new Literary
building. The subject chosen for de-
bate is: "Resolved That President
rnliv, c a lr h rnln A


The committee will make selections ;


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