SUNDAY OCTOB1ER 5,1924. THE MICHIGAN DAILYPAEF PACE YL 0 I li ,4it'°i ry ' 4s . No., ::. S i;, x G , . s, . ' , ;iii i2i . .:" i i: C i . a kc, $f'i?; }w . '". '8 V .' . 4 .. . . . . .: f a} ;i i a C c r _ " - ,. ": ti ... a I r ; r 1l '1 /r * a I i I, F'J" j 1 / I !jJ, a Oil f i --- - _ - _ ,. 4I ATRSVIE Jill~ f : f y ? f.y C. cry !T' P.1YJ ", ,} . : ' ; : ;;fir , 1 > . l .u 'r. ,:A'} 4 i .. n N ,..i _'. _ti t 5< M,- , ,. . ', . z i d4MDHIS PRESEN'r- I II 16 A'14 EXPE I-,EN 1 i V y . ; z. M2 1I1C" 14 F ii I The unparalled concert vh a hrle h musical world, as well as allImsic lvI ' Paul ha -by the way -Condutr. composer Originated the world's most famous dance orchestra, the orchestra by which all others are judged. Music critics all agree there is only one Paul Whiteman and orchestra in a class with W~hiteman's. This most singular dance orchestra received $25,000.00 for cago engagement of five nights. no other one Chi- England is dance crazy since Whiteman and his Orchestra spent six weeks in London. Millions of Victor Records by Whiteman arc played daily all over the You are invited to come in and hear .any of. the three hundred popular and. classical selections-each one a masterpiece-recorded exclusively on Victor records by Paul Whiteman. A few hundred- fortunate persons - will hear this magnificent concert. world. "EVER2YONE CAN ENJOY WHITEMAN'S VICTOR RECORDS 0N SALE ONLY AT I 116 SouthMantet 16f, nh n19IAt4t' I