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October 05, 1924 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-5-1924

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Women Discuss Vital Problems
During Lake Geneva Conference
Discussions on the relationships of itorium, the conference group met byI
men and women, on interracial and the waterside and sang negro spirit-
international problems, and on the uals taught to them by Frances Wil-
qunestion of the sorority system fol- liams, the colored secretary. "Steal
lowed by lectures by authorities in Away" taught by Miss Williams, was
their fields served to make the Y. W. the last song requested by the dele-
(". A. conference for college women gates on the parting night.
L ,3d in August of the past summer at Sunrise meetings led by Dr. Thom- f
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, different Ias$ Graham of Oberlin, on InspirationI
from uny other conference which had point were the inducements for earlyl
preceded it. risers to make the strenuous climbE
More than 15 such discussion to the top of the hill. Inspiration
groups of approximately 30 women point was also the location, of various
werecariedon verymoring~oftheprivate interviews. and solitary recre-
conference following the Bible study ation hours.
and worship hours. Every member A potnt ovstYre b
of the groups was urged to add to the A potnt ovstYre b
disusson nd t te ed o th da'sservatory of the University of Chi-
periodl, a summary of the chief prob- cy a fee ommeso h
lemswasorgaize. Tese robemsconference. An entire afternoon was
lemswasorgaize. Tese robemsspent .ex-amining th'e grounds, study-
formed. a basis forAuhrt thew lecture ae every, ii~g the pictures in the corridors, and
evening. uhrte o h aewthn h amt eecp
problem, the international problem, wthn h amt eecp
etc., gave information and arousedmoefo flrtolo.
f .,rther questions. TIhe end of the The hour following dinner was per-
evening meeting, however, dlid not see baps one of the most pleasant and
the close of the discussions for they restul. Sailboats could be engaged,
were continued in the tents even at the camp, and delegations tacked i
sometimes after the lights-out bell with the wind, singing all of the fa-
had rung. miir college songs to ti-e accompan-
Plans for the conference in regard jinvent of ,ukeleles and the occasional
to race prbolems included other bs oc ftebamn
methods of information than merely The 1924 Geneve, conference was
discussions and lectures. Foreign, marked by a greater attendance than
womten' shared the- tents with almost' ever before with 740 college women
ever y delegation and explained many listed on the records. The delegation
misunderstandings between the races.I from the University was limited to
After the evening meeting in the and- j 17 representatives.

Univers ty



tMichigan Students Y. rP7. C o.o A. To Stress eligion South Americcan Trip
Burn Midnight Oil Through Interstate Council'
Over Cross Words ' I(Continuedl from Page Tei) faclty (desire to strengthe'n the 1I'ien'-
Varied lc f .ii i(!' ar e ili1 1Cd dinlli l Iit,.1tiviicse;. IPlnan - Ito-l) Suth 1America. The rare artistic I Northlll:'nac thth:cllge.o
"Wha wod ofsixleters egis ;treasures of the Convent of San Fran-
wih y'ad nd wt' w'an s he(sCo were -' io shown toth visitors. While il Peru, tr o e ibso
x~. w. . :., L(01(1; t vti-,a - ~-, ~or'c nbhei1, at tvich Presidentma-TePaiooteMrqsofor-pry,(ihXsein n('nue
name of a four-footed inhabitant ofIjrW. cCTh:PlioffleaqusfTre-o
nou1nceient of Ianew Gibson, '55 ires- ' . Bn Ilnon will Speatk. i':ngle, who, in the 17th centurywas itipIt(Ile'uoLa1',
th lrd vrlds"Apretyident. I vt ye r a nunalber of Wolnenlve>c Uie wealthiest mani in South America, ! n aeTtcc rgoI)5 il
sane, serious-minded University stu- TeI and Lake Titicaca-. reh' ithofnme oi h P to tobestudy hemot.inerst
detak h usinand asks it .tico? will btu ciOl .(i : O(,.etrV i; a uihrh mp1'< Is I1,to frm 1 vwa was ialed a inlplaces visited. This man was the the relics of the old Inea; civiia atioll.
because he wants the information, the I,'t~r.ilnrrli ('ou;ci1,ek l, ( clWh, 1.:+lrsllii cOlznilS< on. Th f 1u i~ talx-collector of South .America and Lake Titicaca is the highest lake in
'The new form of greeting for stu- 1I , , alth 11'I5- , i, lr11llT.iI ;th0w colnision thi. \(a' ,o pro- ll hegoldl and silver was weighed the world. T.hoy were met by tho
dents has come to be, "Hey, what enur oil-a1 : 1 t 2 l. .eio1 r'Jde 'a('.le 11 Ox po tuniitv or nevwon i (there. As Peru has yielded moreI mayors of all t he towns igg5CI, and
lword begins with-?" It is one o.. oth 3mol of h' :L. , 1.:{{i- 7kt*e'(- .c~tjajnlo ith Otte n-th1an $200000,000 worth, the tax was wr netie nCU:',fl apt
tesymptoms o h e disease- ,,l I < . _,t:i +pSo tm flIIso ; 3 oe considerable. The palace has a mil-R of the 01(1 Incas country. They ro-
the cross word pzl fd I'Ia i,: °'o, ps l e.C 'mso 5to )woe
o:' l, c", 1;,ob=l,: '1,(3 risI in and wNil.M=et toge:ther, at first in a soil i on (dollars worth of carved wood- joined the rest of th(e palrty fathecr
Tha day of the radio fan and thfe Lu1thet'a-i chu l Lar. !Th: {,Wt of ,:ay onljy, a later, if desired,fo work on its walls, south.
mah jongg expert was yesterday. To- t11e coun(.il is to p~rioide{, ,n, '" u'oe fdsosigcmpsa-i The mecssage from President Bur-
lay we are solving cross word puz- chiange of idel's bm w'emm I h various' writ, ill order to (li{'OVer how relfct was read at a convocation of thel Editoll's ote: A cont inuation of.
zles. The University student has churches, and to form a c{iea1t l c,. ?(rship ma1bI1eveoe" (Iuniversity andI was received with itis account of the Soth Amei can,
greae acclim. Both sudentsaan
found a real use for that large vocab- link between t1,he ttlrch ' s and the .a' 1 i'ity. .l___ aclam.BohtuensntiwilpparinthFatre c
ulary of which he heard so much in! Y. ^ A 10W rojut is the offr of the ,ln of The Daily for Sunlda , (c-
freshiman rhetoric. He has learned t i , toer 12.
tosmahzDvtu h notnt ring the nmont iiof0,oter, sop ,-1{i 'inc tNNv('rry hall fnr ife 1_'e _________________________________
fellow w ho " gasps or wor s.'' c il p aSiS ll 4). Ii"ia( U1U1lt l ~ i (11 "or',1 >1 / 1 WTi C?11 w ho lVCive 1
Ilo ersh p. No drive for t; swill I < E jg iio hns,'and thave no el anc eIo
The black and white squares of theI be conduct ;d, (l22 all new tvmiioll Will ( -l I lw;ahir en inabry al ii1. it is D ite \ a tA s RIf A~lT
cross-word puzzles look like parts of be called on in or dot. tha(: tuveymay 'e. t;'d ,:int tI e ume o0 11thekitedn:hete Wa tUds IVItU AR OiiLPI9 0,vs3(, G#
a mutilated checker board to the un- underlsi and I h{'Ia '' rose o01f be , S 11(I- 'V'll il re C Ap op~lar i iai b FS of social IG(A ;. ii; TE AND aI(1'~-E
"hingofedbeuty." the pwl pnderis ont. .,_nd_____"_to(-bd__ Chiropodist Orthopedist
"tiniateutyto"tHe puzzle fandieir aets V ond (O ' - -tIl - -- ---'-----____________N. university Ave. Iho 2G s2
the problem of finding a five letter c--'- ______ __
word which is a synonym for friend- '-
ship with' a dogged perseverance that 311111 Il illj II1111IIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 f11Ii 1111111111111piI~
would astonish his professors. ! Ia a c a u
SPuzzle editors say the new fad isI
exelent for the inferiority complex.4
Ask some cross-word puzzle expert ( ,s
the meaning of "ectinoidian." E flh a O jfered!
:111t11i1N111111F11111![Nllllll[1IIEiI7?iDOPf IN T O D A Y
. THIS is .the first time
Awe have ever had an rC °.ylI -c r' +3 w
+ropportunity to Offer the f k
moos nationally advertisedp I
.r U O VA u ..~ Ch iMake it a Sunday practice. A-
r - O A, T d I ithio1 hi r gctd filed~h ULV great number of the fellows do .
in the popular fancy sc"iapes, c''*tcI c-e;f' ine >5l
asilutatdWfrony1WJLILO1AV 11 $t2750 and if ou come once for lunch
$27.50or dinner you'l1 come often.
CWe serve fresh vegetables andl We recommend BULOVA L IPA L~5
balanced meals. Rates by the - Watches because we know
week $7.00, or $6.00 without ho=h ryae e nw h e RNCN oe.BLV
~ rafs.they'll give years of depenxd- ., lii0 wh i fud illed
-225 South Thayer Tel 951-W able and faithful service. cu ILuLov 4ifovement $ 75
Lunceons Dinersan - Select your BULOVA WLATCH sow r,11ile our stock is still = 1iN' I ".
-Afternoon Teas = ate4Asmall depo T odyz~ ac ni 'n~4~ 15.±~ V i. 7.~
S Chi1andeirer &. Seyfried = Across from D. U. R. Depot
Jewelers .r
20~4 South Mlain St. We'v B nSevgteBt for Years
.*:E~ . ,''t .'~.W 'e enSrigteBs
l , , ' 1 ,i1 111 111~ l l1 i1i 11 11 It 11i1:1 1 11l11 1 11 11 11 1 11 1I 1 11 11 11~ 1
, -'I ________________

Newberry Open
As W-Omen's Club
Newberry hall should be. considered
the club house of all University wo-
men in the opinion of Mary Ross, sec-
retary of the University Y. W. C. A.
It is open throughout the day for the
use of any who may want to drop in
during their spare time. Davenports I
i for the weary ones, easy chairs,
l books, and magazines for the morel:
l active, and desks and tables for those
I who wish to study or pen "that letter
to Mother" have been provided. In,
addition, flowers and yellow cushions
add just the needed' note of cheerful,

., ... .,o-




U., - in, on


Lamps, Baskets, Trays
and 'Pottery
Beautiful Gifts and Room Decorations
Darling & Malleaux
224 South State Street
Formerly Situated at 7 Nickels Arcade

' , 5
J+1 '
jji '.


Alfred Cortot Sophie Braslau Maria Jeritza

Six All-Star Concerts .
.in Hill A uditorium



Are NowI

Do You Know That We

I 1

('ziy haler aand lee iatisoii


Serving Breakfast Daily (Except Sun-


day) from Seen Until Eight-Thirty;



October 23- ,J> > L-r A Soprano
Novembpr 3-r--""- E"an1d LEE PATTISON
Novrember 1 9-6115"E R1uAGE OF FIGARO"
4'Y'Tf ; 1U E, soprano, as "Countess Almaviva"
EE'Nt'' NA EALSCIfEA, soprano, as "Susanna~
CE LIA T hRULL, soprano, as "Cherubino"
A LF1,14oA !L~ IE 11 baritonie, as "Count Almaviva"
PA yE L ,I-DINARh, ba0ritone, as "Fig;aro"
iIt.IL BIt AINAR D, tenor, as "Baslijo"
IE:IIM-aA'N G1 IAV E, baritone, as "Dr. Bartolo"
Dener ~~r5-J '°,8. 5N ° :,d ,7,Violinist
jai1truary z-- a ~~ TPianist
Feb'ua-y i-~ ~ ALUContralto

(Mail Orders Will Be Filled in Advance in Order of Receipt)
$7.00-Patron's Tickets. (Holder has privilege of retaining same location for
May Festival.. Three center sections on both Main Floor and in First
Balcony, front to rear.
$6.00-Two side sections on both Main Floor and in First Balcony, front to rear.
$5.50-Sixteen rows in Second Balcony.
$5.00-Last seven rows in Second Balcony.
On Monday, October 6, at 8:30 o'clock in the morning all unsold seats will
be placed on public sale at the office of the University School of Music, Maynard
Street, at the above prices.
Secretary and Business Mgr.

232 Nickels Arcade-Upstairs
Student Owned and Operated

5 p



.. .. _L _ xR- a= . st: r

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