SUNDAY OCTOEUti 5, 1321. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THIRTEEN Plusic and Drama 0' An E nglish Hamlet [n A Russian Theater Reber Johnson And The Matinee Musical THEATRES Constantin Stanislavsky, co-director 'rs; in lri~?ht theatrical )cstumues of the Moscow Art Theatre Players, Ni hvn fathers in their caps, who' undoubtedly the most perfect organi- W>Wd uvely ad JlaStClly, with nation of actors in the world has pre- tto theimpudent sented his autobiography in a re- jatrwcm g. t reateifngfa nhar e ss markable book on the theatre, "My , hri aten nbelieae dis- Life In Ars,"um' n z: ith un,:believable dis- Life In Art," published by Little Brown and Company recently. i To begin to recount the adventures, tifl(Iray m e pituri'e. phe fre- misfortunes, and triumphs of this a re y im into a tae amazing personality is futile and out a turned by hin into a stage. of place for the moment but it is itae slay acsnth1. The (dtpest back- 'possible to reprint and excerpt fromj ane asX mThmg ir a the shape of his book concerning the famous pro- a aUit m The pl ay actors were duction of "Hamlet" in 1911 at his r I ths Ista aui t r dby the rrinendostrap that we have theatre under the direction cf Gordon on cur loscow stage. Two great col- Craig. It is a unique example of the ;uinus marked the proscenium of the fusion of two great artists, a master I stage within te stae In the black actor and master stage lirectur. auditorium on a high throne the King "Craig widened to a great extent,"ani Quen '-resided. On both sides Stanislavsky says, "the inner cantents long tlie walls sat several rows of! of Hamlet. To Craig, Hamlet was the cour1ers. They, as well as the King best of men, who passed like Christ and the Queen, were dressed in shin- across the earth and became the vic- ii, gold cstimes and cloaks, and tim of a cleansing sacrifice. Hamlet res"'mbed bronre statues. The court was not a neurasthetic and even less actors mounted the fVrestage in their a madman, but he had become differ- gaudy costumes, with their backs to By Xar~on Barlow. in a non technical manner. Which is3 Reber Johnson is coming to Ann all a great help to the audience. Arbor; he will follow in Paul White- I So much for the immediate and man's trail of splendor, as an after- specific future of the Matinee -Musicale. glow, or as a blessed relief, as you Beyond the eighth of October there will. Paul Whiteman himself will be will be, for one thing, a study courseF here October 7. October 8, at 3:30 in chamber music, illustrated and op- o'clock is the time set for Mr John- en to all members. Then, too, there son's appearance. The Michigan Un- . ion assembly hall is:the place, and the I will be occasional meetings along Matinee Musicale is the organization more practical and applied lines for which acts as his sponsor. active members only, that the mem- Reber Johnson will perform Wednes- bers may participate in as many in- day with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Maier, the strumental and vocal combinations couple, you remember, who have been,- . affixed to our school of Music during possible. Late in October, there wiu the absence of Mr. Lockwood. Un be a reception and Conversation, with doubtedly you will also remember Mr. a capital C, in Martha Cook building. y yaier's u name in connection with a Mrs. Edgar Stillman Kelly who car- conert sgiven hereanfewears inh ries after her name such titles as 'Na- by Maier and Pattison. Of course,!I tional Chairman of American niusic' even though you are new in Ann Ar- will tell "How composers composes," bor, this combination of names should and illustrate upon the piano. not leave a blank and aching void in Lest we forget, however, there is your mind, for the two of them have more that must be told about Reber traveled considerably over the coun- Johnson. He is assistant concert try, master of the New York Symphony Lois Maier-the aforesaid Mrs.I Orchestra and concert master with- Maier-has had all manner of honors out qualification of the Lit le Sym- heaped upon her. She Is a Phi Beta' phony, an organization which is con- Kappa, a graduate of Vassar college, ducter by George Barrere. and receives numerous compliments about her personality and her art IIIIItIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIJlI throughhthe press. At one time, she taught in the David Mannes school. If urged but gently she will speak of the pieces she is to play, briefly, and e .si As a man who inherits $7,000,000, lBses it in Wall St., and cleverly wins it all back again, Fiske O'Hara comes to the Whitney theatre tomorrow night in "The Big Mogul." The play deals with the love story of the hero and lis private secretary, who turns out t) be the daughter of the stock- Ircker who tries to beat him. Miss Pat Clary will play the leading role, and in the second act a concert will be introduced featuring Mr. O'Hara and Miss ;Patsy O'Brien of the Metropolitan Opera Company with Miss Catherine Downey at the piano. * * * "TheWhole Town's Talking" which opens at the Garrick theatre in De- troit today in a small town story of gossip over the back fence. It in volves* a rather humorous love plot, which is twisted and tangled until it is almost absured. The cast present- ing it includes Frank Lalor and Cat?'erine Owen. * * * For its third big week, "The Green- which Village Follies" is showing at the Schubert-Deroit theatre, and Alice Bradv is tfi( leading attraction on the Temple's bill. Sunday- I i i a i n ent from other people because he had Ihe Loolights and the audience, and for a moment looked beyond the walls their faces to the King and Queen, of life into the future world where adorsrmed the play. his father was suffering. He looked "Meanwhile hiding from the ing deep into earthly life in order to solve behind one of the colums on the the msteryand t~ meaing f1)-torestage, Hamlet andl Horatio watch- -the mystery and the meaning ofbe-- (ehe oneof te colmns o the ing; love and hate, the convention- n ao nte Super-O ch st ralities of court life, began to mean al- e the Kingo aptrebled nHamlet, e together different things to him, and We tiger, threw himself into the By Valentine Davies ! defining his music problems too difficult for a simple depth of the trap toward the King and Paul Whiteman is noted for three fact it is really n mortal which were placed before him i specialties; his corpulence, his moust- music nor Paul N mortl wich lacd beorehimhis courtiers. In the drakness there by his murdered father brought him was a confusion, a scandal; the King ache, and his music; of course his interpreting lesse to confusion and despair. These in- ran through a bright swath of light music has done the most to make him pcsitions. It is h human tortures made Hamletsome on the forestage, followed by Hamlet, famous, but the other two are factors orchestrations wh sort of superman in the eyes of thewho leaped after him a bloodthirsty which should by no means be neglect- pieces of interest1 simple mortals who lived the hundrum beast on the track of his prey." ed. Can you imagine an orchestral and which raise th life of the court among the little cares outft boasting two large cream and hated "Jaza" to t of life; a man unlike any-other, and Before such a magnificent vision red pianos, about four average size genuine "America therefore insane. filled with the kekttle drums, a life sized celeste also That there was a genuis can give to a fellow artist's ktl This widened interpretation of in cream and red, not to speak of was well proven b -Hamlet showed itself in the outward tion of John Barrymore's production, various hecklephones, and of course who took a definite side of the production also. The di- Fr the Elizabethan mustiness of I saxaphones in every key in the alpha- set it in a classici vine right, the power, and despotism io;e draw us tin of bet. Can you therefore imagine such result, his "Rhaps I-apden's draw to singularly minor1 of the King. the luxury of court life productions. It should be said again: an aggregation being put through its charming a comp were treated by Craig in a color of Godon s It of be gain: Whiteman? And what would a pic- angle as has been j god tht aproahednaivte.Gordon Craig is one of the greatest gold that approached naiveteinds the theatre ever has known; he ture of the originator of modern negie hall in a cr "For this he chose simple gilt paper only waits now for a desciple to x- American music be without the New York apers very much like that used to decorate ploit his ideals wih a practical com- mustache? praise. eChristmas trees, and pasted it on all pletess.One critic has said "Whiteman's Thus it seems a the screens used in the court scenes music is like nothing else on earth" had started someth of the play. The King and Queen Jfwhich is doubtless true, but obviously form of Music wh sat on a high throne in golden and 1EAl TIE iIC.iGA DAILY a too easy way of getting away from come may be rank brocaded costumes, among the golden *41ls of the throbn room, and from =f'''"'....!llliBltil-- their shoulders there spread down-I- ward a cloak of golden porphyry, wid- 1°At the Sign of -ening until it occupied tie entire = width of the stage and fell into the TAE GOLDEN OAKS INN trap. In this tremendous cloak there T were cut holes through which ap- peared a great number of courtiers = When Those Who Favor Us With Their Custom Shall Experience heads, looking up ard at the throne. _ Every.Courtesy and Attention The whole scene resembled a golden Private Dining Rooms. sea vith golden- w, es. iut this gold- en sea did not shine with bad thea- Breakfast - Lunch, 11 to 1:30 - Dinner, 5 to 8 trical effect, for Craig showed the PE sceiie by - dimmed lights, under the P slipping rays of projectors that made Corner of Forest and South University the gold glitter in places with terrible and threatening glow. It was a (-Phone 3361-W picture a royal greatness as Hamlet saw it in his torturing visions, in his _F111__________________l______________________i_________________l__il ___II __IIIN _ extreme solitude after the death of 325 South Mair his father.1 "Another unforgetable scene o Hamlet in Craig's production dsem " V bowlled the entire inner contents of the pictured moment. Imaginea long, endless corridor, beginning from S t r the first wing on the forestage and passing in a semi-circle to the last 209-211 East Washington Street wing on the backstage on the other side.The walls rose so high in the - airy that their tops could not be seen. This is a large, double store, well stocked with just the articles They were covered with gilt paper a student needs, Shirts, Hose, Underwear, Sweaters, Ties i and lighted by the inclining rays of ; proectrs. In ths nlong a nrow Aprons, Unionalls, Coveralls, Gloves, Fats, Caps, Bags and projectors. In this long and narrow cage the black and suffering figures Suit Cases._US of Hamlet, silent and solitary, paced in melancholy. From beyond theI All prices at a good saving. Try this Store. in corners he was watched by the gold- th en King ,and his courtiers. Along the very same corrider the golden King Phone 112. Free Delivery it passed with the golden Queen. "Here also enteren, noisily and -sra Rt I i i n 111111111l111111111111 1111111 111111 111 t f1U11111 Hillllllll11116 l triumphantly, the crowd of court ac- F 1 !(litllltlllll11111111111111111{I11ll!Ililllllilill i i1{ i1|I 1 i 111 11 {{tllllitil1 lllIlIII IIIIIIIIII IIHliH1itllI i1,tE_' w = Look Well to Your Choice of Picture Frames. This season we are better than ever prepared to frame those = - r Pictures for you. = cea Parchment Lamp Shades, Wire John Says: ams, Tube Oil Colors, Decorative Come and Try Enamels, Brushes, Artists' Supplies - Our Chicken Window Shades and Draperies Dinner-=i at the IAIFNJ7FUt'g g 9 ra c. As a matter of ot Paul Whiteman's Whiteman's way of er geniuses' com- his semi-symphonic ich make these to the music critic, em above the much he coming field of music". something in this y George Gershwin, ely "jazz" theme and rhapsody form. The ody in Blue," is as osition from every heard inside Car- ritic's age. All the were loud in its s though Whiteman Ning, perhaps a new ich in the ages to ed as classical. Of .i , , , C t course this may sound exaggerated, but did you ever read what Beethoven and Wagner's contemporaries thought of them? At any rate Whiteman has at least given the progressive part of the musical world something to think about which more than most of the modern composers have done. Musically speaking it appears that he has accomplished two things: he has set a pace which few of his com- petitors (for he seems to be in a class by himself, at present) have been able to keep up with, and secondly he has taken much that is cheap and un- harmonious out of the modern dance orchestra, setting a new standard for dance music, a -standard- that is much more truely musical than it has ever been before. Eveningw HOT SPECIALS Waffles, Salads, Sandwiches, etc., etc. Try our lunch this evening. lArbor F oun1 tain It On State Street ' I111 0i ll@Iti l ill[111I 11111111|11!!!!11 11 11 !!11 ! !!@!@011111 111 @!@@@@@@1!@@1111111 iII .---- H "... ..n----. -- a. - . ...- ".......s .. a ..... "---- IOQ When You Buy a Wardrobe Trunk be sure you get a good one, for it has to last several years and stand the knocking about of travel. We can sincerely rec- ommend to you our wardrobe trunk for real service, traveling comfort, and convenience. - --------------------- ---- --- ------_... ...... ___.. _... .._._ 1 F- W, WILKINSON n Street Phone 24 'Luggage for Michigan Men and Women"Ii ...... .........*.".~t..t".ft4..... ......0.....S. Lrbor Prefers Energine E The tremendous amount of Energine ed by the Swiss Garment Cleaning Co., dry cleaning shows beyond question at the people of Ann Arbor realize that is the superior dry cleaning agent. It aves no grease or odor on garments. 'brics thus cleaned are brighter-they ear longer without soil. a= Keep APicture Record of The big games Sometime Or other You'lli be Glad that You were One. of Those who Was right There with The camera I ns without Grease or Odor We Call for and Deliver CANEAAS CAMETRA SUPPLIES FIL1'lS s , a 209 for sale by I 11 11 I II 11 :,;;I