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October 05, 1924 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-5-1924

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Nick Atrock

e er ee

On Western Gridirons
Coach Smith, the Bruin's mentor, is
having his hands full this season, try-
ing to fill the positions left open by
the graduation of Capt. Don Nichols,
Beam, Dunn, Witter, and Perry. Add-
ed to the roll of the missing are the
names of Walter Rau, veteran guard,
who will be forced out of the early
season games with a knee injury, and
Bill Bruin, former halfback, who has
been declared ineligible by the aca
demic heads of the Coast school. Capt.
Babe Horell will hold down the pivot
position, and Dixon and Carlson are
expected to shine in the backfield at
half and quarter respectively. The
average weight of the backfield will
be about 173 lbs.
With all of his 1923 backfield to
work with but more or less in need of
good line material, Knute Rockne, tle
Irish Coach, is not willing to provoke
the will of the Gods by venturing to
prophesy on which end of the score
Notre Lame will emerge from her ma-
jor contests of the gridiron year,
namely those with the Army, Prince-
ton, Wisconsin, and Nebraska. He is
building up a good little team around
his four backfield mainstays and in-
tends to enter the lists with a team
averaging about 160 lbs.
Not a great deal of dope is flowing
from the Press concerning the pros-
pects or caliber of the team that will
this year represent Oregon on the
football field; due to the secretive pol-
icy adopted by Coach Joe Maddock,
former Michigan man. This is Mad-
dock's first year at Oregon and the
,critics are prophesying a team versed
in the "Hurry Up" Yost methods of

Here's The Outfit That Toppled New York Yankees From
American League Championship In Spectacular Struggle

gibility doesn't cut a big swath in the the public when he lived up to his
ranks of Michigans gridders there prep school record in the sophomore
will be at least a dozen members of year of college"and cane back the
the present Varsity squad ready to next year to make all-American. Kip-
get into the big game. ke's senior year at college s him
better football player than he di ever
Michigan's schedule for next year is been before. Critics are still trying to
bound to include games with Minne- decide why the redoubiable I larry
sota, Illinois, and Ohio State in addi- diidn't get into Camp's lineup las year.
tion to the Eastern game. With this -
card Coach Yost will probably not Spectators who are accustomed to
dare to book both Wisconsin and Iowa laugh at the antics of the rehnen
and it will be a choice between the down on the football field are fit sub-
two. The arrangement with the Navy jects for the old truism. A certain
also excludes any possibility of a captain of a Big Ten football team is
game with Chicago in the next two getting the last laugh on the crowds
years, although the Maroons are like- who lined the frehmen practice field
ly to be title contenders both seasons. tback in 1920 and laughed at the year-
lings. Franklin Gowdy, who heads
Red'Grange is one of those unlucky Chicago's team thi. year, played with
individuals who has a great reputation the Freshmen down on Ferry Field
to sustain on the gridiron. The Illi- back in 1920. lIe undoubtedly drew as
nois half is a great player, perhaps many horse laughs as his fellows. At
one of the greatest in the West, but he any rate he dropped practice after
is starting with a handicap. Harry two weeks of work and nobody missed
Kipke did the same thing and fooled him.

Few baseball teams have ever cap- the American League pennant. Even larberry, Miller, Ogden, Martina, Tate, 1iogrme. Front row (l. to r.):
ud c i em iZachary, Johnson, Goslin, Shirley, I Robinson (mascot), Schacht, McNee-
tured such universal enthusiasm as in New York fans wanted the Nats to Lefler and Taylor. Middle row (1. to ley, Altrock, Ruel and Martin (train-
was concentrated behind the Wash- win. This ,picture shows the whole r.): Russell, Bluege, Peckinpaugh Zahniser, Speece, Hargrave, Leibold,
ington Americans in their drive for outfit. Back row (left to right) : (capt.), Harris (mngr.), Judge, Rice, ier).


Altrock Usurpsj
Bambino's Title
Nick Altrock, without whom none!
of the American League nlanagers
could run their teams, according to
the gentleman himself, has won a new
He is the batting champion of the
junior circuit, with an average of
1.000. Nick has always been ready to
admit that he is probably the bestj
pitcher in the game, the world's best'
newspaper correspondent, and the in-
comparable strategist of the American
national pastime. But he has never
before disclosed his true ability at
swinging the bludgeon.
His rocord, as compiled recently,
shows him to have been at bat once,
with one run and one hit to his credit,
thus giving him a perfect average.
Pitcher Howard Ehmke will testify asI
to the punch that has made Altrockj
tthe "King of Swat" this year. The
champion's first and last hit was made
off the long Bostonite, which is in it-I
self something in the way of a ree-
ord. Another coincidence with re-
gard to the Washington director's tri-

umph lies in the fact that his first and Coach Works On
last hit was a three bagger, and that
hist1't ""lst'"natBadger Harriers,
hisge first and last run of the, year was a res
scored on an infield out. So it ap-
M-0dison, Wis., Oct. 4-With' one vet-
pears that Altrock has the Indian sign,.
on Ehmke, having found him easy meat eran Of the 1923 squad in school,
Coach Med Bure is attempting to
The demon fence-buster is at pres- build u) a cross country team for
TsWisconsin that can cope with the har-
ent receiving the nlaudits of his team- riers of the other Big Ten schools on
mates and friends around Washington the schedule. Captain George Piper,
cn his new title, but he takes his hon- is the only member of last year's var-
ors modestly, and present indications sity to report for practice this year.
are that he will wear his crown with I A squad of 25 men has.been at work
that same superb aplomb that has fea on the cross country course for the
tured his past conduct in the face of past two weeks. Most of the men re-
the innumerable titles he has cap- porting for the work were in good
tured. condition, but Coach Burke has so far
Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, and the rest confined the squad to three mile train-
of the American League sluggers who ing runs over the course.
were beaten out by the new title- In addition to Captain Piper,
holder, are in a nasty frame of mind, there are several on the squad who
claiming, that Altrock held out on have seen Big Ten competition.
them, and saved his energies for the These include Perry Bergstresserm
one last sensational spurt that car- Swingle, Petaja, Schwenger, Cohen,
rid him to the top in a blaze of Schilkie, Schafer, Schutt, and Eck-
glory. But Nick sniffs at this, declar- lund. They should be counted upon
ing, "I knew I'd do it all the time, as possible point winners with the ad-
and I warned Babe Ruth, too. How ditional training that will be given
does it seem to be batting champion them before the start of the present
of the League? Well you know , I'm season.
so used to holding titles "






"Gone are my plays" is the tune
that Coach Dawson of Nebraska is
humming at present, due mainly to the
loss of Noble and Llewellyn by the
diploma route and the recent depart-
ure from the ranks of the gridders of
Dewitz, on account of scholastic dif-
ficulties. These three men were com-.
monly regarded as the best backs in
the Valley Conference last year. In-
stead of giants, the Nebraska leader,
will have men of ordinary stature to
work with. In view of this, he has
done away with the juggernaut .run-,
ning offensive that characterized the
Cornhuskers' victory over Notre Dame
last year, and has substituted a for-I
ward passing attack.
Although the University of Washing-
ton has the nucleus for a great team
and probably will develop one, Coach
Bagshaw is losing a great deal of
s1eep, trying to think up some plan by
which he might resurrect the Ziel to
Hall passing combinp tion, and instill
it into q. pair of his backs or a back
and an end. Washington tackles Mon-
tana, Oregon Aggies, Oregon, Cali-
fornia, and Washington State in their
hardest schedule in years.
"Gloomy Gus" Henderson, who as a
rule looks gloomier over the loss of a
player than most men would look over
the loss of their own life, is smiling
this year and has even gone so far as
to admit, that the University of South-
ern California is represented this sea-
son by a real football team. The Bru-
ins and other Western Coast aggrega-
tions had better look to their laurels.
Facing two hard games in a row at
the very start of the season, Idaho,
Oct. 4, and Washington State, Oct. 11,
with the team practically riddled to
pieces by graduation, ineligibility, in-
juries, and various other causes, is the
situation Coach Dories has to -face.
There are plenty of capable reserves

r 'Ii4 m i


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back however and in Stockton, Dorias tilt ~ll i t1ii t11illtl tlilltliIlllllll tl llllllllllllliflilllllillllltmlltIt1
has a real ball toter.
Beginning St .5cPRICES$15
MISSOURT nightht .50co 0
Coaches ienry and Kipke are. .5 $
grooming the team for the game with Sunday, Oct. 4S.
Chicago, Oct. 4, with the fact in view
that a victory over the Maroon eleven G a Laughing of All Time!
will bring unbelievable prestige to the GraetL u hn Ply o A lTi !
Missouri gridders.-
Mssur__gridders._Popular Matinee W ednesday, Best Seats $1.00
Frisch M ay Take 1 INew-York (for Seven Months) Chicago_(forFour Months)
said: "A Rip-snorting, said: "We Shed Tears
New Series Title Hilarious Show." of Laughter."
New. eries i.lees _________
Frank Frisch, youthful infielder and A. H. Weeds' LatestSensation
captain of the Giants, has a chance to
set a world's record for hitting in
world's series.
To date no player has ever batted
.300 in four series. Frisch hammered =M-
various and assorted Yankee pitchers.,
fall settoes the teams staged.u s Tk0g
Should Frisch gather a .300 average By JOHN EMERSON and ANITA LOOS
this year he will not only set a record
fr aohievino this in four elassics but = Ifloston (for Four Months) I lPhiIndelnbiri (for 2 Months)

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