PAGr TEN THE. MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY OCTOBER 5, tinivers ity fDis cip line 14 t4 4 South American Trip i = Thillowing Ilicizigan Students5 Through A Summer 's South American Cruise The Shiclnt Cinil And fli einlinc The first party ever to be sent by The trip (down the Pacific coast to A~~ ~JL~AA~A~ ~an American educational ins~titutionl Peru, which took five days, was a ________-- to South America,, to study the poli- wonderful experience, for the equator Preliminary action on studlent dis-*1 cording as the two faculty heads and el cnmcadsca odtoswscosd twstefrttm ciplne csescomig beorethere, to foster the' growing feeling} of t hat any membler of the party had ever cpiecsscmnbeoethePUn- jthe council president sawlim rssdaidthywreal ntitd versity Discipline committee or the IIfreIiniiadc-oeiontat(s4hcosd S('[te wr ~ ntiaesadti" ede Sente ommtte o Stdet Afais II hTheudntturdrerntstd areoh rfits ireee tntIgit (on Mteoth iogests wtbewe thrn"ethee 'will be taken by the Student Council thes commit tees. ThrTe councilmen1 the rI'(!)blic s of the Soufi ian51d to d1 - tenderfeet" on board, into the shrine this year. The students will try theiri attend the meetings of each of th1r1iliv,1bojessge f o~ir'd~ iP eri ;of NepltuneiC All appeared, in bathing fellow students for mis-demeanors and although they are not entitled to bly President Burton to thme lresidefits i costaiiiic before Ding Neptune, where maknginesigtins n~ rconmn-a vote they have a voice in the discus- of I.atin l nieri an unaiversit iorad.A elgtnoftuns whic com befre te Unverity ro into all cases concerning discip-I sadlors andl ministers, who sent leti. 's was shown ~hrough the Standard Oil Committee on discipline or the Senate liine which under the present system of introdluct ion to accompa~rny thlose of Iplant by the officials and they were Committee on Student Affairs are firstI are now referred by the Dean of PeietBro drse oSa m ie elwloe forines-Stdens o ithr he nieriern universities and government -. Salaverry, Peru, was the next stop. reer-t tdn oni The delegation sailed oil June 11,Most; of tIb~se west coast ports have tigation and recommendation. 1 Committee on Discipline or tihe Sen- If heDen o sudntsorth con-j te omitee n tuentAfais. taking the Grace Linedmst earner Stis no srbors whatever. Large ships IfteDa fsuet rtecu-IatComteonSuntAfis Teresa, en route to Pnm.( -i'_ anchor three miles off shore and the cil itself feels doubtful as to the a!- 1 2. That the Advisory Committee concerning Somitii America n s1Z~ania are brought to shore in visability of the council's handling of the Student 'Council shall make a ; tioll and lpanguages were giv,- i S :1vsnmall hosts, operated by men called an especially delicate case a commit- confidential report'of its findings of on hoard by loessrs . ?err eial aect "f'teraos.'' Thmese fleteros are cheer- tee is called together, composed of theI facts and recommendations as to Garcia-1Pr ado, to fit the :sa~l:r t dIal co;tes; they promise faithfully Dean of students, Chairman of the punishment to the Dean of Students.'Ithlicir exlpe rices iii thbe Si it. Ii.(lin i, m thl i aice is two pesos for a ride, University Discipline Committee and for transmissioni to the proper facuil- gquainlt city of Panaa a s I h (ii eamb wa, hu roce on shore, they re- the President of the Student Council, ty committee, which shall have. au- ;stop. o lo -toren for less than five pes- which committee decides the disposi- thority to accept, reject or modify the TJ'I f city wv-as toured by a ni-dmm sin'! .ol-1 Ai--uments, threats, pleas, are tion of the case. recommendations. and in the even ing; a:i. an~lu t ",r :as i rall ill v< in. You either pay five pesos Organization or group inisbehav- . That while the Student -CouncnilIen at theo1hoitel \Vmhim;2O i:- (' ornz -nmiain on land. ioro are brought before the Senatfe asks the power to investigate "ail" i was at .ended by nmor"e hm tair {r: A ride in one of these boats is an Committee on Student Affairs. If' a cases which the Dean of Students people, most of them from ti-vb~ihasclde - ' i~nsea,:s are terribly fraternity is brought up for having a would -ordinarily refer to one of the1 Michigan songs, toaIsts amdi ale- ;-o'gii; u en ifty feet from the steam- house party without permission, tile two faculty committees, it is under-i Ann Arbor occupi1ed muost. of ce~ve:; or it is impossible to see it, the waves case would be handled by the Student stood that there may arise cases in ing. The (Canal w~as cerss;med t h- ii ar so hi. Cranes supporting council which would investigate tle' which it would be inexpedient for tihe day, and the stidz-ims ts 1've an upp hcanging baskets, fare stationed on matter thoroughly. If guilty, the c:offn- sutdient committee to function. When ltunlity to see this miast eri'-e r ' cleiff's, and the new arrival is placed cil would recommend the p~unishmenlt, in the opinion of the Dean of Stud- 'Amnerican engineering, whh-tli 1 1.;_t iIsket andl hoisted to shore, as it thought jlust and deserving to the ents, any such case arises, a con- lpressedl all South Aie;'a xit ' landing in the iboat is almost too faculty committee which would take mittee composed of the Dean 'of Stud- American constructive gnu.daingerious to be attempted. action on the recommendation as it ents, the Chairman of the Universityl Panama City, on the wve s ,, 'PyTaillo, the next stopping point, saw fit. Again in a very delicate Discipline Committee and the Presi-! of the canlal, one of the cido -. t;ci e was founded in the 16th century by case the investigation would be carrn- dent of the Student Council, each of in the Western Ilemisphere, t'm~u the Conquistador Pizarro. It possesses ed on directly by the faculty body ac- I the three having. gne vote, shall deC- ed an enjoyable stop. The ea Iut" S 0' _i tr I f3 ; I s; Very Modern Conveniences W\ith All .#I. i I t t l1 1 t t i l l 1 1 ~ l 1 1 l I I U I t ~ I t 1 i 1 1 ~ ~ l t l E ~ i ~ ~ t l l ltr Michigan L MUsi I Such songs as Varsity, The Yello' and Blue, The Victors, Songs of Cam- pus fife, College Days, and many others deserve a permanent place in 1. every student's library. Get them now 44d refer to them during the whole school year. Allmencling er Music Shop 4305 M-AYNARD Phone 1692; 11I1 III ill1! l lii i t1ItfiittjIlN 1:lhil1 iall!<0)I1. 3 i #llliIIlidN 6 B1tiliiaiIIDI, S M Y F r r gM F Id F w w r e N w N M .r w w y* iM r y Ik § Mp W M Kk r T e wF M a ' tv . + r .. w . w w .r w w Tiled Shower Bathj Electric Range W. H. Butler- Insurance First National Bank Bldg., 401-M After 5:30-442-j 4 , . ,. I _; i I i An Opportunity to Hear Such Prominent Public Men and Platform Artists Is Rarely Given. Ticket Distribution In The East (Continued from Page Nine) ily (wife, 'sister, brother, parents, children) : 2 tickets each for H-arvard game, 2 tickets each for Princeton game. Persons who applied under any other classification may not apply in this group. This group is for the accommodation of Yale men who per- sonally cannot attend the game, but desire tickets for the members of their immediate families. A 'block of 250 seats, the only ones not allotted to someone directly coni- nected with the uijversity, are reserv- ed for outsiders. This block includes eight tickets to the Mayor of New. Haven; eight to the New Haven Chief of Police; and two tickets each to City, State and other officials, as long as they last. In spite of the fact that alumni are receiving only two tickets apiece, officials of the Yale Alumni 'Weekly report no dissatisfaction from them as to the manner of distribution. In fact, they declare, alumni esteem it a privilege if they succeed in securing their two. termine definitelyl;Wetherr tecase throeftewrl'mstb'u- in question shall the refrred to ther, absrbled mnuch oof lthe in or?tf, of Student Advisork 'Committee.' the party. the seat of. an old university, 'situated 'in a valley that was the center of- the 01(1 Chimin civilization, one of the A Car Worthy of Its Name T' While fifty-per cent' of cars failed to pass the test, Rickenbackers passed& 100 To be servcd with the same' dishes day after day is enough to dis- courage anyone' appe- tite-that's why we try to vary our menu with a selection of appetiz- ing foods. C AFETERIA" ! I jI I 1 a is { i i. ', i 'I i I i I I i i i I 1 f I i If i i . i i Ll enator Borah Kennedy-Matthison Co..., ..... November 11 * ...Novem~ber 18 Edwin M. Whitney ". . ".......". December9 Uncle Henry (Gorge Creel) Vil ijalmur Stcffansson .. . ,.. . ... October 2 ..... January 15 .... ".- October 30 Flarrv E. Fosdick ...... . .. ..January Henry VanDyke 23 23 . . per cent. In other words, in th' 50 Rickenbacker. Wk. GLEEFULLY WELCO VED) the chance 1o prove in official tests-where all coul see-what a wonde~rfuli safety factor Jtickeimbacker 4-Whecel 'Brakes tire. AND AVE SAID "This will lie Rickenbacker Week," -is soon as we heard there was going to be an offiei6f test In Detroit TINE WAS EXTEND)ED to two wees-and that was all thie better for Jiickenbacker. IT 1"ROVED TO BE just one long series of demton- stratious with Rickenmbacker the star of the entire 'performance. IT PO VEf), FOR ONE THING, that 90 per cent of f raffle accidents .ire e ausc d by poor brakes. IT PROVED THAT 2-BRAKE CARS are never safe unless brakes are ini perfect adjustment. I I PRG VED) that if all cars were eqhuipped~( with to60llical 4-wheel brakes like the "1'fec- util'~ Brake s of QRickenbacker, our street) ivi end be safe. THLAT WAS THE BIG SVRP'RJSE of Ihe tests. You g ee, we had (lone jilst the opposite of iv h t otfhei dealers did. ThYASKED their owners to comie ill and have iluii -bralies carefuilly a duisl ed beforc t he i -tt. Mnimny offered to do it free. per cent that failed there was not one - ___ l'1 R?,i-'1 SED 'ao adju~ast any Rickenbaeker brakes, bat 4, ouor thousands of owners to enter the lest. ja t s, il eywere--mid41then tClthe offi- eiai4 how manny months it had been-how many Ihl'm111(15 (IIo miles they had driven-since their Wic-u baacker 1-wheel brakes were last ad- OFFIlCIALS 'WERE AWIZE11D whuen they saw brakes I limit, hind gn 10,040 miles-a year or more Iwithout a dhst ment or relining-make 100 per *'enat er' ef-i stops. 1' Ii A T 100 )PEI I CE NT wvasn't only w~hat the official test calledi fou-3e7 feet':at120)miles per hour. We llieLcrAenakt'r 'oli !wall 14 feet at 20 milecs per 11011oar 1(as)I;er (centitop01. LESS 'rill A CAR iJm,'N G"--,md yet so smoothly «a o .('a use a figrea tersurprise. MANY I)1dVERS TOOK THEIR HIAND)S OFF' the whleel -w~hen slopping suddenly-just to- show that these brakes (10 not affect steering in th'e TWO 11') hASWNS FOR lhLAt first they are all .-ternaal expm ad iilg-nuot exposed banids. Being eniclosedf, maeiier -waler- nor sand can get in. So 111e y 'I-mly evenly-alw1ays. DIIlx' EN'I'I A1 61 QE(WAL1IES--on both front and rcavr- end ' i adj u stmuents unnecessary. IN A 1V4W ') ti re, as their name implrses "Per- fc'-- ion rias- TICKET SALE October749144,21 Box Office, Hill .Au itorkir For For tickets purchased on October 7, at $3.50 grate, first preference of seats will be given. tickets purchased on October 14, at $3.00 rate, first preference of the remaini ft seats willI be given. The remaining tickets will be on sale on October 21 at $2.50 rate. 5I s U I