PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1924 - -111IIIM / 1 1 11I MMMIIAl m -i 111 1m - e a 111 :- - 11=11 1-: - Published every morning except Monday dinng the ITniversity year by the Board in a>nfltrOl of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial .Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titAd to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise .rcdited in this paper and the local news pub- lishe:d therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate ,f postage granted by Third Assistant Post- S..bscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, \nn \rhor Press Building, May- . r11, 41 and 176-M ; busi- 'I I AL STAFF T-;o ihies :)14 and 176-H[ ]V1,AAAGING EDITOR Pi LIP M. WAGNER J........ohn G. Garlinghousej 1 o,...........Robert G. Ramsay Night Editors W. Davis Joseph Kruger Tfhoinas P. Henry John Conrad INenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal S ot, Lditor.......... William H. Stoneman Snday Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield ; i:tor.............Vernea Moran .' rana.. Robert B. Henderson r ...William J. Waltthour A ants From information which could be gathered concerning the publication, it was of the truculent, chip-on-my- shoulder type, the kind which first in- sults everything and everybody, and then dares the wide world to criticize. Contained in it were attacks against President Seaton, of the little Metho- dist college, the faculty, the Christian religion, fraternities of the college, college spirit, and the usually accept- ed conventions of our civilization. In it there was a call broadcast to all "disciples of free love, Bohemians, budding anarchists, communists, nihil- ists, atheists, agnostics and pacifists" to rally to the Maelstrom's flag. President Seaton will, of course, come in for a lot of criticism for firing the editor. He will be assailed as having stifled free speech. Upton Sinclair will, perhaps, incorporate the incident into some future book as 4 proof of the manner in which the trusts are placing their heavy and gold-shodden foot on anything which savors of originality. But President .t iTOSTED ROLL IF IT ISN'T ON THING IT'S ANOTHER I' i i 'i 'C i . v 1. Line . I~d 1. Line 'P'1 en S. Ramsay j . ra. 1 Marie Reed James WI. Fernamberg Edmarie Schrauder 1 George F,. Fiske Frederick 11. ShillitoI Juseph 0. Gartner C. Arthur Stevens !an ning ouseworth Marory Sweet .uillhxl amnii Frederic Telmos "art Keil l-Hans Wickland l IDiebc ann herman J. Wise ] l1 SINESS STAFFk Telephone 960 INESS MANAGER A. D. ROESSER ..E. L. Dunne4 .............. . 3.Finn .H. A. Marks' ................H. M. Rockwell nts................... Byron Parker C btion ...................R. C. Winter! a' cation................John W. Conlin Seaton's action, we dare say, was prompted by nothing more than anger and disgust; no pressure, we are confident was applied by capitalistic interests., It seems, however, that the simpleT course would have ho to ignore tb!h thing entirelt Al re::: N1 inx'r there arise these liberated spirits in our various colleges and universities; they arise, publish their little maga- zines, sometimes offensive, sometimes merely amusing, and then pass into oblivion. If the editors of these little nmagazines are left alone they do one of two things: they allow their off- spring to die a natural death; or they graduate and leave them without an editor. In many cases, too, these magazines are a good influence. Not many years ago there was one here at Michigan. It caused a great hubbub; its editors made many enemies. Yet it was prob- ably the greatest intellectual stimulus which this university has had in years. People read it first to find out what next the editors had attacked; and irt searching through the editorial con- tents they couldn't help but stumble on ideas here and there which set them thinking. In the case of the "Maelstrom" per- haps the officials were justified in firing its editor. Certainly anyone who calls nihilists and pacifists to the same banner does not belong in an institution of higher learning. Per- haps his place is in Pontiac. 1. Sports The Griffs, led into the fray by the redoubtable Walter Johnson, lost to the Minions of McGraw by a four- three tally, although Washington was a favorite for the opening game. The redoubtable Walter himself was nick- ed for some fburteen safe, sane smacks by the New York stickmen. Most of the money that was made by the Capital fans was taken from the Weather Bureau, which was pass- ing around a lot of ten to one money that the game would be called on ac- count of rain. The University of Michigan defeat- ed Miami University in football, 55 to 0. Nobody won any money on the game. * , *, 2. Editorial The Chamber of Commerce of Ann Arbor has very kindly offered to send the Band to-Illinois. The Univer- sity as a whole must undoubtedly be grateful to the Chamber for its thoughtful actian, but is it not at the same time a rebuke to the student body that an outside organizationE must pay the band's expenses on this trip? Would not the Team feel moreG "pep," down at Urbana, if it knew that the money that sent the fighting' band down with the squad had come out of Student Pokcets? The Chamber of Commerce, after all, is an outside, organization, and as such, should not AND DRAMA THE YEAR AHEAD The complete assignment of dates, with all its complexities and conflictsf to the thousand and one campus or- ganizations striving for your patron- age has finally been arranged. Such a list, perhaps is good in its im- mensity if only to prove the unusual activity among these societies, to prove that there is at the outset an abundance of quantity. Its prime vir- tue, however, is to bring some order out of the hopeless chaos by keeping everybody from treading on all man- ner of toes. The schedule there in detail is as follows: BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all Colleges at GRAHAM'S, (at both ends of the diagonal walk) i e t M c a n i t OCTOBE R, 1924 S M T W T F S 1 ;? 3 4C 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 26 27 28 29 30 31 j Notice ' * We clean and reblock hats and caps' and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate having your hat done over in a clean and sanitary manner, free from odor and made to fit your head. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1799 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) OPEN TODA 9:3O to 1 4 Haked Good; Cold .. ;. Y to 9:30 Meats ned Goods - :il.a~.frw ftt~ lprcfan V. W. Arnold F. Ardussi A. A. BIrowning T. I. Iergman Philip Deitz nrman Freehling \i. Gray E. Joh~nson Assistants Louis W. Kramer W.L. llins K. F. Mast H1. L. Newmann J . Rya 9 . Rosenzweig F. K. Schoenfeld S. 1-. Sinclair be called upon to pay for such st student functions as this one. As long as they're. going to the Band to Illinois, though, might as well leave it there. * * * We recommend to our George S. Chappell's new Basket of Poses:" This is ont of it: patrons book, "A tle jacket rictly send they SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1924 NJight Editor-JOSEPH KRUGER BURTON FIRES A GUN For many years the University of' Michigan has been known throughout the nation as the training school for professors. Men of distinction have taught here for a period of years, ob- tained that early experience which was so essential to their success, and when they reached that stage of their development at which they were a credit to the institution an offer of more money from some eastern or far, western university has tempted them away. Such has been the condition. It rc- flects no discredit on the institution for in this time we have attracted many scholars of prominence from other universities and colleges. The fact remains, however, that in this time many men who in all probability would have remained in Ann Arbor; had there been sufficient financial remuneration have gone elsewhere. Only last year one of the outstanding figures in the field of English history was called to Yale. His acceptance may or may not have been a matter of a financial offer-nevertheless, Michigan lost a man who added to her' reputation as a center of learning. In view of this state of affairs, the; remarks of President Burton before the state convention of Kiwanians as he "fired the first gun in a cam- paign for the highest type of educa- tors that money can procure" are of deep import. If he is as successful as he has been in obtaining money for buildings the University of the future can have no rival as a center of culture and intelaectual refine- A NEIGHBORLY ACT The indorsement by President Coo- lidge of the plan to create Oct. 12 in- to a holiday to be observed in mem- ory of Columbus throughout North, South, and Central America was a step of diplomacy. The whole cam- paign and movement for Columbus Day is prompted by a more far-reach- ing purpose than the mere creation of another holiday or even the honoring of America's discoverer. The creation of such a day, to be celebrated alike throughout the Amer- icas, would institute the first special holiday which the United States has in common with her southern neighbors,I and with them alone. It would esta- blish one more bond of relationship between the nations concerned and would be a step in the direction of Pan-Americanism. There is no need for Columbus Day as a mere festive occasion. Honor lii> ,ild Co in do-, the great dis- coverer in other and perhaps even more impressive ways. Holidays are already so numerous as to create just dissatisfaction from many. But as a day whose primary result will be the creation of greater international WHAT A DISTINGUISHED CRITIC SAYS: Pv far the brightest book of rhymes I've ever recommended; A cocktail for these arid times, Of wit and wisdom blended. T've learned the volume through and through, And very often quote it, Which is the obvious thing to do, Considering I wrote it. GEORGE S. CHAPPELL. Another jolly rhyme in it is this: Two minds with but a single thought; How oft we meet that kind! Not traveling doubly down life's road, But staggering singly 'neath the load Of half a thought per mind. The book is beautifully illustrat- ed by Hogarth Jr. * * * A lot of people will say Gee Cowles was pretty hard up for stuff I guess. Look at all these here poems he quoted out of a book. PRET-TY easy way to make money if you ask Me. Certainly is. * * * Speaking of pretty, that reminds us of the Irish Rebellion. I mean of the show at the Maj. The Lady behind us thought the comedy was alternately funny and pritay. (Get that, dear linotyper, pritay.) As for the show itself ("When a Man's a Man,") it's every bit as good as what the advertisements called 'Harold Bell Wright's celebrated novel.' * * * First Semester October 7-Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra.1 October 15-The Comedy Club pro- duction of "A Matter of Husbands" by Ferenc Molnar, "The Man with the Bowler Hat" by A. A. Milne, and "Thef Woman Who Was Acquitted'" by Andre de Lorde.- October 21-Vilhajlmur Steffansson. October 22-The Player's Club prO- duction of "How He Lied to Her Husband" by Bernard Shaw, and "The Hero of Santa Maria" by Ben Hecht. October 23-Maria Jeritza. October 30-Louis Kaufman An- spacher. November 3-Guy Maier and Lee Pattison. November 5-The Play Production Classes present "Martha's Mourning" by Phoebe Hoffman, "For Distinguish- ed Service," and "Sweethearts" by W. S. Gilbert. November 6-Band Bounce. November 11-Carl Akley. November 12-The Player's Club Production of "A Night at an Inn," by Lord Dunsany. November 13-Sousa and his Band. November 18-Charles Rann Ken- nedy and Edith Wynne Mathison in "The Chastening." November 19-The William Wade Hinshaw production of Mozzart's "The Marriage of Figaro." November 20-The Comedy Club production of "The Admirlble Bash- ville" by Bernard Shaw. November 25-The University Glee Club and the American Association of University Women present the Mar- mein Dancers in their "Drama Dances." November 28-The Play Production Classes present "Shavings," by Mar- ion Short and Philip Phelps. December 3--Masques present "The Bonds of Interest" by Jacinto Bena- vente. December 5-Jascha Heifitz. December 8 to 13-Mimes present "Tickled To Death," the 19th annual Michigan Union Opera. December 9-Edwin M. Whitney in "In Walked Jimmy." December 15-The Detroit Sym- phony orchestra with Ossip Gabril- owitsch conducting., December 16-The Play Production Classes present "Arms and the Man" by Bernard Shaw. January 13-Comedy Club. January 14-The American Associa- tion of University Women present Thomas Wilfred and his color organ, the Clavilux. January 15-George Creel. January 19-The Kibalchich Rus- sian Symphony Choir. January 21-The Play Production Classes present "The Playboy of the Western World" by John Millington Synge. January 23-Harry Emerson Fos- dich; and. January 28-Alfred Cortot. i i eGrtesr Screen Aract1or of the Aoe - a CIT:'. C n !w~wy rideTea. 5~ 1 6 VF-a.s t fim; 1 tween Myynard and Thompson abkO.mSMV.aflfla aaU .ae .aa. ~ .itSmU.n.. - N ~ -.'..'--...'-'- - E St-rting Tomorrow --Admission- ilddles .25c f . lOc g 1A IV .F A de ' 1 U' is - .,,.. ,.. up -A Phones 165-3238 Shirts soft and white, Collars smAooth and s h h siery iron- ed to fit. Only White a gives you ghat. Su- peri'or equipment k ment. Criticisms have been rampant dur- le past five years concerning administrative policies.'It has been felt that there has been too much at- tention paid to buildings, too little to our intellectual betterment.Whether1 or not this was just comment, it will be entirely silenced now if President Burton is successful in his att Mpt1 to make possible an adequate teach-; ing staff. The increased budget, if obtained, should bring about two things: an increase in the size and quality of the staff and a considerably larger salary4 for the numerous deserving members of the present faculty. In the move- ment to better the type of educators' at Michigan, those men who have giv- en years of service to the institution under adverse conditions must not be forgotten. There are now profes- 4 i , i i 1 neighborliness the idea of this new DOUBLE CROSSWORD ENIGMA holiday is justified. The future trade My first is in snowshoe, but not in interests of the United States, it is rhinoceros; maintained by many, center in South My second in raincoat but not in gal- America. Today Europe is the chosen oshes; market of many of the Latin countries My third is in sparrow but not in hum- and the United States purchases pro- ming bird; ducts from across the Atlantic which My fourth is in Limburger but not in had their original source in South Ann Arbor. America. Commercial and financial in- My whole is a famous general who terests in this country are pleading fought in the Battle of Bunker Hill. for more friendly diplomatic rela- (The answer will be published in tio"N with our logical trade-allies. the September Puzzle Box.) Holidays which today have lost * * * their significance or importance may While we were at the game yester- be done away with, if need be, but day afternoon we arrived at the an- the idea of creating a Columbus Day swer to a problem that has long as an institution of internationalism ' troubled us: What is it that's so wet should be fostered. about a cheerleader? Probably most of you don't care Politicians today are waxing elo- what's so wet about a cheerleader. quent in denunciation of the League (Cries of Yes, we do care! Yes, we do of Nations, our prohibition laws and care! We care a lot!) Well, probably the like because they "have 7o teeth." Uncle Elmer will tell you if you're all Maybe that explains the tendency for' good children and eat your mashed fewer enrollments in the dental school potatoes. (Just watch us eat our this year. mashed potatoes, Uncle Elmer! Watch __me eat mine, Uncle Elmer! Mine are The bath tub which featured in thea , Uncle Elmer!) Wall N.1r1 s A ra ra C"P.1 . i I f >? ii mkes X~o rk g uaranteed. it possible. THE PASSING SHOW By B. C. H. You may be a gay Lothario And I may be just a bore, But we all belong to the passing show Of Ninteen Twenty Four, And the odds are even that soon or late We'll meet with the self-same woes i lC r I That happen to angel or reprobate, For that's the way it goes. So you needln't moan when things flat, And I shan't swell with pride If n f usn seems' worth looking . go I I I