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October 05, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-5-1924

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i ____

H EALTH F A~l CELaundry Parcels ina few years °to exceed $100,000 an-KE TH C M I EE T
H"191T~il SIR ICE (. Give Uncle Sam Uniivers ity towns all over the o H9L * C MITET
YR ' ri 1 00000 Business try are eniters of this laundry case
1111M 0 tr..dc with Uncle: Sam. Evidently MET EE TO RFIN
EAR0 1VIINnd LI case inAnn Arboir have students' find itihiganstat join coto pttye o
-- !buil $10,000per ear ost ffic, Isome' twelve or fifteen cents for Mihgnsaejntcm teeo
Few Cases of rTubeclo1sis r onacrigt iue ie y h tnp ate hnt pn oeIpbi elheuain wl lc
Manty IDefective Eyes '111(1 United State "Postal Guide." Hunt- for laundry work done*C in townl. Post hr nOt tteMcia n
Fair 'feeth ,dredls of letters, of course, go through eoftion.5TheVjoiniscmmitteeeis everywhere
_____the substation in Nickel's Arcade j to be quick and in. all ways satisfac- Ioi. meThersnt omfte es ityofed
(,ofry vey, but treyofouldebUniversityryf
MANY DEFyEutCheycoudObecard-try.Michigan, nainely: President Marion
MA Y EFCT F UN for by corner post boxeA; i dozens Fig~ures as to the carrying of this L. B3urton, Dean Hugh Cabot of the
of paper-wrapped packeages are: type of package ,;how that ini someI Medical school, Prof. Willilamn1). lien-
Nearly 1,000 new students were ex- sent out from the campus branch, places more than 165,00(0 go through dlerson of the Ext ensioni division, P'rof.
zrnlined b~y the staff of the University mlost of which could quite easily be a single office in a year. As mlaniy I. Carl Huher of the Medical school,1
1health Service during registration asI taken dlowntown. But the hundreds as 1200O cases have been known to a ,no, Prof. John Snudwall of the tub-
cordingiste ototeDr. cholmory f WundySink,-ealactingngfro leve to rbo inonedayIseenunedealh wouldiee bearmen;ffrd-g trucksoryW.aiegkepin,; busytoseeverynd, school ifffiveck amemberssy veofscoohe fvetaters fMtedicteMldca o-o
director of the service. The follow-' cult: to handle both for students and year delivering theh boxes. Some comi }eciety; and one representative each
ing data concerning 2,719 of those ex- for CIUIployees through the regular from offices in Texas, others leave I from thle State Dental society, the
amined was given out yesterday in an l)ost office, and so the substation was1 weekly for caste n and western Detroit College of Medicine, the M4icli-
interview with Dr'. Sink.j established. Its Muslness has grown I states.I igan Departmhent of Health, the Nhichs!
Although the time was not suffic- I-
ient in all cases for the most careful_______________
(iagnosis of obscure conditions,
health Service officials considered
the examinations well worth while
for the following reasons: first, miany
gross defects were exposed; second,
in many cases early stages of (is-
ease were (detected; third, the stu- STR I UNDA
dents received advice relative to t h
their physical condition; and fourth,
students were introduced to the fact'
that periodic physical examninations
are essential in determining the gen-$
eral status of hiealth.
Over 500 or 19 per cent of the
2,719 cases which were tabulated O AUQT .I "F A RE IME LVT
wore glasses. Of this number, 97 or
128 per cent are still suffering froml
defective vision and should have their
eys i retestedl. W
Denthl conditions were reported to s
lie satisfactory. Trhe usual high peir- I[
ctentage of devitalized teeth and un-'
cared for spaces after extraction
were discovered., CI I R.s
Examination of the heart and lungs, c a are u n m n t e
ta.il, disclosed the proesonce of a largeI
numberz of accidental mlurniuj'rs whlich
are of little significance.:?i;: ' .aii>>;?:"
sieo acieVery few cases suggetv of active:"":>:.':::..":, : Y;::..""::"_:2
tn er slis were found by the doc- . <::,:%'::>::%%>' :::::?: ". :.;',::
tors" who are taking step)s to X-ray
such 4 casesandgive them fitl ei' ":.,:,":.. .
cn;CICl 'hiJU 1at.l On(e case of sites in-
l':.'1us 1i eceruin in which t,!e initer- :'"'~
1Intl o'trs are directly oppoit e lt? in :: " " .:;",,. . "' " ,:;;
position from those in a. normial in-
dividu'.l, wazs discovered. ::..?:.\

rdart St ate, Nurses' association, thel
sAl i~iganit 'ulereiulosis a ssociation
;n d t'h(-2 iichi, ,an MSate Conference of
Ncil ork.
The prIinlcipl fun~ictioni of the corn-
a: itt cca ;I to present to t he publlic thej
fliiusaiueiital Ifacts blout scientificj
mewdicine and1 to educeate the people
along lines of good hiealth. This isj
dane by supplying lectures, which areI
furi i h~l ' I,-iiaeiihc ;of each society,
to all ('(nnii~ies which ask for
Clw.lore than 200 lectures were
--iv -n inii the state last year by the
lis of ~kr.These lectures may
be obl ruled by writin g to the Exten- t
lion(di vision f (I hicliP:'ofC.}sor lHen-
diQ': on is at, the head.
'1e'i neett ? ng here this week was
c1 d Sci crthe purpose of (discussing
,;"iCa coining year.
I':h el \''erkz? -Daily Cl a:;sI i eds.

Read The Daily "Classifed" Column

A Time Saver- i' Study Hours
Those questions about words, people, places, that arise so fre-
quently in your reading, writing,. study, and speech, are answered
instantly in the store of ready inforrnatioix in
The Wiest Al 4 bridged PIicionary--iused Upon
Hundreds of new words like dactylogram, clectrobus, flechete;
names such as Ca~lld, H-oover, Smuts; new Gazetteer entries
such as. Latvia,. Vimy, Monte Adame~o. Over 106,000
words; 1700 illustra~ions; 1256 pages; printed on Bible
See It a0. Your College Bookstore or Write
for Thaformration to the Publshers. Free
i eapecsmen, pages if you mention this paper.
-Ii~ G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass.



lrjpjpwl- ' J





Michigpn State Tuberculosis society
z3 ill convene here on Oct. 23 and 24
at the Michigan Union. Tfhe society,I
c- which Theodore J. Werle is dxecu-;
tine seectary, is a voluintary health
organization engaged in fighting tub-
erculosis. It is sup~portcd entirely by
tlhe -ale of Christ mas seal :stajzps.
TIhe primary aim of the society is to
liave trained tuber'culosis workers ini
every county of the state. At present
there are several counties, including;i
Washt naw cmunty tat have the'se Ci
pert workcers.
Cc-jointly meeting with this organ-
izastion is the Michigan Trudeau socl-j
ety. This society is named after Dr.
Trudeau who was the first mnan to
have sanatoriumi treatment for tul)Cr-
(:,ilcsis' The society is~ comipo wed of
mecdical men who are inten.sely irn-
('cUretcdl in the li ght against tuberen-
Madison, Wis., Oct. 4.--A (deci(Ied
slunhl) is expctied by l~rofc:;or.Y In
a1b;01V h)5ICC fon 8 o'Clo('l( 'ar ,u
otten excused on the grounds of Imiii-
or (disabilities. T1hle new health clinic
is a mile from the campus.
(WIurnbus, (Oct. 4.-A,"ight. Ohio Stat!,
vyliv("l-ity faltfy members haft, left
the tcehing staff this fall.
Prof. J. S. Reeves, of the political I
,science dIepartment, will address the
memblers of the I lindoostan club at 31
o'clock this afternoon in the audi-
tocriumi at ILane hall. Tihe spes I. er;
has not announced his subject which
will prob~ably be sonic toiic of inter-
national importance. The public is
invited to attend. ___
IA prcot SpecialI
~Apricot Ice
Our Week End Treat for
_You. A very pleasing tuna-
bination of flavors.

Seen a
Like This,
Fromn wallflower to wildflower',
frocm thje heights: to the depths, from
thec sweet flower of a great love to
the bitter remnants-Pola runs thec
Nwhole range of-life in this sensation-
fllcd drama.

1: 3.0-3 : 00 -4,: 30;
7: 00-3::3.0
M44. oor.....5C
Chlren .....lQc

N a and MAny Other. Noables.

Ad ded
A Cameo Comedy
Now Aesop Fable ;Cartoon

/' rC I .
j t
, G^
21. *T M1


Jaewk Wv.%t


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