TWO --i THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEM1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the BuMlein is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy reccived 'by the Assistant to'the President until 3:30 p. m. (]1:10 a. mi. Saturday) louni'e 5 TVIISDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 Number 1 To The Deanis: There will be a conference of thle Deans on Wednesday, September 24, in the President's office at ten o'clock. I. L. Burton The President of the U7n iversity and Mrs. Burton invite the members of the Board of Rtegents , Faculties, and staff and their wives to meet the newly appointed Profess6ors Wednesday evening, September 24, from eight to eleven o'clock, at their Dcire, 815 South University Avenue. No cards will be sent. University Lecture:.- Dr. E. C. 0. Baly, Senior Professor of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, England, will deliver his lecture entitled "Photosynthesis* of Naturally Occurring Comipounds" on Wtednesday, September 24 at 4:15 p. in., in the Chemical'-Amphili eoatre. P'rofessor ]aly's recent researches are regarded as epoch-making an id his talk will be of general interest. The meeting will be under the joint auspices of the U~niversity and the local section Qf the ,American Chemical Society. F. E. Robbins. To All Ifembers Of The Faculty Acid Staff: During the Summer Session'the Jiily 1924 issue of the telephone, directory was distributed to all University Offices insofar as possible. Anyone Who has not received a copy of the above issue mray, have one; de- livered 'by notifying the Secretary's Office. Shirley W. Smith. Automobile P'rking: The parking of automnobiles upon {he campus is of necessity restricted to members of the Faculty, University officials, and employees. Only such cars as carry parking tags attached to the license plates will be allowed to .park upon the campus. Tags may be secured at the Office of the Secretary of the University. By order of the Regents. Shirley W. Smith, Secretairy. (Continued on Page Eight) Read rrieLDally "Classified" Columns Discuss Y. W. Plans; Activities of the Y. W. C. A. were formally opened by a meeting of the cabinet members and the delegates of the Lake Geneva conference Sun- day morning at Newberry. hall. The meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the plans of the coming year. MORTAR BOARD TO HOLD FIRST MEETING' Mortarboard 'honorary society will hold its' first meeting at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday, October 1, at the Apha Phi ' house. Plans for the coming yearf will 'be discussed and decided upon at this meeting. The first work which the society will undertake will be a sale of gloves for the Women's League. Announce Engagement Announcement has been made of the engagement of Louise M. Roberts, '26, to, dames R. Gilpin, '25E, of Roch- ester, New York. ,Miss -.Roberts is a member of Pi Beta Pi sorority, and Gilpin is a. member of Theta Chi fra- ternity. To give service in keeping vith traditional quality-- Nat ?JrPatterson £& Company Announce the reopening of their. branch office with enlarged quarters at A 539 Fores t, Corner of South University 'Telephone 3441-W -HAVE YOU -SUBSCRIBED YETI ... k+ S1 AL a% ® I ^:: L. 202:30---7:00-0:30 POLICY MAT'. 25C; 'EVE. 35c-5c.j 5HEAFFEE( ~3 N ~r ' Frm nthe SATURDAY EVENING POST4 Story by ARITHUR STINGER. Ten Tlimes §UttrThan Tlh etSwanson P'icture You Have Ever Seen-- GLORM (in " ,anhafidled'. AA-AA- ; t o T SE d e p e n dbe actio n of the Sheaffer pen has made it the favors ite of the American student. 'a . , .1 .o 4 uat1 ( %ON opw%.GN t I \ \ In' His ''Fiirst Role as a full om emotional fireworks and furious fun I YOU'LL SEE Gloria clowning and doing a screeching imitation of, Charlie Chaplin; struggling in a subway jam, her every m ove a howl; posing as a Russian countess, gaepingly gowned and screamingly funny. Sensational? Boy! SUPPORTING 'CART INCLUDES Tom Moore, :Ian Keith, Arthur Housman, Lilyan Tashman and the Ziegfield Stars-Ann Pennington The Lifetime Pen will hold enough ink to take your class room notes for a week. I. vest :$8.75 and you }will not need another pen for life because the Lifetime Pen is unconditionally guar. anteed forever. The 46 Special Pen at $5.00 is the neverfail- ing writing companion that will bring you greater writing satisfac. dion and better grades, Iuac Also Appears in the List of Internationmal Nevs Events-Orchestra j Claracters COM- SUN- DAY SEPTrM- - BER 28 The Crowning Achievement of the Cinema Art ING~ S1TN- Our President Said This Picture Makes Us Proud to -be Americans Th, USE L. WKY oaEsENTS 4% JAMES CRUZE PRoauctio" ;ov lj r WAG 11 2s the Student's special is, the. best ven at. the POPULAR PRICES ;A N " - - FOUR DA] Z e. 7)V7 rnfrnl f NM' . _..