THE WEATHER CONTINUJED)UNSETTLEDI TODAY L Ste i4au Ar a t I Section One Of. XXXV. No. 12 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1924 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS WLL DISPOSE OF 39000 TICKETS FOR WISCONSIN GAME Foreign Schools Disrupted; Student Can't Get Transfer I ow the school systems in Europe, which Eugene attended has felt the particularly in the southeastern and effect of the war. For six years it B alkan sections, are hopelessly disor- has been closed. Friday, Eugene presented to Prof. Emil Lorch of the ganized as a result of the war is architectural college a letter in Turk-I shown by an incident which happen- ish. It was necessary to hire a trans- (ed in the office of the architectural lator to copy the letter into English. college Friday afternoon. It con- From this letter, Eugene was notifiedl cerned the credits of a graduate of that the school which he attended1 one of the secondary schools in Con- had been closed. It is now impossible stantinople, Turkey, who is now a for him to get a record of the work special student in the architectural he did there, the architectural college college. of the University must have a record Schools in Turkey have been closed of his work done before he came here.f _ APPOINTMENTS OF UNIONCHAIRMEN GRAVES, NEWTON, DIENER, AND 1USK E WILL HEAD VARIOUS ADEPARTM ENTS ADD 1IWO OFFICES MICHIGAN AVIATOR FALLS TO DEATH' AT WRIGHT FIELD1 CAPT. SKEEL, SELFRIDGE FIELDI MlT. CLEMENS, FLYER DROPS 500 FEET 4,000 VIEW RXACES ! Jaros, '27, Wins $100 Prize in Glider Contest; Creates World's War field Gets Absence Leave; Hint Friction WOLVERINES RIDE RUGSH SHOD OVER jMIAMI; SCORE55-0 TWO ADDITIONAL TICKETS BE APPLIED FOR AT FIELD HOUSE MAY DECREASE IN SALES Rule of First Come, First Served to be Adhered to as Long as Supply Lasts Three thousand tickets for the Wis- consin game will b' released for ap- plication next Tuesday and Wednes- day at the offices of the Athletic as- sociation in the Yost field house. This means that any student can buy two more tickets adjacent to the tickets that he has already pur- chased, th's naking a total of four tickets that the student may possess for the Wisconsin game. The rule of first come, first served will apply as long as the tickets last. Any student, who, not being aware of the fact that the cheering section will be located in the center of the! south stands and who failed to make application for a ticket in such sec-; tion on his first, application for tick- ets may do so on next Tuesday and Wednesday. Owing to an unfortunate error the impression has been gained by the majority of the student body that thej cheering section was to be located in the west stand. Such an erroneous conception of the cheering section has, of course, done much to pre- clude its chance of success.! The latest action on the part of the Athletic association will enable men S students to rectify their mistake in not making application for the cheer- ing section, and should do much to promote its success. This is the first year of the cheering section, the testI year, so to speak, and now that this angle of the situation has been clear-1 ed up by the Athletic association of- ficials there should be no difficulty' in °etting a'sufficient number of men to make the cheering section effec- tive. Harry Tillotson, yesterday ex- plained the surplus of 3,000 ticketst when he stated, "that student appli-r All Men Interested in Working Committees are Urged to on Dr. Louis Warfield, of the depart- ment of internal medicine, was grant- ed a leave of absence yesterday by President Marion L. Burton, to take effect immediately and to continue until' June 30, 1925. No reason for the granting of the leave was given in the official announcement. President Burton refused to com- ment on 'Dr. Warfield's leave of ab- sence last night, although he ad- mitted that there had been friction for some time in the internal medi- cine department. It is rumored about the medical school that the granting of the leave of absence was the direct result of this friction. Four members of the faculty of the medical school, it is said, turned in their resignations recently. When asked to verify the story of the proffered resignations of the four men, Dean Hugh Cabot, of the medi-, cal school, last night refused to talk.I for tlie most part as a result of th Allied occupation of Constantinople Alex K. Eugene, '27A, was admitte last year to the architectural colleg on condition that he should produc as soon as possible evidence from hi preparatory school in ConstantinoplE that he had received a secondary ed ucation equal to that of a high schoo course in the United States. For a year Eugene corresponded with hi Constantinople school in an effort to get a statement of the work he did there so that he could present it to the dean of the architectural college and so gain full standing as a sopho- more. However, the school in Turkey FEST1IAL [TO,.HAVE DIFFICULT OPERI Anyone fay Try Out for Charus Mon. day and Tuesday at Sciool of Music "LA GIOCONDA" CHOSEN "La Gioconda," a grand opera in five acts by Ponchilli has been sel- ected as the opera to be performed at the final concert of the May Festiv- al next spring. This work, popular in Italy for many seasons, has been infrequently produced in this country because of the large number of stars which the cast requires: six soloists of the first rank. In all probabilityi this will' mark the first concert performance in this country of the work which has also been selected by the Chicago e The predicament of Eugene is a See President Record . typical case of what difficulties the d' foreign, students are continually fac- Appointment of chairmen of de- Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 4.-(By A. P.)- e ing. There is also the case of a partments of the Michigan Union Captain Burt E. Skeel, commander of e student who is now enrolled in the was announced yesterday by Thomas the 27th squadron of the 1st U. S. s architectural college who sent to a ,avanasarmy pursuit group, Selfridge field, e Hungarian school for a transcript of Cavanaugh, '27L, president of the Mount Clemens, Michigan fell to his - his record. However, the part of Union. The four departments which death variously estimated between J Hungary, in which his school was, is are appointive are the reception de- 1 500 and 1000 feet at Wilbur Wright now in the hands of Roumania. Con- partment, the house department, the field today as he was preparing to s sequently the communication which und swing into a flying start in the Pu- he received was written in Roumanian nirclass departmtent a Gd the pubs izer rce, h las evet of the I- script and he had no knowledge of this licity department. Eben Graves, ternational air races. language. The whole school system '25E, was appointed chairma of the # Forty thousand spectators saw in the Balkans has been upset since + reception department. 'Ite ahletic Skeels mlane brealz into pieces and the war. Entirely new systems have Ialf been instituted, many times with a reception, general reception, rooming fall from the sky. As the seemingly dbeeninsitaue mad tiesitha. committee and alumni relations coin- matchlike splinter rained down, different language made official. mittee come under this department. Lieut. W. H. Brookley, of McCookJ James E. Newton, '26, was appoint- field, shot his Curtis racer over the ed chairman of the house department. spot where his fellow flier's body lay The billiard, bowling, swimming pool imbedded 15 feet in th'a soft clay and and entertainment committees are so on into the race. Lunder the supervision of the house Lieut. I. IH. Mills flying a Ver- department. The underclass depart- bile-Sperry racer won the race,j ment, which has charge of freshman traveling the 200 kilometer course at ______activities, is to be headed by William the rate of 216.55 miles an hour. IdL. Diener, '26. Between 100 and 200 I This isalmost 30 miles an hour less1 Important Announcements to be M1ade men will eventually be working in than the. best previous mark made at Convocation in Tappan i this department.a last year at St. Louis by Lieut. A. J. Hall Wednesday Paul W. Bruske, '26, was appointed Williams, of the navy who traveled chairman of the publicity department 243.68 miles an hour. I WHITNEY TO SPEAK which will have charge of all Union Capt. Skeel's death, the first fatal-! publicity including the Opera. ity of the race this year and the ini- All students of the School of Ed- Chairmen of the sub-committees tial in the Pulitzer race since it has ucation are expected to attend the and committeemen will be appointed been contested, threw a pall of gloom first general convocation ever to be later by the department chairmen over the concluding ceremony of the fis eea ovcto vrt eand the peidnair races. All social events,inud held for the educational school. This nthpresident.s, convocation is to be called at 4:15 Charles D. Livingstone, '27L, was ing the formal presentation of prizes o'clock Wednesday in room 203 Tap- elected president of Mimes dramatic to the winner which were to have pan hall. society which conducts all Union'dra- Itaken place tonight were cancelled. Dean Allen S. Whitney, of the matic activities including the Opera, School of Education, will address the 1 Karl B. Robertson is recording sec- Robert V. Jaros, '27, won first f convocation and will give importantj retary and the two assistant secre- 1 prtue of $100 in the glider contestI announcements at this time. Every taries are J. Brayton Deane, '26E,! of the Pulitzer races. Jaros, ,who student of the educational school is and Richard E. Barton, '26. was formerly a student at the Uni- urged to be present. Dean Whitney William F. Austin, '26, has been versity of Illinois, won second prize! will also give the details of the elec- appointed chairman of the life mem- in a similar contest at St. Louis last1 tion of officers of the various classes bership drive. year. In winning first prize Jaros 1 I Navy 14, William and Mary 7. Cornell 27, Niagara 0. University of Penn. 26, Franklin and Marshall 0. Yale 27, North Carolina V. Michigan Aggies 55, Olivet 3., Illinois 9, Nebraska 6.' Harvard 14, Virgina 0.; Colgate 35, Alfred 0.' Princeton 40, Amherst 6. Ohio State 7, Purdue 0. Missouri 3, Chicago 0. Wisconsin 17, Ames 0. North Dakota 0, Minnesota 14. Army 17, St. Louis University 0. Northwestern 28, South Dakota 0. Indiana 21, Depauw 0: Notre Dame 40, Lombard 0. W; and J. 19, Bethan'y 13. Syracuse 26, Mercer 0. University of :Pittsburgh 0, La- fayette 10. Penn.Stat51, North Caroina '0.+ BLOCKED PUNT LEADS TO SCORE AFTER FORTY-FIVE SEC- ONDS OF PLAY ONE-SIDED AFFAIR Rockwell Ahead Of Mates In, Scorhig With Three Touchdowns; Steger bakes 'Vwo By W. 1L.Stoveman Michigan started its 1924 football season in an auspicious manner by de- feating Miami 55-0 in a one sided game yesterday afternoon on Ferry field. It was Michigan's game from the start and the Wolverines were one touchdown to 'the cood after 'the first minute of play. After Edwards had blocked Captain Allen's punt and Grube had fallen on the ball be- hind the visitors goal line, exactly 45 seconds after the opening of the encounter, the Wolverines kept out of danger throughout the rest of the game. At only one time in the game, well along in the fourth quarter was the Michigan goal line menaced by the invaders. That came after Her- rnstein had fumbled a bad pass from center and Gansberg of Miami re- covered. A pass over the Michigan goal line was incomplete, however, and the Wolverines started another one of their drives down the field. Led by Captain Herb Steger who played for three quarters of the af- "4air jthe Jllichiujan ne xk:s Icupped over the field almost at leisure and when the men behind the line got tired of running with the ball 'passes were put into use, successfully for the most part. Steger was the star of the game with two long sprints through bro- ken fields to the visitors goal line to his credit. Tod Rockwell had a trio of touchdowns to his credit, two of them on quarterback sneaks and the other 'by' virtue of having caught a short pass over the goal. Bob Brown showed himself a true dis- ciple of Jack Blott when he inter. cepted a pass and ran fifty yards, with perfect interference from Sam- son and ISlaughteD, for another touchdown. Red Miller had the hon- or of diving across the line in the sec- ond period. Michigan's line also showed to ad- vantage against the Miami conting- ent. Time after time mammoth holey were opened up by the Wol- verine forward wall and the visitors failed to make a single first down through the line in spite of their continued smashes against it, after their passes failed to work. It was a great day for the Michigan second string players. Practically every one of them got into the game before the final shot and the press stands were in an uproar over the number of substitutions, made all the more confusing because of the lack of numbers on the players backs. cation for tickets to the Wisconsin Opera company to inaugurate the' I which will be held within a few days Any men who are interested in game fell short of the expected mark. forthcoming season in that city. after the convocation. working on Union committees or inl Perhaps the fact that the student In order to facilitate the work of Thomas S. Purdom, chairman of the I any Union activities are requested tos could secure only one exra ticket de- the chorus for the coming year and committee which is making the ar- see Thomas Cavanaugh in the presi-I terred many from getting other th'an to economize in the number of re- rangements for the convocation, em- dent's office on the third floor ont their own tickets. At any rate the hear:als, a plan has been worked out phasizes the importance of every ed- Mondays or Tuesdays between 2' students have not bought in propor- whereby the sopranos and altos will ucational student being present Wed- o'clock and 5 o'clock. Committeemen tion to other years. rehearse apart from the tenors and, nesday. . The announcements which will be appointed according to their1 basses; thus each member of the I are to be given are of general inter-' ability to handle their jobs and upon1 chorus will be present at only one est to the entire student body of the merit only. rehearsal per week. The music is so school. The convocation will be dis- The publicity and underclass de- written that rehearsals of this kind missed before 5 o'clock. partments are two new ones createdI Scan be carried on successfully. The Men's Educational club of the this year. Publicity was formerly PIEAdditional tryouts for the chorus University will hold its first meeting' handled by one publicity man and will be held at the School of Music of the year at 7:45 o'clock tomor- the underclass department was orig-E tomorrow from 7 to 8 o'clock, and row in room 302 in the Michigan Un- inally the upper class advisors. Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 4.-(By A. P.) Tuesday, Oct. 7, from 4 to 5:30 o'clock. !on. The chairman of the meeting Announcement of the appointment -Ohio State triumphed in its first As has been customary in the past, ; will be Rawleigh Schorling, principal of committee men will be made later' Western Conference game here today, membership . in the chorus not of the University High school, who in the week. efeating the Purdue Boilerma(ekos i limited to students of the School of has been appointed sponsor of the 7-, wh tud iMusic or of the University. For new club unitil election of permanent of- +N. ake -0, with a touchdown in the second members, tryouts are held. Old mem- ficers takes place. I Gargoyle TO vtake quarter by Marty Karow, fullback em's ner only to fill out a rin Francis D. Curtis, of the University First A who was on the receiving end of a! cards. Membership in the chorus High school faculty, will address the forward pass from Hunt who kicked carries the privilege of attendance members of the club on "Some Best This W ednesday upon all of the concerts for the Chor- Methods of Handling the Seventh and Cl laypool, captain and center e - Union and the Extra Concert ser- Eighth Grades." All men interested I Clayinoeducationaareanvitedttorattendethe Gargoyle, Michigan's humor maga- 1 visiting eleven put up a stellar ex- j( ic h amps aeo hc'wl hibition on the defense and time after _-meeting. Itart Oct. 8, will deal with the light- time wa responsible for breaking up yb uI 1gI f tiewsrsosbefrbekn p TCES1H~Nline plunges of Ohio backs. 'Tte fore I OL[L II L!W JIU t.Ne vein of University life this ypea in1 wall of the Scarlet and Grey was: OAI ILLa away which should be highly aeal-u likewise staunch, Purdue's smashing dent body. The policy of the maga- failing except on end drives where zinc for the comimg year is well stat-, good interference aided them. -- U IDED UUI L ed by the editors in their definition The offense of Ohio State was ex- Tickets for the Paul Whiteman of humor, as something being "crisp ceptional and their defense against T f t P Hia and r" which purdue's short passing game proved concert Tuesday evening in Hi1harry Hogan, secretary of the Re- dfresh," my at times "bite itself worthy Both broke even in auditorium are being transferred tail Merchants' association of Detroit.tebut.should never injure." ground gaining and a om the book stores and music will address the Ann Arboir'business Tlt opening number will have eahitrepeItes pasewihouses to Hill auditorium, and will men at the Chamber of Commerce mc od ihfehewowl eachintrcetedothrs'pases ithbe p~lacedh on public sale there at 10 luncheon 'in the C. of C. inn at noon b1e humorously introduced to the equal honor. - o'clock Tuesday morning, continuing next Tuesday. Mr. Hogan has chosen campus and commented upon with' I until the time of the concert that as his subject, "What Can be Done original cartoons, jokes, and poems.! RTevening. to Abate the Growing Trade Menace "John Freshman" is the label of the i The doors will be open at 7:30 of Itinerant Vendors, Transient Trad- opening bit of verse on the first page. o'clock and the concert will begin ers, and Non-resident Dealers." The University's official bulletin will o I promptly at 8 o'clock. The doors will I The speaker is a man well qualified ! come in for some unique comment.I S IES TO GO ON jLL be closed during numbers. to discuss this problem, the solution An entirely new feature; started thisj jThe attraction is being presented of which is to be one of the major year, is "The Lemon Grove," conduct-' under the auspices of the Ann Arbor items on the Chamber's program of I ed by one who signs himself Jno.i Box office sale jor season tickets branch of the American association 1 activities this year. His discussion Panurge. John Parker Lee, '27, is re- to the Oratorical association program of University Women, and the 'entire is expected to be a valuable aid in sponsible for "The Good Old Time will begin this Tuesday afternoon in proceeds of the performance are to I ansvwering this quest, on whit(i is Student Ballad" which will appear.1 one office at Hill auditorium, ac- be devoted to the Woman's league. becoming of increasing importance to Throughout the magazine the re-t othe dealers and merchants: H. L. marks of the jokesters will be set cording to James J. Dunn, R2utreas-bSpedding, the photographer, will act ,off with snappy cartoons. urer of the Oratorical association. Republican Clu as chairman at the luncheon. j "Ours is a collegiate magazine," de- At this time the last opportunity Wdll Ad Oters;clare the editors on the editorial will be given to secure the $3.50 Jewish Congregation' To Meet page, "printed primarily for Michi- seats which consitute a first choice The Jewish Congregation will hold gan students and we shall measure of all the seats in the Auditorium. College republican clubs, more than a meeting and social at 3 o'clock to- our success by the appeal we make Foll1owing this the mail orders for 250 of which are now functioning, day in Lane hall. Rabbi Berkowitz. of to Michigan students rather than byj created a world's record for duration of flight for model airplances, when his plane remained in the air for 10 minutes, 14.2 seconds, at the same time reaching an altitude of more than a mile. The glider is a miniature airplane which is usually propelled by rub- ber bands. ILLINO Il BEATS CRIPPLED CORNHUSKER TEAM, S-6 Lincoln, Nebraska., Oct., 4. (By A. P.)-Illinois university defeated the Nebraska universitiy football tearnl here today 9-6. The green and some- what crippled Nebraska team held the Illinois team to one touchdown and a goal kick in the third quarter. Rhodes of Nebraska broke' through, sidestepped Gallivan and ran 33 yards for a touchdawn. In thesecond period the Illinois team passed to threaten the Nebraska goal and a pass to Kassell sent the ball across the Nebraska line, In the concluding period, Leonard broke through the line for 16 yards to the Nebraska 18 yard line; Nebraska held for three plays but Britton, with Grange holding the ball place kicked a goal. KIPKE'S TEAM DEFETS STAGS'S MAROON SQUAD Chicago, Ill., Oct., 4. (By A. P.)- Missouri, rpted as one of the strong- est teams in the Missouri valley con- ference triumphed over Chicago 3-0 in the first 1924 test of Staggs' Mar- oon to the surprise of 25,000 specta- tors today. The tigers outkicked, out- played, and outgeneraled 'hicago for three periods, the Maroons showing their only resemblance of fight when Coach Stagg rushed a flock of re- serves into the game in an attempt to avert defeat. The stellar Arthur Coglizer, tiger left end, playing his first game for Missouri enabled the invaders to chalk up their victory. He booted a field goal from the 17 yard line in the see- i . I , c1 II a iE f v v Ira !t + 6LEE CLUB HS NI TY CANDDTSFRPAE - More than 90 men presented them-' selves to Mr. Theodore Harrison, the director of the Glee club, during theI tryouts which were held this week. It has been deciled to limit the mem- bership to 60 this year instead of 75 as was originally planned. Mr. Harrison is still in need of sev- eral first tenors and any students who have had any experience in this work are urged to come out. There are also several other vacancies in the. clubat prresent. Flinal tryoruts will be held on Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30, and 7 to 9 o'clock in the Glee club offices on the third floor of the Un '~ na aau aV t U t4 1- U u ua a IU 1ty,7 ul~ ion. - (Continued On Page Six) DiamondToothed TO Bricklayer Does SELL TITS FOR { Sfuff As Clown I OXFORDO-MICHIGAN DEBAT IA dapper old fellow garbed In red Tikt fo th OxrdMcga and white, a Miami pennant strung Tickets for the Oxford-Michigan across his back, swung his parasol debate which will be held in Hill jauntily as he fanned his way across I auditorium Wednesday night will be Ferry field before the Miami game 1 placed on sale at the box office that yesterday. His eccentric actions soon night. There will be no advance sale drew the attention of the crowd ifn in order -to keep from rconflicting the south stand; who laughed and with the sale of season tickets for cheered as the old fellow did a tight the Oratorical association program. wire act on the band benches, keep- The sale of tickets has been made ing his balance by use of his parasol. necessary because of the fact thmat And again the crowd laughed as he the expenses of the visiting team reeled along behind the band, prancing must be met by the Oratorical asso- in imitiation of the drum major. Mr. ciation, inasmuch, as there was no FH. C. Toby is a born clown, item in the University budget to Mr. Toby, who is popularly known cover this event. Expenses for the as the Miami bricklayer, says he is a ! other debates 'are carried by the Uni- personal friend of George Little, 'versity appropriations. Michigan coach. Moreover, Mr. Toby, Another feature of this debate will I who has followed Miami teams for be the method of voting. The entire twenty years, and who pulls his audience will be given a chance to clown acts for the Cincinnati Reds in judge and will cast their ballots'on the summer, is the only bricklayer in part of the program which will be the world who has diamonds in his provided for that purpose. teeth. ______ _____r ___s_. "There they are," he said, "Seven diamonds, set in gold, a diamond for Union Radio Set every front tooth." And Mr. TobyEnag d T a strained his mouth to expose thenlr ed oday stones. "I have a finer house than any Results of the World's Series were other bricklayer in the country," con- mreceived so successfully yesterday at tinued Mr. Toby, pulling a pack of the Tap Room in the Union that the well thumbed nictures frnm his nok...I radio receiving annarntus will h