THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OqTOBER 4, 1924 - - _.. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m.(11:30 a. m. Saturday) Volume a SATUI{I)AY, OCTOBER 4, 1924 lumber 11. Action of Administrative Board: By action of the Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Mr. Charles H. Betts, '25, has been suspended for one semester on the ground of dishonesty in the final examination in Zoology 3a. IV. I. IHumpreys. Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature Science and the Arts Please fill out blanks for faculty direcory at once and leave in messenger boxes or Dean Humnphreys' office. IV. R. lHupreys. To All Members of the Faculty : This is to announce that the Dictaphone Station located at 102 Mason IHall is maintained to render stenographic and typing service to all members of the faculty for work of a strictly University nature. There is no charge for such service. Ethel Whitchurch, Head of the Dictaphone Station. Freshman Women: Every Freshman woman who has not attended my first lecture is required to be present at the third section on Tuesday evening, October seventh, at seven o'cock, in Barbour Gymnasium. Please be prepared to take notes. Jeani Hamilton, 1ea of WIeiL House Presidents: Presidents of all houses that have not signing out slips must come to the office of the Dean of Women and obtain them at once. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. Medical Faculty: The next regular Faculty Meeting will be held Monday, October 6th, at 8 p. im., Faculty Room, Medical Building. Carl 'VV. Eberbach, X.1. Students who wish to secure from The Department of Rhetoric and Jour- nalism recommendations to teach Rhetoric and English Coiposition, or who expect to apply for a Teacher's Certificate in Rhetoric should consult with me Monday or Tuesday, October 6 or 7. Office hours; 2-5, Room 322S Lit. Bldg. It. W. Cowden. University of Mihg'an Band: Formation this afternoon at 1:15 to play for the Miami game. Full dress uniform with capes. Arthur It. Smith. Players Club: First meeting of the club Tuesday 3-5 p. m. This is an all campus organiza- tion and membership is open to freshman as well as others. Tryouts for play casts will be held also at this time. Plays to be used for this particularly are: "How he Lied to Her Husband"....... Shaw, "A Night at an Inn" ........Dunsany, "The Hero of Santa Maria." Tryouts may use other plays than these if they wish. It is urged that the executive committee be present at this time. Ross L. Taylor, President. Pil Lambda Upsilon: The first meeting of the year will be held Monday evening Oct. 611, at 7:00 p. m., room 303 Chemistry Bldg. It is important that all members be present as plans for the years activities will be discussed. Egbert K. Blacon, President University Women: All University women who expect to attend out-of-town games must regis- ter in the office of the Dean of Wome~n and pay a fee to defray expenses for chaperons. No ticket for a special train will be sold to a woman student without a card from the office of the D an of Women. Any woman expecting to stay over night for the M. A. C. game must have her application in by Monday, October sixth. Application to remain over night at any of the remaining out-of-town games must be made in the office of the Dean of Women a week in advance. Jean HIamilton, Deani of Women. Faculty Meeting, Colege of Literature, Science and thle Arts: The first Faculty meeting of the year will be held in the Lecture Room of the Library at 4:10 p. m. Monday, October 6th. Annual elections. John It. Effinger. ;notices to appe~ar in this, col 'n must be left in thle Ibox at the £-tai!]y offie provided for that pul ;se l:,101 C 4 o'clock pIrceduig the diiv io issue. SAT URl)DAY W c.' sare oll R"l c at the ' rsn. iiq 011ccromi 2 to 5 every aft- cinorn u.:n til Tha uksgi viug. by :,'towinlg theQ 'Alumniii as~'ocj tiofl fiIm ofi University life, and for gath- -rin, wit~h alumnni of ot her colleges.1 i tflfl~tl I-T~n Berlin, Oct. 3.-The gvernment is PPNGS[USLITI cnsitlring rentroducing readl - IA rI ILIU ut I ticming cards 1)eettlte the harvest is! rnl ! 1 9 K 9119119k9 91~ flfl fli fif ..+1,- of,.C1 ,+ ..,,.'zt gor Young AMen 2 :00-Wornd's series by rad~io, Unfitn?1 tap room. 1U ALAUVN U : 2: :0-Mlihigan- lianai ifootbaCl ganic-, -L LM !~vr Ferry field. Letters are being sent out by the 7 :O0-Sezubbard anid Blad~e inleet lug, Alumni association to all the mnem- room 302, Union. bers of the board of governors of all X :0O-('raiixlsen club motets iii cold N a- . Alumni clubs in the different cities, scnic teml)e.i it was announced yesterday by T. 5:3-Unitnran st~deits' parfty ill Fawley Tapping, '11L, field secretary. church parlors. More than 500 letters in all will be m aailed to the different officials. SITNDAY I rThe purpose of these letters is to 5:4 5--Caundleliglit supper for studentsI stir up spirit in the clubs as well as in Unitarian church parlors, to suggest practices which could 0:130-7 :30-"'Scciety that Glees things" readily be followed by these officers meets at Presbyterian church. in running the local clubs. Mr. Tap- 0:30--Fireside meeting in Unitarian' ping oug ests ,,)lams dor ettering', church. the operation of the clubs, for extend- 8 :(i---3loViuig piEcture service at ('on_ ing their functions on broader lines.l gregational church. for aidlin g the club finances by use of Kiwanians Especially Invited to View the Wonderfully Beautiful Hand-tied Chinese Rugs Imported direct from Pekting. One profit only. What you pay goes into value of the rug._ Also Other Things Chinese MRS. H. B. MERRICK 928 Church Streetj estinaiec ai a of ,;:: 1 cu s 1AUDY 15% ]DISCOUNT At our stat on in the Press building. Throw your laun- dry bag over your shoulder, leave it with us. All work guaranteed. One day ser- vice if desired. Telephone 165)-235S White. Swani Laundry Ann Arbor's Leadinig Cleaners There is nothing like a STETSON *OST young men today know the importance of looking fit. Good ap- pearance counts much in the game of life. The young man who dresses with. taste has a decided advantage. But-it is surprising how little thought the average man gives to his hat. It is his crown, yet he seems to stop dressing at the neck. _Be careful in your selection of your headwear. When you buy a hat, select a Stetson. Its style is right, its quality means long wear. +ka 11 P' PARO~fNIZE1~ DhA ILY ADVETIER PATRkONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS Text - Bok and Supplies For All Departments w ___ __AT AR' UNIVERSITY w '.t11111111191l tt119911 1111191191111 11 911I111111 9 111911111 l lll U l i i t!1~ t96tit11196#191619#111~ 9111~ 1 j I f r i EUnderwood Standard - Portable Typewriters- I r The Machine you will Even- « I tually Carry. Sold on easy- -terms to suit every student's Ipocketbook. A. C. STIMSON- Second Floor- ;os S:,U r H STATE ST. - 1 Phone 3ioM %'unta burcb !ervice Zead The Dailv "Classified" Columns THE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Disciples) New Church C'or. 113ll and Tappan. .1. ALLJEN('ANBY, (Acting Pastor) Sunday, Oct. 5. 9:30 A. M.-Bible School; Junior, Intermediate, Adult. 10:30 A. M.-Bible Schoo ; Primary, Beginers. 10:30 A. M.- iMorning worship. Sermon, "Giving God a Square Deal." 12:00 M.-Bible School, Senior. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's So- ciety. 7:30 P. M.-Evening Service. Ad- dress, "Secret of the Bible's Influence." (Second message.) "Come thou with us and we will do thee good."-Bible. TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Av e. and Wihliam S01. 11EV. L. F. (xUN DEi MAN, Minister. L~. F. GI?NIRANA, Pastor 10: :30 A. M. - Worship. Subject, "The Sound of God's Voice." Rally Day in ,the Bible School and Communion service in the Church. 5 :30-7:30 P. M.-Student Fellow- ship hour and Forum meeting in the Parish H-all, 309 LEast Washington Street. Lutheran Student Office, Lane H~all. 11' ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Iluron r Streets ('ARL A. BRAVER, Pastor 9 :00 A. M.-Preparatory service, German. 9:30 A. M.-Sermon and Holy Communion.,0-erman. Sermon subject, "Jesus, the True Comn- forte r." 10:45 A. M.-Students' Bible Class. 11:30 A. M.-No service. 5:30-7:30 P. M.-Student Supper and discussion. Mr. Martin Cook, leader. 7:00 P. M --Preparatory service, English. j 7:30 P. M.-Sermon and Holy Coimunion, English~. Sermon subject, "Remember That You Must Die." ZION L1UTHERAN CH~URCH F. 5 C. STELIAI10ilN, Pastor '1:00 A;; M.-flihle Study Hlour. 10 :30 A. M.--Sermon by the pas- tor. Subject, "Thre Insuffi- cienty of 14 Tunian Comnpas- sion." Luke 7:11-17. The mnusical part of the ser-~ vice will he given under the direction of Gerhard Binhain- 1Iii e . 5:30 to 7:30 P. M.--Student For- urn?. Ater the suipper, "Somve Etb ic-al Tea)chings of Christ'' will be discussed. Rachel Stelihorn, leader. - - Chaacerandsmrtessjut ozeouZo culuttth de.Yo elyhaet e thcse latest creations to appreciate them. W'e also have on hand our usual fine line of Knox ' hats. Come in and see the latest styles. 1 ! -"- .. . r""""'_ CONGREGATIONAL CHU RCH "THE STONE CHURCH .WITHI THE WARM WELCOME." LUCY HUBlER, Secretary for Women Students. HERBERT A. JUMP, 3inister. E. KNOX MI1TCHELL, University pbastor. 9 :30 A. M.-Student Classes. 10:45 A. M.-Service of Worship. Sermon by Mr. Jump on "The Inner Companionship," followed by the Lord's Supper. 12:15 P. M.-Half Hour Forum, "The Race Problem." discussed by Miss Margarete Beard of Montgomery, Ala. Industrial School. 5 :3 0 P. M.--Student Supper and Fireside. Chat. "The Japanese Exclu- sion Act-Is It Just?" 8:00 P. M.-Motion Picture Service. Booth Tarkington's Prize Novel, ''Alice Adams."~ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hluron at Dii son REV. M1ERLE HI. ANMWRS{IN, T', 1). Ministeor. LEWIS C. REI3IANN 'I6, Sec"y -lin Stuident~ MRS. NELLIE B1. CAILDWE1L, S te'y Womnen Stud(ents. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.. Sacramwent cof the Lord's Sermon, "The Lamb of God." Supper. 12:00 M.-Young People's Department of Bible School. Classes for Freshman men, Freshman women and upperclass men and women. 5 :30 P. M.-Social Hour. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor'. . I UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huroni Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, 311ihter. October 5, 1924 9:45 A. M.-Sunday School. 10:30 A. M.-Morning service. "The Spirit of Religious Inquiry." "Were you born religious, did you achieve religion, or have you had religion thrust upon you?" The service opens with a. quiet organ period and there will be music by a men's quartette. 5:45 P. M.-Fellowship Supper at nominal or cost charge, served by the Students' Union. Visitors welcome. 6 :30 P. M.-Dr. Preston Slosson, Ruthanna Anderson and others speak on "Youth in the Mid-West." Madam de 'Staci's definition of hap- piness was: "To be young, to be in love, to be in Italy.". Climax of anti-climax? Over the Alps lies Italy. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IL. EDWARD) SAY:LE S, Minister. HOWARD R. CHAXPM1AN,)INInmister for St udecnts. 10:30-Morning Worship and Serman. "Jesus' Loneliness." Mr. Sayles. 12 :00-Church Bible School. Big Fall Rally. Special Program. 12:00-Student Bible Classes will join the Rally at the Church. 6 :30-B. Y. P. U. in Church Parlors. 5:30-6:30-Student Friendship Hour at Guild Ilouse, 503 East Huron. 6:30-Students Devotional Meeting. Perry E layden, '25, will speak of his experience the past sumnmer amion, European students. Mr. H-ayden is president of the S. C. A. 1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH C orner S. State :md F. XI .sflwx.tmn 'a lRV. ART1HUR WI. ST'.1 R, I). 1)., 'II iist 1r. CORN ER CATHERINE and DIVISION' STINA"TS I I