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October 04, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-4-1924

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I ne"I
'y S ai

. Forty women have signed for int-
struction in ridling, according to i;
.'Ethel McCormick. director in th deI
Ppartrnent Of physcal education. Guy,
!L ulison is conducting the courser
'in horsemianship this year and is
making a. special offer to Uiivers; yI
, Women of 12' lessons for $9.
SSecond semester sophomores will
t eceive full gymnasium credit f~r
0ork done in Mr. Mullison's (dasses. I
tether women who elect the work: will
p-,cive honor p)oints acc ordling to the
Plioint system' as worked out by the
1omen's Athletic association.
SThe riding season: will termniate
,v th a horse show in which all wo-
men who have elected the course in
1I,,iding will be expeeted to take part.
t o:iim in posting, cantering and relay
t acing will Ve exhibitedA by the b(!-I
juwnbig classes in riding and drill
I ormations by the more adlvancedl stn-
Ceiuts1 Women who are interested
-huld sign up on the poster in Par-
Ihour ,ymnasiumn immediately.



.. .. -"---.. ........- 1aid lbecame a mother at 17.
I Notices
flhUfT5 H Onnr 09 ,) he training class in occupational
Cuvni~ TRthDAILY and all women planning to do
occupational work at the hospital this
fii.Jty-ight women have already semester wil meet Miss Clark at 9
Igntedl Coi the tennis tournament, ac- o'clock today at the hospital.
ccrdiil2 to Misr; Ethel McCormick, di- --

rector in the departnment of physical
.'ducation. This is the largest number
' women that have ever taken part
n any previous tournamenit, accord-
ug to the director.
1The courts on Palmer field are open
every day, including Saturday, until
d rkc, andl contestants in the tourna-
;lnent are urged to take advantage of
lids weather by playing off their
rounds. The loser of a round is ex-
pected to record the score on the
bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium.

Members of Sigma Delta Phi, hon-
orary literary society for women, will
meet together for the first time this
year Tuesday, at 4:15 o'clock. Thef
place of meeting has not yet teen do-
terminedi, but will be announced at
a later date.

- JLady SI'l-aive lyer
Le gu ay'nIhroughout fthe whole of South
India women now liave the vote on
G~raifze .l~ e flJesamie tern;:;aa men. In Travan-
;;-I core an([ in yoe women may beC
"I san interesting and gratify- elected as con uci Hogs and( campaigns
n;fact that out of' all checks,. un- in Tlengal and Pla r have recently
-red :eined at the end of last year as1 resulted in wonig(Ai j, the muni-
yjiApayment of the University of thipal vote.
,Aichigan League Building and En- one of the recognizod women
,oowment fund, only two remain; leaders in conil ion with suffrage
~tithave not been plaid," said Miss activities, women's, T ,-,n of Service
,,JinanAlton, dean of Women, to-1 and other not ibi"e]F e is Lrady ;a-
,. .day. Miss Hfamilton explained that . vasive Iyet', of Southernl111(1dia.
sn -esarlly some checks taken by the -.-- -
~I ca~gue fund were not cashedI untiltohlF- el
'lafnk accounts had been closed. In 'Mici(.lgan i Iaiin-t, .i,: organization
;;ipite of the fact that a great manyi of wives of stdentsl, will hold its
Swomen did not return to school, thereI.E irs,-nC u- fteya a 'lc

IMrs. Augusta Newbaum, of Detroit, Murray, '27, Mary Louise Murray, '28,
I Mich., is a great grandmother at 52. Frances Andreae, '28, Florine Storey,
She was married at 16, a mother at 171 '27, Margaret Seaman, '27, Dorothy,
and a grandmother at 34. Mrs. New- Baird, '28, Catherine Brewer, '26, LeolaI
baum's daughter, Mrs. Minnie Horst, Woodruff, '28, and Katherine Kyer, '28.1
- Advance Modes in Fall and Winter Millinery
Variety the Keynote-
Pattern Hats in Velvet, Silk, Gold and Silver Combination
Advance Modes in Fall and Winter Millinery
_ for Dress and Evening Wear
' Also Felt Velours and Suede Leather
w Featured for Street Wear
Puyear & Hintz
328 South Main
-7 11111111111111111111111111111111111111t!UlltlllUltl1111iIltllllf 1tl~ 111111111liii 111It lilii.


; ;

are only~ two cheIcks that have not101rfTuesda~yat tfie Facult y Woman's
'been straightened up.cu 2 otl og l.Alwvso
si udent are eligible for membershipt
( ;O 1FN PRA CTICE and are urged to come.
In. order. that drawings may be
m'iade for the inter-hounse hock ey UTt~ ih op
tournamatent the athletic mnag~rers ofI
the different organized hoauses onJnebten gayety
campus are urged to sign on the and formality that a satin
Sbulletin board in Barbour gymnasitum. pump should havc, is in /.
iSeventeen houses ;have already sign- the Walk-Over Butterfly.
ed according to directors in the de-' Its snug fit, assured be-
Epartmnent of physical educaztioil. cause it is a Walk-Over,
lPractices are Leng held oni Palmer ; is made doubly sure bythe
tfield daily. bu,-kle-concealed gore.
CLA S O GA~ZEDLustrous black satin,
-- snugly gore fitted,
Classes in elective s-wimning will with a twinkling
be y held at 4 oclock on Mondays and buckle.
Wednesdays in Barbour gymnasium,
according to Miss Ethel MtcCorinick
director in the departmeont" of 1)hysi-;
cal education. Because thIe 1p001 is sot
small only the fundamentals of swvim- (ty P. J. 110
ming the undor arm aide stroke andli 115 S
over armi side stroke will be taugt4.1
° Austin, Texas, Oct. 3.-Enrollment ,G.,
has r'oached the 4,360 mark at the
University of Texas."



S.Main St


h; 1111 11 1111 111 1 1 Mumma= 1111 n


We are -Heau Blarters for
Suede Leather Jackets in brown, gray and taln are very popular this fall. Everyone is
wea qrig them, the ladies as well as tle me-a. We have a large assortment of high grade
leather jackets in Reindeer, Napa, f lorselnicb, Colt and Sheepskin-and our prices are as
popular as the jackets. Priced from $9.75 up.
Cravenettes, Tlopcoats and Reefers
Auto oes, Ii ._..teniner Rugs
Wool Shirts, Heavy Plaids, Corduroy and Outing Shirts.
Hiking Shoes, High-Top Moccasin Packs, Puttees, etc.
Breeches in large assortment, Over-Alls and Cover-Als for shop use.
Alarm Clocks, Hunting Knives, Axes, French Mirrors, Grids, Stoves, and in
fact many needs for the college man.
It Will pay you to walk a fewv blocks


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