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October 04, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-4-1924

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Ak r~io an









X any Candidates To Be Given Trial!
As Regular Berths Are Hotly
Contested For
Michigan's Varsity football team,
undefeated for two years will swing
into action for the first time of the
season this afternoon on Ferry field
against Miami.
Although it will be a practice game
for the Wolverines a great deal willI
depend upon the way in which thej
candidates for berths on the squad
perform. At the start of the game,
the regular first teams will take the
field and if things go the way it is

r V 1


Tap Room Radio
Will Broadcast
Series Results
Radio receiving apparatus has been
installed in the Tap room of the Union
to receive the results of the World's
Series baseball games next weelk. J.
A. Barkovich, '25E, and K. W. Dar-
nell, grad., have lone the work of
installation. The set has a "complete
loud speaker attachment somthat it
will be possible for a considerable
number of persons to "listen in." '
The broadcasting will start at 2
o'clock every afternoon. Play by play
results and any sensational plays will
be told of in the broadcasting. This
is made possible by a special wire to
Detroit. The antennae is strung from
the third floor of the Union to the
Mimes theater. The boys who did the'
installation have expressed their will-
ingness to place a permanent radio set
in the Union if this one meets with
approval, and if it is the wish of the
students and the faculty.

Will Leave Washington Sunday and
Plans to Give Address
Every Night
Washington. Oct .3-(By A P)-- 1


I Time Worn Ford
Fails To Function:




Tryouts for Union Opera Poster Con-
test to Meet on Mon-
"Tickled to Death" is the title which

Y Liil l jL i , V . . . t~JJ '. . i . -+ v a . ~ ~.
Advisability of so arranging Sen. La- Mimes has selected f
Follette's western tour that he will annual edition of ti
have time before election to conduct The book was writt
a week or ten days campaign in the Snyder, '25, and its
east, was considered today at a con- I be unusually interest!
ference between the independent formation was not
presidential candidate and Gilbert E. Mortimer Shuter, th
Roe, his eastern campaign director.w
Roe is understood to have urged was extremely optim
the senator to invade New England,! year's production.
New York State, New Jersey and The part of the l
Pennsylvanian and to have taken the not been cast as vet

for the ninteenth
he Union opera.
en by Donald L.
plot is said to
ing. Further in-
devulged by E.
e director, who
nistic about this
eading lady has!
and according

Holds Up Traffic
Down North University Ave. yester-
day afternoon a battered Ford limped
noisily, and after coming to a jerky
stop, its engine choked and died.
Cars from the Kiwanis convention as
well as the regular traffic began to
line up for a block in every direction,
and while horns tooted impatiently,
the driver of this Ford sat helpless
in his seat. Two policemen arrived
on the scene and snapped questions
and orders to the already flustered
driver. The usual agressiveness of
the policemen and unusual anxiety of
the driver made the dialogue more
than interesting.,
A small crowd soon gathered and
presently a dozen students seized
hold on this ancient Ford, shunting
it into a parking space before the
Quarry drug store.
The driver, a student, explained;
that he couldn't start his car unless;
someone sat in the seat to hold the!
i clutch pedal disengaged. And sol
while one of the policemen continuedl
his kindly advice, an obliging passer-I
by held down the guilty clutch and
the driver, who spoke English a lit-
tle brokenly, cranked and talked ex-
citedly. For a time the car was pas-
sive. then the motor caught, fired ir-
regularly a few times and settled
down to an uneven campus purr. By
a most interesting and complex series
of movements the driver and the
obliging student exchanged places
without releasing the clutch.3
"Get that wreck fixed up or keep itk
off the streets," shouted t'he police-
man, writing down the license, as the
car went up State St.



Announcement was made in
yesterday's Daily that matinee
dances at the Michigan Union
would start this afternoon. The
Daily wishes to make a correc-
tion the first afternoon, dance 1
will be next Saturday, Oct. 11,
instead of today.

~o'o~ --~ _____position that if necessary stumping-
expected practically every man on . instenethand northesarsshould to Mr. Shuter, there is still opportun-
Eomitte hirmnen are Announced; i h etadnrhetr hud
the squad will be given a chance to ne C t ed t n rh ity for students who have any talent
show his ability before the final ('onvention and Banquet be curtailed to make this possible. f
fPls Progress After the conference, it was stated in that line. All those who think
whistle, __that Mr. LaFollette still determined that they could be of any service are
Varsity Lineup Strong to invade the Pacific Coast states, urged to see him in his office in the
Led bly Captain Steger, Michigan's ALUMNUS TO SPEAK and felt certain his itinerary could Mimes theater as soon as possible.
Conference championship team I be arranged to give him time for a I Men who are between 5 feet 3 inches
should have little difficulty in win- Committee chairmen for the 1924- number of speaking engagements in and 5 feet 7 inches preferable, and
ting her game today The Miami 25 season were announced last night the Middle West, and east late in the a %slender build is also desirable.
hae ahadtiecstighers, i by Millard H. Pryor, '25, president of campaign. The player does not necessarily have
have a hard time contesting the re- .. The Wisconsin senator plans to to be an exceptional dancer or sing-
suilt with the Maize and Blue squad. the Oratorical association of the Uni- leave Washington Sunday evening to er. There are also several vacan-
the Michigan coaches will put as versity. Several changes in and ad- resume active campaigning Monday ties for men who are particularly
strong a lineup into the field , this ditions to the work of the association night with an address in Rochester, good dancers, and those who have had
afternoon as could be gathered to-I and the plans which have been laid N. Y. His speech there will be his any expeience in stage dancing are
gether to meet any team at this per- out for the year, were also made pub- third appearance before an audience desired. The dancers are wanted
iod of the season. lie at that time. as a presidential nominee, both of the chiefly for female parts, and the same
Michigan's squad as it goes onto The outstanding plans for the year previous speeches having also been requirements given for the leading
the field today will be the product are those for an all-campus public delivered in New York State. lady are desirable.
of three weeks of the hardest variety speaking banquet, and for a state Mr. LaFollette will start out fron Tryouts for the Opera poster con-
of drill, including eight scrimmages, ( oratorical convention. The banquet Washington in a private car with an test are asked to meet Monday at 4:30
four of which have been held during i will be held in the near future, and observation platform which will make o'clock in the Mimes theater when
the present week. The showing made all persons on the campus who are I it possible to make brief addresses they will be given directions as to I
by the Varsity players today will de- I interested in public speaking will be from the rear of his train. Itwast what the committee wants. All those
termine to a large extent who is to invited to be present. The officers of said, that he will keep such speeches having any experience in poster de-
take part in 4be, M. A. C. game next the associaton are tryng to secure toi tat inmum conserving hi sign work are asked to attend. The
Saturday and the opening game of some noted alumnus as the speaker strength for the longer addresses he ( winning poster has been used as the
the Conference schedule with Illinois of honor. !intends to deliver each' night during cover design for the programs for the
at Champaign two weeks from today. ; The oratorical convention isj the remainder of the campaign, last few seasons and there have also
The question of ends and tackles planned at the time of the finals in _ been prizes given to the winners of
which has been bothering the coaches the state high school debating league, the contest.
ever since the first few days of prac- which will be held here next spring
tice will go a long way towards set- The convention would be modeledI
tlement today. The backfield candi- after the Michigan Interscholastic1
dates, only one or two of whom are Press association convention which -D
sure of regular positions this year is held here annually. This gather- i I-1 T DYO
will also have a chance to display ing would include members of the de- Di3PD ECOLLEGE
their ability under fire. bating teams of every high school Dayton, Ohio., Oct. 3. (By A. P.)-
Stainnmn at half in the state. Characterized by Major General Pat-
Captain Herb Steger, playing at The Oratorical board has- also de- rick, chief of the United States air Registration in the senior dental
right half, will lead Michigan's team cided to separate the extempore service as a new chapter written in class is the smallest this year that
into a game for the first time in his speaking contests and the Atkinson , aviation an aeroplane for the first it ever has been, due to the require-
career on Michiga nVarsity. Stam- Memorial contest. Heretofore the six time in history was launched in mid- I ment of one year's college work for
man will play his first game at winners of the two extempore con- air at Wilbur Wright field today and entrance inaugurated four years ago,
Michigan, starting at left half, while tests have been the chief contestants got away under its own power. The according to officials. There are only
Tod Rockwell and Jim Miller, both for the Atkinson award, but in the experiment was carried on with a 65 dentists to graduate next spring,
veterans of last year's undefeated future the contests will be entirely huge Sterry Messenger plane hooked. although each succeeding 'class has
squad and letter men, will complete separate. on underneath the body of the army increased in number. The freshman
the backfield at the quarterback and The board also accepted an addi- dirigible T C , as a stunt for the sec- clrss is back to normal this year withi
fullback positions. tion of $25 per year to the Atkinson ond days program of the international a registration of 125 students.
Bob Brown, a find last year, will Memorial prize. This addition was air races. This, in the estimation of Dean M.
start at center, a position he is due made by the original, donor, the lnIt was itendedr t s L. Ward of the dental college, is
to occupy throughout the season if father of C. Maurice Atkinson, 22, ar tiaes t Lirgles can rns- proving the advisability of the en-
he makes good in the opening game. I who was killed in an automobile ac- form planes. At Langley field recently,e trance requirement of a year of col-
"Butch" Slaughter and Harry Haw- cident the night before Commence- -a tlaee cntact wit a ib lege work. This prerequisite is not at
kins,.also veterans from last season's ment. Mr. Atkinson established the for three minutes but it was no the present time necessary to obtain
hoooked on.(tepeettmneesrtobai
Varsity will take care of the guard prize as a memorial to his son. The dirigible let loose of its an "A" rating for a dental school but
positions. Babcock will play at right The committe appointments for the ;re i bleetlNose d fvigsr1 in 1926 it goes into effect and all
tackle, a position at which he dis- coming year are: W. C. Dixon, '26' srigt at25cet se divn fo- schools not requiring a year of col-
tinuised imslf n sverl Cnfe- vce preidet o th Ortorcal''short distance, the Sterry plane mo- lg
tinguished himself in several Confer- vice-president of the Oratorical board, tors' could be heard as it straightened Ilege preparation will not be able to
ence ganes last year, and Tom Ed- local contest director; R. H. Callahan, out and sped away. retain their "A" ratings.
wards who has gained a reputation '26, chairman of the publicity com- I Lieutenant C. D. Finter at Langely
(Continued on Page Six) { mittee, to be assisted by Grace field flew the Sterry and Lieutenant {
IThomas, '26, and C. A. Stevens, '26; Frank McKee, Scott field was the pilotilEN GIN ING PR IIURL I
Band elps Send Merel Parks, '26, chairman of thei of the T CmI statement, General Pat.u
r soia cmmtteIna formalsaeet eeal Pat-
Class Back To '76 Ellen Nylund, '27; E. H. Salzman, rick noted the achievement and said TTEND DETRIT EEING
'27L , chairman of the advertisingI that the army air service is pleased
committee; and H. E. Crowell, '25, 1 with the success of this year races.
Classes in political science were assistant treasurer and chairman of The heavy participation of ommer Professors Clair Upthegrove, Wil-
listening attentively to an outline of the financial committee to be assist- cial fliers is particularly to be con- liam P. Wood, A. E. White, and H. L.
the early government of the colonies ed by Louis Merkel, '27. demned, General Patrick declared. He Campbell of the chemical and metal-
this morning when suddenly all pres- All of the above, with the excep- said the future of a commercial air lugical engineering department at-
ent went into a trance. In theydist- tion of Stevens and Merkel, are mem- industry will be a stony factor in the tended the Thursday meeting of the
ance could be heard the steady tin- I ,rs of the board. Other student mem- success of the country and will in- American Electro-Chemical society
tum of drums. Many were the dreams begs'o the board are Elizabeth Van 'crease business facilities. which is in session in Detroit this
which must have gone through ths Valkenburgh, '26, secretary; J. J. week.
minds of the members of those class- Dunn, '26, treasurer; and Richard (I Professor White also remained at
es.Ford, '26L. The faculty members of the session yesterday morning when
The description of those patriotic '1o1,1 all tf whom me of the ihe read a paper on the subject of
times was so picturesquely presented thebogardmnt re . ! "The Use of Electric Furnaces in
by the professors in charge that as! public speaking department, are O "The IdlTretment.
oy Prof. T. C. Trueblood, chairman of ' " h Idle Rich Heat.Treatment."
soon as the students heard the roll of he speaker committee, Prof. R. D. T.
drums they were carried back-back 'h e Students To Hold Services
through the ages to the times when EDlnsstr, bsnes maaer andry. London, Sept. 17.-(By A. P.)- Jewish students of the University
their forefathers mustered to the call L Densmore, contest director. Everybody who reads the newspapers have been invited to participate in
trnix~ thtJ P Mnrn is rich bu

Committee Rules Senator Brookhart
Out of Ranks For Speaking
Against Coolidge
Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 3. (By A. P.)
I -The Iowa Republican state commit-
-te today decided that Senator Smith
kW. Brookhart had ruled himself out
of the Rep. ranks when he dennounced
Pres. Coolidge and Charles G. Dawes,
Rep. nominees for president and vice-
The committee itself, indirectly de-
clared Senator Brookhart out of the
party, and stated that his statement
of the last few days, "is a repudiation
of a vote from the republican party."
Senator Brookhart who opened his
campaign for re.-election against Sen-
ator Emmbetsburgh today opened with
a vigorous attack upon President
'Coolidge, declared that the charge be"
he wasnominated by 200,000 republi
can voters, "It was. time he repres'ent-,
ed the republicans of Iowa rather
than' the Republican organization
which he had been called" a small
group of crooked and irresponsible
dictators set by the Non-partisan
league and Wall street.
.The committee declared that the
heads of the LaFollette party adiaired
Senator Brookharts' action for the
malicious purpose was accomplished
in turning the attention of the voters
from the real issues of their campaign
and "decided the right of the people
to elect a president at the polls there-
-by throwing the election into con-


Various tests of ability composed of
running, jumping, rope climbing, and,
similar exercises will be the first,
things to' greet the gymnasium class-!
es which start of Oct. .20. Over 1,000
freslinmen have already signed up for
gymnasium but there is still a large
number of men who will yet have
to do so.
These tests and other exercises
serve to keep the freshmen in good l
condition throughout the year and
also serve as the distributing point
for all forms of athletics. When thej
announcement is made to the gymna-
sium classes - from the platform.
notify the proper authorities and the
coaches are ready for tryouts, they
Action takes place almost immediate-
ly after the announcement and thus
it is important that the tryout be in
the best of physical condition.I
Also the exercises are of great
value in toughening the first year'
men for the fall and spring games.
It was largely because of the bene-
fits derived from the training last
year that the freshmen were able to
conquer the sophomores in the two

V. M. Johnson, Internationl President
And F. A. Picard, Newly Elected
Governor, Both Speak
"Tonight I fire the first gun in a
campaign for the highest type of edu-
cators that money can procure," said
Pres. Marion L. Burton in an ad-
dress last night before more than
1000 Kiwanians assembled in Water-
man gymnasium. "We have passed
the peak of our building program,"
he said. "Oururequirements for the
future will not be so heavy, but if
Michigan is to remain at the top, if
we are to turn out the type of men
and women that you want your sons
and daughters to be we must offer
salaries that will enable us to main-
tain and attract to our teaching staff
the best educators in the country.
The future of our country de-
pends upon the type of minds that
the universities of this country turn
out, and I make no apelogy for ask-
ing the support of every loyal Ki-
wanian to intelligently assist the
University in the campaign to be
waged this winter for an increased
budget," said the President. "Only
thus can we secure the type of men
and women who will give our stu-
dents a real insight as to what life
is about."
Dr. Burton pointed out that never
before had any university opened to
its students such wonderful oppor-
tunity in the way of new buildings.
"More than $11,000,000 has been put
into the buildings opened this year.
This .p not enrough, however. We
must furthe equip thos buildings-
with an adequate teaching staff if
we are to realize the highest benefit.
I can hardly wait till the new legis-
lature is in session before I ask for
the $924,000 annual increase which
will make this possible."
"A clear thinking, independent mind
is what this university is endeavoring
to develop in her students, and no
amount of money thus spent can be
too great," continued the President.
"On the type of mind which weighs
the facts, our democracy rests. Are
you going to give your sons and
daughters the chance to develop such
Last night was the closing session
of the International Kiwanis conven-
tion. Victor M. Johnson, International
president spoke on, "The Practical
Side of Kiwanis." Ile emphasized the
fact that the constitution of our coun-
try must be upheld, and that it is
the object of Kiwanis organization to
promote intelligent, aggressive citi-
zenship with a full representation at
the polls.
Frank A. Picard of Saginaw, newly
elected governor of Kiwanis, express-
ed the Aims of the Michigan district
I for the coming year. "The day of the
luncheon club is over," he said, "and
the day of real service has arrived. We
propose to back a project for refore-
stration of the state, and the introduc-
tion o better grand opera for Michi-
gan's citizens."
Presentation of golf prizes, and
parade awards were made by V. .
Nelson of the Ann Arbor club, and
the session was closed by a dance in
Barbour gymnasium.
Practical Joker
Or Optimistic?
Yesterday the secretary of the Uni-
versity received the following letter
from some inspired optimist who
must think of the University of Michi-
gan as a delightful little local club .
Sect'y of University of Mich;
Dear Sir or Madam:-
Kindly inform me at once if a young
man whose name I have forgotten has
enrolled there at the university 'and
also what his address is'.

As to his description. He is mod-
erately tall, slender of build, black
hair, (parted in the middle,) gray
eyes, limps a little when
he walks, (I'm not sure with which
- leg,) Wears a light shirt mostly, jazz-
io tie of black smooth shaven, a very
polite, clean cut, and is around the
age of 25 years or 28 years.
I'm asking because he is a dear
friend of mine and haven't seen him



Awards In Social
Work Announced

Failure reports to Bradstreet for
the calendar month just closed is the
most encouraging one that has been
prepared for a year past, the num-
ber of failures being a shade smaller
than a year ago while the liabilities
show a notable decrease. The num-
ber of failures for September is ac-
tually the smallest recorded in any
month since October, 1920, and the
liatilities are the lightest since May
for the same year.
However, this does not speak for
the entire year for the nine month's
total exceeds that of last year for
the same period, but is smaller than
the nine months' total of 1922. Lia-
bilities, on the contrary, are the
largest aggregate ever recorded, ex-

Graduate fellowships of $1200 in
the New York School of Social Work
have been awarded to three of last
year's students in the sociology de-
partment. Those to whom awards
were made are F. M. Vreeland, grad.,
Ruby Carlton, grad., and Una Purdie,
'23. Miss Purdie held this fellowship
last year and has had it renewed for
the current year.
There is still vacant a graduate
fellowship of $500 for the present
Syear to be awarded to some properly




- ----1 ---- N.------ceeding the previous record by 1.3
qualified graduate student in the so-
cial cirriculum. 'per cent.
i Comparedto August, the number of
failures for September last showed
D.A.R. Helps Women a decrease of 10.8 per cent and liabil-
.c Eities a decrease of 34 per cent, while
y E r n y F L compared with September last, the
failures showed a decrease lof 1 per
The D. A. R. student Emergency cent and the liabilities a decrease
loan fund has $200 in the hands of its of 12.5 per cent.
treasurer to be loaned. In 1915 the Decreases of 15 per cent in failures
fund was established with $500, ac- I and 35 per cent in liabilities are
cording to officers of the organization. shown in the third quarter of this
This sum was to be loaned in portionsy
of not over $100 at any one time to ya as compared wththe
any one student. It is also adminis- quarter, and exceed the third.quarter
tered by the University committee of 1923 by 3 per cent in number andI
created in 1923. 2per cent in liabilities.
The loan is available to boys as A
well as girls, preference being given S. C.. Announces
to girls. The principal is to be paid
two years after leaving college at six Addition To Staff
Donald E. Williams, '22, has been
MZichigan And Ohio secured to act as field secretary for
the Student Ch'ristian association. He

of the drum.
They experienced many of the sen- Literary Circle
sations, maybe thrills, which must,
have been felt by their worthy ances- Discuss Speakers
tors. The professors droned out their
final descriptions and the sound of Prospective speakers for the year
the drums could be heard fading into were discussed last evening at the
the distance-the Michigan band was jrsnnco meeting of the Polonia Liter-


knows tnat j. v. iorgan is u, ou
perhaps he was never accused of be-
ing among the "idle rich" until his
last visit to London. According to a
story wafting its way among the Pic-
cadilly clubs, the. American banker,
while having his nails manicured by a
Kensington damsel, waxed talkative

services which are to be. conducted at
5:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the
Scout Headquarters on Huron St., in
observance of the Day of Atonement.
Charles W. Margold who is doing re-
search work at Michigan will address
those who attend the service on "The
Meaning of Judaism."




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