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September 23, 1924 - Image 1

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XXV. No. 1






F shmen Grace


University Lays
On Students' Bak


Supervision and Control Vested In
Board of Governors and
Student Committee
With living accomodations for 158
siudents, and with each room taken,
the new Lawyers' Club and Residence
hall, the latest addition to the Michi-
gan campus and a building destined to
become famous in all parts of the
country, opened its spacious portals
to law school men Saturday.
This first unit of the proposed club
consists of the main club room, front-
ing 'on South, State street, a huge
dining hall, which, lits fondly pre-
dicted, will be the most famous of any
single room on the campus, and the
three, story residence hall which is
divided into nine sections.
The main entrance to the huge
structure, costing, more than two
million dollars, is on South State
street. At the right is the club and
reading room, over whose doorway
there has been pliaced a modest in-
scribed stone tablet, bearing the
words; "The Lawyers' Club, foundea
April 1922 by William W. Cook, A. B.
10; L. L. B. 1882,'of the American
Administration of the club has bee
placed In the hands of Miss Inez V.
Bozorth directr, and Miss Cecil
Sharpe assistant director. These two
women will have complete charge o
all matters pertaining to the manage-
ment and running of the club, dormi-
tory and dining hall.
In addition to the 150 students who
have ben furnished living quarters,
more than 300 can be accomodated in
the dining hall, which opened last
Sunday. This service is open to all
students in the law school whether oi
not they are residing at the club.
Bqard is charged for at the rate o
seven dollars per week for, tihree
meals while rooming prices ranger
from $65 to $100 per semester, de-
pending upon the size of room rented.
These prices compare more than
favorably with the current rates in
Ann Arbor, Sunday evening supper
will also be served in the dining hall.
Three types of rooms, are povided
for in the building, single,-double, and
double-suite rooms. All are equipped
with hot and cold water, while shower
baths are located on the second floor
of each section. There are nine see-
tions, A, B, C, etc, each being different
in design .and construction. Each
room is equippetd with bed, chiffonier,
mirror, desk, reading lamp, and two
chairs for each occupant.
Eight guest rooms are included in
the building and are located above the
club room, these all have a bedroon,
bath, and large closet and are pro-
vided for use of any guests of stu-
dents living at the club. Room rates
are $2.00 per day.
Supervision and control of the
building is vested in aBoard of Gov-
ernorssconsisting of the Dean of the
law school and four members of the
law faculty. In addition there will
be a student club committee elected
each fall which shall consist of one
man from each section of the resi-
dence hall. This committee shall have
charge of the social program of the
club and shall make any necessary
suggetions to the Board of Govern-
ors, and shall also have the power to
make any rules for the club with the
approval of the faculty board.
Entrance to the building is gained
through two massive oak floors at the
main entranceway on State street,
which doors are duplicated at the
entrance immediately back of this,
looking out on the quadrangle. These
doors are deconated with wroughtiron

"Well, I guess I'll take History 14
ec 3 or 6, and a little pshych 7," re-
marked a typical student," as he
thought over his course, at home or on
the train. But, his fond dreams were
shattered on his arrival at the Uni-
versity to classify.
The catalogue presented on extra-
ordinary appearance, quite foreign to
its general make-up. The form was
the same,, but the printer seemed to
have used copy from some other col-
lege catalogue. The profs names
looked familiar but where, oh where,
had those numbers come from?
Yes, it was true, the erstwhile hap-
py student went to work to renew his
acqauintanceship with his courses,
but under a different cloak, loudly
lamenting the fact that he hadn't
taken Math. 1.
Under the revised plan this year
beginning courses are numbered
starting with 31 or 101 and secondary
courses starting at 201.
Prohibition Question Will be Subject
Of University's Contest With
English Team


CO STa$152 00 0 0
Many Professors Already Installed;
Other Departments To Move
In At Once


ICampus With Pots
Starting T oda y

Once more the traditional symbol
of the Freshman is to make its ap-
pearance on the Michigan campus to-
[day when some 3,000 members of the
class of '28 dedicate this day to tire
wearing of the pot. To the wearers
of the pot will come the realization
that today they receive the first in-
sight into Michigan life and Michigan
Freshmen are to wear this insig -
nia of their trial year in accordance
with Michigan traditions of the past.

Opens Year's Work

Final Registration is Expected to

Oxford and Michigan debaters will
meet October 8 in Hill auditorium in
the University's first public speak-
ing contest with an Old World team.-
The English college Will be repre-
sented by M. J. MacDonald of Queen's
college son of the prime minister of
the British Empire; J. D. Woodruff of
New College; and M. C. Hollis of Bel-
liol; these men representing the
three political parties in England.
Kit F. Clardy, 25L., Gerrit Demn.-
mink, '27L, and Burton B. Sibley, '25L
men chosen by the public speaking
faculty of the. University, will speak
for Michigan. The question is "Re-
solved, that this house is opposed to
the principle of prohibition."
This debate was scheduled through
the Institute of International Educa-
tion with the purpose of promoting
good feeling between England and
the United States. After correspon-
dence with a representative of the
institute President Burton referred
the matter to Professor Thomas C.
Trueblood of the public speaking de-
partment, with the request that a de-
bate be arranged if possible The
President is heartily in favor of the
contest, according to Professor True-
The Oxford men are already in
America and have arranged for 170
engagements and 30 debates with
Canadian and American colleges
The team's first debate is scheduled
for October 6, with the Western Re-
serve college of Cleveland. After the
Michigan contest the Oxford debaters
will continue westward to the coast,
sailing in January for New Zealand
and Australia, thence around the
!world by way of South Africa.
The three Michigan debaters are all
Delta Sigma Rho men. Kit F. Clar-
dy has been a member of two win-
ning debating teams for Michigan-
Burton Sibley was formerly a debater
at the Western State Normal college
and last year was a member of Mich-
igan's winning team in the mid-west
league against Wisconsin. Gerrit
Demmink has been on two winning
teams for the University and is hold-r
er of the Chicago Alumni medal in
oratory. In 1923 he represented
Michigan in the northern oratorical
legue, last year instructing in pub-
lic speaking in Oregon, returning to
the University this year as a law stu-'
Of the Oxford team, two have de-'
bated in America before, Woodruff
in 1923, Hollis in 1922.


Exactly on scheduled time Michi-
gan's new $1,200,000 literary building
will open its doors to the student
body this morning as one of the best
equipped structures on the campus.
Although a little cleaning and touch-
ing up yet remains before the build-
ing is entirely finished, the majority
of the workmen have already com-
pleted their tasks.
When the last stroke shall have
been pronounced finished at least
three weeks hence, the new building
will stand forth complete to the small-
est detail, built correctly for the exact
demands of th modern educqation.
Every convenience to aid both student
and professor will have been provided.
The lobby, a huge open space at the
State street entrance is finished with
spec al travertine walls, the material
being imported from Italy, and with
a marble floor.
The ground, first, second and third1
floors are ready for occupancy now,I
while the fourth and fifth will not be
ready until later on. These two last
are for the use of the public speaking
and literary societies, who will have
their club rooms on the 4th floor and
the astronomy department which will
move in on the top story. Two small
telescopes as well as lecture and clas,
rooms will make up the equipment
Pxofessors are all moving into their
offices at the present time, among
them being the classic, semetics and
Rhetoric departments. The depart-
ments who will make their head-1
quarters in the new building in addi-1
tion to the above are: the Astronomy,
English, mathamatical statistics,,
phonetics, political science, public,
speaking, although prof. Thomas G.t
Trueblood, head of the departmentl
iwill not move in for several weeks,
and the Geography department, the;
last named temporarily. On the first,
or main floor will be located the of-
fices of Dean John Effinger of the lit-I
erary school, Assistant-Dean Wilbur
R. Humphreys of the same'school, and
Dean Alfred Lloyd of the graduate
school . These men will have the space
immediately off from the main en-
On the ground floor there are 11
class rooms and five lecture rooms in
addition to several storage compart-
ments. .
(Continued on Page Three)
Washington, Sept. 22.-Prohibition'
commissioner Ataynes, in a formal
statement late today declared there
could be no doubt that Representative
John Philip Hill, of Baltimore had
violated the prohibition statutes inj
making cider which had an acholic
strength of 2.75 percent. The con-
gressman challenged the commission-
ed to prosecute him.
Mr. Haynes said a definite course
of faction has been agreed upon be-
tween prohibition authorities and the
department of justice. Neither Mr.
Haynes nor the department of justice,
however, would discuss what course,
would be followed'. .

Contrary to early indications, but
according to predictions of the reg-
istrar's office, the enrollment at the
end of the registration period this
year shows a s.light decrease over
that of last year at this same time.
The registration mark last year at
this time was 8,454.
In piactically every college where
figures were available the figures
show a slight decrease over those of
last year at the close of the enroll-
ment period. However, after the late
enrollments are counted it is expect-
ed that the final registration will be
about the same as that of last year.-
The literary college reported a total
enrollment of 4,792 students. Of this

Will Go Today To Seattle" Official
Starting Point of Flight Around
San Diego, California. Sept. 22, (By
A. P.)-American round the world;

number 3,126 were men and 1,666 fliers returned today to Rockwell
were women. Last year at this time field, San Diego, from which they
there were 4,782 students enrolled, took off last March to start on their
Of this number 3,194 were men and globe encircling trip.
1,588 were women. These figures i As if to give good measure to any {
show that there is a decrease in the achievement already heralded far and
number of men students and a slight wide the fliers got in ahead of the
increase in the number of women. In announced schedule, disappointing
11922 the total enrollment in this col- part of a large crowd which was as-
lege at the close of the registration sembling t meet them.
period was 4,568 students. Of all the The announced plan is for the fliers
departments, the literary, education to resume tomorrow their trip toward
and graduate schools were the only Seattle, the official starting point of
ones to show. any increase .according the flight around the world. They- e -
to the figures now at hand. The Col- .;pect to leave for Santa Monica about'
lege of Engineering and Architecture, noon.
the medical school and the dental At 10:33 a. m. Lieutenant Lowell
school show a slight decrease. Smith, commander of the squadron,
dropped the wheels of his aircraft on
the ground of historic Rockwell field
and Lieutenant Nelson, wingmate of
LAC SO HURT Smith on the entire world trip brought
his ship to the ,ield at 10:34 followed
ISnGA STIKESby Lieutenant Wade at 10:5 o'clock.
Despite the triple patrol of blue-
jackets Marines and cavalry men',
Word has just been received that Col. Frank Lahm, air officer in
Lawrence M. Gould, of the geology charge of the ninth corps area, and
department met with a serious auto- Major Fitzgerald had a difficult time
mobile accident when returning here fighting their way to the flag draped
I from field work in tthe La Sal moun- revuing stand. Lieutenant Nelson
tains of Utah. Mr. Gould was driving Ogden, Harding, Arnold, Wade, and
a Cadillac car about ninety miles Smith, the fliers and their mechanics
west of Denver when he ran over an with relatives and members of the
ehmbankment where five cars have reception committee, finally were
t n il fo t ithi th grouped together for the official wel-

Come Up to Mark of The rules for the use of the pot have
Former Years been tabulated in the freshman Bible
which every man is expected to read
Registration In all the colleges of thoroughly. Other traditions which
the University last night at the close ,freshmen should respect together
of the enrollment period reached the with Michigan songs and yells are
I approximate figure of 8,400. FiguresI likewise included in their Bible.
in all of the schools were not gvailaI The Student council has direct
ble last night. This total is expected I charge of all freshmen regulations
to change during the week as there and will see that the wearing of the
are always many students who are pot is enforced until the freshmein
unable to return until after the open- class is organized and their self gov-
ing of school. erning commitee elected.

me a sm ilar ace wi n a momn .
Walter C. Young, '27, who owns the
car, jumped and escaped unhurt. Mr.
Gould was unable to get out of the
driver's seat and.the car rolled over
several times with him in it. When
taken from thte wreckage Mr. Gould
was unconscious and he did not re-
gain consciousness for more than
twenty-four hours.
Mr. Gould improved sufficiently to
be able to return to Kalamazoo by
train, arriving there last Friday night.
He expects to return to Ann Arbor
the latter part of this week and hopes
to take up his duties at once.
Ogilby, Calif., Sept. 22.-The world{
flires were given their first welcome
to California as they passed over this


Michigan's engineering society will
hear Rear Admiral William A. Moffett
at its opening banquet and smoker
7:30 o'clock Thursday night at the
Union. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of
the engineering school will also speak.
During the war Admiral Moffett
was commander of the Great Lakes
Naval station.
The program Thursday will include
orchestra music, several vaudeville
acts, and refreshments.

Marion L. Burton f
President Burton delivered the
opening University address of the
year last night in Hill auditorium.
He chose as his subject "The Fight-
(ortot, Jeritza, lIraslan, Maier,
Head Program of Choral
Union Series
Final arrangements have been com-
pleted for the 46th annual^ Choral
Union series to be presented this
fall in Hill auditor'ium under the aus-
pices of the University School of Mu.
sic. Besides the names of Marie Jer-
itza, Jascha Heifitz, Guy Maier and
Lee Pattison, and William Wade Hin-
shaw's production of Mozart's "The
Marriage of Figaro," the list includes
Alfred Cortot, 'the famous French
pianist, and Sophie Braslau, the not--c
ed Metropolitan opera star.
The series as it is now planned is
;terally one of the finest ever con-
ducted by the School of Music. The
engagement of Marie Jeritza, the fam-
ous Viennese soprano, to open the
series .on October 23, is alone an
event of such musical importance as
has not occurred since the appear-
ance of Enrico Caruso a short time
before his death. Madame Jeritza,
the favorite opera star of Europe, and
the idol of Vienna, where she has for
several years been the leading prima
donna of the Royal Opera, has creat-
ed a greater sensation than any art-
ist that has appeared in America for
some time.
Making her debut in New York at]
the Metropolitan in 1921 in Korn-!
gold's "Die Tote Stadt," every ap-
pearance since that time has been a
veritable triumph. But it was not'
until she sang the role of Tosca,
which had always been regarded as
the special role of Geraldine Farrar,1
that she came into national. promi-
nence. Jeritza is possessed of mar- l
velous beauty, and an athletic vigor'
which has won for her the amused;
plaudits of her audiences. This will
be the second American tour of the
famous soprano.:
The second program on Novemberl
3, will be a two-piano recital by GuyI
Maier and Lee Pattison- Since the
war these two artists have grown in
favor until their entire season is al-
ways booked. They appeared in Ann
Arbor last year with great sucess.'
Particular interest is attached to this
concert as Mr. Maier is the head of
the piano department of the School of
Music this year.
(Continued on Page Three) l

"Winsomeness and Character ar
Always Synonymous," Says
"Are You a Fighter?" was the
tion put by Pres. Marion L. B
Ito more than 5,000 students
gathered at Hill auditorium i
opening University convocation
night. Presidcnt Burton, while
marily dealing with those stu
newly arrived at the Universit
cluded in his remarks the whole
or of college life.
"To begin a college course,"
ident Burton declared, "require
honest, straightforward man or
mhan to know just where he o
stands on this main issue in life
shall not decide this question to
or in vthenext four years. But' y
cannot possibly dodge this chall
Are you a fighter?
"We are not advocating that y
constantly about with a chip on
shoulder. A real fighter in some
succeeds in losing himself ii
cause. * * * * Life is a running f
it will never be over.
"Winsomeness and character
not always synonymous. Your
sonal significance in the end w:
your capacity to think for you
Moreover, youth in general is :
to go to extremes * * * * a thi
all right or all wrong. Fight ag
extremes and stand for moderati
"I believe in playing to win.
also think you ask too much o
athleticteams. We cannot win a
time, but this should not affec
sudent's loyalty to his Universit
"We are excellent because w
our best, not because we are pa
a great University.- We must
for intelligence, toleration, and
all for intellectual honesty."
Others on the program wer
fred B. Connable, '25, who ace
general chairman, Perry Hayden
and John Garlinghouse, '25. Ha
as president of thte Student Chri
association, discussed several
lems that face the University.
linghouse,' editorial chairman o
Daily, outlined the new editorial
icy of that publication.
Complete Text of President
toi's speech last night can be
on' page nine of this paper. .
Banquets to be held at Sessio:
Michigan State Teacher's




The entrance hall is of Gothic cut
d velvet hangings on the windows
ad huge benches lending tone to the
om. The telephone exchange is also
cated immediately off from the en-
ance way, as is a private dinning
Dom and small reception hall.
The dining hall, by far the most
;riking room of the many striking
nes ir, the building, typifies the main
>om of an old barronial castle of]
ie eleventh or twelfth century. Mas-
ve Gothic Tudor oak tables and
ocobean chairs, practically bare
alls, limestone and typical oak
'ainscoating lend this atmosphere, as
(Continued on Page Two)
Bucharest, Sept. 22.-The Ruman-
n government is inclined to minim-
;e the seriousness of the recent Bol-

Chemist Changes
Mercury To Gold
Tokio, Sept. 22.- Dr. Hantaro
Nagaoka, a government chemist, re-
cently announced that he has suc-
ceeded in ;experiments three times
to change mercury into gold cheaply
by employing 170 volts of electricity
to break up the "structure of the
spectral lines of the mercury atomst."
Dr. Nagaoka promises to reveal the
secret to the world in November and
adds that it will have the gravest ef-

There is something fascinating
about the opening days of a new
University year. The atmosphere is
permeated with the joys of those who
are renewing friendships and old as-
sociations. All about are those who
for the first time, with mingled feel-
ings of hope and fear have come
among us. To them these diays are
full of challenging possibilities. In a
strange environment, full of unique
traditions,, many are endeavoring to
find their places and to make wisely
the decisions upon which so much
may depend
This University is large. It is not
difficult to understand how to some
at first it may seem cofusing and
intricate. In exnressing -a very real

find what you need. Do not hesitate
to inquire until you find it. So far as
they can be anticipated your needs ot
all kinds have been provided for. We
want you to avail yourself of these
Underneath all this complex life,
there flows a very steady stream of
Michigan tradition. You have come to
a place which is genuinely proud of its
past and looks with confidence to its
future. It is dependent upon no one
individual or group. It belongs to the
people of Michigan who have made it
what it is. Loyal friends have added
much. It stands for learning and cult-
tire. It believes in the power of know-
ledge and its necessity for effective
citizenshirt It knows that the mind is

Seven alumni meetings are bei
planned to be held at district gath
ings of the Michigan State Teach
association during the fall In the
get-to-gethers the local chairman a
the almuni clubs in the different cit
unite in putting across the gath
ings, usually on the form of an
formal banquet.
The first district meeting will
held in Detroit at the Hotel Statler
Tuesday, Oct. 28. The gathering
scheduled for noon of that day.
second district, and also the third, k
meet Friday noon, Oct. 24. The seco
district gathering will be held in I
City and the other in Lansing.
Grand Rapids, the Hotel Mort
will be the scene of the fourth disti
meeting ,at noon of Oct. 31. The fi
district will meet at Manistee
Thursday, Oct. 30. This group -v
join in an evening get-to-gether.
The two remaining districts-v
meet at Alpena, at noon Oct. 28 in t
Episcopal Parish house and at M
quette in the Presbyterian church
Oct 10. These district gatherings


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