FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY COLUMN F COUM CLOSESCLOSES AT3 .M.DVE TI INGAY 3 P, Ms Clemenceau, "Tiger" FOR SALlE FORD COUPE, 1921 ?Model, many ac- cessories. In good conldition. Call 669 or inquire at 331 E. Liberty St. OVERLAND Touring car in excellent condition $100.00. Phone 1993-R. FOR SALE 3 Eskimo puppies. Call Yott 2467-M. FORDS $50.00 and up. Nixons 416 So. Main.I FOR RENT ROOMS Steam heat. Also roommate wanted. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Washington. A SUITE FOR RENT and a room- rnsi.te W nted for young man in FOR SALE Sixteen foot canoe with complete equipment. Good condli- tion. Call'Van Antwerp at 3586-J or leave number. i FOR SALE Ford Speedster in good shape Come and -see it. 605 E. Jef- ferson. 1519. L. C. SMIThI TYPE.WRITER No. 8; For sale cheap. In good conditionr Call Riley at 244 after 9:00 P'. M. COMI"LETE SET of (rums. Also Buescher C-Melody Saxophone, sat- in gold finish. Call 3419. FOR SALE 1923 Ford touring fine4 condition, 4 new tires. First rea- sonable offer takes it. Address Box W. D. DRIVE TO TIlE GAMES Seven passenger touring in goodl condition; five} good cord tires. $175.00. Call 2517-3. LOST GAMMA SIGMA Pin. Finder pleasc return to L. Gibson. 807 S. state. Phone 3010-R. Reward. MUSIC 1. BLAIR TOLHURST, A. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Banjo, and Plectral instru- ments. Studio at University Music . Hlouse. modern, 'newrly decorated house. All furnishings new, Price $3.50. 304 S. I~ifth St. Phone 1733-R. NICELY FURNISHED house. Mod- ern throughout. Sleeping porch.j 101 Granger. Telephone 3024. FOR RENT Roon-s. 'Three and four dollars a week:. Two blocks fromI New Lawyer's Club. 555 South D~ivision. Corner of Madison. A tiSUVITE. Sunny. Steamn heat. Hot! water. 311 Thompson. FOR RNT Two large suites and sin~- gle or double room, shower, one, block to campus. Reasonable. 632' Church St. Ask for Bartlett or Remmier. WA NTE1O I WANTED Students and washing. Called for and Phone 2452-M. suitcase delivere&. 1 SALESMEN to work part time good commission. Phone 63, Madsen. r WANTED STUDENTS and family washings. Telephone 2873-M. STUDENT to work seven hours a, week for room.. Inquire 1108 Pros- pect. Phone 2507-W. I l X ERIENC ED Cook and porter orf either, for fraternity. Position Is p)ermranent. Mail address and lhone number to Box B. R. Michi- g an aIDily. i : ISCELLANEOUS DR1. W. S. ILTLS Osteopathic Physician 616 First National: Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-i FLOWERS The noblest comIpnment you can pay your Mother is to send her a. token of Flowers on your birthday. Ask us about our Flowers by wire tier-Vice to any part of the World. We are as near you as your nearest poe1\Ann Arbor Floral Co. Ann Arbor's Leading Florists. 1021 Maiden Lane. Phone 2170 Interestitig glimpses of Georges Clem n Iceaiu, iger" of France find formeer ivwar premieir acid -his family. Above, left to right, a character study of him as lie looked wn his Oisit to th e F. S.; -islhe appeatred at .home re- cuperating from an attenmpt made oni his life by ani assassin, anid a s he appeared while preier of France durinig the days of .the Versailles peace coniference. Belowo his dlaughteir Mute. Cloinenceau-Jacquieiaiire, an interestig study of him, and d ~aughter Iv4eJeung Cleiiienceaui. t,.. _____________ ._ c . LESSONS FREE with stringed struments. Come in and let us plain. Uviversity Music Hiouse. In- ex- MELL GILLESPIE, Mandolin, guitar, banjos and chord construction. Telphone 1791-M. F'OR RENT $3,x50 A 'WEEK Secures a $4.50 or $5.00 double room this. week. All new furniture. Steam heat. Hlot and cold water. 2 blocks from campus. 337 Thompson St. T HE GREY SHOP 000 E. LIBERTY Hot Every NMon Specials Afternoon Lunctes Mat:.vis Ctandyv lip I-] 'I 4' i. Ii F t' Enguish, styles are the thi g9 for Fall Y OU College men who want to be right in tune with the latest ideas will wear the new English models. are especially designed for Col- lege men. All the new ideas, shown in a variety of shades and patterns, are ready for your in- spection. For downright good value, sound tailoring, and every- thing ,desirable in clothes, you can't beat these at /$ \ <"> -. 1%~ ' /r / k 0 $35 to $5O guaranteed by CHAS. KAUFMAN & BROS., Makers Q mpusTogs NW'~rERCOMPAHY Jfor TI/en ccince lcS'4& 11 1 I IE I I El lii