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October 03, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-3-1924

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qOhiiAD RAimN DA-



The following matches in tennis
singles must be played off by Monday
night, October 6.
1=. H. Passolt 1710-R vs. C. Dougall
Freshinen Furnish Opposition; First D. B. Caldwell 1484 vs. Julian
Team ini Last hard Weber 240-MVI
Workout J. L. Langhorne 717-J vs. R. Shaw
W. I Jones 2936-J vs. A.B.
M. Sorrells 2891-XR vs. F. A. Mil-
With an army of managers guard- ler 1858-J.
ing the gates of Ferry field, Michi- Leighton Stephens 2186-R vs. Law-
gan's Varsity football squad went rence Fest 261-W.
through a 'fast scrimmage against the M. D. Schuster Law Club A 21 vs. I.'
freshmen yester(ay afternoon in the ; Bernstein 1526-H.
final hard workout before the game L. Gibson 3019-R vs. M. Neff 1484.
with Miami and the opening of the F. M. Smith 1138-J vs. C, Wray 371.
1924 football season. Karl Robertson 3211 vs. H. B. Kline
ii he Miami contingent, headed by 357.
Coach Pitzer and Captain Allen will K. M. McLean 851-R vs. Ed. Green-
arr'ive in Ann Arbor at six o'clock span 3051-R.
tonight preparatory to the game to- Robt. Spicer 932-M vs. L. Wein-
morrow afternoon, berg 2445-R.
:lneup Almost Certain Robt. Douglas 390 vs. L. Eisenberg
Yesterday's practice session was 1526-R.
conducted in the utmost secrecy on R. C. Reason 1484 vs. C. W. Green
the regular playing field. Altogether 2985-J.
20 men got into the tussle with the N. M. Davis 1808-W vs. R. Larson
yearlings as the coaches looked over 503 E. Madison.
their material for the opening game. Fred Arendt 2226-W, 371 vs. C. LI
While the majority of the Varsity Briggs 2738.
were playing the freshmen, Captain II. Frieberg 1153-J vs. W. F. Ar-
Herb Steger put another team dussi 2226-W.
through signals on the practice field. Leo Cannon 3211 vs. Robt. Hall
After the three scrimmages which 78-W.
the Varsity has had against the Re- K. Rearick 1901-J vs. John Wag-
serves and the freshmen the lineup ner 3211.
for tomorrow's game is practically A. A. Arthur 825-W vs. Ephram
decided. Marion and Grube are due Kaufman 2909-J.
to start at the ends with Edwards and I. Goldberg 2093-R vs. I. H. Mc-
Babcock a4 the tackles, Hawkins and Knight 1705-W.f
Slaughter at guards, and Brown at D. Gallency 1153 vs. Joe Nathan Jr.
center. Captain Steger and Stamman 904-M.I
should start at the halves, Miller at Leonard Antzak 932-M vs. J. P.
fullback and Rockwell at the pilot Dalton 1907-R.
position. E. G. Hickling 1805-R vs. C. R. Sut-
As soon as the game is decided a ton 2783.
large number of second string men A. W. Northrop 3301-W vs. Ed. Hib-
will be put into the fracas. Lovette shman 3051-R.
will have a chance at Marion's job F. J. Holland Law Club F 14 vs.
while Madsen and Flora will replace L. Sidlow 1590-M.
Grube. Kunow and Sampson wiil A. Rothschild 3349-J vs. B. Celine
probably go in for Babcock and Ed- 835-M.
wards before the game has'progress- IW. G. Phelps 3276-J vs. Norman
ed far. Steele and White will see ser- Freehling 2445-R.
vice at the right guard position while P. Wilcox 885-M vs. S. Lapers
Dewey and MacIntyre will go in on 1526-R.
tl.<e other side of center. Slaughter J. G. Myers 2936-J vs. Walter Gold-
will be given a, chance to get used water 2397-R.
to the center position again. Frank peans 566 vs. Daniel Frank-
In the backfield Parker, Gregory, el 1214 Willard.
and Herrnstein will all have a chance T. L. Bliss 397 vs.. M. L. Dannin
at half, Domhoff will pilot the team 3007-J.
for a while, and Heath and Froemke Edward Maloney 1271 vs. George
will take a turn at the fullback po- Vorhees 1037-J.
sition. Jay Toevs 2229 vs. T. Durant 2163.
Many PTh.sses Likely j F. Wilmot .2738 vs K. Conboy


Coaches Michigan
Elevens For More
Than 20 Seasons

Hawkeye Fans

Confident of ingwersen
in Year's First

Iowa City, Ia., Oct. 2.-Coach Burtj
Ingwersen, Iowa's new football men-
tor, will enter into public eye whenj
he sends his, championship hopes in-
I to battle with the Southeastern Teach-
ers' college here Saturday.
Iowa grid fans have utter faith in
the new coach to place the team up
with the leaders.
In today's workout more attention
was given to the backfield men in an
effort to find the best combination be-
fore the Conference opens. With lit-
tle to worry about in the line, Coach
Ingwersen is spending most of his
time schooling the backfield candid-
ates. Iowa can boast of the same
heavy line, weighing 210 pounds again
this season, as it was little touched by
graduation or eligibility.
Capt. Leland Parkin has been show-
ing up ii all-Conference style in all
the scrimmages so far this season.
The opening line-up may not include
his name as quarterback, if his un-
derstudies, Hogan and Brookins, the
world's record hurdler, continue at
their present pace. Fry, who show-.
ed so well against Michigan last year,
has not been out for practice lately
due to a bothersome leg. It is doubt-
ful if he will start Saturday, so as to
be in form for the Ohio State tilt.
The forward passing game has been
ragged in the scrimmages held with
the reserves and the freshmen, with
Hancock and Otte the only dependable
receivers. Graham seems to have won
a half back berth with his brilliant
running and passing.
The following matches in the all
campus Doubles tournament must be
played off by Monday night Oct. 6.
McLean-Conboy 851-It vs. R. A.
Cohn-partner 2165-R.
Weber-Weber 240-M vs. McLennan-
Benham 1485-R.
Freehling- Weinberg 2445-R vs

culated to widen the,'scoop of the at" it proved abortive, the guilty men


R I I V temptsd bribery deal, a possiblity
brought to the fore today by O'Con-
nell's reiteration that the Giants were
"all in it" and the specific mention
of three veterans, George Kelly,
Frank Frisch, and Ross Young.
I _"So far as I am concerned no
Conmi smner Landis Denies 1,1tlt clouds now hang over any member
Bribery Plot Will of the Giant team eligible to play in
Stop lash the world series," the commissioner
declared. "They will go into' the
THREE STARS CLEARED world series with the Senators on
THRE I'' R 'CLARED Saturday."
'Waving aside as "ridiculous" re-
i~ahitn Oct. 2. -Thle 12 ports that the Giants would be dis-
w cl td series will go on not with- barred as a team and Brooklyn the
tandin that baseball was shaken to resent the
its foundations today by a whirlwind National league in the series,-the
succession of developments growin1g commissioner emphasized that so, far
IIut of the' attempllts Of .Jimmny O'Coni- misoe mhszdt s.fr
out o ng e w Yttemp ofkJimy eO'Co-as he could foresee; no further fin-
nei, yoang New York outfielder toi ger of suspicion pointed to the Na-
bre Ioinie Sands, thladelphiaI tional league champions.
the national league pennant race for Smashing his fist on a table when
the nainapressed by newspapermen to com-
ment on the day's developments the
This was the declaration tonight of 'commissioner declared:
Mr. Landis, high commissioner of "It seemed to me to be time for
1a)sebai1. It was made after a hectic those persons nt clothed with
day( during which fresh chnrges were responsibility to keep their shirts on.
iluag by OConnell who has been "There was a clear case of bribery;

have been punished.
the series?"

All those students who obtained
memberships in the recent golf try-
outs are eligible to compete in the
tournament for the University golf
championship trophy, recently donat-
ed by the athletic association. The
qualifying rounds will be played Oct.
7, 8, 9, over the Ann Arbor golf course.
The date for the qualifying rounds
to be played has been set far enough
ahead, so as to give the entrants
plenty of time to practice.
The qualifying rounds will cover
36 holes, until the best eight are de-
termined. The best eight will continue
at match play at 18 holes. The final
round to decide the, ;championship
will be played over, 36 holes.

Why call off

r .
id x r xc..:, '
.. .. : . t.... . .... _. __ i i .

^a nished for all time from the game
Coach Fieling Yost together with Cozy Dolan, Giant
Michigan's grizzled head coach will coach accused of instigating the
(ircect his players i ithe first game of biribery plot, and during which prom-
te 1924 season, when the Wolverines ineat baseball officials including
hook up with Miami. President Johnson of the American
league and President Barney Drey-
must run the course nine times be- fuss, of the Pittsburgh club asserted
fore he will be permitted to enter 'the series should be called off as a
the race. Coach Sullivan will start result of the scandal.
treining the alH eam imp s and frat er- Unmoved apparently by the day's
nity cross country men Monday Oct. ! development and the declining to am-
t;. This squad will run on M~donday, plify the statement he isssued late
Wednesday, and Friday. last night in New York disclosing the
- plot and debarring Dolan and O'Con-
All class athletic ma:agers should nell the commissioner declared he
enter their class in the Inter-class } saw no prospects of developments
Speedball Leagues. Entries close Oct. that would prevent the start of the
1. chanmionship battle Saturday be-
tween Washington's first pennant
winner and the Giants.
Read the W ant Ads iurtherinore the commissioner in-
dicated he had no new evidence cal-
C """""""""""""""" """"""" """"""""l

.. _

flflhIifhi R 'lT Tf




c ravenettedl - water
p roofed- insuring the
original, Shapeliness
thruout ihe -life of the cap
Only one of theirecxclui-
si e~ features and
they cost'no more., $1.50 up
Jfor TIen cz c Since ieg e

The 'passing game is still being
stressed by the coaches. Numbers
of plays destined to be used in the
Illinois and later Conference games
are already in the minds -of the team.
The M. A. C. game has been occupy-
ing the attention of the coaches for
a week and their game with North-
western college was carefully scout-
ed last weekend.
In every open scrimmage which'
has been held this year there have
been an unusually large number of1
passes used by the Varsity and itE
is probable that even in tomorrow's
game the pass will play an important
part in the Michigan offense. The
invaders are bringing a small squad
of about 25 members, light and fast,
and their big hope against Michi-
gan will lie in their ability to get
away with open work.
........... .. .....I
Hair Goods
We make a specialty of hair
work, made up to order. Side
waves, switches, bobbette, tur-
ban braid and transformnations
to be used in the evening for
bobbed hair.
We' give the Nestle Perman-
ent Wave and marcelling.
707 University Ave.
Phone 2652
Beautiful Plants
Your Room
Cousins & Hall
611 E. University

H. Segal 3124-R vs. C. F. Lyman
Richard Preston 396 vs. S. Fer-
nandez 1247-M.
G. Carpenter 3094 vs. Louis Wilf
Law Club H 14.
R. C. Fuller 2467-R vs. J. A. Ar-
dussi 2226-W.
C. T. Lee 873-M vs. M. A. McLen-
non 1485-R.
R. A. Cohn 2165-R vs: M. A. Win-
ger 2768-M.
N. R. Benham 1485-1' vs. Randolph
Weber 240-M:
D. D. Chiff 1600-J vs. L. M. Coop-
er 2105-R.
Herbert Vedder 879 vs; F. W. Groh

Langhorne-partner 2891-XR.
Reason-Neff 1484 vs. Gallancy-Frei-y
berg 1153-J.
Ardussi-Ardussi 2226-W vs. Cannon-
Rdbertson 3211.
Wilmot-Briggs 2738 vs. Shaw-Dou-
gall 1482-M.
Vorhees-partner 1037-J vs. Green-
span-Hibshman 3051-R.
Sidlow-partner 1590-M vs. Cron-
Carpenter 3094.
Myers-Jpnes 2936-J vs. Goldberg-
Smith 2093-R.
Lyman-partner 274-M vs. Douglas-
Preston 396.
Siewert-McCobb 33 vs. McKnight-
partner 1705-W.
Arndt-partner 22'26-W vs. Celine-
partner 885-M.
Eisenberg-Shapiro 1526-H vs. Lar-
son-Stephens 503 Madison or 407 S.
Fifth avenue.
Training for the All Campus Cross
Country Run starts Monday at four
o'clock under Coach Sullivan. Win-
ners of this event are awarded num-
erals. and a jersey. Each contestant

-.4 0
Athkvtic Supples
Student Furnishings
To Our New Friends and Former Patrons:
We are now ready to serve you in our new location.

232 South State Street

Phone 2939-j

ID0 YQU KNOW that Fownes' Buck
Gloves' are built from the closest
fibred of 'all glove leathers-wand that
means wear, warmth and comfort?
$3.00 and u


Finkleman 1271 vs. W. G. Craw-




r - -o I

I S popular three button model is being shown
Tthis fall in a wide variety of patterns. Dis-
tinctive tailoring coupled with the evident
quiaity of tihe imported woolens used in our men's
clothes account for the appeal they are making to
Fit ven1 D ollars.
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clebrated Glovc.



HEW"-A suggestion -to those who
are fastidious: in their floral selections.
9.9.2 ELIter-tu 5t. - Phone 1391 '°

Then there are the Fownes Cape
Gloves. They are cut to adjust with-
out tugging- and squeezing--yet with
no unsightly wrinkles.
A regular man's glove
$3.00 and up
Tinker & Company
South 'State St. at William St.

The Home

of Better


Furnishings and



. <, .-.


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