THE WEATHER WARNER; LJNSEr.rEI); PROBABLY SHlOWERS t it a tll . I LI EI)I1'$ I ASsOVIATIQ VOl-a. XXXV. No. 10 EIGhzT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS rInrPEaston Kelsey Tells Of Wear ISthdent Council"PlansEmblem I MMWBRSvyiDNTSovUINESS oiuetConclPln East Discoveries Of Unversity For Rooters At Illinois Gamef H AR C UlENS ON Easto Tjelsey a member of the with them (a Dodge sedan and a Gra- 61O F NIS [[[CTI Uon sugeston o theAlunieoa-todtherscton inewor the ther ex-I Unieritto Mchga.epeitontoban ruk.Tposeaed, pesngivingitinth audntcnuci orcn-! osdappinearanomceparnc the Near East, returned to Ann Ar-1to the tUniversity by Mr and lMrs sieiogpnsftheiStnt -ise dcon-Iotescini hc rgQES I N brlt atngt fe negh.Bomro eriadtetuk yR IS tno raet o niest atsn eelctd 1 otsstayonteCnintadnth Graham Brothers Truck company)roesath Iliisgm inU- Itste hope o h oni ht -Western Asia. of Detroit. bana on October 18. Te alumni, all students and alumni both could; SENATOR SAYS PEOPLE MIUSTI The work of the expedition was From Brussels they went to Naples, FRESHMAN ENGINEERS AND LITS through the Battle Creek club, have be armed with whatever distinctive C) INF ORMW THEMSELVES ON started the first week in May under doing photographic work on the way. WILL CHOOSE LEAERS suggeste that some plan iilar to Iornamnent decided upon. Plans are TAXATION- the supervision of Prof. David M. The two eft Naples May 27, arriving, WEDNESDAY the one used by . S. U. here last fall! now being formulated by both the Robinson, of Johns Hopkins universi- in Constantinople June 7, from which be adopted. Alumni association, who have pledg- BURTON TO SPEAK y assisted by Mr. Enoch Peterson, of point, after clearing the cars through CURRAN ELECTED Rooters from the Maroon and ed their support in the matter, andN the Univerity of Michigan. The atu- the customs, they started for the inter- ____Gray school carried small wands the concil. ign a oeb 5 aoesfrYlvc.Temdr ono ~co aknHa uirSpr wt ae temr ftoeto I diint ieaoepatebl interesting adVre rgai hid bdigging xwasi(lon y10and elarso- Yalovach s he amodefr m towh e mor ina sed;unFrsm olorwith aedste e nd.oThse otwo ingaddition tonitheo aboat in Hill Auditorium, Informal tions were made uip to Sept. . ruins of ancient Antioch in Pasidia, weoeDna lses rsiin clrsawtaed tonione nd. heerooigscincnssigo-bu DneaUin whr rfsrRoisnhdarayVtoe Soon Jwr ae nuio nt~cer 2,500 rooters will form the block' Mr.nKlseyaccopanidbyGeor erePoesrRbnsnhdaraying section and produced anl excellent "M" during the game. All studentsI R. Swain, a well known Ann Arbor started the work of excavating. I effect. Other plans that have been I and. clumni who are not going to I v Se.JmsE ozn fDtotphotographer, sailed near the middle The mnot iportant discovery of te Ognzto ftecasso the suggested are that large yellow1 have ladies in their party shold ca addressed the International Kiwanian of February, a month before Profes- expeditioni was a temple of the.Em- campus was practically completed megaphones of cardboad or other'speify such when making aplia convention dinner in the Union -at, sor Robinson left. The pair spent peror Augustus, which was both del- yesterday with the election of officers suitable material be secured. These } tion for tickets. Only 4,000 remain an 7:30 o'clock last night. Following a somel time in Pais where Mr. Swain, icate in design and rich in decoration. for three classes in the College of would aid in the cheering in addi- Ifoir the game out of an allottment Wes wecm otevstn iain ywith the assisance of Kelsey, (id "Our most impressive discovery," Dental Surgery. The elections were tion to identifying the rooters. of 10,000. Three special cars will be pos we t thevisiingKf te An bysome photographic work in the Na- said Kelsey, " rsdn atrDr ftewas near the summit of held in the dental college at 5 o'clock Another suggeston made was that run by the Miichgan Central to Il- den toalirr.a hill or which Antioch lies. Thereysedyatron the megaphones be yellow on one bana, leaving Ann Arbor Friday td Arbr lu, ndby ayr eogeE. Leaving Paris, they went to Bun- in the solid rock of the sloping Sur-, William Curran was elected presi- ( pnoa Saa1oo.J }}V -Iaeqo at} no aulq night and returning Sunday morn-,ft Lewis, Mr. Couzens was announced. ses, which they left April 16, taking (Continued on Page Two ) dent of the senior dental class; Her- J side, with songs printed there, and 1lu1g. Fare for the round trip Is $1.2. "I had expected only a male audience," bert Schwarz, vice president; G. Al-T hsad"adhdcoeasm su-pe s III rRR t1BruetesrrJuirCasJonD I OIflPthe hesi,"n a hsna ysb p a sfred Hall, secretary; and Barnett1111U lf te jetthe queton of taxatin. Isee _____vvhItEyI iI 10 il I .H resrrvJno las o n iOn o V IjCoULILJIJLele~ . --,H oecko, president; Henry ShannonVIILLlULU topiceveon wyt hou t heeae wmen I *.r..*.Mri vce president; Walter W, Heiden-T aji n1uar'o Cii toicevnihoghthrear wme Yti< ' -I O Srech secretary; and Water J. C~ atferfirII~ present" IW liI __NriJEJIArthy treautr omoeclassILLITJVD ONW biI rUiac i "The voters of this country must -* !V Duane Lris president; William IlfI! I os Inform themselves on this question. . . . .* Campbell, vice president; John Van I - --- Co of taxation that their representatives ' 3H ssnt, Rinsky - Korsakoff, to be Osdal, secretary; and Lee Fowl, An iArbor Clambe~iIr of (Commere iSee Day of Straw Ballot Cxi eq i a may known and execute their wishes. Included in Tuesday's treasurer. rksFiaI atcuet FrMjriyo 00Vtst Taxes have never been equally pro- PormTeeetonfrtefeheoen ae jlrn toer IenS Frrideofn4)test portioned, and probably never will ____sjtaflasil ezed nv at o-e --imOtoer1iPeslntl 5e" he said. "Congress will ever be *" I announced in the near future. As 1 bertedforfaorig.oe;cas;or.:.:;-*- WILL REPEAT1 RHAPSODY wa announced yesterday, officers for HOOVER CO. DONATES X50 LAFOLLE"TTE SECOND # den: another. I am intolerant of people th- efrsmnltaycasadfo------ .wh cndmnthirgoermet ndPaul Whiteman, who is to present the freshmen engineering class wi Definite arrangements bave now At the end of the second day of we et remain in the great class of uni- . ~.** .- his orchestra next Tuesday evening be chosen next Wednesday. The fresh- been completed by the Ann Arbor; balloting in the presidential straw 'lo :!:2 .xr<..,;:;men engineers will hold their glee- voetreietaoldgta formed non-voters. i ilAdtruhsjs owr- uiesmnt edte'-ic~otPeietCoig a mse a has!just forward tion at 11 o'clock in the morning atbuiesmntsnd he7-ecaasd Breltesntrtoku h dteporam for his concert. It their regular assembly. I federal tax problem, especially em- i we r icignlbndtotimlIlinisfotnbllofmajriy on87wotenutmfb143ts tring his opostin o hetao-...v-. :~.'-::wl nld nieynw nmesiTie freshmen literary class, after gamre at Urbana on Oct. 18, it was an, cast. Tai paing opsto totetx- with the ecpio fte-ia slc pecncuinofteTrdto'sD io offederal, state, and municipleI -. xeto ftefnlslc Itecnlso fteTaiinsDy 'ounced yesterday. A committee of The literary students voting in con- hod."tI alciu oageta tion, George Georshwin's "Rhapsody program next Wednesday afternoon, . . i nt pod. I i alaiust age htha.skdtohv rpatdona-business men met ystrdy nd mdenection wththeir onclass elections such bonds constitute a static invest-asskdtnverpae nc- will remain in Hill auditorium for the .e ma ~wt re mt.Teeinoscthgaspt **,iBle"wihtelccmitteei election of their officers. The re- final arrangements for the raising of I gave Coolidge 495, LaFollette 181, or1 tigmnyit a o-rdcin I-]' (count of its unusual popularity. { suits of the three medical class eleec- te $1400 necessary to (def ray tie Davis, 125. This is about the same was dstry," he said.I In detail, tie program will include: ions will be announced in The Daily railroad fare, aeepng accommoda- division of votes as resulted in the tiol "Money is always going out again (a) Dixieland--One step .. La Rocca } tomorrow. tosadStra maso adC from. a municiple investment to pay (An early discordant jazz tune.) j Results of the elections in the fresh- eniernIshoadbrnsteJden for labor and materials, thus is everI (b) Limlehouse Blues...... Braham man class of the new School of Bus- i boys. grand totals to Coolidg, 837; La- IY en in circulation. For the government . (Composition with modern score) ness administration were also an- A $50 start toward the necssary Follette 11; Davis, 12. 'hat to remoqve the exemption from such Thre e American Musical .Pieces, nounced. D. M. Phelps was elected !anount was made yesterday by the 'his completes the voting by Classes the bonds I believe would be a serious I .. .coposed by co astwood ane'; sored.pre ideht; R. P. rlgga, 1ce-pre~i- hoover Steel Pall conipany,. and with excet for thefrshmien who' will ex- dn mistae. Iadvocte hme rue inits y Ferdie Grofe: dent; B. A. Nagalwoort, secretary andh the fine spirit shown by the businessi press their preference nxt Wednes-f nom I adoatboe l e iitsec ()" "rtii ukr (An Afro- F. B. Cse treasurer.I men the project seem to be an ac- day. However, for the benefit of those ,fcoleltsextentt.andeIt believenthatudeats (a)haPersotmon hPucker C community should. Issue it own tax Sen. James E.-Couzens American elaboration of the Major Icupihdfc.Iu oCneec tdnswohv o e a h exemt bnds" Sn. Jame E.Couens th Repb- ria) n rnrr ~regulations it is impossible for te opportunity to vote, a ballot box will Dix Mr. Couzens closed his remarks by lican candidate for senator from this (b) "A Minuet for Betty Schuyler" r1f I YO1N be I Ahltcasoitint staid i miy aintainedl on tie campus all next ee. ai pointing out that the psychological state, who spoke before the seventh' (A Colonial Cameo) i for sending the lbandl away from home, week. li discontent of the people was due to: annual Michigan district convention (0) "Sea Burial" (A Marine Tone n ll~~I*fff although about 800 is provided yearly ( Th test vote in the downtown sec in the fact that the dollar was tryng to of the Kiwanians last night. Painting) 1 V DE fRIISfl LBORVV by the association for the; purchasing j ion will begin the latter part of this DIIn rule our country, and that the only Eaerala.......Phil Boutje I of mmusic, heavy disve nts and suits. I week, probably tomorrow. Stations for 1o~rpeetda h ol. Wi nPplrCmoii nwtoe rn)LndoeOt.c.aIterstn ildrat ieia telne1illbyteetrolithedTiymest out Cunt remedy was for the people to be I I~ (Soloist: Morton Do wny)nitsstages2unam ne etin theouseTcampaigndivefrttoely y wilhe estabishe bme n s tentCourt int 10uurlrersntdattepol. i nrroplrCopsiin wt Mdr Irish bill, which passed through all IThe~ suggestion has been made that, -os n te rmnn lcs .Following Sen. Couzens address the Scre dusVadLthr roinntplce.l covetinLdjuredt IILLUadto- t sSescore:dinth los as the band wil be sant by the citizens An attemipt to canvass the Kiwanian sta conenio adoune to1-il auitr ~() "Somebody Loves Me"........... Iof Coinmons tonight, is being dwarf- and will be their guests, tie musicians convention wiii also begin as oon d es umm where asecaArorm fm- shaDm JGDP( ...".''. eog ones s spcil rora ude v~~~aui blU ri~ in Gore erhwned by the buzz of political gossip should ride to Urbana in the ecit',en's as possible. All the figres, b ah to n thicmangstuntofwas caRiomit c) IC"itHad to be You". ... ...predicting an early defeat of the gov- train instead of in the regular student I from the campus, the downtown Sec- l~a Original stunts were put on by the i............Isham Jones emnnt in the general election. train. l ion, and the convention, will be to- den rbpains Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the po- .."" ""-I Everything still remains in the Alfred B. Connable, '25, president of taled in The Michigan Daily, Sill from Mt. Clemens and the singingI litic-al science department addressed I () Wmdru n ~ mea realm of speculation, but opinion the Student council, in commemting on ; iau farmers from Chelsea headed the list the opening gathering of the Student I ...........Paul .aWhite ff seems to le hardening that either on this stepi which i being taken by the'rnrnrn 0t!11ter finest music were divided between ' cussion groups last night at Lane I Slit icalFin or on the question of the Russian inesthemratsreswn6. ULJIIIifIIJ DeriBtl reand Ypsilanrti. hall. HeIcexpressed himef strongly( (Sl it ielsinon ratwhc i ocoeuperl nsending the band is greatly appreciatI r-a m' " The program was concluded by the in favor of the groups a nd urged all 1 November, that MacDonad's govern- the capus.the council belal ie es 1 i I I showing of a Special motion picture first year mlen to avail themselves of 1 lvIig eetonwt o row emnt will be overthrown. e ytecucladaltesuet l l ThmsFriprfe'tarh adisa raiainIaswstl duced by the Kalamazoo club. The 1this opportunity to 'gather in small iAmate mefS----------FecdiensGrofev Thre ewasfal otonihthatinte ha tebnd sanogiain ab presentAdaptionyoffStaddardiSelectionsf toveneeemitrofmthesdownfallagofnthetpresent a worthyrofeapdefinitee sorrsefofhrevenueiesArgumentussforeandoagainst thechaz-yas pitue xpaiedth wrbofth bdis nddicus uetinsupn Dnc Rytmlabor government, King George I to cover traveling expenses to all liwns of freshmen by upperclassmen sec Kalamazoo camp for undernourished which they desire to hear the opin- (a) "Thais, Meditation" ..- Masenet aol umn fre rme outside games, which it positivelywee onierdnadbte efeer and abnormal children. Victor M. i ions of others. wold smmn ome Pe irelsdr iadbte foe ra JhsnInentoa p-oen Lionel Ger. Crocker of the publicI(b "llymrn to the Sun"............ IBaldwin to form a new government i should attendi. In spite of mouch effort i the Alpha Nu debating society lstG.iRmk-osofthsdint}poehaotytbn was presented to the convention, 11speaking department also addressed) .......i'y-'skf I and that Mir. Baldwin would declineIti ei't noehsntytbe night in the society rooms in ~nve- I C wh.ich adjourned to the Michigan Un- the gathering. I(") "By thec Waters of Miinnetona"i the task and that then the monarchj realized and ~nless this is accom- sity hall. Luis Gibson, '2, and Elmer M." inwhere a dance and reception was IoiSix men have nubeen addedh to tie list-----------Cavaness Liewance would invite former Premier Asquith pished by such contriutions as the Sazman, '26L, who spoke in favor ag held in his honor. I o h tdn Rhapsody in Blue-------------otae.p.hbude.merchants are maing, te band will of hlazing, won the contest because dn orgnlyanuc~ -------George Gershwin be____unabl___ e to take thetrp it d- ei At 1:0_ocockCdaarandhade_ unable" trips"" "I"of the merits of their speeches, l-cx Atn1w0hchalocksitodaycaugrandlarad edeso teegomp.rI-ee r:i (Soloist: Harry Parella) sres"thouh members of the club and vis- inewiall levistngcubHill pait rii- d fghen sel 2b oadlm I A special feature of the prograni e an er s-r i itors had much to say against the.;'o" Raewl ev iladtru n man, student secretrinry of the Mth- 1aill e the three newv American co- west o Sta~o dow Willams7t practice when tie formal debate ast the go ws nSae onWlim oodist churchli , ene Power, '27, IIN ot T il Lights tR e isu ss1 Fourth, past the Masonic 'Temple and Thomas Pryor, '2 , Ar char- Thomas, I positions by Eastwood Lane. In these I- al concluded. Theodore Hornberger, 7'27,.1 thence to 'Main street. The 72 piece .'25M, and Victor Gomdas, grad. pieces will be found three frank at- City ]MJanagers and Mark Harringon, "27E, uheld I sr R; r.-.ionA nifn m llla I tempt:, at pogram music, not intend- ( niversity students who own old the affirmative as oposed to hazing. I lt. P L 1___ dIN ALITION OF' 'IVO va - &t:,-0 WtIES 'MAY i' t' EBRYT~AN M0 EVIDENCE GIVEN lo(ratie, I nil j, ient 't jnagers Refute' Republ icanm Cli i's VVashington, Oct., 2. (By A. P.)-A litien between tim em~oecxratic ILaFolette forces, particularly in tern states with the evident pur-~ ;e of forcing the elect ion of a presi- t into Congress was charged -here ay by William M. Butler, chairmman the Republican national conmmi ttee. 'lie logical outcome in the event election were thrown into Con- !ss, Mir. Butler added, would be the tion of