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October 03, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-03

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jJH I O ~h _____ ____ ____

we .



CODEs IYEIntramurat Items
)f t a lk Jn t r i fo r all so o t ; et e k l s o r t
flV 0thIn itrmao ffcerandyintwiidi a
I ND IVI DUALurflssed Ollie recind for a rnd!
Coachies Ironi Out Players' i)c1'ed .A prCeviousyersedalnt h l-
Opeiiiiig Gallic of1 a:;!!i PL5sinlOrtennlis tournainent.
Lovni Stu d ents orfoorganizations that are
Cic f , platinlg participation in any of
AhRIAL ATTACK IS'Ui ES FD Othe ov or the Ali- aiu tennis
IN BACKFl 1V01t111'l oule fray should planee their palm"
_______ and addi' s: at the Intramural efhicc
With the opening of the se~.soll lc ble r,, lo'rck, tomoflrrlow night.
than a week away, the Varsity ccoac ' s wzannoffluflcede(I5hC(1ul0 will
devoted the majCtiIy of Thuesdlay's ii2 'd2 i 01Sunday's Daily and& plty
practice session to individual instruc- vibenMody nbth eni
tion inan ttemt t ovrcom ary; ournaments, ;while the pecrsonrnel of
defects the men may have acjuxired.aE<r 1.1 x n iedrl ilapa
The squad was divided up intosmnall eis iui olwdW h n
groups which -were in charge of t;.,:eionc nlet of thIe first. pairings 'frI"
the openlnf gnit s next Tunesdlay aft-
.io encoaches.onsouth Ferry fieldl.
The lnemenspent most of their rono o1
time in DeltaTau Upsilon appearstob
tm incharging; blocking«, falling on Detasrngbd rhorshi
mlakxingasrn;bdfrlor ti
the bail, and othewr fulidanellt din.'fl,1aixaraiethd"l ea
Forwrd pssin wasstr i~edwithin the folirlth alnnual frat rnity GIross-
the ends and backs. ;Coach Yos"t I i: ounry igtt
emphasizing strongly this branch ofI ,lrtry met. ma aylxn
'attack, in an attcenpt t I=.il il t' x ili an act poinxts to ixnora keen conii-
system of passes which wl .comlpare lpetition anion,; the harriers i this
favorably with that of last year. division this fall. Coach Sullivanl will
Michigan's aerial attack was .M-i 1have charge of thlieir runners this fall
doubtedly the strongest in the Confer- and will take care of the Other inen
enice last season and the "Old Mail" as they appear. lie already has more
is" sparing nb efforts to develop an; than 50 under his tutelage and says
equally effective one for 1923. he wants mnore'
At 4:30, the squat was called over
to the main gridiron for secret prac- Tb111 t°boxing has arrived amonxg the
tice. The coaches are workig onl(de- stucents at the University hlas becorr'
Tenses for the plays Case s expected a c fact, for every day gnd,; more and
to ,employ in the op enzig garle of the: rmore signing up for "Ted's" clas-se,,
season Saturday. Certain lays were1 which will start within the next f( wv
also worked out for offensive uis(e'11 weeks. Fifteen fast rounds greetedl
the season' s inaugural contest. While! the spectators yesterday, although
the Cusc game is usually: considered aj some of them were pult onl by ticg;-
"set-up" affair, the Cleveland school { ners the blorinig room at Waterman
always boasts an aggregation which is1 gymnnasiunm was fairly crowded before 1' oiirr
plugging at all times. Ini 1910. CaseE the Coach wound up his afternoon
held Michigan to a 3-3 tie, while the program.
year previous, nine p)oints was 'the
margin in favor of Michi ain. A new sport wvhich will be entitled
The sick list is shrinking rapidly, the obstacle race will be the out- Chal
an eea tecipe r akstannding feature of this fall's Intra- hifalinansentofhecipsarbckeec
in harness. Steele, who has bceen mural program as soon as the final wr
ladu wt a ke o h atplans are drawn up. bac hei
lad p ih__bdkneortea Coach
few dayrs, was able to take a stilfer The supply of official speedball rule champ
workut Tesda t12an h hasIlibooks' is fast dwindling as there were r
dulged in since his injury, while Cap- mayclsfrte~etra.Toe 'h
tam~~~~~~~ vikwota lo enudr wo are lin need of them2 most should
traten fr buiedknehacall as early as possible and get a tare
practically recovered from its effects. copy.re
The entire squad is on edge for the11
first game of the 1923 season. Satur- fy' There is still a lack of tryouts for
lay, and good football is expected.S Intramural manager and class athlletic r1,l
both the Reserves and the Freshmlen m Ianag1ers positions. Information can
arebeig pepaedforVarityserm-I be had by calling at the Intramural
mage, the srfuad will probably re ceif; othece on the second floor of Wr~atermani Cp
its baptismi of fire Wednesday oi'r maim guard(
TIhursday. and ie


r _ ,Therearr no lbars of clorT, race or
]rIf[eree in t?1e pur cnit of an athletic
in n uno~lip.ifa uman has the ability
ElISH I the gae square, h1e will be
a ccepted1.
tiCoal~l l Spaldig' iiildigEtiI'1 W.i 1111t11<?1lst .tw e'lVe monfths 1th e
S~ua trumd(d)dm.Itltri or11ld as seen a Senegalese-l:at-
S~n iibu1I (uSiki--horn with ni arshtofiho1
AN, T1 '!I. sr;'r 34.% talrn b ack of St. Louis, whe1e1th
AM L 1 H'~ i ~ ~flatie war(Iruins throb) thir1(i'!- e
T~)"A(E NhTHLhY ~ mesagvwn the heavy x ei ']O' hamp-
ion ,slip (of !°'uroe; Pan1cho V lill a
'1\inneapalis , M alln, (Oct. 2. -\Vith1 1,lo wn-skix1,Cd X011of tlhealays1-, vwin
( " wee lks of' tr alun-g behind themli
Ni nust' ohr.a onigit the flyweight t itle of the w'orld ; IEu1-
( rlc (t1.( ,~ . n :,1d n n oshap~e ior the op~ening ga e With the; gene Criqlu', a Frenchman, wii :tand
field, ss, tul'day, October ,i. Prosl:)ts Lo 1,se laurels of ?'the universe, and"(
powerful Alles eleven onl N olthl-ol Johnny'Dunce, an Ital'ian, ,;1lc(il


Sport Snap Shots

for a strong team are hrig~t and him.


(f the llini sfis. Fuillback lit ri Brittoni kicking, Iidaek "lTei" G range
(Cnter Vivin GIreen ready to s nmap the ball, anti Captain dilm Mc iila on

t 'ol D a cI'~. j forward pss
dIeemiuse. At ,)wer lefi, Co a :t


ampaign, III., Oct. 2.-After two
e years as far as 'victories were
con corned, Unriversity of Illinois 1
rs are looking, for the return of
fRobert C. ituke's Illini as
lm onship contenders this season.!
as coimtraaM;t to he team of 1922,
en Mhe squiadlhad, gtit three letter
ia at the start of the seaasouthere #
14 letter omen inclu inn eight l
,altars doing 11&heir best toa hold
,in' old positionls agaainst time at-'
li o 01 rilliant a yearling squad
ha s Jwv on setea n 01 inhois Field
..aa . a .yeair.
t. Jinn McMillan, all-Conference
llast year, is sire of his job,
ither Vivian Creenm or Gil Rob-
of las-t year's squad w-ill' be backI
,ater, Green having the prefer-
buIt there is not .anotner.. berth
~.clm there is not some promising1
)more candidate. "Bubbles" Mlit-,
liner---a yearling, is engaged in
ee corner fight With the veterans!
M iiller and Leonard Umunus for!
Cher guard( position, Mliller hold-
li aclvantage. Neithier Bunny
snor ]),ick Wagner, regular
s la st year, have broken intoj
egular lineup for any length of

ings, Cord ipe, Don Karnes and Bill
Hansen of last year's reserves, and IT l K 11 TfAl
Emil Schultz, a fullback last season. I c K I N y .
1 Swede Iliull, a brother of the Tana- UHn
" w,'Swede" who piloted the 19111 FOiw..1- AND 9IJ.L M
Illini, is tIme l bst bet at quarter.. Hit'M
isajoumlor, hilt wsmu ,theg;auume
last year -with in caries. Stevie ,Coat- ;''lTIIII : MLE 1 lt1TX i'li ti; ',1 ) It
hI el eand ltune Clark, wo alternated, t l?0 E()VYNl'llY l1'N ^o lS r I
at thae job last year, are pressinmghNio I ATtrlsl AY
Shard, however, while hlowdy Ihulir. a___
fleet sophomore, has had sevieral Aohrlgtwe si tr o
tral a tl~ Jb.the hill and (l aven.The pro-se ason ,
Harod (ed)Gra~ge cataiof asttired muscles are slowly leaving theo
year's freshimeif ' Is one of the prettiest men" and with the advent of cooler'
jbacks seen on Illinois field in years, ~ patc a enmr cu
and' seems certain of a regular job. ete rcieha enmr cu
Wallie McIlwaif, regular in 1922; is lam'.
getting plenty of work as his running Saturday of this week another runt
mate, while Johnny Maiuer, hnother will be riven the candidates, this timge t
sophomore., is al o a strong possaibility: f'- three-mile workout instead of the'
Brittoni Fullbacok Choice ; two-mile exercise as was the case Last
Earl1lBritton of the yearlings is prac- ;mfuum. Ti stentrlse
tically sure of the fullback job at pres- uniIhecrsha'bnlnghdt
ent, although he has no mean oppornte .Ihe--mile conference limit. Each
ints in Walter Crawford, also a sod .i-i"~' '
more, and Schultz, in case he is, not eh ill fiirn motherm m1e added thu
usda-ed casing into the mraximumn run.

2iru 001 andod 011adhlerents anticipiate I And then lius Angel F±irpo, pritni-
the first T: g Ten clash -with her old i ire in looks aid Sa('t oisadl a de's-
rival, \Viscon'i,,nr, at Madison after c niatofInwhfogtilC( r'
threeedpreltmofaryemonwhsts uitt ineCaesr1
ihre prei~nmm'y ontets wthm meslegions, bobbed up "to seek:ithe hay
the I la shell Indins andI North D al ota.
( Coach fill Spaulding, with lP'wegh cam=pionshilp of the wrld, a
cahig staff has swp umnted light, title that -with one <ectliouneverx
co::nditionl,-ng woekisr for lmg lmlhat" been fromx either the Celtic- or
alihou 11i the funll]mu(Ia'llsill have Anglo Saxon races.
thoer plrac v in the daily ""-)gram, most Not only 'n the ring is the cosmio-
of' thet.(tie finds the ever-chaaiging hiolitancy of sports' establish(-,. onxi
varsity iIi .ledar.4ainst the f re:>lunen Petcoff, captain of the Ohio State fioot-
or te till vu ILhall I team, is a Dulgariazi ; at Bso
C-atainla,rl Martinean, selec-ted by coleKanlIasmarpkisoe
vy:-, i, E'ck ersall with 1Ta rr y Kipik( of of the leading backfield canxdidates for'
Mlichiglan for All Wes.ternr halfback the football team. Ike Hart 1 fubba i'd
loI;getter t banx ever andc is a fix- I of Michigan, one' of tme greatest trad(k
I~lv ta1 lt 0110of tile back p~ositions.11.4; men of the p~resenmt era, is colred';
plug' iiq is lh j caliher andth ie fe tY so was H-oward lDrewx, the fleet spkrinlt-
tim,,es that Spa uldiug hats shoved himl er from Drake, and Sol Blutler, the1C
i into thle linei, b hlas performled wvith distance runner, was a, Fin; Zbysz.ko,
all of hlis 1122 speed an('[ aggfressive- I great jumper. Hans Kiohlem~xaineni, ±thu
noss. Ilis i\hiesota backers expect a the wrestler, is a Pole. Fewani x-
baE e eaorteIlah Fecha civilized are the races that Ohauve not
h'is third indi final year in 'Mlaroon
an0~~~~ Gzl pmge.inoduxced a champion or a champion-
'N-' la.imy veterans have r'etuirned to tl' e ship contender.
fold. Oster, a hard hitting fullback
_iems sine 'of r gular service, wije s 'IWilliam, Gardner, a; soujthpaw pitclv-
Peters on, ifobuberg; and Lidberg 'are er, added to the roster of the Cleve-
shxow-,jng strongest at halves. As yet land Indians, making two -Gardnlers
no one o of the five quamterba(;k candi- on the team, flails from H-azerwool,
cat(--, (tuzy, 'Willson, Gross, GrahamnPa., and1 has been p~laying withx the fs
anid .yrim seems to hlave the etiga. intiependent .team .know a3 bthelit-
Gross, las t year .'s pilot, was late illbrh olganle a en'~th
repl otilg, 1 ;nt is overhaulhng his coin- nee letblarudPl-
hi Plors ay- faaIt.burgh for several years.
141'I! c eYill~d, 'sar f, is expelcted
to clear the elig ibility b ars before Dail'y classified for real results.
the ibest gamel, % Lce is working daily I ""
with the squad. 1VIerr?1l, Sdiajoll and y I
C .ole, veterammsz,, andl iM orris, a comlerm
fromn the 1922 f cosh, vie for' the other,
en 6 bet t. OilieA as, captain of the
11.122; varsity, is back fightinmg to hole?
his old cemnter be rthl. Other center
candidates al'e Rollitt, and Coopter. At Wm
tackles, Cox., Mcl)onald, recently de-
clar'ed eligible, and Loulis Gross ar,
showing plenty of stuff and the lead-
ing guards at this ear'ly (late are',
Ctri stgau, Abr ihamnson and Clapp. 6
Moethanl 50 players now comrise.A,
I ie Gopher squad and a. large fresh-
ilan tui'noit repor'tedl to T. N. YMel~cal 1.
c uacl. of tihe yea~rlings, last 'Wednles-


Sophomuiore'Try-outs Wne
The business staff of the i\.'Iiigian-
ensian will need tien more try-ou ts this,
year. Report to Thos. G. Kindel, busi-
ness manager, in time Press building>
th:'s after'noon or tomorrow at three;(

E ntry blanks for the All-cam-pus
tennis tournanient, singles and doub-I
les, and the fraternity and class
speed~ball leagues will close pronmtlyl
at 5 o'clock, Thursday afternoon.
Schedules will be inadle'out over the
w~eekend andl will be announced in
next Sunday's issue of The Daily.

ats o
'for -,.v
t erwa I
a titre
'mn,, tip
t ime re(

h __-____ __

Official. Fros ots and
Toque s.
Parcel Pst La udry
Laborat ory Coats,,
Overalls and Coveralls.


Coach 'Zuppke, is driving his team
to the linmit these'-days, lmeparing them
for the opening game with' Nebim'aska,

1}The squadc continues to inmb.er "S0,1
two or' three men r'portig durin; the

timge. Dick flall a 210potind(erm, and;l Oct. 6. He will be able to present a w~ill find the squad intapct, Coach Far-i
Chuck Birown, sophomores, leading tihe' heavy line, averaging probhab~ly more rell hopes, 'andl in that way the uros-
fight for these positions.' than 190 Founds to the man, andl so ie lect for the season can be ascertantedI.
EI nI ('llidiedate", PlIei1ful ' fleet and har'd hittinig acks, but withIAtpenthrecnbnoshWa
Tlheme are. a host of candidates for the number of new men in thic line- At 'sn hr cnb oetmt
ends, Frank Roku,-ek, regular last m thmat present per'formantces indicae other than that which has been said
year, being fairly certain of one job. will be in there, there are a lot of that Mvichigan 1looms as a strong con-
,IBut he has plenity of competition in. { rough spots to be shined up). tender for Conference honors.,.
Ted Richards, his running mate inj --
1922, A. (..flall and Shaw of the yearl- Daily classified for real re'sults. I Daily classified for real results.


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Just what you were looking for last year and we were
unable to secure at a reasonable price.a
Prices from$1to2
South State Street at William St.
Trhe H-ome of Better Clothes, Furnishings, and Hats at Fair Prices

develops spine, courage, self-
confidence, and the ability
to think, quickly decide and
Watch this space for imn-
portant announcement.
Meanwhile take your ride.
Packard. St. and City Lirn-
its. -- $5 each.

State Street

MIain Street




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