a. XXXIV. No. 93
F'EB, 11 TO 1 4 S ET
Uiggs, Cooley, Smith, Lewis, Bennett,
To Speak Nonday, Registration
in Morning
The tenth annual conference on
lighway Engineering of the Univer-,
ity of Michigan will be held here
Fonday, Feb. 11, until Thursday, Feb.
4, under the direction o fthe CollegeE
tf Engineering and Architecture ins
o-operation with the Michigan State
[ighway Department and the Michi-
an association of Road Commission-
rs and Engineers.
Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard, of the
ighway engineering department, who
i directing the conference, believesr
hat the meeting will bring together
irtually all of the highway interests!
f Michigan. It is expected, he also
tated, that more than 500 men will
ttend the meetings.
Students May Attend.
The conference aims to supply in-,
>rmation to road commissioners and
ngineers relative to highway admin-
Atration, organization, financing, traf-
c, drainage systems and foundations,
nd the construction and maintenance!
f roadways and bridges suitable for
oads and streets in the State of.
[chigan. It is open to all road com-
issioners, engineers, and others in-
erested in highway improvement. I
Professor Blanchard yesterday stat-
d that all students who are inter-
sted in the highways question are
ivited to attend all sessions and dis-
ussions of the conference, including,
he smoker Tuesday evening and thej
nal banquet Thursday. Tickets forE
ie latter can be secured from the
iihwav engineering office. 1024 East
Garrett Attacks
Attorney- General
SINCE 1921
News Concerning Students Here Sent
To Their Home Town Papers
By Organization
All news in which the names of
of students appear at the University
will be sent to the home town news-
papers of the students concerned, by
The Daily, beginning with the secondI
semester. In undertaking this task
The Daily absorbs into its organiz-
ation The Michigan Newc Bureau, or-
ganwzed and conducted since 1921 by
Sigma Delta Chi, professional journ-
alistic fraternity. Robert G. Ramsay,
'25 has been appointed director of this
- -- - -?- - -
Attorney-General Dauglierty
Representative Garrett, ,Tennessee
house Democratic leader, launched an
a t t a e r a ain ct Att Grv-a.(nn a'
g. L si.L -Borney- eneraStudent News
Daugherty yesteirday in connection The purpose of the Michigan News
with the Fall oil lease scandal. It is Bureau has been to supply every,
said that the democrats are attempting newspaper in the country with any
to force Daugherty to leave the cab- available news concerning students in
inet. the University from their respective
communities. A telegraphic service,
day, has been maintained while the
bureau has been in service.
The news handled concerns indivi-_
LLduals only. General stories of insti-
tutional activities and stories which'
do not have a specific local interest
, -are not included in the bureau's ser-
Walter RosenIain, Famous Chentgt vice.
Who Spokehlere Last Spring, The Michigan News Bureau was,
Writes of Experiences i conceived and first organized in the
fall of 1921, by Joseph A. Bernstein..
CALLS mIC0IGAN UNIQUE '22, conducted by Sigma Delta Chi1
A ND REMARKABLE SCHOOL the bureau sent personal items off
______Michigan's students to papers in all
In an article entitled "Science and sect'ons of the United States during
Indutryin mercawhih aear inIits first year of existence. This. ser-
Industry in America, which apears in vice, was continued until late in the '
ia recent issue of the Engineer, pub- vc a otne ni aei h
I en EnglandWterngine, u spring of last year, when the volumei
Walter Rosenhain of the news handled made it impossi-
who is a prominent man in the chem- ble to cont'nue it as a gratis student
ical circles of England and who lec*. activity.
tured here last spring at the invita- Under Sigma. Delta Chi.
tion of the Unive! sity, gives -iis view Since that tin Sigma Delta Chi j
IWith this issue The Daily will
suspend publication until Feb. 12,
the first day of the new semester.
This is made necessary on ac-
Iicount of the semester final ex-
j aminationsi to be given in the
ensuing two weeks.
All University men and women
who wish to try out for the edi-
torial staff of The Daily will
meet at 4 o'clock, Wednesday,
Feb. 13, in the reading room on
the second floor of the Press
building. Students who have
completed at least a semester's
work in the University are eligi-
ble. Those who have a thorough'
knowledge of the campus care'
Dean Bates Talks To Senior Class
Upon Subject of "Getting
Into Practice"
Lawyers should keep out of politics
was the advce given by Dean Henry
M. Bates of the law school in a talk
on "Getting into Practice" given be-
fore the senior law class yesterday
afternoon in the law building. "The
men who try to combine their law
practice with politics do not make
successes of themselves and usually
"disappear in the night", for dabbling
in politics invariably keeps them
from establishing and extensive and
stable clientele," he said.
The Dean gave further advice as
to the proper methods for getting a
also larger expenditures. One's ac-
first question that comes to a grad-
uates. mind," said the Dean, "is wheth-
er he should start practicing in a
large or small city.
Usually a xau in a larger city
mnakes a larger salary, but he has
al o larger penditures. One's ac-
cumulation of property in a'metro-
polis may be no larger than that
which one accumulates in a small
A man in a smaller place has the
best chance of succeeding, but on the
other hand in a small town you have
to fight desperately hard in order
to avoid stagnation. In a larger
place a man must buckle down and
work harder, because of the greater
lure of amusements and because of
the sterner competition."
After the Dean's address, a business
meeting of the senior class was held.
Aluuni Make
Films Showing
University Life
The general Alumni association is
now preparing two reels of moving
picture films showing views of the
campus and its activities, the con-
struction program, pictures of prom-
inent individuals, such as President
Marion L. Burton and Dean Mortimer
E. Cooley, of the Colleges of Engin-
eering and Architecture, football
games and the dedication of Yost field
Garrett Attacks Attorney Genera!
from Floor of house; Resignation
Washington, Jan. 28.-(By A. P.)-
A whirlwind of developments, today
1 advanced measurably the govern-
ment's plan to rid itself of the Fall of
A resolution urging the president t
institute proceedings for annullment
of both the Sinclair and Dohney con-
tracts was debated all day in the sen-
ate within indications pointing to it
j adoption tomorrow.
Another resolution, requesting the
president to call for the resignation
of Secretary Denby because of h
pare in the leasing program, and intro.
duced Senator Robinson, Arkansjas
the Democratic leader, but its consid-
eration was deferred.
. Coolidge Silent
President Coolidge, who already has
announced his purpose to prosecute
communicated with several of those
he has in mind as special counsel, but
tonight was unable to announce def-
initely who had been selected.
The house, however, passed a reso-
lution appropriating $100,000 for pros-
ecution of annullment proceedings
But a single vote was cast against it
The whole situation was talked over
at a White House conference during
the evening between the President
Chairman Lenroot of the senate oil
committee, Senatois Lodge, of Mass.
and Curtis of Kansas, the Republican
From the sick bed of former interior.
secretary Fall, word went out that he
not only would be unable to appear_
before the oil committee tomorrow a
[plantid; but might ot be able tc
testify ftrrsome days to come.
Walsh Proposes
The resolution proposing the resig-
nation of Secretary Denby was of
fered after demands that he quite the
I abinet had been mad by Senator
Walsh, Democrat, Montana, a dominat-
ing figure in the oil inquiry, and other
Democratic senators.
A somewhat similar attack on At-
torney General Daugherty was made
V in the House by representative Garrett
of Tennessee, the Democratic leader
The impression given both at thc
White House and the Navy and justice
departments was that neither Mr. Den-
by nor Mr. Daugherty was prepared
to resign and that the President had
no present intention of asking thei
to step out of the cabinet.
A demand that Mr. Denby go before
the house Naval committee and ex-
plain his part in connection with the
leases was made by some democratic
committeemen, but the majority decid-
ed to do nothing for the present.
May Exchange Old
Books Next Week
I i Cn lLLI to Wril h L i n 5IVII 1I UjnnJr
Defer Bill For
His Resignation
Edwin Denby, '96L
Action on the bill introduced intc
the Senate yesterday by Senator Rob-
inson, Democrat, to ask for the resig-
nation of Edwin Denby, '96L, secretary
of the navy, in connection with the'
investigation into oil leases was de-
ferred by that body.
Registration for Education and
Literary Students Starts
Next Monday
.850 COU PLES w GT I H
Among the events outlined for the point of the University of Michigan has bee
first day of the conference are: regis- and other American institutions. tinue th
tration from 8 o'clock until 12 o'clock The writer starts outs by stating ! basis.
in room 1024 East Engineering build- that the University here is a "unique next m
ing, an afternoon session, under thQ and remarkable institution." He tells will pad
leadership of Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of that it is supported by the state, which adminis
the civil engineering department, and from the English point of view seems;Unde
a moving picture program showing rather novel. One half of the arti- expense
"Road achinry andHighwy Con
"Road Machinery and Highway Con- cle is taken up with explaining the Board
struction Methods" In room 348 West system. cations.
Engineering building. The remainder of the account con-ct C
Mayor to Give Welcome cerns the chemical department and
Speakers the first day of the con- especially the , work of Prof. E. D.
ference include, George E. Lewis, Campbell of that department. Mr.
mayor of Ann Arbor, who will give an Rosenhain lauds Professor Campbell WITS
address of welcome from the city; and speaks of him as a "striking per-
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the Col- sonality" who is "well-known for his
leges of Engineering and Architec- work in metallurgy."
ture, who will give the address of The writer contines in praising
welcome from the University; Leroy Professor Campbell. He says, "This Wash
C. Smith, engineer-manager of th:e really heoric effort and continued per- figures
Board of County Road Commissioners severance under grave disadvantages, posed t
of Wayne county; and Charlestl J. together with a particularly charming ways a
Bennett, highway contractor of Hart- and lovable manner, has gained Pro- the rec
ford, Conn., and former State Highway fessor Campbell the affectionate ad- lon to
Commissioner of Connecicut. miration of all his students and col- cent re
Other men of nation-wide fame who leagues. le is looked upon as a fine whicha
will speak during the conference will scientific worker.'" Allt
be: President Marion L. Burton; Dr. j Rosenhain sums up the article by were d
Frank I. Dixon, professor of eco- saying that although Ann Arbor is poses o
nomics and social institution, of laboring under disadvantages, the was se
Princeton university; Frank H. Rog- ",metallurgical division of the depart- come o
I taken.
era, state highway commissioner of ment of chemical engineering formsIte
Michigan; Charles E. Hill, general a center where true research is cult- Trew0
safety agent of the New York Central ivated and some interesting and valu- less t
lines; Capt. W. S. Gilbreath, manager able work has been produced." scould
of the Detroit Automobile club; Irv -cou
ing W. Patterson, chief engineer of compu
the Rhode Island state road board Thus,
J. R. Howard president of the Nation- vincome
al Transportation institute. n
Dean Cooley will be the toastmaster INI SIEfl EPDATTA c
o f th e in fo rm a l d in n e r o f th e M ic h i- I g an a s o cia t o nIofload C o m i s siAnc-
an asociaiono Road Comission- -
ers Thursday night at the Union, New York, Jan. 28.-The University
which will close the conference. F. of Wisconsin has accepted tentatively
E. Beard, president of the group, will an invitation to compete in the in- Shan
preside over the meeting. A business tercolegiate regratta on the Huson remove
following the river at Poughkepsie, June 17 for the worki
meeting will be heldfolwn th; first time in a dlecade. thekiL
speeches. This announcement was made today the a
by Maxwell Stevenson, chairman of the ti
the Board of Stewards of the inter- thin
collegiate Rowing asociation, after re- ternoo
Jceiptof word from F. E. Jones, Wis- deathl
OFnr consin Athletic director that the Bad- saved.
gers, who competed in seventeen re- No
TIgNITYIretta's without interruption from gation
1898 to 1914, "were confident of being coal c
Iowa City, Iowa, Jan. 28--The repi'esented this year." 15 exp
board in control of athletics at the Princeton is doubtful about enter- two:
Un iversity of Iowa gave credence to- ing the regratta, while the Naval oficerr
day to reports that Howard H. Jones, academy has definitely decided not to certain
director of athletics will cancel his compete again, Mr. Stevenson said, in ate in
contract with Trinity college, Dur- revealing replies to two other invi- quiry.
ham, N. C., and remain at Iowa. R. tations extended by the Stewards. Of t
A.. Kuever, chairman of the board, 1 and tl
xvnijld neiheverifv nor deny the re- ..I14 ' - 110.
en working on plans to con-
he bureau on a sound financ'al
By the plan to be inaugurated
.nth the control of the bureau
ss from Sigma Delta Chi to the
tration of The Daily.
r th's arrangement half of theI
of conducting the bureau will {
by The Daily and half by The
in Control of Student PublI-
"ontinued on Page Two)
ington, Jan. 28.-Income taxj
got their first slice of the pro-
ax relief today when the house
nd means committee adopted
omniendation of Secretary Mel-
allow a special twenty-five per
duction in the tax on incomes
are "earned."
taxable incomes under $5,00C
efined as earned for the pur-
of this reduction, while $20,000
t as maximum amount of in-
n which the reduction could be
sury estimates show that about
000 tax payers have incomes of
ban $5,000 and automatically
deduct from their tax, when
ted, 25 per cent of its total
a married man with two chil-
'ho now pays a tax of $28 on an
of $4,000 would pay only $22
Students in the University whose
courses will be changed during the
coming semester will make elections
beginning next week. The period for
election, varies in the various, col-
Elections for the literary colleg
and the School of Education will be 1
made beginning next Monday until
Friday at 5 o'clock.tJuniors and sen-
election blanks in the office of, Regis- 1
iors in the literary college will secure{
trar Arthur G. Hall, and sophomores
will secure them in room 208 of Uni-
versity hall. All of the blanks when
completely filled out will be turned in
to the Registrar's office.
New students and freshmen whc
have not registered already will be
accommodated in Registrar Hall's of-,
fice. Elections for all classes in thel
School of Education will be made in
the general offices of the school in
Tappan hall.
Graduate students and new studen"
c:ransferring from other schools an6
colleges should make their election.
from Feb. 7 to 9 in the office of the
Graduate school in University hall
All students transferring at this time
should at once secure an official tran-
script of his undergraduate record
which he should send to the secretary
of the Graduate school.
Elections in the engineering college
will not start until Feb. 9 at 1:30
o'clock and will continue all day Mon-
day, Feb. 11, in the office of the secre-
tary of the engineering college. All
classes will register at this time. The
announcement of the engineering col-
lege for the second semester is now
ready and may be secured at the of
flee of the secretary.
e - mu ,r1%re11 t r
Three Orchestras, Bargee's of Detroit
Jordan's of Louisville, Mills
of Flint to Play
Eight hundred and fifty ceuple
gathered from every corner of the
United States, will throng Watermar
and Barbour gymnasium when th
doors are opened upon the 1925 J-Ho:
cn the night of Friday, Feb. 8 . Froni
9until 2:30 o'clock those attendng
will give themselves up to the joy of
thme evening.
Leading the grand march at Miehi-
gan's greatest social eent of the year
will be Edhift R. iaughter. '25E, anl
[thel Mae Tuell of Louisville, Ky
Miss Tuell, a senior at the University
of Louisville, and an athlete and stag
dancer known throughout the state of
Kentucky, should prove a fit partner
for Slaughter, also an athlete.
Eskimo Village
The gymnasiums, here the ball will
be held, will be transformed for the
event. An atmosphere of the frozen
north will creep into the spirit of the
decorations that will be used. Typify.
ing the idea, an eskimo village will
be reproduced in full in the ballroom
About thewalls of the ballroom and
beneath the balcony that surrounds
the room, eskimo igloos will be con-
structed beforea background of white
and blue. Iights will shine from thmei
doors upon the booths that will be In
front of them, each booth being sep
arated from those next to it by wall
of snowy ice.
Above the booths and dripping frox
the balcony, jagged icicles and wflte
ice will hang. Above this a dark blu
northern sky will rise covering the
entire ceiling. Stars, lighted to thro
a mellow light upon the revekrs, wil
glitter from this canopy.
Thee Orchestras
At one end of the larger gymnasium
a colored Aurora borealis, lighted, b
a bank of lights and by smaller spot
lights, will shine. A picture will b
painted over the othr end, that o
a ship frozen in a mass of icebergs
I Lights will shine from the portholes o
the ship. Three orchestra platformf
about the two gymnasiums will b
covered by an arch of jagged ice ani
guarded by a polar bear and a walrn
on either side.
Three orchestras will furnish musi
for tie dance. Roy Bargy's ten piec
orchestra of Detroit will be the featur
musical combination of the Hop, Mill'
orchestra of Flint, formerly of th
Rainbow Gardens of Chicago, an
Jordan's colored orchestra of Louis
v +llo, wiiitbe the other two group
used. Largy's and Mill's will play. i
the larger gymnasium, while Jordan'
orchestra will play alone in. Baibou
Following Slaughter and Miss Tue
in the grand march that will be th
Signal for the beginning of the festi
ities, will be the 12 other members o
the Hop committee. These are: W. C
Cartier, '25D, Ray A. Millington, '2
William Kerr, '25E; William Roesse
'25; Charles Merriam, '25E; James I
Miller, '25; Robert Snodgrass, '251
James :Collison, '25; William Cusic
'25P; Richard Travis, '25M; Haro.
I assidy, 25A; and John Tracy, '2
:Students wilt De given the oppor-
tunity to sell old books and to buy
second hand books at an exchange that
ount For All
Explosion Victims
nktown, Pa., Jan. 28.-With the
al today of five bodies from the
ngs, all the men who were in
ancashire mine here fby the
s and Tucker coal company at
me of the explosion Eaturday af-
n were accounted for. The
list totals 36. Twelve men werej
date has been set for an investi-
by state mining authorities, the
company's officials said, but it
pected to begin within a day or
Mine inspectors and conmpany
s today entered the mine to as-
n if it was safe for an immedi-
vestigation by a board of en-
the 36 victims, 31 were married
he children made fatherless total
These pictures have been taken dur- will be conducted during the second
ing the past fall by the Metropolitan week of examinations by the Union.
Mving Pisturebyorhoratoota- The exchange will be located at the
n are brinasse l desk in the corridor of the Union.
troita enowbA similar service is conducted each
at the company's studio. They will 1 year by the Union in order to allow
be viewed next Wednesday in Detroit students to dispose of old books.I
by Mason P. Rumney, '09E, president Last year more than 500 books were
of the Alumni association, Roy D. exchanged in this manner. A file
Chapin, ex-'03, vice-president, and T. system is kept of books listed for sale
Hawley Tapping, '16L, field secretary, and of those who wish to buy and the
so that the final form can be decided students wishing to buy or sell are
upon. put in touch with each other in this
'In addition it is planned to include! way.
some old films of campus views with
the idea of showing the changes that Bulletin
have taken place. I
These films will be sent to Alumni --
associations that desire to show them Chamonix, France, Jan. 28.-(By A
at banquets or other meetings. It is P.)-The United States and Canada
thought probable by Mr. Tapping that stood out as in a class by themselves
they will be shown in local as well as I in the Olympic hockey competition at
Detroit theaters sometime in the near the close of the first day's matches
future. The work of assembling the with the Canadians slight favorites a.
Movie Producers
Request Supj
Detroit, Jan. 28.-(By 9. P.)-A Ca-j
nadian government order, issued fromj
Ottowa three days ago, has corked the1
flow of beer across the Detroit river
into the United States, and has re-
sulted in the accumulation of more 3
than 100,000 cases of Canadian beer at
the Petite Cote, Ontario, warehouses
This was revealed today when an
attorney representing Canadian liquor
interests departed for Ottawa in an
effort to obtain modification of the
order which in effect prohibits future
liquor shipments from Petite Cote.
The new order, which is said tc
have resulted from the recent confer-
ence between American and Canadian
officials at Ottawa, stipulates that in
as much as Petite Cote, about eight
miles west of Windsor, is not recog-4
nized officially as a port, all further
export shipments of beer and liquor
In an effort to secure an exact
sus of the public opinion in re
to various photo-players, the 'Ur
Producers and Distributors, of Hi
wood, is conducting a nation-
campaign to ascertain how the sc
stars stand in the estimation of
photo-fans. Another object of
campaign is to determine whethe
not there Is a genuine demand
new faces on the screen,
The United Producers and D
butors feel that if the fans will
the trouble of advising them a;
their selections the pictures wi
cast with more intelligence.
Paris, Jan. 28.-Premier Poinc
demand that the chamber of del
, reject all motions to postpone c<
eration of the increased taxation
upheld this evening when the cha
voted 425 to 152 to begin discu
of measures article by article.
Ifilms will be completed by the middle
of February, it is expected.
opera To Give Hop
Performance Feb. 9
"Cotton Stockings", the eighteenth
annual Union opera, will be played
the afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 9, at
showing better team work and general
all . around ability. It was thought
probable by the experts that the finals
on Saturday will be fought out between
these two teams.
Eight graduates of the electrical
woulu lieltIlLur vullLy litil U "j
PV,74ly- i Nlic sWet