THE MICHIGAN DATL~Y ,....:. ...,. .r -, - - ----. . . _ r .._ - I .. .:_. L SS. IE COLUMN~ GLOME IAT 3 P, M. 44hc~b latern shop 1 ADVERTISING LO1ST PAIR GLASSES in case, on Church or Prospect, between Oakland and Wells, Tuesday night. 1207 Pros-} pect, phone 2388-'J. Re~ward. BLACK RIMIMED glasses between "U" Hall and Martha Cook. Phone 627. ?Miss Sheldoni. Reward. GOLD FOUNTAIN pen between Washtenaw and Economics bldg. Finder please call 2570. E.J.GIN WRIST watch, and silver1 braclet. Reward for return to Mar- jor ie Scaddin, phone 3062. BRACELET set with~ green stones, I Sunday afternoon near campus. Re- wards Rleturn to M. Weber, New- berry Residence. NEAR HILL auditorium, black leath- er key case with four keys. Phone 1824-M. F0O1-ND FORIZ IY SPECIAL~ Breakfasts and Lunches served . during week- end° of J-H op. rmodern dancng For reservation: Children's clasS, every] Saturday afternoon atl 2:30 o'clock.I Eight one-hour Classical Class Lessons, $5.00. Adult's Class every Mon- (lay and F'riday night. 16' Class Lessons $5.00. Free from 8 to 10 P. M. Private Lessons Daily Modern and Classicial° TEiRACE 46RDEN 10 A. 11.-10 P. '1.s STypewriting and ynieogrihinb promptly and~ neatly done. Theses, student notes and college work a specialty for fifteen years -he Typewriter & StatiQnery Store. l 27 Niekels Arcade EVERSHARP PENC1"Ls Our stock of Eversharp.- Pencls'w is still large and, complete. TFake advan- tage of the special price now 'at The - Wahl Service Station.! I RIDER'S .PBN SHOP 302 State St.' FOUNTAIN PENS IOt~T Get you examnination penr nov CORSETSthat you will be sure that it work SPECIAL SALE, American Lady Cor- yourn wish it to. We have ten k~ sets, $7.50, $8.00, values at $1.98, including Wahl's New Signature M ne .Lyra Corsets, $11.00 and $12 ;and The Rider Master Pen. values for $3.25., The Exquisite W i n evc vr e C~orset Shop, Liberty St. 'sell.. This insures you better v ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ at nI RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St from campus, steam hxeat, price rea- sonable. 812 E. Washington. IDEAL FRONT suite for 2 or 3, first floor, one block from Engineering Building. U5 Church St. call 1810- . Y ONE DOUBLE and one single room. Clean and warm, convenient to hos- pital and canmpus. $3.00 each. Phone 1686-R, 711 E. Ann. ONE GOOD single room, for male students., 1030 Church, phone 1421- ONE BLOCK from campus, large front suite on first floor for next semes- ter. Phone 1422-W, 521 E. Jeffer- son.} fFountain Pens and Pencil Insur- CRETO ance. Have your name emtnos6i on'C RETO them. Price. 25 cents. A typographical error appeared 30." D. 31ORB[ILL the Schultz Grocery ad Saturday mnor i!7 Nickels Ar~cade ing. The prize of a 9 oz. tumbler The Tpewrter Staioney Stre. Cueva jelly read, 23 cents, $4.50 a do Exchange that misfit pen for a en. This should have read, 23 cer. Rider Master Pen plus Rider Service 1$2.50 a dozen. call 3093-M. 703 E UNIVERSITY ,M1ISCELLANEOUS SKATES -hollow ground --25e. Sharp Shop, 306 S. Ashley. The Phone 241-fit Iat STUDENT desiring lessons in Span-} ish to perpare for exams call 1104. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St F WVILL GIRL who left watch Ii room ini Natural Science Bl1dg, C. M. Slack, 2845-J. rest call tf 1 - FOR SALEV ONE NICE room, suitable for two, al- so garage. 413 S. Division, Phone, 1464-J.- A WARM room in a quiet home. Phone 2051-M. 1127 Church. TWO FRONT rooms, one first,, one secondl floor: for boys, $4.00 apiece. Wel heated, good light, two blocks from campus. 604 Forest Ave. Phone 1810-J. TWO PLEASANT rooms for girls at 1020 Church St. Phone 1405-W. ROOM either single or double. 520 Cheever Ct. Phone 1755-J. WAINTEDI HELP,- EARN MONEY in your spare time. A mlan of mature years can make a very substantial income with our proposition. We teach you how to Isell income protection, something; that every wage earner and salaryi earner needs. Massachusetts Bond- and Insurance Company. Capital $1,500,000, Saginaw, Mich.E ARCADE CAFETERIA wants girl student for counter work noons and evenings. WANTED A PLACE in J-Hop Booth, Phone 1612-R for Brande. J- HOJ Ticket. Call Gartner, even ings, TYPE WRITING T1YPE WRITERS of all awakess Sold, rented cleaned exchanged- and repaired. 4.1). M 6RRRILL 17 Nickels' Arcadc The Typewriter & Stationery Store.! DO YOUR GLASSES NEED CHANGING? If they do why not get a pair that, will never have to be changed? A pair of glasses fittd by us~ are guaranteed to fit in- definitely,. making- this the most economical optical work known. We straighten cross eyes without operation, and use no drugs' or drops in any of our work. I w j pen" Your these and notes promptly and neatly TYPE9WRITTEIN will be C. S. WICKENS, OPH. Eyesight Specialist MOREmlivics IaRKder [It hatch a whole bar- rat full of intk. .Not a barrel full of trouble- making parts. I I at BUSINESS SERVICE C( over "M" Lunch,, 322 South State Street. 5 a ,3 At Ai i-old"", S3L2 State St. --= - Ainn Arbor, : Tc . TIAILOR mnade tuxedo. Like new Call 231. 'VALENTINE\)S Photocraft Shop them. 2 Nickel's Arcade. $25. has _. _ ,. . . . ,. _ ,. It's ideal for FULL DRESS suit and vest. Call ;370-,T. NEW ENCLAND cot. Reasonable, 610 Thom~psoni 67-M. JEWELRY" PFARLS, 11hinestones, beads for trim- mning. Hair ornaments, chokers, bead necklaces for J-Hop at Palais Royal. NOTICE+ WILL THE per~son who took the brown overcoat with the Kuppien- heimer label from the basement coatroom of the Union, Friday night return same before Tuesday night wvith the gloves to 1222 Washtenaw and avoid prosecution. Otherwise immediate action will be taken. WILL person who -picked up fountain pen on Library Desk Wednesday night, please mail it to 407 S. Fifth Ave, and. avoid further trouble. If niot returned within two days the matter will be taken to the Dean. Phil Diamond./ REAL ESTATE- : I ROOM FOR two men in new house. Dormitory arrangement. 806 Sybil St, Phone 2162-M. LARGE, LIGHT, well heated suites and~ double rooms near campus, new furniture of best type, reason- able rates, board if desired at 611 Church St., SINGLE OR DOUBLE room with pri- vate family. Use piano if desired., 421 Benjamin St, phone 2893-J. ROOMS for students, in quiet zone. SWell heated, near campus, phone 348-R. PLEASANT, large warm front room for student. Single $4.00. 724 S. Division St. VERY DESIRABLE front suite, two rooms, well lighted, roomy, warm quiet house, price right. 535 S. Division. NEAR CAMPUS, second sem'ester, two nice single rooms for men who would appreciate the quiet and cleanliness of a home. 1014 Church Tel 1600-J. DOUBLE. ROOM at 612 Hill. First house off state. Use of piano. Phlone 16604-. FRONT SU[ITE, second floor for two mnen. Mrs. Eaton, 421 Thompson {phone 2672-R. SINGLE ROOM, two blocks from cam- pus. Phone 1147-M. ROOMS for boys also room on first floor for lady. Private entrance. Phone 2542-J. DESIRABLE ROOM for girl. One block from campus, 1233 Volland Call 2482-M. DESIRABLE ROOMS for boys. 6310 2096-J. I1[~r11 J-HOP ticket. Call 2775-J. THREE J-HOP .tickets. Call' 3094. E0- Pi Kappa Alpha house, Mr. Kendall. . N E A T M E C H N I C L d r ft s a n a i oS NEATursMeHANICaedrafsomaaoutre "L.I J I1 1~ experience essential. Box K. C. A YOUNG LADY to do secretarial= work for room rent. 217 Observa- F .' tory. Phone 2315-1Z. - N._(tin- Those wuho have-eeuLndI.~~iaLy dn CONGENIAL student would like the. roommate for second semester,; ner atth Harmony h~av. experienced front suite, second floor, steam heat,j 4 .1 AI~--41 nfas rez q]uiet house. Rent reasonable.. Phone m .te new acLII deIlihfl ple ur of.: 320-J or call 415 N. Division St. h m MANUSCRIPTS to type, twelve centw o k dfo saii~ o g na per sheet. Call evenings 1813-R: rou1nd in o-s... WILL RENT a furnished house or room of anyone on leave of absence 'C y y ,,i this semester. Call 433-W. I1_ . L Qu C a en o' SC JAA~.4' DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING = dinner. Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needlework of all a hinds. Experienced workmanship.; MRS. R. T. REAMmiT 411 Thompson. Phone 2768-W. :E rtar1T1QI1taT =.;r'h a 'MODE SHOP makes frocks to suit 1y your individual taste for J-Hop; Eat .r also hemstitching. 711 N. Univer- f 508 EVVst ilamfl treet sity, Phone 2914-J3. =5 TYERIE RPMIO =,. _.,, a,, i~ti1Htltlil111iD1i~ 1 I~illilfi~lttftlt' H11111 111.i11.tllt {itl~l1 1Eliltilllflt8tllilltd'lfi t 4, EaMm, I1 Costs but little mrore and serves for- ever. CQuaranteed' anid Serviced by Rider himself. 11 J asks aWOrv rDtjIA" r, FrTTEO 1, low II MtAKE~RS 302- state St, I_ $EAUTJFUL Sorority or pus and in W. Dwyer, RESIDENCE suitable Fraternity. Near cam- best location. Call J.1 Room 508 First Nat'll ,T. FRATERNITY OR SORORITY Very large home~, Washtenlaw Sec- io, beautiful grounds and surround-I igs; first time on the market. For ppointrnents, call Mrs. Burnett with C. L BROOKS 215; First Nat'l Bank Bldg hone 'i315 Evenings 2781 'OR SAL OR rent, 2 rooming houses; 2 cottages, 3 flats and light house- keeping rooms, 217 Observatory, A. A. Schryver. kLL MAKES. Agency Woodstocek andC Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copyI holders, rubber 'stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleanors and st1l;- plies. Machines rented.j ANN ARBOR TYPEJfWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permianently by ELECTROLYSIS , . .. . BUILDING LOTS on both' the East Thompson. 687-M.y ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE and West side, prices, ranging from 224 Nickel's Arcade $750 to $6,000. We have 160 feet LARGE ROOM also suite for next I By Appointment only in one piece on Baldwin Aye, noth- semester, 1336 Volland st. Phone 1167-R. ing~ offered in the city any better.1SUT ROM,3o4bys t 3-6 p. M. cal 173-M forappintent 3. floor, 1 suite rooms 2 boys, 2nd K. Malcolm. floor, 1 single room, 3rd floor. Call 8 ROOM MODERN house in good in morning. 615 Monroe. Phone 1 room, location at $10,500, finished in -M._______________ iu r n e o I oak throughout. Some student SINGLE OR double room, private U u r fl e d ~furniture included, $1,500 down,~ family, shower bath, well heated, $75.00 per month. Will gain pos- I Single $4.00 or $5.50 for double. ; Against Darning. I session Feb. 1st. J. Karl Malcolm, Call 1247-M. 602 E. Liberty St. 1713-~M.- Here isgeun h o si e ry 1 FRONT SUITE, 2 doubles for two *geuin HOUSES TO EXCIIANGE. I have or three boys, large, well lighted, value for you. Guaranteed, party that wants to exchange a steam heat, shower baths. Reason- mn $5500 equity in a 8 room house on able and two blocks from campus.,~ high-grade hose for me, I So. State st. for a $2,000 or $3,000 536, Thompson. would rent well. J. Karl Malcolm, ROOMS for seven upper classmen. Gmoantedwshout arsing 602 E. Liberty St. 1713-M. 727 Oakland, phone 943-R. onthwtotdrig T LARGEHESsuitabe or ONE DOUBLE and one single room, $ .1LV Fraternity or Sorority. Both< well one half block from. the campus. 1 located, modern, terms Will be ar- Phone 2310-M, 1300 Geddes. ranged. J. Karl Malcolm, 602 E. A ~Liberty st, 1713-M. ROOM FOR two students, one block 1u i I ___________________________ from campus. Good heat, 3039-W. 3 ROOMING AND boardng houses for U 3l e sale. 10 Room house, may be used TWO SUITES on second floor, one -as small apartments or single rooms double room. Prices reasonable.* . now rented as two apartments at Phone 2783-J. 420 S. Division. * ...1Vr L b-I $10.00 each and profit in forty SINGLE room for man, Phone 854-J. Pr oo. ~~i.fR boarders. $2500 to $3,000 will 214 S. Ingalls.%T that is seldom available. 1713-M. ROOM either singleor double. Phonefo- J.Karl Malcolm, 602 E. Liberty. 1070-M. 612 Church st.* may be seen at this store, In I MISCELLANEOUJS DESIRABLE'rooms, one block from I your size and your favorite campus, newly furnished, $4 and cor.Whbak\ Sunday Evening Specials $5 per man. 644 Tappan. coo.3h not get ako Delicious Hot Waffles TWO GOOD double rooms on second th prwa asunc o Pork Sausage floor. 509 S. Division.I SERVICE in the purchaseh Hot Coffee ofmns5oe Fresh Strawberry Shortcake ONE SUITE for men or business peo- o e' oe Saindwiches Salads ple. Nice and clean and plenty of3 Toasts Deserts clean linen. Phone 2172-J. 408 E. Cotton X ot or -cold drinks, etc Washington.'U~~ .£I 313OR5FOSTAROM either single or double. 425 "airts $ . 313 S Sate S. Division. Phone 1565J. N orinecssaydrn COMFORTABLEfrn sut ida Nodrigncsry uig I~EE PHYICALY ~ by he dily for married couple, in modern pri- the periods specified. s J - Hop Extra .HI.....Fb..H ...t.....aN. ...H................. a. ..................... . ..' The Michigant Daily will issue a J -Hop Extra, Saturday Morninig, *February 9th, This extra wiill zcontain a group picture of those i attending theHo6p, lists of boothis and guests present, and a coami plete resume of the previous night's gaieties. Reservations for copies may be made 'by call- ing the &usiness"Deartmednt of TUhe Daily---ca 1 960. it##..H ~ afMHl~ .#H.tN~~#.H~f}. ".g Ulq.. ~faN .HY.a#H". wU!!a..a..!".e.. I