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January 26, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-26

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V. No. 91





.... _ _..r.... ......r. .


Acknowledge Automobile Gift To Uil-
versty Near East
Reguirements for admission into
the Law school of the University were
radically increased when the Board of
Regents at their concluding session
yesterday morning voted to make a
three-year preparatory college course
beginning in the fall of 1926 a prere-
quitise for entrance. The Regents'
resolution provides further that grad-
uation from college will be required
of all who enter the Law school begin-
ning whith the academic year 1928.
This drastic revision of the regl-
ation governing admission, was made
in response to the unanimous request
of the Law school faculty and in con-
formity 'with the growing tendency to
an increasingly thorough preparation
for all professional work. In common
with most state universities, Michigan
now demands a two-year preliminary
literary course, but the Regents' de-
cree places Michigan on the same
footing with Harvard, Pennsylvania,
Columbia, Yale, Chicago and Leland
Stanford all of which institutions re-
quire three or four years of prepar-
tiosn. The entire movement has been
sponsored by the American Bar associ-
ation in an effort to elevate the stan-
dards of the legal profession.
Grant Trueblood LIeave
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood of the
public speaking department was
granted a leave of absence beginning
Feb. 9 and extending to the end of
the spring recess in April. Capt.
George W. Dunn of the reserve offi-
ce®r'.training orps was appointed:
a ciate profesor of military science
and tactics. Mr. Frank J. Connors of
Buffalo, N. Y. was named instructor
In mechanics and drawing for the
isecrnid ideiestot and" Mr. Ilralhlt C.
Cutting was made an instructor in
chemical engineering.
The Regents gratefully acknowledg-
ed the gift, of an automobile from Mr.
anl Mrs. Howard Bloomer of De-
troit and a truck from the Graham
Truck Co. Both vehicles will be used
by the University Near East expedi-
!;on which will leave this country
some time this springunder the lead-
ership of Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of
the Latin department. Professor
Kelsey was granted a leave of ab-
sence for the second semester of the
current academic year and for the
entire year 1924-1925, in order that
he may pursue his researches.
Invite Physicist Here
Dr. Paschen, the famous physicist
of the University of Tubingen, Ger-
many, was invited by the Regents to
give a series of lectures here and al-
so to consult with the University
phybl;cs staff upon various research
The Regents gave approval to plans
which have been made to retain Elien
Saarinen, the distinguished Swedish
architect, for an additionaltseries of
lectures in the University. Final
plans for the honors convocation to
be held in May to lonor students who
have won intellectual distinction was
approved by the board.
Bloomington, Indiana, Jan. 25.-
Indiana defeated Ohio State 31-29 in
a western conference basketball game
here tonight. Parker, Ind'ana center,
shot a basket in the last minute of
play breaking a tie and putting over
the winning marker for hisgteam.
Sponsler, of Indiana and Captain
Miner of 0. S. U. were high scorers
with 14 po:nts each.
Washngton, Jan. 25.-President
Coolidge and Mrs. Coolidge enter-
tained about 40 guests at a dinner

last night in honor of Chief Justice
Taft and members of the supreme
lave you everything you need
for the approaching catastrophes?
Jiumio can furnish everything
1t thc knowledge. If you want

Feodor Chaliapinr
reputation of beingt
living lyric and dra:
night in Bill auditor
thrilling concert Ann
in some time. It,
concert; Chaliapin is
ist. He holds his a
from the moment h
His voice can take
ity or a dramatic; t
timbre is made wit
that is delightful.I
never noticeable, an
it quite remarkable.
perfectly controlled
smoothness and beau
in his extensive ran
replete with musica
quality. He never be
A presence of mu
fused throughout hi;
interpretations. The,
to gain the full mean
expressed by the
through the emotion
Chaliapin's singing.
along or sighs or lau

Hearers Pay TributeENIERGDAS
Greatness f O halipn
re-established his sang the "Two Grenadiers" with an DISCUSS PROBLEMS
the most famous interpretation of narrative legato, and
,matic artist, last Tchaikowsky's "Night" with an ex-
um, at the most' quisite calm and beauty. The .dra- I
Arbor has heard matic, the heroic come equally well
was an informal through the medium of his perfect "LENGTH AND CONTENT OF THE
an informal art- voice.I CURRIC UCLIM," MAIN
audienfe charmed It is commendable that he sings TOPIC
I mostly Russian songs; they are the
e steps upon the background for his voice, and are of DEAN COOLEY EXPLAINS
unique worth also. His acting powers
on a lyric qual- were exhibited in songs of a lighter SYSTEM EMPLOYED HERE
he change in its vein, because an exceedngly heavy
th a smoothness cold prohibited heavier numbers. Two General Meetings and Recption
His breathing is Never has a flea been so immortalized Followed by Banquet To
d the control of but Chaliapin can do it without stoop- Be Held Today
The tones are ing. It would be hard to choose the
and of equal, best of his songs; perhaps the song
andofeqalof the Volga Boatmen, the Perisan Deans of -many American and Ca-
uty at any point ~e Voga atmen, the Song,, nadian engineering schools and col-
ge and they are v~th its almost lyric tenor beauty, leges met yesterday afternoon in the
.l resonance and E were best received Engineering building for the first con-
llows. Feodor Koenemann, accompanist ference of the meeting of the Division
ch charm is dif-;and assisting pianist, played with a of Deans and Administrative officers
s most dramatic meditative tone and a conservative of the Society for Promotion of En-
listener was able touch, and drew a great deal of beauty gineering Education.
ping of each idea from the solos and accompaniments "Length and Content of the Curric-
foreign words, I he played. Rudolph Polk is a per- ulum" was the topic of six addresses
al mood of Mr. fectly capable violinst, who plays delivered during the meeting. Dean
His tone glides with a good tone and a rhythmic and Arthur M. Green Jr. of Princeton uni-
ughs at will. He dynamic sense. versity presided at the meeting and


Appears In Probe
-m I

Executive Will Bring Law Violal
To Justice; To Investigate
Oil Reserve Leases


Cooperation in Training Men
Railkoad Work Affected
By Conference


Railroad executives and college I
Faculty men, closed their two dayJ
conference here when they adjourned
their morning business session atI


noon yesterday. Both factions rep-
resented on the committee on co-
operative relations with Universities
of the Railway Engineering associa-
tion were pleased with the progress
brought about by the better under-



Coach Mather
Hard Tussle

Prepares Team For Leland Stanford University Faculty
With Invaders Who Member on Speaking Tour
Strong Five Throughout Country

Michigan's Varsity basketball team Professor Raymond M. Alden, of
is in the best of condition and ready Leland Stanford university, Californ-
to put up a stiff fight to retain the ia, gave an address at 4:15 o'clock
lead of the conference in the clash yesterday afternoon in Natural Sci-
with the Gopher quintet tonight in ence auditorium, coming here under
Yost field house. the auspices of the University lecture
Coach Mather has been driving his series. He chose as the subject for .
team hard this week as he expects the [his ta of Poetry to
Gopher five to give the Wolverines as k, "The Relation
much. or more opposition than did Drama," and was able to give some
either Iowa or Illinois. The Wolver- unique and original views on not only
ines have been highly successful thus the development but the present stat-
far this season ont thetcourt eatinogpegttdrent.a
both the Illini and the Hawkeyes. 'us of poetic drama.
While the Gopher aggregation has "From the very earliest times," he
been on the short end of the score said, "poetry was decidedly connect-
on two occasions this seasons, the ed with the drama, but for a good
team presents both a strong offense many years has lain dormant, hidden
and defense with Ray Eklund and under the flood and rush of the more
Jeanse in the lineup.
Eklund Stars materialistic activities of this day and
Minnesota's defeat at the hands of 4 age. But its proper place is gradu-
Purdue was largely due to the eject- ally being regained, for with the in-
ion of Eklund and Pesek on personal creasing appreciation on the part of
fouls at a time when the score was the people as a whole of honest, gen-
tied. The Gophers also dropped a nine, artistic achievement over and
game to Indiana by the score of 29- above the ordinary and the false; the
23 after Indiana had run up a lead of better things of drama and poetry are
18-8 at the first half. In this clash bounid to return."
Eklund -was respons'ble for 15 of his Professor Alden is at this time on
team's 23 points. a year's leave of absence fromhis
Carl Lidberg. Maroon and Gold for-aya' ev fasnefo i
Card, Labegonth Gcldtfor- university, and is spending that time
the has beee and sipro al in making a series of lectures
be unable to start against the Wol- throughout the country. He is wide-
verines. Racey, who filled Lidberg's ly known for his ability in the field
place in the game with Purdue, prov- of literary and dramatic criticism, and
ed to be one of the stars of the fray. is ranked among the foremost in the
locatfng the basket on three occasions study of the works of Shakespeare.
and playing a good defensive game. He is engaged at this time in making
It is expected that Racey will start a series of talks at the University of
against the Wolverines at one of the ' Chicago, and later is planning on
forward berths while Eklund will un- going to New York, where he is to
doubtedly handle the other. spend the second semester teaching
'Doyle to Start and lecturing at Columbia'university.
Dick Doyle will have the call at
center for the Wolverines. The
Sophomore prvot man has covered :
himself with glory in the two con-
Terence games he has taken part In UIO
this season and promises to develop
into a real star before he has serv- F
ed his time as a Varsity player. Hag- j
gerty and Deng will have the call as I
forwrs. Although Haggert is aj Permission to hold the Michigan
marked man this season, the Wolver- Union Fair performances until mid-
ine star has chalked up a total of:.t
15 points in the two conference games ght March 7 and 8 in the Yost field
the Wolverines have taken part in. house was given yesterday when the

introduced Dean W. G. Raymond oft
the University of Iowa as the first,
Outlines Courses!
Dean Raymond outlined the courses
of instruction at Iowa,- and told of
the plan to increase the length of the
engineering course at that place to
five years. The matter is now in the
hands of the directors of the univer-
sity, and no change can be made un-
til they reach a decision, Dean Ray-I
Mond said.
Dean H. J. Hughes of the Harvard
Engineering school spoke of the four!
and five year systems which are em-,
ployed at that institution, the five
year course including some work in,
the regular college.
Dean M. E. Cooley of the Colleges
of Engineering and Architecture ex-'
plained the Michigan system of en-
gineering education, and spoke of the
affiliation system which is used in
connection with smaller technicalI
schools and colleges throughout the
state. - - /
Tells of Columbia Plan
Dean G. B. Pegram of Columbia un-
iversity outlined the Columbia plan,
stressing particularly the usefulness
of the combined curriculum in de-4
termi ning the fitness of the student to
be an engineer before he has gone.
too far with the work to warrant him
turning back. This plan calls for
three years of a regular arts course
including certain prescribed courses,
followed by three years of engineer -
ing. The student receives the degree
of Bachelor of Arts at the conclusion
of his first engineering year, and the
degree of Bachelor of Science at the
end of his third year of engineering.
Dean E. J. McCaustland of the Uni-
versity of Missouri told of the simi-
lar plan which is in force at that1
school, the only difference being that
the arts course is limited to two years'
instead of three.
In the absence of President A. C.
Humphreys of Stevens Institute, the
presiding officer read a letter from
him which advocated the single en-
gineering course, and opposed the five
year curriculum as being inclined
toward over development of the -the-
oretical side of the study.
Following the meeting, and a din-
ner at the Union, the Deans attendedj
the Chaliapin concert in Hill aud-
torium and later a smoker given in
their honor at the University club.
The program for today includes two
general meetings and a reception at
the Union to be followed by a ban-
quet there.

standing the meetings have produced.
Yesterday morning from 9 to 10:30
o'clock members of the committee
met with representatives of the Deans
conference. There are men engaged
in the same form of endeavor attend-
ing both conferences, and a general
discussion of subjects of mutual con-
(ern was thought to be beneficial to
both committees.
Committee Convenes
At 10:30 o'clock the railroad com-
mittee convened for its final meeting.'
A general resume of the topics
brought up for discussion at the meet-
ings Thursday, consumed a majority
of the time up until 12:15. The prob-
lems discussed included the matter
of stimulating a greater interest on
the part of railroads in assisting the
universities to develop the best possi-
ble methods for technical courses.
This subject was introduced by Mr.
W. B. Storey, president of the Atkin-
son, Topeka and Santa Fe railway. A
second topic which was brought to a
head was one introduced by Mr. H.
R. -Stafford, vice president of the Chi-
cago, Burlington and Quincy railroad,
the bringing to the universities the
results of the executives' delibera-
The subject introduced Thursday by
Mr. W. C. Cushing, engineer of stand-
ards of the Pennsylvania system, a
better means of bringing to the rail-
roads the benefit of technical educa-
tion was boiled down in order to give;
it a feasible working basis. The prob-
lem of stimulating interest in trans-
portation among the general public
and students which Prof. I1. E. Riggs
of the civil engineering department
sponsored, was again discussed and
an attempt to outline the best mode
of procedure was made.
1)iscuss Future Plans
Further discussions which were on
the docket for Thursday and which
Dean M. S. Ketchum, of Illinois, Brig.
Gen. C. H. Mitchell of the University
of Applied Science of Toronto and
Mr. E. T. Howson, western editor of
the Railway Age brought forward
were given conisderation and brought
into summarized form. Plans for fu-
ture work of the committee and the
drawing up of a report for the Amer-
ican Engineering Association com-
prised the remainder of the business.
Representatives from the National
Industrial conference board and from
the American Society of Mechanical
engineers sat in at the morning meet-
ing yesterday. Mr. W. E. Wickenden
was also present and heard the sum-
marizing of the topics.
When asked concerning the success
of the conference, Prof. Riggs stated,
"Unquestionably, both elements com-
posing the committee benefited. B
covering the ground as we did, a
clearer idea of the problems and
needs of each faction was obtained.
Although no definite policies were ad-
vanced, matters have so formed them-
selves that we will be able to proceed
in our educational system with more
intelligence in view of future needs."
j Programs for the 1925 J-Hop4
will be given out from 2 to 51
o'clock Wednesday and Thurs-
day, Feb. 6 and 7 at the desk in
the lobby of the Union. This
will be the only time that those!
attending the Hop will be givenf
the oportunity to obtain their
( programs. It will be necessary
to present the coupon on the
ticket for each program.

Albert Bacon Fall1
Albert Fall is in Washington today.-
He has been subpoenaed to appear be-
fore the senate investigating commit-,
tee following the disclosures made
Thursday by E L. Doheny, California
oil magnate, that he had loaned the
former interior secretary $100,000 in;
cash, which remains unpaid.
Three And a Half Inches of Snow Is'
Accompanied by 25.6
Degrees Drop
Three and one-half inches of snow,
borne on a 27 mile west wind, to-
gether with a mercury drop of 25.61
degrees for the period between 'the
hours of seven and seven yesterday,
announced the arrival of the third
trans-continental cold wave now sev-
eral days overdue in Ann Arbor. The1
snowfall was the heaviest of the cur-i
rent winter. According to the rec-
ords, there should at present be five£
and one-half inches of snow on the1
ground, two inches having laid on the '
ground for some days.
The consistent and rapid descent of
the mercury yesterday causes obser-
vatory officials to believe that the1
local temperature will decline to zero
and possibly lower.
Muskegon, Mich., Jan. 25.-Western
Michigan today faced the worst bliz-1
zard of the season, just as it was
making progress in digging itself out +
from the heavy drifts of the last
i storm. A stiff gale from the north-I

Washington, Jan. 25.-(By AP)-
Simulataneously with the disclosure
today in the senate oil inquiry of an-
other unpaid loan to former interior
secretary Fall the white house made
known that President Coolidge is pre-
paring to take every action to protect
the public interest and ' to punish
those guilty of any wrong doing.
Before the same committee which
E. L. Dohney, California oil magnate,
told yesterday he had loaned Mr. Fall
$100,000 on his personal note 'while
he was secretary of the interior, J. W.
Sevely,'personal counsel to Harry F.
S'nclair, testified that Mr. Sinclair
had loaned Mr. Fall $25,000 in liberty
bonds on a personal note three
months after he retired from the cab-
Loan Made Before Lease
As the testimony now stands, the
Dohney loan was made more than a
year before the, Dohney interest ob-
tained the lease of the Elk Hills,
California naval reserve, while the
Sinclair loan was made more than a
year after the Sinclair interests re-
ceived the lease of the Teapot Dome
Wyoming, reserves.
Developments in the senate in-
quiry were discussed today by the
cabinet. Afterwards the President
was represented officially as regard-
ing some of the testimony to point to
criminal action. The executive is re-
luctant ,to believe that any one has
been guilty of any criminal intent,
but he feels that the evidence already
produced requires explanation and in-
In the Presidents view two ques-
tions are indicated. One, and the
more important, is to bring to jus-
tice any one who has dealt with the
situation in any way that. is in vio-
lation of the criminal laws. The
other is to see whether the govern-
ment has suffered any injury by rea-
son of the oil reserve leases. If the
leases do not seem proper, action
Slooking to their annulment will be
Quiz Fall Monday
Having received evidence of two
loans to Fall the senate committee
W711 turn its attention next to a fur-
ther effort to clear up testimony re-
garding cancelled checks of the Hyva
Corporation-a Sinclair concern-for
$68,000 and alleged to have been
drawn in favor of 'Thomas Johnson
foreman of Mr. Fall's New Mexico
ranch. Archie Roosevelt and J. D.
Wahlberg. Sinclair's secretary, will be
recalled tomorrow in this phase of
the inquiry.
But the committee will be divert-
ed only temporarily from the' $106.-
000 and $25,00 loans. Mr. Fall will
be asked next Monday to explain these
and others of his financial trans-
actions. While Mr. Sevely was tell-
ing of the $25.000 in June, 1923. the
former secretary was secluded here
under the care of a phys'cian. He
declined to make any statement; and
dpelared le had made none regarding
thr% Pohnuy testimony.

west was accompanied by blinding
Lake boats which had been impris-
oned in great ice fields off nearby
ports freed themselves yesterday af-
ternoon, only to be once more stoppedf
by the gale and snow.
If the storm continues long, Mus-i
kegon and other Western Michigan
cities will suffer. Already the stop-
ping of lake traffic has cut down m"At,
and other provisions, while all trun:f
line highways are blocked.


Deng. a senior, who is experiencing
his frst year as a member of theI
VE rsity basketball squad, has perform-
ed brilliantly this season. Harry Kip-
ke and Cherry start at the guard po-
sition s.
The American college students are
not pugnacious, if the balloting on the
Bok peace plan is a true indication.
The aggregate of the returns show
3,661' in favor of the plan and 1,279
opposed, a ratio of almost three to
one. Union .college of Schenectady,!
New York, is the only college to dis-
nnmm of th nln _ rinna .n -

University Senate Comnittee on Stu-
dent Affairs met in University hall
The committee's consent was also

given to the presentation of an ext
performance of the Junior Girls' pla
beginning on March 18, one day ear
ier than was originally planned.
Following the talks given by Tho.
as J. Lynch, '25L, president of tl
Ulnion, and John D. Briscoe, 24:
chairman of the Union Fair commi
tee, who spoke in behalf of the Fa
before the committee, it was decido
that an admission price of 50 een
will be charged for the Fair perfor:
ances. A faculty advisory commiti
to consult with the student Fair cor
mittee was also appointed at the si
gestion of the Union student offici:
who spoke at the meeting. Those wl
'will at an the faicult nmmittee a

Seniors in the literary college will
be asked to fill out blanks for the use
of the vocational guidance committee
.at the time when they register for
the second semester. This .committee
was recently appointed by the presi-
dent, at the request of the deans, toi
consider the desirability of developing
more systematic vocational guidance
and placement work here at the Uni-
One of the committee's first tasks
is to ascertain the facts about the
vocational guidance and placement on
the campus at the present time. It
is thought that this data can best be
obtained by circulating these blanks
among the seniors. In some cases a
personal interview will be sought.
Prof. Edmund E. Day, chairman of
the committee, requests the cooperat-

Detroit, Jan. 25.-The subzero!
weather which has begn delayed fork
several days will reach Michigan to-
night, Weatherman Conger of the lo-
cal government weather bureau said
today. The icy blasts are coming in
from Montana, where they are cen-
tralized today, and will send the mer-
cury precipitating to below the zero
mark, Mr. Conger predicted.
"Snow tonight with cold wave, low-
est temperature zero to 10 degrees
below in north portion and about zero
in south portion of the state," was the!
prediction for the south peninsula to-
day. Mr. Conger promised no relief
from the anticipated subzero temper-
ature Saturday and added that it
would be embellished by strong north-
west winds and gales.
Hop Pianist Wrote
1924 Opera Music
William C. Mills, director and pian-
ist in one of the orchestras that will
furnish music at the 1925 J-Hop, is
a former Michigan man, attending
school here in 1914 and 1915. While
in school he wrote the score for the
Union opera "All That Glitters" in
his freshman year.


(Special to The Daily)
Washington, Jan. 25.-Coach F*
ing H. Yost has been sharing the hi
light in Washington this week
central figures in the Teapot D
scandal, but the glare for Yost 's
together favorable.
President Coolidge, cabinet n
hers, numerous senators, and c
pressmen. and other Washington
ebnties have shown undisqu
nleasure in meeting Yost and sti
ing his dynsm;c and magnetic per
ality. The Michigan delegation
congressmen gave him a luncheo
the house dining room Thursday
Senator James Couzens lunched
h'm Wednesday. Mrs. Couzens
a tea for Mrs. Yost Thursday.
The Michigan association of W
ington has persuaded Yost to ren
for its annual, banquet Saturday n
when he will be the chief spes
He returns to Ann Arbor Mon



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