JANUARY 25, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ]PAGE th t sDANCING Cbe lantern bop TH ,Children's Class tomorrow after- COLUMNF- ECOLMNnoon at 2:30 o'clock and every Sat- CLESLOSE.S_ .... urday following. AT 3 P.M. A rT SINGAT Waffles and Eight one hour Classical Class Les- S .Spee..ELunch.NsoGns,$,.00. ddaily. Adults' Class every Monday and es served daily. - - ---- Friday night. 15 modern Class Les-~ FRONT SUITE prefer married couple, Open from 7:30 sons, $5.00. Free dancing from 8 to IE IDENTITY OF THE PERSN between State and Main. 108 E. A. M, to 7:30 10 p. m. RERS TOO "JDIIETTIF Williams, 3052-M. P. ". Phone Crivate Lessons Daily, modern and !A~fERSI ClTaFROMaTH PHIRD FLOOR OF "U" HALL IS DOUBLE ROOM $6.00 or single room 3093-1 TEClaEsica °1W KNOWN. UNLESS LOAT IS $5.00 near Ferry Field in pr ivate - TERRACE GARDEN IJETJRNED TO mICHIGAN 1)AILY home, 916 Mary. Call 2864-J. 703 E- _____A________M. )FFICE PROSECUTION WILL IMI- University 4EIATELY FOLLOW. TWO PLEASANT rooms for girls at , -TYPEWRITING *_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 1020 Church St. Phone 1405-W. -_--_'''_'''''"-_ LOST TYPEWRITERS LOST' LARGE ROOM, 2 1-2 blocks from cam- TY o E makE pus. No other r oomers, 1314 S.!I of all makes ESDAY EVENING between Arch Unirs.Nothe oers13j14 Sold, rented cleaned t, Library and Hill Auditoriun the U s h-exchanged and repaired. arrel of a LeBoeuf fountain pen, FOUND TYPtEWRITER REPAIRING 0. D. 31ORRRILL all 3164-R. TO N p . b y17 Nickels Arcade j TWO FOUNTAIN pens. Probably by ALL MAKES. Agency WVoodstock and The Typewriter & Stationery Store.- R GLASSES in case, on Church j!girls who laid them down on our Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add-P,.....w; .cYa ni el Prospect, between Oakland aid desk while group pictures were be- Ing machine, Line-a-Time copy Your these and notes will be tells, Tuesday night. 1207 Pros- jing taken. Dey Studio. holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, rnmtu, _.__.. ter '? Tm c n s r n ... _.... _ _ _. a TCVrym : z l ArTn i-cv VAxN TtrIIL NOTICE MIS LLA'NEOUS ARE YOU leaving college this sem- THE STUDENT who by mistake took SKATES hollow ground 25c. T1 ester to earn enough to carry you the brief case, containing four ab- Sharp Shop, 306 S. Ashley. throughschool next year? If so and I stracts, belonging to Leo R. Schaef- you are interested in - a banking er, return to this office or direct STUDENT desiring lessons in Spa proposition address Box "J. B" to him at Michigan Ave. and ish to perpare for exams call 1u Daily. | Schaefer Road, Springwell, Mich. -. -- -.,-- ll :+ b Ca WHITE ,COMPETENT pastry cook 508 Williams, Call 870-R. ARCADE CAFETERIA wants girl student for counter work noons and evenings. WANTED MARRIED COUPLE desire light- housekeeping suite near campus. Box A. Z. RELIABLE BOY to drive Ford Sedan to Indiana or Bloomington. Ref- erences required. Address A. W. Mich. Daily. J- HOJ Ticket. Call Gartner, evenings, '2096-J. HOP TICKET. Call Newell 1809. A TICKET for the J-Hop. Call Mc- Donald, 661-W after 7 evenings. I J-HOP ticket. Call 2775-J. EXPERIENCED salesman with Ford car. Why work hard; our article sells itself. See J. Dale Lamkin. 808 Oakland Ave from 1 to 6 p. m. A YOUNG LADY to do secretarial work for room rent. 217 Observa-I tory. Phone 2315-R.1 ONE black leather note book with my name on it, and Economics text- boob disappeared in Union Wash- room. Possessor kindly telephone me at 1408-J or call at 410 Thomp- son St. Reward. Robert Newman. FOUNTAIN PENS Fountain Pens and Pencil insur- ance. Have your name embossed on them. Price 25 cents. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Ap cade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. Get you examination pen now so that you will be sure that it works as you wish it to. We have ten kinds, including Wahl's New Signature Pen and The Rider Master Pen. We fit and service every pen we sell. This insures you better value at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State StI Ou EVERSIIARP PENClILS i Our stoc of Eversharp Pencils i still large and complete. Take advan- tage of the special price now at The Wahl Service Station. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Remored Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE 224 Nickel's Arcade By Appointment only Phone 1167-R. 3-6 p. im. gUTORING in Spanish by llnive1i graduate. Call 1104. pect, phone 2368-M. Reward. 'ARKER DUOF OLD fountain pen. E. R. Slaughter, Phone 657, 702 Oak- land. FOR SALE IXTEEN ROOM brick house, eight rooms on first floor, eight on the second, large dormitory, hard wood floors, white enamel wood work, two fire places, bath on each floor, no blocks from the campus, garage and drive, $16,000 with a small down payment. Call 617. EW FULL dress and vest, size 36, $25. Call 2302-M evenings. RESSERS, double-deckers, chairs, Desks and refrigerator 9x6x5. Must sell at once due to moving. Acacia Fraternity, 783. I cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- MUSIAL plies. Machines rented. -~ A'NN ARBOR TYPEWRITER KEEP PHYSICALLY r >y the daily AYI use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown on Records. Complete outfits soldj by Schaeberle & Son. IA JONGG DANCE AT Woodman's Hall, every MAH JONGG $8 to $15 to clear. 818 Saturday Night. 9-12. Church. k~j u"Iuty u a li~y TYPEWRITTEN at BUSINESS SERVICE CO., over "M" Lunch, 322 South State Street. Typewriung and UMeographing promptly and neatly done. T aeses, sp ent notes and college Tork a specialty for fifteen years .he Typewriter & Stationery Store. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade ... FOR SALE ' EAST SIDE We are pleased to present a six room bungalow one one of the best residential streets in Ann Arbor for your consideration. The lot :s large and has three maple trees, beautifully landscaped with shrubbery and flow- ers. The living room is finished in dark oak and the ceiling and side walls are covered with hand decorated canvas; the floors are oak. There is a large fireplace, built -in bookcases and a suffici ent number of electric wall plugs. The dining room is large with a beamed ceiling and paneled side walls; large built-in buffet. Exchange that misfit pen for a Rider Master Pen plus Rider Service at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St' LINGER AWHILE- Fox Trot NEW VICTOR RECORD PAUL WHITEMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE TICKET for Chaliapin Phone University 155. Concert.1 " e are like a lot TWO TICKETS for Chaliapin concert in first balcony on left side. Phone 2800-J. 801 E. Catherine. TAILOR made tuxedo. Like new $25. Call 231.;. FOR SAL OR rent, 2 rooming houses; 2 cottages, 3 flats and light house- keeping rooms, 217 Observatory, A. A. Schryver. FOR lIEYT COMFORTABLE Single room, block from campus, steam heat, price rea- sonable. 812 E. Washington. ONE LARGE double front room one block from campus. 808 Monroe st. Phone 1200-R. TWO ROOM apartment for 3 students seniors preferred. Best of furni- ture, $3.00 each. Phone .1686-R. FRONT 2 ROOM suite, 2nd floor, well heated, comfortably furnished, 2 or 3 students. 510 E. Catherine St. IDEAL FRONT suite for 2 or 3, first floor, one block from Engineering Building. 625 Church St. call 1810- M. CHARMING room for two business or professional girls. Call evenings 508 Thompson. FOR MEN students, one large front suite and one single room, very reasonable terms at 1220 Prospect St. Phone 2019-M. SUITE for one or two students with private family. 3337-J. ONE DOUBLE and one single room. Clean and warm, convenient to hos- pital and campus. $3.00 each. Phone 1686-R, 711 E. Ann. SEVERAL UNUSUALLY attractive rooms with large cleeping porch. Select district. 1941 Geddes. Phone 3335-~R, SINGLE .ROOM. Available immedi- ately, $4 per week. 425 Cross. Phone 1590-J. 1 NICELY furnished front single room, for girls, 1028 Church. Phone 1421-3. ROOMS FOR two, one block and a half from campus. 1103 E. Wash- intgon. PLEASANT SUITE in private home at 717 Arbor St., near Ferry Field. Phone 932-M. FRONT SUITE second floor, for two men. Mr. Eaton, 421 Thompson. Phone 2672-R. BEAUTIFULLY furnished or unfurn- ished 4 rooms and bath, modern apartment near campus. Ideal for student couple, reasonable. Phone 3400-F-2. DOUBLE SUITE, well heated, light, comfortably furnished, 1-2 block from campus. 236 So. Thayer st. Phone 1657-W. ROOMS, also suites for next semes- ter,1336 Vollardl. ONE GOOD single room, for male student. 1030 Church. LARGE WARM single room; in pri- vate family; shower bath. 605 Hoover Ave., nearhState St. ONE BLOCK from campus, large front suite on first floor for next semes- ter. Phone 1422-W, 521 E. Jeffer- The kitchen is finished in white enamel, large closet for pots and pans, extra refrigeration room. There are two large bedrooms finished in cream enamel, with spacious closet room; built-in bath with large linen closet. The basement is large and divided into separate rooms; the found- ation is poured cement and the partition walls are plastered (space for maid's room in basement with plenty of ventilation) Hot air furnace, soft water lift, laundry tubs, fruit and vegetable cellar, dustless coal bin. of 5-art Double garage;,garden. For an appointment to see this beautiful home, Call MR. NEWTON with Said a clerk in one of the New York Stores during the Recent Pressmen's strike, which Prevented the regular newspapers from Publishing. CHAS. L. BROOKS Phone 315 215 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Evenings 2064-3. "We work on comrn d I1 the Newspapers that' brng ope o th-e lw IN zotore --Only too true and during that recent Strike New York Merchants were quick to see The great advantage of newspaper advertising. Ann Arbor Isn't New York-but, in proportion, its Buying power is as great. The Michigan Daily-published six mornings every week Is read by faculty, students and townspeople. To help you build up your business and carry your Message to regular customers-it offers you Modern Advertising Facilities and Low Contract Rates H Fsre'i Pro o df T haig A o d si famous Wrigley B0iiding in Chicig ng 'd r Dc',! d w ia CALL 960 l hw nnrt of o-hw Wrlrslr-v Rlt4lA- TTPT-r s^ n rnnravr+w t",e ,x...11 ...