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January 25, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-25

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The latest word that has been given
011t m fr t aU Dail to us on the subject is from Miss
E- -lizabeth Bain, field secretary of theL
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE American Social Hygiene association,
UNIVEFRSITY OF MICHIGAN of New York, who is at present in
Ann Arbor. She says that "the nor- DEDICATED TO
Published every morning except Monday mal and wholesome association of men CONFUCIOUS
during the Uiversity year by the Board in waln
Control of Student Publications. and women is an excellent thing, and
Members of Western Conference Editorial can be of great help to those who The other day we were busyin
Association. have had the proper kind of previous ourself around the office, when a bc
The Associated Press is exclusi-ely en- home training." We can carry this came up to us and said You're wante
titled to the use for republication of all news one step farther by adding that for on the phone, sir. So we went to th
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise the individual who has not been so
credited in this paper and the local news pub- fornate as to have had this"pro phone. When we got to thephone
lished therein. fotnt-st aehdti poe
Enet ttepsofc tAnAbrUaining" that Miss Bain refers to, we said Hello. Somebody on the othe
EntereA at the postoffice at Ann Arbor.
dichigan, as second. clars inatter. Special rate of a two-fold gain. To dig into the end said in a bim's voice Hello.I
of ostage rnted by Third Assistant Pest- details of what is here referred to is this Mr. Cowles? We said Yes.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, quite unnecessary, for the proof of this Then the bim said Burble burb
Oiic-s: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- statement is self-evident.
nard St eet. .- On the other hand it is not an un-burble burble burble and we said Ye
Phcs: editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- Ondthe.oterdhand itnstnot anrbl
less, 960. common thing to see men and women yes indeed. And she went on Burh
^i ned communicatins, not-,exceedfn3o complaining of the decided disadvant- burble burble burble burble, and the
Nar s, will be oublished in The Daily at ages of co-education. These cases, we interrupted her on an interrogi
thre t'iscretion of the Editor. Up~on request, h~'e hudntb ae o e
the identity of communiants will be re however, should not be taken too ser- tive note and said, quite politely, I'l
garded as confidential. iously for in most instances, the per-
- very sorry, but I haven't heard a si



Telephones, 2414 and 176-M I
Newsditor......... Julian E. Maak
EditorialBard Chairman. .....R. C. Moriaty
City Editor.............J. G. Garlinghouse
Night Editors
E. H., Ailes A. Ri. Connable
R. A. li1n~nn T . F:.iske

sons that complain in these cases
have in some way been given a per-
sonal jolt, or have become disgrunt-
led because of one thing or anotherl
and have concluded, and full rightly
in their own opinion, that a co-edu-

gle word you've said. Would you mind
saying it all again? And she said
Burble burble burble burble burble
burble burble? And we said Burble!
Then a long silence ensued, which

aionalschoolisaatheroort was finally terminated by a very pleas-

The weight and seriousness with'
which their opinions should be re-
spected are in direct proportion to
the fairne swith whihhthesensme!

ant voice saying Number please.
Then we hung up and went and re-
flected for a solid half hour.

.iarry C. Clark P. M. Wagner -e----------s-. There is a very rare breed of os-
S po ids Tditor ..........Ralph N. Bjers people achieve their own coniclusions. trich, having one small purple feather
ON omn's E.dittr............. Winona Hibbard As a result of which harmony reigns
Telegraph Editor..............R. B. ' xarr on the top of its skull, and highly
Sunday M&-gazine Editor....... F. L. Ti~deni except for a few who require a good ize ycnoser fotihs
Music Editor.............Ruth A Iloweil nights sleep in order to agree with prized by connoisseurs of ostriches.
Assistant City Editor.....Kenneth C. Kellsr And one day there was an ostrich of
IEthetmajority.rdthis sort strolling on the desert, when
Paul Einstein drew Prppobert RaGay he spied a hunter coining toward him.
Assistants He quickly stuck his head in the sand,
8. G. lBaetcke R. S. Mansfield If motion picture theaters expect however, thinking to conceal his
eN Berkman E: C. Mack their assertion that the public wants purple feather.
HIelen Brown Verena Moran
Bernadette Cte Regina Reichman3 the kind of plays they are showing, The ruse worked, and it has ever
G. W. Danis W. S11 neman
Haroldl Ehrlii H. R Stoke to gain the serious consideration of since been the custom of the ostrich:
i, C. Fingerle K. E. Styer to elude hunters in this interesting
T. P. Henry N. R. Thal any but the most superficial, they will
i'orothy Kamin S. B, Tremble aland novel manner.
osil Kruter W. J. Wa itiour I;have to explain the following facts. !Goldfinch
~) Lbrmn- ~ First, why is it that none of these
BUSLNESS STAFF so-called respectable pictures have LIBRARY ON A SUMMER EVENING
Telephone 960 veOutside a cool wind whispers still of
teehne90 ever had really long runs in New ri
. . rain
York or Chicago or any other big city?
BUSINESS MANAGER As the moist fingers of the burgeon-
LAUR~NC~ . FAVROTWhy is it that they are never popularintretalihy
LAURFNCE H. FAVROT; ing trees tap lightly
enough to return a second time to a On the long library panes.
Advertising ..................E. L. Dunne j big time theater and do big business? Along the o
Advertising......,...........C. Purdy pen north the yet-dark(
Advertising. .......... Roesser All these plays featuring love tri- clouds surge overhead;
Advertising................W.K Scherer angles, divorces, trial marriages, etc. .
Accounts................A. S. MErton While i the west the sky is like a
Circi lition.............Perry M. Ilayden come to an early death, the records for field
Pubhcatron ...........Lawrence Pierce the past few years show. When they Of lilies underneath the moon.
Assistants have made the rounds their produc it is uet e by
G. W. Campbell Edw. D. Hoedeak ers may as well throw them away: With is quiet edged by ruffling
Chas. Champion 1M. L. Ireland they will never be wanted again. mared
john Conlin Harold A. Marks And marked by the slow clicking
ouis M.oDexter arond . arks Second, why is it, if the publiccoc;
oseph J. Fin I Rockwell wants such suf t htpl-yslike "Th;
avid A. Fox t. E. Rose Between the pageants of olddays the
Lauren Haight A. J. Seidman I Covered Wagon," and "The Birth of a
H. L. Hale Will Weise i ,soaring vault
R. E. llawkinson C. F. White Nation," have had longer runs than Stretches a chaste canopy of light;
R. C. Winter any such play ever filmed? Although Belo
made years ago, "The Birth of a Na- w, along the muffled aisles, Mm-
tion" is today one of the best box- ervAmoves, b
RDYJNA 512office pictures in circulation. It isFg eyes,
FRDY AUR 5 94 scheduled for what, might be justly Hrwl afrmmee ~c
edaak rstatona half-rememberedBac-
Night Editor-EDGAR H.-. AILES cle timhn ersnain chanal.
_________at one of Chicago's grandest theaters
Le Jongieur
FOREMBRYON GEN1USES not a movie house-in the near fu- * * *
In establishing a $50,000 fund "to We have the honor to recommend
There are other plays as good as to our patrons a book called "Yet
help humanity at large by trainingthese that should be shown through-
those who are destined by nature to Again," by Max Beerbohm, who al-
out the country again. Thousands
becowe its leaders," the anonymous ways calls his books something like
would like to see Griffith's great play,
benefactor of Western Reserve uni- I that. It is a collection of essays pub-
beefato h een Reservuncthi Intolerance," again. They are class- lished first in London in 1909, and
versity, who recently announced this s-lefrtcaisofhe oinI
cogift, has uset his judgment to ad- recently reissued in America. It con-
gfhsue hijugettad picture art. Pol
vantage in founding a fund which may _ ___reart._ talus essays like "On Seeing People
prove even more worthy than the Off" and "The House of Commons
Nobel Foundation. Desiring to aid tManner," and is well worth the time
students of that university who show Twenty-Five Years ittakes to peruse it.
particular promise the donor has ex- iQuite aside from the point, it is on
pressed his gift as "not for the rank Ago At Mlichigan sale at Graham's. *
and file of poor but deserving stu-***
r3Pnt n tint+ 5rPhoann I, ion a C, .., a a~n t - - P 0 V El R T Y

To the Editor:
I use the above somewhat sensa-
tional heading advisedly as will ap-
pear. I am here venturing my inter-
pretation of campus opinion and com-
ment on a certain paragraph in Mr.
Adam Marx's communication "What
About the Union?" to be found in.
the January number of the Chimes.
The certain paragraph is here quoted:
"To begin with, the employes of the
Union fail to give the members a cer-
tain sense of security, of respect, and
of service which should be the atmo-
sphere in every club. Rather there1
Is a spirit of antagonism and of con-"
descension which is irritating and at!
times exasperating. If this is due to
the fact that some of the employes
are students, they had better be given
employment elsewhere. Students are
paid more than current wages, and be-
cause of their interrupted hours are
below the standard of efficiency. If
the student body must pay for the edu-
cation of certain of its fellows let it be
done In open donation, after the man-
ner of relief for starving Russian chil-
dren, not under the guise of payment
for unsatisfactory work."
Your statements, Mr. Adam Marx,
are put down with such savage assur-
ance and in more than firm language,
that I hardly dare to question their
absolute truth. And yet, since I hap-
pen to be one of those who are forced
to work in order to be able to con-
tinue their education, I feel that per-
haps you ought in all fairness to re-
consider your implied statement that
the student employes of the Union are
in general, "antagonistic" and "con-
descending." You will, I am sure,
pardon me, if I venture the sugges-
tion, that perhaps it is out of place
for a more fortunate (financially) stu-
dent to expect a flunkey-like attitude
and a cringing tip-expecting behavior
from his less fortunate (financially)
fellow-students. Certainly, Mr. Marx,
your have a perfect right to expect
prompt, respectful service from the
Union employes, be they students or
non-students-undoubtedly there may
be instances when you did not receive
such service from a student, as you
may not receive it anywhere else oc-
casionally. But, granting that, you
must also try to see that a, fellow
student, probably your superior in
culture, education and other respects,
can not very well be required to bow
and caper around you as would per-
haps a floating waiter in a public'
restaurant. Isn't it possible that you
are, well . . . somewhat mistaken
in your impressions?
You make a statement that the Union
student employes are overpaid. I am
informed that they receive from forty
to forty-five cents an hour, which is
if anything less than the current re-
numeration for similar services. As
to their, ef!'liency, it has been the ex-
perience of most of us, that students
have more snap and energy than the
languid professional waiter, etc. What
makes you infer your statement?
Acting on your solidly set down
premises, Mr. Marx you propose to
discharge all the Union student em-
ployes and give them donations, as
they are given to "starving Russian
children," to help them through
school. It is perhaps useless for me
to oppose such a conclusion with ar-
gument. It remains only to ask Mr.
Marx as to the manner in which the

student employes shall receive such
A new and unexpected development
has taken place with regard to the
Senatorial investigation of the Bok
Peace plan. The Senate decides to
investigate the affairs of Mr. Bok's
award committee. Mr. Bok who is the
first witness called, refuses to state
the amount expended by him on his
peace efforts. Thereupon the Com-
mittee of Investigation dismisses the
witness and retires for consultation of
ways and means.
Mr. Bok, in turn, angered perhaps
at the Senate's lack of confidence in
Elihu Root, General James G. Harbor,
Colonel Edward M. House, Miss Ellen
F. Pendleton, Dean Roscoe Pound,;
William Allen White and Mrs. Brand
Whitlock-all members of the award
conmmittee.Mr .,-.bn , ft

Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and
every two hours to 9:10 p. m.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and every
two hours to 8 p. m.
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:55 p. m.,
11 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4£i
p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. i.
Express (making local stops): 9:50
a. m. and every two hours to 9:50
ocals: 7:50 a. in., 12:10 a. m.
S M T W T 1F S
. 1I,2 3 4 5,
6 7 8 .9 10 11 12
13 It 1.5 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 2 29 30 31

son to th
heaters w:



Diaries and Desk Calendars


price is very little in compari-
ie great comfort these efficient
ill give.

x xYrrYr ..................... Yr rMirliM S"iiY {M ............
i MiilIYY MI

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617 Packard St.

Phone 1 2

(1here 1). U. It. Stops at State)
Central 'rime (Slow Time)
L.eave Chamber of Commerce
Week Days Sundays
6:45 a. m. 6:45 a, m.
12:45 p.in. 6:45 p. m.
4:45 p. M.
JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M Adrian, Mich.
Following Ny Usuzi ~l ou , I
Ilaie E ngaged An
and Hair Dresser

Your J-Hop
ouse arty
MAe your arrangements today for
the flowers for your J-Hop House
Pa-ty. We will be very pleased in
5ckng~ you in this selection.

PLO -A C -
(25 E.Liberj 5t. -t Phone13

to assist onl
J-1-100 DAY

Friday, Feb..8,
Make Appointments Early
Stoddard Hair Shop
7907 IN. University Phlone 26.52

Wehave an





line of

The Tremendous Russian
Baritine ;ong Singer will
appear in the Choral Union
11111 Auditorium


OP Favors

sUL ct uca se iesn m~ utcencra.-
ic but .because the scope of his am-
bition is more sweeping.
Although the magnitude of theI
world famed Nobel Foundation is al-
most two thousand times that of Re-
serve's newly acquired fund, and each
of the five annual awards to man-
kind's greatest benefactors in the
arts and sciences is as great as the
total $50,000 gift, it lies within the
power of the latter to give humanity.
much more. One thousand dollars is
of infinitely greater value to the yet
unrecognized genius, down and out,
than fifty times that much is to the
well established and financially com-
fortable master of sciences or of lit-
If greater interest were accorded
the undeveloped geniuses of the world
and a bit less honor accorded those
who have already contributed their
share, great intellects might be spared
the trying periods which so often help
to ruin a remarkable genius. We do
not begrudge the great masters their
fame and honor, but they could make
most advantageous use of their wealth
in an effort to develop greater in-t
tellects for society.

From Ilte files of the U. of M. Daily, Verses live to tell a tale that prose
January 25, 1899. cannot impart;
Tales of friendships, tastes and long-
Upon a petition from the faculty of! ings; inner lights upon the
, the Literary department, the Board. heart.
of Regents assumed control of the 1 Prose is cold when love is felt for,
summer school, making it a part of one that's dear, 'tis true!
the University. It had been a private SI have not inuch o A pauper? Yes
enterprise on the part of the faculty. t Save these lines to You
Fifteen per cent of the proceeds of POISON IVY
the summer school will go to the Uni-
versity. Perhaps these Rolls seem dull to
you? We really don't see how they
Professor Wulgus is recovering from can, because we spent the entire af-
an attack of pneumonia and was much ternoon making a study of The Comic
better yesterday. in the Science Library.
And after all, what better prepara-
A large number of students had tion could one make for getting out,
been counting on a trip to Detroit to a column than that?
see the popular new play "Cyrano de * * *
:Bergerac" by Richard Mansfield. Word In comes Rafferty, of the sport staff,
has been received however that not and says:
even standing room can be promised, Hey, why don't ya put this in yourj
so it is not contemplated that the column?
several contemplated theater parties Wot, we say.
will materialize. I saw a guy hanging around a class
in dAch+

January 25

8 P. M.

A limited number


vill be

ing room / tickets W
placed on sale at the

Schoolo Muric

./ -on o d s
"Sate Street Jeweler"
302 South State Street

at 10 o'clock and will
sold in order of request.



We Ge It ut

President Draper, of the University
of Illinois, has issued an invitation
to each organization of the institu-
tion to send one delegate to a uni-
versity congress which is called to
deliberate on the heavy debt, of the!
Athletic association.

Although there has existed for an
unlimited time arguments both for
and against co-education in our Amer-
inan universities, nevertheless, those
most closely connected and acquaint-
(A tv.thf lip.,.,..-ilnfn - ofC+,k- __

cjustto put a coed'si
goulashes on, he says.
No, we says.
Yeah, he says.
-Head in the Detroit Times
Looks as if the old-time armour
was coming back, hey?
* * *

We reahze tha. it is often necessary for a firm to get printing
done quickly. We do not believe that, in the case of the rush
order, it is necessary to sacrifice GOOD Printing for speed.
Considering the speed on this kind of jobs we have done, the
quaiity of the work is invariably urprising to our patrons.

When President James B. Angell'
heard of the plan to move the Uni-
versity to Detroit, he Pxpressed his
diann,.nva n iy-ta forma ,m

The Siamese Twin is a funny fi
It cannot gotodann e.

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