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January 25, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-25

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Body Lies in Silver Trimmed Casket
in Huge Hall of house
of Unions
Moscow, Jan. 24.--(By A. F.)-The
body of Nicolai Lenin, the Bolshevik
premier and probably the greatest reb-
el of this or perhaps any other gener-
ation against the system of society
built up by the ages, lay last night in
a silver trimmed casket on a red-
draped dais' in the great glistening
hall of the House of Unions in Moscow
Tens of thousands of persons
marched silently past the bier to take
a last look on the face of the roan
who led the Communisttrevolution
which turned topsy-turvy the lives of'
the people of a nation of 130,000,000
and left its mark in nearly every
corner of the globe. Some of those i
the continuous stream passing by the
casket perhaps had followed and loved
Lenin, while others must have hated.
him, but there was almost dead silence
and solemnity in the great hall, and
there seemed to be prevalent more of
the element of respect for the dead
than "of curiositty.
thFor mearly morning, when lines of
soldier's with fixed bayonets, and
hordes of policemensestablished o
cordon along the streets through
which the body of Lenin was to past
on its way from the railway station'
to the House of, Unions, the 'crowds
waited in the snowy, zero weather be-
hind these human barriers.
Dressed in Gray
Lenin was dressed in a gray suit
His face bore few marks to indicate
the suffering through which he had
passed. His little sandy goatee and
bald head looked as natural as in
Soldiers lined the hall where the
casket lay. The guard of honor about
the casket was changed every 10 min-
utes. This guard is composed of com-
missars, labor leaders and members
of the executive committee of the
Third Internationale. They will keer
the vigil over the dead until the hour
of burial. The commissars include
such men as George Tchitcherin, the
foreign minister. It is expected that
the body will be exposed to the view
of the people until Saturday morning
when the funeral takes place.,
Flags at Half StaffI
In Moscow the national flags of
nations which l(ave recognized the
Soviet government, or have establish-
ed relations with it, hung at half sta,
over embassies, legations and the
headquarters of missions. Through.
out the city perfect order marked thc
day and there was a marked lack of
Mme. Lenin was grief-stricken af
first when told that her husband had
only a short time to live, but amid
much suffering she bravely reconciledl
herself to his passin. Shortly after
death, a mask was taken of the fea-.
tures of Lenin, and is said to have
proven successful.
The Soviet government will continue
the fundamental policies of Lenin
looking to peaceful relations with the
world and the internal reconstructions
of Russia, Foreign Minister Tchitch-
erin told the correspondents.
It is said that Leon Trotzky, wa
minister, who is ill in the Caucasus
continues to suffer from high tem--
perature. In government circles, how-
ever, it is believed Trotzky surely will
return to Moscow for the funeral of
Ibenin if it is possible for him to do so
Prof. G. M. Ehlers, of the geology
department, and Robert Mitchel, '24,
were the speakers at the regular meet-

ing of the Geology and Geography
Journal club held last night in the
Natural Science building. Reviews of
late technical papers were given byj
the speakers.

Dean Addresses I
Saginaw Alumni


Is Again Visiti
Wiliam Pape, recognized as probab-
Chicago, Jan. 24.-The growing i- jy t'lhe greatest living rapid pencil
portance of real estate as a vocation sketcher, and one of the quaintest fig-
is evidenced in the establishment of ures in the world of contemporary art
real estate courses and curriculums in has arrived in the city.
He was born in Chicago and since
leading universities and colleges then has led a wandering life sketch-
many of them, pointed toward degrees ing movie stars, great financiers,
declares the National Association of i statesmen. and, strange to say, col-
Real Estate Boards here, which has lege students. He has been a regular
visitor in Ann Arbor for the past 20,
just completed a survey. years, having sketched hundreds of
"Columbia university, which already Michigan students on his trips.
is offering many of the courses in the Among his notable pictures already
suggested real estate curriculum, ex- completed this year is one of Harry
pects to put on the two-year course," Ksipke, captain of the past season's
officials said. "The University of Wis- championship football team and one
consin, the University of Chicago and of Dr. Tom Lovell, S. O. S., erstwhile
the University of Illinois have become poet, anti-evolutionist, and music com-
actively interested in real estate edu- poser. He has sketched a number of
cation, and the University of Michigan other students as well since opening
is planning to give the course as soon his studio of South University avenue.
as possible. Pape is a typical artist of the Os-
"Northwestern university, through car Wilde type.His long, flowing
Dean Ralph E. Heilman, representa- hair, eccentric tie, and aesthetic coun-
tive of the American Collegiate asso- tenance mark him from his fellowmen
ciation on the joint committee of edu- at ti. glance. Known the country over
cators, economic research specialists as "the man with the golden hand"
and realtors, who are working out the
whole outline of real estate education iI f 9NQUET
nationally, is at present working on a : I. LU I1I L
plan to include a full four-year course I
in real estate, leading to the regular
academic degree. Iowa State college L
has taken up the selection of instruct-
tors."More than 15 students who partici-

amous Sketcher,
ig In Ann Arbor
his instict toward commercializing his
popularity is unusually slight. He
makes little effort to secure patrons
or publicty.
Like his fellow artist de Pachmann,
however, Pape admits his ability. In
fact, he is quoted as having said:
Rembrant never told anyone he
was a true artist and he died is pov-
erty and unsung. I am taking no
chances. E.C.M.
Bader Returns
From Syracuse
Prof. W. L. Badger, of the chemical
engineering department, will return
today from Syracuse, N. Y., where he
was called to confer with the engin-
eering department of the Solvay Pro-
cess company regarding the design
of a large evaporator installation.
The Solvay Process company is the
largest manufacturer of caustic soda
and sodium carbonate in the United
States. Professor Badger discussed a
problem which involves the evapor-
ation of over five million pounds of
water every 24 hours.
Laird Supporter
Has Left Albion

Dean ,Joj h. Effinger
The Dean left last night for Sag-1
inaw where he is scheduled to give,
several addresses before gatherings
of Michigan alumni and alumnae. Hej
will be in his office again Monday
Orations for the University Orator-
ical contest which will be held in
March, the exact date to be announced
later, are due Feb. 16, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. Louis M.
Eich of the. public speaking depart-
ment. Any person in the senior, jun-
ior and sophomore classes in the Uni-
versity is eligible to write and submit
an'oration for the contest. The ora-
tion must not exceed 1,800 words and
must deal with a topic of public in-
On Feb. 23 a preliminary contest for
the various classes will be held at
which time one sophomore, two jun-
iors, and two seniors will be selected
to compete in the University contest
The winner of the University contest
will represent Michigan at the North-
ern League Oratorical contest which
will be held this year in Ann Arbor
in May.
Any students who are interested in
submitting orations are asked to con-
sult with any member of the public
speaking department. Orations may
be handed in 'to any member of this-

pated in the financial drive of theI

'N'... -_.

iv 1ssue ounn er Student Christian association were
CataogueToda guests at a banquet given by the
"adrlgue Today association at 6:14 o'clock last night
l at Toe Parker's cafe.
Summer session announcements for Those present at the banquet includ-
1924 will be ready for distribution this ed the captains, the sub-team turning
morning in the offices of the Summeri in the largest amount of subscriptions I
session in University hall. Differing smad the student bringing in the high-
from previous announcements, th~e'!cat amount in individual solicitations.
fromprevousannonceents th The banquet as anniunced prior to
one for 1924 contains not only the list The bnque as t nniue pri
of courses that will be offered but also honing of the ive, s hed n
the course number, tilte of course, in- the high man in the driv. Harry
structor and number of hours credit. Clark, '26L, who acted as toastmaster
This will greatly aid students who of the banquet commended Victor
expect to attend summer school in Gandos, '2E. lieutenenant of the win-
making out their schedules for next ning team for his work. Gondo's
semester, in the opinion of Dean Ed- team was entirely composed of for-
ward H .Kraus of the Summer ses- eign students.C
sion. He explains that they will be Huarold C. Coffinan, permanent ex-
able to ascertain exactly what courses ecutive of the Student Christian
they may, obtain in the Summer ses- asoiation then presented the Stepp-
sion and arrange their schedules-for en's trophy to Donald Williams, 25L,
next semester accordingly. who set an all time record in indivi-
nextsemsteraccrdinly.dual solicitations with $475.
Copies of the announcement will be Fotus icketsh $475 sne
Fortytiks have been presented
ready for distribution at the variou:I by the Majetis theater to DeTar to
registration booths next week.- I be given as the reward to the parti-
cipants in the drive who gained men-
Bicycle sidecars are being used in hership in the Twenty-five Dollar
Germany. club.

Albion, Mich., Jan. 24.-Don H. Colt,
Jr., of Baltimore, the only Albion col-
lege student who raised his voice on
the side of Dr. John W. Laird, when
Albion students revolted against the
president of the college last Friday:
left Albion Wednesday night, it was
learned from his friends today. 3
Although his destination could not
be learned, it was stated that he was
planning to enroll in another college
not in Michigan. He did not even wait
to take his semester examinations
which begin next Monday.
{ D Nights 50o to $ 2.00
1AR at.R- at..0o to $1.O
U( hIflI Wed.!Mat. Socto $1.00
Due to the illness of Miss Emity Stevenc, the
playing of "Loye in a Cottage," which was
schednled for this week, has been postponed.
Combination Lunches
25c to 500
Eat it by our Fireplace
The ashtenaw Inn
1309 Washtenaw Phone 2925-M
Two Blocks from Dental Bldg.

Engineers' and Architects' Materials,
Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos
Every Imported
This sale, we firmly believe, is the greatest
pipe selling event that will be featured in 1924.
There is an unlimited assortment of smokers'
articles every one up to the Watkins standard
of quality. An early visit assures an excel-
lent choice.
$1000Briars, $8.00
$7.00 Old Bruyere, $5.60
$3.50 St. James, $2 0
$8.50 Italian Briar, $6.80
$4.00 Special, $2.00
Special Discount of 25% On
Tobacco Pouches
Cigarette Holders


jIflII fh~ g~IIf~iillilIj~I~lr IlIJIII IlijglIlIllijllli~iiillIIlltlil~IllIIIlIt! 1
Heart Beat Heard I - ' ;
2500 Miles A way INOW! NOW!
hiatinees Nights
Chicago, Jan. 24.-A heart beat, al-
most inaudible at close range, khan :0O-:30 7:00-8:30
been transmitted 2,500 miles across
the continent and heard distinctly.
Morgan L. Eastman, director of
radio station KYW, Chicago, placed One of Filmdom's Greatest Eforts-
the microphone of the transmitting b~
set to his chest, sending the record
of his heart beat over the ether. At
the same time he broadcast a request
that all who heard it write him « I Vw-
letter. That was more than one weep
ago. aN -
Today Eastman announced he had
received letters from all parts of the
country, telling of hearing his heart
throb. "^
The letters came fronm Portland I' «,99
Me.; Santa Monica, Calif..; Saskatoon A shes oI5vJeVJ
Saskatchewan, and Quebec.est
f Her .Host Nojestic NasterPiece
- ih eurge eeyne
WeR t CONWAY TEARLEltere everyonl
WALLACE BEERY e ampleo thid
Ctl' a s -and agreat cast Aern productions.
it is of -unusual
AS LI,-.'8ru - c ,alibre and offers
AS+S rem arl-ably fide
t1111111111111U111111111111111111H 1111ii1f119llisl1i11i M1t1U


These days of extreme
weather changes cause
most of us to look for
a Thermometer. Do not
stop in the selection of a
weather instrument only.
(Which we have in

L ,' I

Cbe 1kw En1isb uxcbo
Tailored to Your Individual Measurements


In our large assortment of
of surgical supplies we
keep a very choice assort-

Choice of- a Career
From the Yale News
Someone, probably an insurance
agent, was quoted recently as saying
that from the mass of one hundred
college graduates one individual only
rose to the Polo and butler class, peril-
ously near the top of the financial lad-
der. Five others became comfortably
off and found themselves after twenty
years at the small yacht and chauffeur
stage. The other ninety-four presum-
ably congregate in the great section of
the American people who drive their
own Buicks to the golf club. In other
words, dreaming about being a rich
man is one thing, and making the grade
is "something else again."
.Yet the ninety-four presumably work
just as hard as the sumptuous six. Their
business is; the axis on which a small
and uninteresting world revolves. They
have become devotees of the dollar
and when that fickle deity deserts, have
nowhere else to turn. Jammed in a
dull, straight rut of business they can
never leave the road and jump the fence
into finer fields of life. This, then, is
the portion of ninety-four men out of
every hundred now on the campus.
The answer to the problem lies in
the proper choice of a career.
Between now and Commencement we
shall have something to offer on the
subject of "Careers." Watch for the space
.t A r n.



in prices

and of

$ 53.00.




If you need a new Tuxedo for J-Hop
better not wait until the last moment.

G. Claude

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