.I THE WEATHER AM-NOW lie -.0 -414L Volooe -AO 4atr SNOW AND COLDER TODAY VOL. XXXIV. No. 90 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1924 --z U, S. SHlIPS LEAVEL TRo ME XICAN WATERS REBELS ABADON ATTEMPTED BILOCKADE AND ORDER MI4ES REMOVALS IRREGULARS PROMISE SAFETY OF AMERICANS Wvashington Government Continues Sale of Arms and Munitions to Obregon Washington, Jan. 24.-(By AP)- Tension over the Mexican situation appeared to have been completely re- laxed today when the state depart- ment announced that American war vessels ordered to Vera Cruz and Tampico were already in process of being withdrawn from Mexican waters since the rebel leaders had abandoned their attempted blockade of Tampico and had ordered mines removed from the harbors under their control. With this compliance with the do- mands of the Washington government,. the des a Huerta leaders have with- drawn all threats against the con- tinued movement of peaceful Amer- ican commerce, and the occasion for sending the ships has passed. Unless American lives and property should again be jeoparadized it is un-' likely that the Washington govern- ment will take any further action than to continue to make sales of war munitions to Obregon. Secretary Weeks approved today the sale of an odd lot of spare parts for airplanes and a number of bombs. Consul Wood reported from Vera Cruz today that de la Hureta had ordered that ample guarantees be ex- tended for protection of American lives and property in the region about Tampico, and that oil industry be per- mitted to resume operations. A mes- sage from Tampico later said the oil companies actually had been granted' such permission. Chaliapin, Famous Russian Basso, Gives Unique Recital Here Tonight Feodor Ivanovitch Chaliapin, who Chaliapin includes in his repertoire is hailed as the greatest of living lyric many fine songs from Koenemann's or dramatic artists, will sing at 8 pen. o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium at j Booklets containing the words of the fifth concert of the Choral Union all the songs that the unique Russian series. He will be assisted by Rud- basso sings will be distributed to the olph Polk,. violinist, and Feodor audience this evening. Chaliapin Koenemann, composer-pianist. does not announce his program before Though Chaliapin was singing in the concert, but refers the audience the choir of the Archbishop in his to the number in the book, so that early youth and tramped the country they may glance over the translations as an itinerant singer when he was of the words which he sings in Rus- but seventeen, he received no prac- sian. The program of other numbers tical musical training until after sev-; as announced, follows: orl mihkki.b at t IICu rIin h jI 1R4 nUQ - DOHENY DECLARES IHE LOANED AL $|E[1 O(OOO IN AS SENATE COMIJTTEE HEARS TESTIMONY OF OIL MAGNATE GIVES DATE OF NOTE AS NOVEMBER 30, 1921 MORE ; S 7 i Brat pu lnc appearances, wihen he be- came the protege of Mamontoff, with a place in his private opera company. Chaliapin has sung, since his re-ap- pearance in European musical circles in 1921, in Milan, Paris, London, New York and South American cities, with marked success. His vocal and dram- atic powers combine in the words of the critics, "to form a noble and com- plex art, at the exhibition of which Chaliapin is a master." Rudolph Polk is known as an ar- tistic violinist. Feodor Koenemann a modern Russian composer of consid- erable note, has the reputation of be- ing an exceptional pianist, in addition to that of an inspired composer.; I F i ,l 7 GLEE CLUBME IXIVID t FTOR CHICAGO CONTEST Following a rehearsal of the Univer- sity Glee club last night, George Oscarc Bowen, director of the club, named the 24 men who will sing for Mich-, igan in the competitions to be held at } Chicago Feb. 18, between Midwestern schools. Foulrteen schdols will be re- ! presented, this being the first year that Michigan has entered the competi-. tions. The following men will make the trip: Neil Staebler, '26, O. H. eJkel, '25, George C. Alder, '26, Duane Carr, '24, 1 Fred B.. Bliss, '25, O. A. Stocker, '25E,I H. Willard Renninger, '24, S. H. Bean, ' '24, L. D. Jones, '24, Robert Granger,I '24E, James A. Dryer, '24, Donald B. Chubb '24 Edward E. Murane, '25L,I Harold Jacox, '26, H. L. Bright, '25. Lucien Lane, '26L, D. Neil Reid, '26L, W. E. Schneider, '25E, Harold Steph- ens, '24, W. W. Spanagle, '25E, G. J. Gould, '25L, William Hartle, '24E, E. 1. Herrold, '26, Harold A. Storms, '25E, Guilbert W. Sherman, '26, Charles Mur- ray, '25, will go as alternates. The club will be required to sing! Henschel'suMorning Hymn, a song se- lected by Mr .Bowen entitled "The Month o fMay" by Morley, and Laudes Atfe Carmina for a college number. NWhile the judges are deciding the win- ning club the combined clubs of all the schools will sing two selections. STUDENTS VICTIMS OF APPENDICITIS Suffering from an attack of acute appendicitis, F. K. Wu, grad, was sent to the University hospital where he underwent an operation yesterday morning. The identical affliction vis- ited itself on W. P. Callahan, '26 yes- terday afternoon who was to have been operated on early this morning. Wu is reported to be doing nicely Some sections of the Sahara desert lie 100 feet below sea level. ROOMS AND MORE ROOMS A number of new students will APPOINT YOST *TO UCATONSTA[F Regents Appoint Little Assistant I rifessor In Samte Department HOCKETT CHOSEN TO REPLACE PHILLIPS FOR NEXT SEMESTER Fielding H. Yost was appointed pro- fesor of theory and practice of ath- ketics in the school of education, at the meeting of the University Board of Regents last night. George E. Little, ,assistant director of Inter- collegiate Athletics, was appointed assistant professor. Prof. Homer C. Hockett of Ohio State university has been engaged by the University to occupy the posit- ion le ft v ac ant yin -the h istory --depart-I ment of Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips of the history department, who is leaving for the University of California to lecture during the next semester. Professor Francis W. Kelsey, !of[ the Latin department has been grant- ed leave of absence for the remain- der of this year in order that he may proceed with his researches in- the Near East. D. J. Haff of Kansas City, Mo., and Mexico City has presented the Law' school with currenttnumbers of the "Diario Official of the Mexican Re- public" and also with a collection of papers with which to complete the Starr Hunt collection of Mexican and Spanish law. The state department of conser- vation is to conduct extensive inves- tigations in the field of zoology here in conjunction with the department of zoology. DE EFFINGER TO SPkA BEFORE SAGAW ALUMNI I I Ausdler Heimat, Smetana; Serenade 1 .ato o ore Espagnole, Chaminade-Kreisler, Cap- Exam ation of Forner .Secretary rice Basque, Sarasate, Rudolph Polk. Il altyPle Chaliapin. Ill Health Pled Sonnette del Petrarca, Liszt; Valse Caprice, Rubinstein, Feodor Koene- Washington, Jan. 24.-(By AP)- mann. Albert B. Fall, while secretary of the Prize Song from "Die Meistersing- interior, received a loan of $100,000 er", Wagner-Wilhelmj; Souvenir de . Moscow, Wieniawski; Rudolph Polk. in cash on his personal note from E. Chaliapin. L. Dohney, California oil magnate, The concert will begin promptly, Mr. Dohney testified today before the and patrons are asked to be in their senate Teapot Dome investigating seats early, so as to facilitate hand- committee. ling the crowd. A limited number of {'{ T tefl .a. n standing room tickets will go o sale The date of the loan was given as at 10 o'clock this morning at the of- November 30, 1921, or more than a fice of the School of Music. year before Secretary Fall signed the contract leasing to Dohney interest in the California Naval Oil reserve out 'Pgnii SAN [BATE Iof which committeemen reminded Mr. Dohney he had testified he expects to j ake a profit of $100,000,000. Mr. Dohney declared to the com- STARTSNEW MOVEI mittee, however, that the loan had "no relations to any of the subsequ- ent transactions"; that it was made Republican iblembners of Ways and by him "personally", and that "in con- Means Committee to Write Own nection with this loan there was no1 Income Ithte discussion between Mr. Fall and my- self as to any contracts whatever." PREDICT BILL WILL FOLLOW I The oil magnate testified that he LINES SUGGOESTED BY MELLON bad advanced the money to enable Mr. Fall to enlarge his New Mexico Washington, Jan. 24.-(By AP)- ranch holdings and that he had fully The first partisan debate on taxes on intended to collect the loan if Mr. the floor of the house today provok- Fall's health remained good and thatI if necessary, he had planned to em- ed a move by Republican members of ploy the former secretary to lookaf- the ways and means committee to ter his Mexico holdings so as to en- write their own income tax rates, able him to repay the debt. which some predicted would place a's, e said he had drawn a check for sthe $100,000 on a New York bank and bill before the house on substantially ; that his son had taken the cash from the lines suggested by Secretary: New York to Wash npton, receiving [ Mellon. in return the note., hich he thiought Representative Treadway, Mass., a was in Mr. Fall's handwriting. Republican member of the committee The witness was unable to produce made the proposal after represent- either the note or the check, although ative Garner, Texas, ranking Demo- ; he said he had conducted a search t crat on the committee, had declared in for them before leaving Los Angeles. the course of the debate that the Ile declared they were not lost and Mellon bill would not pass in the possibly were in his ofice. He was House "even if left to a vote of the neexcused afterthree hours on the it- Republicans alone," and that Presi- ness stand with the understanding dent Coolidge would not veto a tax bill that he would endeavor to find the carrying the higher surtax rates of ch . ad note fo thc tte the Democratic plan. Mr. Fall arrived in Washington late The committee continued discus- tonight from New Orleans. He was sions of the new excise rates and ten- to have been examined tomorrow but atively agreed to repeal the taxes he telephoned the committee in ad- on telegraph and telephone messages, vance of his arrival that his physical leased wires and candy. This would condition would not permit of his ap- result in a reduction of $44,000,000 in I pearance atthe time set and the cam- revenue, it was estimated. Final mittee agreed to defer his examination "1. m11tla b d t Iuntil Monday. Engineering deans and administra- Meeting yesterday in the first of tive officers arrive in Ann Arbor this two-day conference now being I morning to be present at the first here, the committee on the co-ope mid-winter conference of the division Feodtr Chalapin Live relations with Universities of of deans and administrative officer T s sAmerican Railway Engineering a of the Society for the Promotion of The great Russian basso, equally ciation composed of 12 railroad ex Engineering Education. More than 70 distinguished as a singer and an ac- tives and college professors, discus heads of various engineering instf'tu- tor, will make his Ann Arbor debut tvsadcleepoesrdsu tins throughout the United States and when he appears in Hill auditorium the existing situation and brought Canada have signified their intention tonight, the fifth number on the Chor- ward views and ideas for its hmpr( of coming here for the conference. eal Union concert series. His appear- esiet. starte at 10 o'clock This morning, starting at 10:30 ance here is regarded as one of the terday and ran throughout the o'clock, visiting representatives will beconucted otnga ispecnttin tour omost notable muiscal evots of recent until 4 o'clock with an intermissioi the engineering college, of the General years. 12:30 for luncheon which was ser library and of the Clements library liberations in the afternoon the vi Luncheon will be served at 12:30 at the Union. At the close of the o'clock in the Union. R OIN ToD ors were taken on a tour of ns j At 2:00 O'clock this afternoon dele- tion through University btildins gates will convene in the first con- A dinner was given the commi ference in the engineering building ls ih nteUin nad Six plans on the "Length and Contentltn theUndonInadi of the Curriculum" are to be railroad committee, D an P at this meeting. Iowa, Harvard, Mich Walker of the University of Kan igan, Columbia, Missouri, and Stevens Visitor Addresses Graduate English Institute of Technology, Presiden are to propose ideas upon this subject Club on Shakespeare W. McNair of the Michigan Colleg Heads of the engineering schools of and -His Wors Mines, Prof. C. F. Scott of Yale these institutions will act as sponsor: versity, and Dean M. . Cooley of on their institutions' plans LECTURES THROUGHOUT WEST University who are members of After dinner which will be served at DURING LEAVE OF {TABSENCE Unvrs wh reembers of 6 o'clock in the Union, members of the board of Investigation and Coord: conference will be guests at the recital tion of the society for the Pro of Chaliapin in Hill auditorium. At Prof. Raymond F. Alden, who ad- of Engineering Education which 10 o'clock there will be a smoker a dressed the Graduate English club last in the engineering building yester drafternoon were in attendance at the University club. night in Newberry residence, will de- banquet. Mr. W. E. Wickenden Tomorrow, at 9:30 o'clock the con- liver a University lecture on "The Re- rector of the investigation whic ference will open its second business session. President C. R. Richards of lation of Poetry to Drama" at 4:15I being undertaken by the Deans'< sbse-o -'e dPlace f Research in o'clock this afternoon in Natural Sci- ference opening here today, Prof. Lehigh university is to introduce the once auditorium. The lecture was not lund E. Day of the economics dsp the Engineering School." During this ' delivered yesterday as it was erron- ment and Prof. A. 11. Lovell of session, Mr. M. W. Alexander, of the eously announced in yesterday morn- engineering department were National Industrial Conference board ing's Daily. guests at the dinner. I Coley Welcomes Guests will speak on the "Relation of the Professor Alden, who has made a Engineering School to the Industries." special investigation of the subject, In opening the addresses of the' Each dean has appointed a committee spoke to the club on Shakespeare and ning, Dean Cooley welcomed the m . ers of the Railway commziittee sata within his institution to investigate his works. The club has devoted con-'y ineti{ that the present period was a cii the education system in their re- siderable time this semester to investi-t t s spective schools and this information gations as to the true identity of the in engineering education and will be brought forward at the meet- aauthor of the works attributed to railroad officials could be of great servd a autor f th woks atriutedto~to the engineering profession in ii ings. Luncheon will be served at Shakespeare and Professor Alden's ob- in a rigeerination o t 12:30 o'clock in the Union. servations bore directly upon their re- un r Robeerat Fond, chai Mr. W. E. Wickenden is to speak searches.-h reasons for the formation of before the conference during the third' On leave from Leland Stanford uni- of the r a y omin oexpla session which starts at 2:00 o'clock versity, Professor Alden is engaged in committee, followed by Mr H. R Mr. Wickenden is director of the in- giving a series of lectures at the Uni- fnd, vice president of the Chica vestigation and will speak on the work versity of Chicago, at the same time fington and Quincy railroad, who sj and the scope of the conference. Prof making tours throughout the Middle of the service of Prof. H. E. D. R C. F. Scott of Yale university as chair- West. While in Ann Arbor he is the M. S. Ketchum and Dean W. G.t man of the board of Investigation and' guest of Prof. Morris P. Tilley of the of the engineering department, I Coordination which met in the office English department. mnd to the railway association. of Dean Cooley yesterday afternoon "The future problems of the will give a resume of the work of that - The fe problems of .the } __ -.--_" _. ....___ _- .__ roads are economic ones and thej board during the meeting. resentatives will assist the engir Following the reception to be heldw TheDa ' NAt in colleges to see theselarger p in te Unon omorow nghtat wich afs ebines in every way possible," he time the deans of the several collegeple s ugn e ed w a p the ,grete of the University and the entire en- TIhe Capitoltnitiesinthatrthgrat gneigfaculty will receive the vis-..........__-tutisn the railway traffic dep gineering auyw--ments be called to the attention o itors, a banquet is to be given the technical students with the possi conference members at 7 o'clock I E. L. Doheny, California Oil oper- tha steinterwsthn h pdis President Marion L. Burton will give ator, told the Senate Teapot Domethrhbee adtyn gr the principal address of the evening committee he loaned Albert B. Fall problems may appeal to yon g $100,000 in November, 1921. - noos. $ ,_Neb 1 .Brig.-Gen. Mitchell told of the p "Herald' Critic I The senate voted to discharge its bilities of results with the coo 11 t tion now existing between univer roS$oil lease investigating committee fromanionanowayexist ed twewle Eulogizes Yost consideration of the Caraway resolu- and railways. He stated thatw tion to cancel the naval o lleases, thus not meeting the problem fairly (By Special Correspondent) bringing the quecause we give the engineer too i (BySpeialCorespndet) riningthequestion to the floor for of a specialized education." He New York City, Jan. 24.-Fielding consideration. a eaie education H H. Yost, Michigan's naationaUly re- him to want to become immedi nowned athletic mentor, the hurry-up I Administration officials began work useful upon graduation, wherea I Yost, who has come to be known as on a proposal to form a banking syndi- Iusul u o raton hee a the dean of football coaches and cate to relieve Northwestern credit industries would rather have a (griiro wiardof mercancolegewith a broader education who w~ gridiron wizard ot American college conditions become more useful with the pa sportdom, today drew forth sincere in economics; we are not anticip praise of one of the foremost sport- Orders were issued which will event- of years. "We are not thinking en ing editors of the country, Walter ually recall all American vessels in what the industries need. We He dedicates his eulogy of Yost Mexican waters, as a result of the think ahead, get a broader horizoi 'with a poem; He plays to win if he abandonment of the proposed rebel direct the development of the eng can, but with no special thought of blockade at Tampico. to that new point," he stated. same, a square two-fisted fighting - Wickenden Speaks 'man, he plays because he loves the Governor Pinchot's coal bill was in- Mr. Wickenden was the last sp game." He says of the great sport troduced in the Senate by Senator Bor- of the evening. In his talk he leader, "You get more than athletics ah, Republican, Idaho. speaking on the matter of the from Yost. We know of no man who neer's education, "It requires gre has finer ideals for the game of life Senator Caper, Republican, Kansas, velopment of forecasting ability - or who loves the game more. Yost will urged freight rate reduction on agri- system of critical examination o tell you that a team in the first per- cultural products in a Senate speech. sults produced." The project o iod always should kick from inside of educators looks to the adopt< the 25 yard line and that with favor- Senator Cummins, Republican, Iowa, these principles in engineering ing wind it should kick from inside lintroduced a bill intended to carry catin so as to develop a consem the 25 yard line under all circumstanc- out President Cooledge's recommenda- guided evolution. es, and the next moment he will give tions on railroad consolidation. In a statement to the press you an equally sound theory for the night Mr. Ford, assistant chief game of life"' ,are ion was debatd in both neer of the C. R,. and P. ra Dean John R. Effinger of the liter- ary college left last night for Saginaw where he is scheduled to speak to sev- eral meetings of alumni and alumnae there today. This afternoon he will address the quarterly meeting of the Michigan Alumnae association and to- night will deliver a talk before a gath- ering of Michigan alumni. He will return to Ann Arbor tomor- row but will not be in his office in1 University hall until Monday morning.l On Feb. 1 Dean Effinger will speak in Port Huron before the St. Clair county alumni association. Moscow, Jan. 24.-(By A. P.)-Latel tonight announcement was made that the funeral of Nicolai Lenine had been postponed from Saturday until Sunday SIt was also announced that Petro- grad has been renaned Lenineograd. FACULTY STILL BONE DRY IN THE DAILY STRAW VOTE There is no liquor problem f on the campus, if the results of .the prohibition vote that has E been conducted by the Daily is 1 | is any proof, according to the ; ( latest count. I When the votes were totaled ( at a late hour last night, 74 votes had been recorded against re- peal of the 18th amendment, with ( only 14 favoring repeal; 42 fav- enanges in these rates wi eDe er- r mined tomorrow, with proposals to re- peal the taxes on automobile trucks and parts, theater admissions and var j ious other articles before the com-1 mittee. The committee agreed . toI limit changes in these rates so that # the reduction in revenue would be Dean Maximno M. Kalaw of the lib oral arts college of the University of the Philippines at MVanila who will act' as, exchange profess'or in political I science the second semester will also be in Ann Arbor during the Summer session and give two courses, it was announced yesterday by Dean Edward 9H. Kraus of the Summer session. Prof. Thomas H. Reed and Prof., D Joseph R. Hayden of the political science department will also give courses in the Summer session. Pro- fessor Reed will give courses in "Municipal Government" and "The Teaching of Civics." The courses whic. hoill be.giedbydProfsso Haden are "Brtish Governpolent a Administration" and "Colonial Ad- ministration," in wialw will lecture on "Prob- lems and Politics of Far East" and "Government and Administration of the Philippine Islands." Garg Has Record Sale On Campus o'Neill's IsW e Eugene O'Neill's "Beyond the Hori- zon" was presented by Prof. R. D. T Hollister's classes in play production last night in University hall before an enthusiastic audience. Robert Hend- erson, '26, and J. L. Rosoff, '24, were the outstanding figures in the cast which was much above average stand-, ard as a whole. These men played the parts of Robert and Andy Mayo re- spectively. The acting was at its worst in the first scene, in which the principals found it hard to get the agricultui'al tone the piece calls for. In the later and more emotional scenes, however they rose to the occasion quite satis- factorily. The play deals with the early ideals1 and subsequent marital disillusion- ment of Robert Mayo, the son of a farmer. In act one he wants to sail away with his uncle and see the world 'beyond the horizon,' but is de- terred by a last minute discovery that the girl whom 'he has worshipped from afar loves him. The rest of the play deals with his growing discontentment with his wife, the farm, his mother-in- law, and life in general. Although an incurable dreamer, he is forced to keen up appearances by working on the farm and living with a wife who, hE knows, loves his brother. The settings were simple and ap- propriate. S. M. J. Labor Ministry To Recognize Russia London, Jan. 24.-(By AP)-The Drama ll Received Campus sale of the January Gar- goyle Wednesday established the high mark for the last three years, accord-