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January 24, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-24

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Wolverine Quartet To Face Ames And.
Ohio Runners Tomorrow Night .
At Chicago Meet
Michigan's Varsity track squad willf
be kept busy thiu week end when the'
two mile relay team will take on the
Ames. and Ohio teams in a match
race at Chicago tomorrow night whilea
the rest of the squad will engage in
a track carnival in Waterman gymn-

asium Saturday afternoon.
The two mile relay team composed
of Captain Hattendorf, Reinke, Bowen
and Fryberg will, leave tonight fo
Chicago, preparatory to entering the
Illinois Athletic club invitation to he
held in the Broadway armory, to-


Nebraska Coach Is
Given Absence Leave;
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 23.-Fred Daw-
son, athletic director at the Univer-
sity of Nebraska and creator of foot-
ball team that beat Notre Dame twice S
in succession, last night was granted Stellar Varsity Guard Has Total of Pucksters Unable to Work Out Due to
a leave of ahsence as athletic director 16 Points in Two Big Rough Skating
and his resignation as dean of men Ten Games Surface
accepted. The leave is "until his-
of this year and he will return at
once to near Grand Junction Colo., Harry Kipke, who has been playing Last night's hockey practice wac
where he has been since late in the I the best basketball of his career this called off at the last minute due to the+
fall, trying to regain his health. The season is leading his team mates at fact that the ice at the Coliseum isj
board of regents last night voted to scoring in conference games with a badly cut up and to the thaw of the
renew the present contract and it was a'last two days which has made it im-!
predicted that Dawson would sign it. total of 16 points tallied in the two possible to flood the rink.
conference games in which the Wol- Although Coach Barss was disap-{
rverines have taken part. George pointed at the necessity of calling off
Haggerty, one of the leading point get- the workout, he is satisfied with the
I IIters in the Big Ten last season i
clse~ onhto Kipke's heels with15 progress which the team has been
point's.making in practice since the Wiscon-
Haggerty had a big night against sin games last week-end. The night-I
AA J2nIllini, locating the basket on no ly sessions have been devoted to prac-
less than four occasions. Most of tice on formations topped off witl
Haggerty's points were rung up when fast scrimmages in which the Varsityi
.Managr (Cobb Fails To Secure New the team needed them most. Kipke athletes have been instructed to em-
Man For Keystone gave a wonderful exhibition of scor- ploy the passing game exclusively
Sack ing against the Hawkeyes. The flashy There are enough capable men left
guard chalked up four baskets and on the squad to make up two fast ag-
SPRtING TR.iNKING TRIPS two free throws for a grand total of gregations with a few spares to re-
CALLS FOlR EIGHTEEN GAXES 10 points. place any of the men who tire under
In the two conference games t11e their exertions. The result of the con-
Detroit, Jan. 23.-The Detroit Tigers Wolverines have taken part in, Deng stant emphasis placed on passing is
will start the 1J24 American league has annexed seven points, Doyle, two,! evident, as the squad has displayed ,
1 Cherry five and Captain Birks two. excellent teamwork for the last few
baseball season on the home lot, meet- Birks, however, did not take part in days.
ing their proverbial and perennial foe, the Hawkeye afair. Kipke, besides No decision has been reached by
the Cleveland Indians. The season being the leading scorer on his team Coach Barss with regard to the twcI
opens April 15 and closes Sept. 23. is playing strong guard on the team berths left open by the loss of Hen-i
( and is rated one of the best in the derson and Anderson who graduatej
The schedule covers fewer days than Big Ten loop. Against the Illini, Kip- in February. "Pep" Reynolds is thej
last year, but the "cuff days" that dot- ke, was assigned the difficult task of most logical bet for the center po-
ted the 1923 summer and autumn have guarding Mauer, who with Potter has sition. Reynolds and Henderson al.-
been crowded out. been responsible for most of his I ternated at the tip-off position in

Si con ;ieratio! of the meager exper-
eir. e they have had in actual con-
' W E T E S WdvantLe1 that they labored under,
nA Fth e1 gva a good accunt of them-
zel(,,.By gaining a fal. in 1. sec-
cnz Doty in the 115 poundI event
The scheduled games for tonight t.,ang the surprise of the eve-ning.
and tomorrow night for the teams I'lh hI Ier tives- ilaeti at FIast Clp habchel, a dougl:y 125 pounder, de-
entered in the Western Conference' inEffort to Iiounid out Strong sIr mues a world of credit for the show-
tournament will wind up the bowling 1 Squad -ting he made. in holding Turner, for-
for the fraternities with the exception mer Conference 125 pound champion.
of those who didn't compete and still BUT.KEYES SHO11) FURMISH to a draw.
wish to try for the campus champion- STIFF OPPOSITION ATUR1AY In txe 145 poun match Rose of
ship. Michigan lost the decisic to Dye of
The schedule for all those who wish! Michigan's wrestling team will Purdue by the scanty margin of 20
to roll in the preliminaries of the swing into action for the second meet seconds. Considering that Dye holda
campus tournament, and have not of the season when it stacks up against ; the Conference title for the weight
rolled in the Western Conference the grappling squad of Ohio State and that Rose, due to recent dental
tournament, will be announced im- at Columbus Saturday night, troubles, was not in the best of shape:
mediately following the opening of the i In preparation for this match this match, though lost, was in nc
second semester. Coach Barker, Varsity wrestling men- way a source of -disappointment te
Several of the fraternities have not tor, is driving his men at a fast clip Coach Barker. The other matches
rolled on time for the Western Con- in the daily afternoon practices at the which all went to the credit of Par-
ference tournament. If these fames Yost field house. Bai-ker is somewhat due gave Barker a chance to observe
are net completed and the scores turn- hindered in these practices because the faults and weaknesses of his men
ed in at the Union alleys, by tomr- of the inability of all the men to re- and served as a test for determining
rein h evening, no credit will be given pore each afternoon at the same time the personnel of the team in its com
ro the tardy entrant. due to late afternoon classes and to ing meets. ,"Red" Gillard In the 13
Following is the schedule for tonight other outside work. 1!pound event put up a sterling exhi-
I Delta Ohio this year is represented by a bition but succumbed to his adver-.
i 7, T'heta AChiSiga Xim Phi, Sg-good wrestling squad as is evidenced sary in the last few minutes after
Chi, 8 o'clock, Alpha Sigma Phi, Sig- by their overwhelming victory over vain andexerting attempts to force
ma Delta .Kappa, Acacia, 9 o'clock, !M. A. C. by an 18-2 score. The Buck.- teatono h achdrn h
Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Phi, Tau . y -T the action of the match during the
Delta Phi, 7 o'clock, Friday night,# eyes won the Big Ten wrestling chaim-opening of the event. Grubb, Ferenz
Theta Delta Shi, Trigon. pionship last year and although their and Palmer in the 158, 175, and heavy-
team this season consists in the main weiglit divisions respectively, al-
A complete account of the basket- ci last year's substitutes they are though outweighed to a considerable
ball standings of the fraternity teams looked upon to give contenders for degree, put up a good fight.
until the end of the first semester Conference championship honors a uan Joins Squad
w til the end the Friryst sai strdesperate tussle. Yesterday afternoon Louis Curran
will le published in Frdeys Daily. 1;iit ; Good Coach - Varsity football man, reported for the
T- I In Haft,. Ohio Varsity wrestling1 u n sight)
T)tiefrthe closing of the first !_______________ __on___ge __ight)
S m rh sn h i coach, the Staters have one of the
semester is fast approaching and sev- best grappling mentors in the coun-
eral games in the second round of the g try and this fact added to the wealth
all-campus handball tournaments, of mat material that reported to him
singles and doubles, have not been I for the team gives to Ohio a mostCa
pisyod. Players affected by this no- formidable wrestling outfit. h
tice shuldo take the pains to play Coach Barker has nothing but cre- Victor Records
their games before the end of the term (lit for those of his men that went
as the third round will start promptly through the Purdue meet last Satur-
with the reopening of school regard. day night at the Yost field horse. Al-
less of how many matches remain though Michigan was on the loser's HOUSE
unplayed. end of a 15-6 .-ore Barker feels that

L A. C. Event Important
The relay race with Ames and Ohio'
State will be for a leg on the Beck-
man relay trophy and will be the
center of interest of the I. A. C. an-
nual invitation meet in which thei
athletes of prominence from every|j
section of the country will be enter-
ed. Osborne, formerly of Illinois and
now a wearer of the I. A. C. colors,
will be entered in the high jump the
event in which he was considered thel
best in the country during his collegi-I
ate competition. Lieb of Notre Dame,t
foremost shot-putter in the middle-
West will also be entered in the meet,
together with Frieda, versatile Uni-
versity of Chicago athlete. 1
In the relay event Ames will maket
a bold attempt to maintain her sup-I
remacy which was established when
she took permanent possession of theC
Hitt trophy last year, against theI
strength of Michigan and Ohio. The
Wolverines are supposed to have the
best quartette of half-milers in thec
country and the winning team will be

Manager Cowbs lineup, so far as
can be ascertained at this time, will
not differ materially from that of last
year. The outfield undoubtedly will
find Heilmann back in right. Cobb in
center and Manush in left field, with
Fi6thergill available for relief.

forced down near to the eight minute It is in theif niel that the shakeup,
mark it is expected. if there is one, will occur. Blue will
Will Hold Carnival be back at first, Jones at third and
In the absenc of their team mates probably Rigney at shortstop. The
the rest of the track team will en- I second base hole will be the hardest
gage in a minature track meet in to fill. Haney will be available as will
Waterman gynipasium. Members of D rrill Pratt, but George Cutshaw,
the squad wilcompete against one an-! who was at the keystone sack part of
other in every event which will be l- ,season, hes been given his un-
held in competition with other schools j conditional release at his own re-
later in the season and Steve Farrell j quest. Thus far efforts of Manager
will have his first chance of the sea- , Cobb to sign a second baseman who
son to see 1mat shape the te'.m is in. satisfies all his requirements, have
The shot put, the hurdles, and the have met with disappointment.
quarter will be among the most close- ; 1-aney seems the likely choice for the
ly watched events on the program I position now.
while the coaches are looking for men ;Rehnd the plate will be Bassler,
to fill the gaps left by graduation last with Woodall in the second line
June. VanOrden's loss will be sharp- ( trenches. The pitching staff, as far
ly felt in the weight event, while the present indications go, will not be ma-
loss of a trio of quarter milers by terially changed. Dauss, Johnson,
graduation last spring makes the dis- I Holoway, Pillette and Whitehill will
covery of new material in the middle- be the mound mainstays with Bert
distance event highly important. Cole having the chore of delivering
most of the portside shoots for the
Those who will be in J-Hop booth Bengals. Good, who was a southpaw
47, "the Wolverines," will hold a meet- sensation in the Mint league last year
ing at 4 o'clock tomorrow in thel s may bolster the staff, although Cobbi
reading room of the Union. Matters does not expect great things of the
pertaining to booth furnishing and a y uth his first year in fast
other arrangements will be discussed, The schedule forwarded to the club
officials here by MVana'ger Cobb, who
Eighteen practice games hae been personally approved the itinerary, in-
scheduled by the Tygers during their cludes eight contests with Toronto,
spring southern training trip. A few five with Cincinnati, two with Mem-
additional games may be scheduled in phis and one each with Atlanta, Roch-
the neighborhood of Augusta, Ga. ester and Asheville. The team will
play in Georgia, North and South Car-;
Daily classified for real results. olina, Alabama and Tenessee.


team's tallies this season. Harry { the games which have been played se
watched the Sucker star so closely j far this season. "Pep" is a fast man
that he was confined to two baskets. clever at carrying the puck and
Lanch, Iowa's best forward was Kip- strong on the defense. His work
ke's man in the Hawkeye fray. The against all the teams encountered by
Hawkeye performer was also forced the Wolverines since the first of the
tois ecntented th Mtw ibaskets season has been of a high caliber
the same lineup against the Gophers 'and with experience, he should devel-
Saturday that so successfully took op into a star performer at Hender-
the heavy Hawkeye aggregation intoson's old position. Another capable
i camp. Dick Doyle will have the call center will be available at the start"
of theseodsmseinteprn
at the tip off position. The Sopho- t second semester i the person
more center has performed to the sat- of "Shorty" Lindstrom who played in
isfaction of everyone in the last two a number of games last year. "Shor-
games and Mather has a high opinion ty" is fast, can handle the puck well
of the new Wolverine pivot man. but he has one fault which lies in
Haggerty and Deng will have the call his relative inability to score con-.
at the forward berths with Kipke sistently. Coachm Barss plans to spend
and Cherry starting at the guard po- some time with Lindstrom in an at-
sitions. tempt to remedy the trouble when the
--; diminutive center reports, and it ih
Prof. D. H. Parker, of the philoso- probable that "Shorty" will work ouf
phy department, announced yesterday of his trouble in caging the puck and
that lie would be on a leave of abs- develop into a consistent point-getter
cnce next year. He will g'o to the Un- Bob Todd is at present the most like-
iversity of California at Berkeley, Cal. ly candidate for Anderson's place at
wing. Todd has broken into the line-
up in every game of the season, and
I has shown to advantage on every oc-
All men desiring to try out fo casion he has had to perform. o:
assistant track managers are 'is a comparatively new man at the
urged to report any afternoon I game, but he is already showing good
this week at Waterman gymnas- | form. His "fireman's cap" is becom-
ium. ; , ing a familiar sight to hockey fans
f ARTHUR O. GRAVES, S | who have witnessed the Michigar
Track Manager. I games, and his play has shown im-
(Continued on Page Eight)



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