PAGE TvWO THE -MICHIGAN DAILY !"WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1929 FiELD SERVICE SCIT GIES TEN FELLUVBIP Ten fellowships are offered by the Society of American IFieldl e-_)rvice l- lowships for French universities icr the scholastic year of 1924-25. The purpose is to encourage advanced s;tudfy and research in French iiver- sities. Fellowships will be worth $1,- 200 andcixwil be grant edIfor one ;year with the possibility of renew a in t he second year. Awards require no special field of study, the selection allowing a choice~ of 31 lines of work. Thell choicoeor un- iversities includes 16 in-st1iot oi, among which are 1 ordeaux ,lDi jog, Grenoble, Lille, Poitiers, and Stras- bourg. Tihe fellowships are in nien~ ory of 127 field service men who gave their" lives in the Great war. Graduates of American tun I r r iie r and professional schools who havve re(- ceived degrees or students who are 24 years of age andl have spent live years in an industrial establishment resuriai ing technical skill are ell-g>ibrle for these fellowships. STUDIOS STRT INORK HON" Four lphotogra phers ha ve beenfla.1}- pointed to take senior piet ure:; lii year. The Randall, 1 ersisrh V. " Spedding and Dey stiios v ,-ll ? z dle the work. All seniors are urged by Oe'w sign staff to have their sit ~ilags,, soon as possible. ho-ceeml 'r 1 ha been set as the final day on ne these pictures will be aNccept ed. D1e the past there has been a en ct;;' w Oiivr the end of the tino allowane a C this, cou~pled with personsd',!I" Christmas sittings, has dehol h work of the 'Ensian nuiterild I . s11 staff desires to relieve the 1 ;< 011! ute rush this year and r: jues-,t a ior,8-to arrange fo 11 heir Bittinsti month. Sittings may be arranged by [11(, payment of the picture mloney of 'Ensian office. The :student i, i Ieet- t*;. aI'. l discuss the p roblemis or an;~ '-tlaf jN iti j)prli~tlont alum- T'1 hiisthle flr"st tirip to be made he he I.Q'n',rt.iy ,sincc e here-r Ion I olr pla!e last June and Made in the U. S. A. by THlE WATL CO., Chicago Copyright 1923. The Wahl Co. v ,. ym - _______________} Daily classified for reel rsls Th le pen for 475 u 4 eh~ bi ....m...«,.. F . , a-r., li ;,+ . G y f , HLAUDITORIUM, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN ' ilk y - r i i r 44 I f t y. 'r;S. .-: r f? ¢f{ j F Z, S I ;+, K ; M 1 £ Yt y; S '. N o-v 'myer 5- YL IM1tIDE ACIAMN i Pianist No 'crber22---'I F'AN TUTTE Decemabr 12-- ' FM ZI BAST! Violinist A ;tj Extra ~!Iuuc2rt ~'rrie~i October Novemb~er December 22-SOUSAIS Ai D 100 Players 12-_ ET6T SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CSSIP GABRILOWITSCFI, Conductor; MICHAEL PRESS, Violinist. 4--- TRWT SY PHONY ORCHESTRA VICTOR KOLAR, Conducting; RICHARD CROOKS, Tenor. RE, Musil -Director I Februmtry I I - + DEN1ANY15 Pianist Suits fr xamp le This fall you will note in our clothing definite tendencies towards the imore conservaive of English style features. Two and three-button sack suits are the things. Coats are a bit shorter, lapels are longer, with buttons set lower, and the coat bottoms rounded off rather abruptly. Straight backs without vent are favored, Vests have straighter bottoms with medium points, and trousers are cut full, draping from the hips., COURSE TICKETS ')?.0O-Pat.on's Tickets. (Holder has privilege of retaining; same location successive seasons.) Three center sections on both Main Floor and in First Balconyr, f rent to rear. $t.&0- Two side sections on both M: in Floor and in First Balcony, front to rear. $5.50fJ-Sixtxeen rows in Second Balcony. I$5.00-Last seven rows in Second Balcony. I January 22- ETR 7 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA VICTOR KOLAR, Conducting; ARTHUR SHATTUCK, Pianist. February 1 8-M. AND MfS. JOSEF LHEVINNE, Pianists COURSE TICKETS pi r r, ;: n i .- 4' : N 1 !'C :i rl E'(. f y; "f. }"r, 1 A !l I ((f i I }° y > 1 p ;; .i r :,;:1 7 1, k . Y T ,: $5.00-Three center sections on both Main Floor and in First .Balcony, front to rear. $4.00---Two side sections on both Main Floor and in First' Balcony, front to rear. $3.00--Eight Rows in Second Balcony.{ Qa $2.00-Last Fifteen Rows in Second Balcony, .Should any Section be over subscribed, remaining orders will be filled from the next following section and refunds made accordingly. Tickets will be mailed out about Oct. 10 by ordinary mail at purchaser's risk unless fee for registration is enclosed. Address communications to CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary, Ann Arbor, Michigan. F oll :1;11 1 11.1milmill;ii, 1111:11i!:!,I:ii il milli: il I I I il!l iii il i ii:" ', i l 'ii i'lii,: Morammmsm . tiT .a. 71 WN