JRSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P1 S GRIDIRON MENTORS PUISH BOOK Manual for Football Men Written by Yost, Little and Wleman Will Appear oon TEXTBOOK COMPILED FROM DATA OF ATHLETIC OFFICE "Football For Coach and Player" i the name of a textbook on all phase of football written by Fielding H. Yost director of Yntercollegiate athletics and Coaches Little and Wieman whic will soon be published here. The book is said to be one of the most detailed on the subject yet written and wil serve as a textbook to be used it Michigan's Summer coaching school The book, which is the product o the combined efforts of Michigan' three football mentors, will probably be off the press by the end of th present school year. In its organiza- tion it takes up every detail of the great intercollegiate game and treat the various essentials of the sport ir its respective chapters. The material is arraiged under th following chapter heads: history of th game, planning the season, blocking tackling, fundamentals of line play fundamentals of backfield play, kick ing game, forward pass, forward pas defense, offense, defense, formatior, and plays, generalship, coaching prob. l lems, training, scouting, and football as a character builder., The data and statistics used in th book is that compiled by the Athleti office during many years from the per-j formance of Michigan's atletic teams It is used throughout the book in giv- ing the facts that are thought neces- sary to train both coaches and play. ers.E DRAMA As the last program in the series of plays and recitals given by Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's Play Production classes Eugene O'Neill's three-act tra- gedy "Beyond the Horizon" will be lpresented at 8 o'clock tonight in Un- iversity hall. The cast for the play will consist of Robert B. Henderson, '26, James ii. Rosoff, Vera Katz, '24, Harold Frit- sche, '24, Jessie M. Cherrigton, grad. Edward T. Gibson, '25, Marguerite Bissell, '24, William N. Viola, grad., Al- bert P. Wagner, '26. The play is also being staged and new lighting equipment and staging materials worked out by members of i~the classes. "Beyondthe Horizon" was awarded the Pulitzer prize in 1920 and has been hailed as one of the greatest of mod- ern dramas. It has been described as "a sound and convincing drama, cut- ting clean home to the primal facts o life, love, ambition, jealousy, hatred." Much of O'Neill's own life is said to be written into the play. For many years he led a vagabond existence which carried him to all parts of the world His career has included experience as adventurer on land as a "denizen of Sthe docks," friend ofrthe gamblers, ac- t or and newspaper reporter. ll An admission of 50 cents will b charged those not holding season tickets. Jefferson Weet Closed to Traffic Jefferson street between State and Maynard is temporarily closed to traf- fic. The pavement is torn up while the pipes from the new Literary build- ing are connected with the city storm sewer. The street will be open to traf- fic again within a few days. Unique Educator Show Cases In Yost Field House PRS [oJHOSS Read The Daily "Classified" Colun ,Show { B 10 Djo is p tay L rtII iW .1ro prESG p I Cups, flags, prize footballs and base- track shields won last year. One is I balls, shields, banners, and all those for tip national chUanpifnshi p and the R. B. Tarr, 24, was unanimously ar erd{ .nh ther the Bi; Ten title award. elected president of the Students rs r y gt o sttuettes won by Coah Far-i Press club of the University for the j championships (Guying the past 40 z cll's men are also in the atihltic of- coming senester at its meeting held 4 } 44Y :. years will soon be displayed in show fice and these will be moved to the' cases lining the north entrance to Yost field house if room is available in the at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday night in room ' field house. diplay rows. 207 of University hall. Ellen Mac- :These trophies, which Michigan In tihe future all captured footballs lean, '25Ed, was also unanimouslyt points to with pride as won by her and baseballs will go in the cases de- elected treasurer. Other officers chos- 9 loyal sons on field and diamond, are signed for this kind of award. "The en were Ronald Halgrim, '25, vice-x ..4" ..: now being gathered from the various Little Brown Jug," which Michigan president, and Thelma Andrews, '24? places where they have remained in again won last year, will also be on secretary. 4 useen glory, be plce o display in one of these case-. A report was heard from this se- emester's secretary reviewing the ac- athletics-'to tivities carried on by the organiza- At the present time 21 cases are be-A tion during this entire semester and {YV 4":{;:;; ;? ~}' ng uA t teprnt tie21alsoneareobe ing built into the walls on the two Tn Iisif Detroit a list was also given of speakers that } }j . " entrances to the Yost field house may be heard at future meetings. These will house many of the trophies The date for the next gathering wa1 while the walls will be lined with Students in the Automobile En- set for Feb. 15. If. Mi. Nimo, editor .. shields and pictures of former Mich- gineering department will visit twc I of the Detroit Saturday Night, will! 4 igan teams. The moving of these Detroit automobile companies and the probably speak at this time., trophies to the field house will be Auto Show on an inspection trip tc _ - - done betwen semesters. that city tomorrow. The party will "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything The awards ncw in Waterman gym- leave from the Interurban depot at 7 j quickly. -Adv. nasium which will be moved to the o clock. field house are as follows: Fifty-three Students of both literary and engin-j footballs from winning games, 163 eering colleges will be excused fror GE ERALSTEAMSHIPeAGT baseballs, 80 various pictures, and 28 lasses. The plants to be visited willGTickets. Travelers checks, Letters of reait. Tour- r.,will-'T I 1t su races etcPssp, ves fCerne. "silk banners. These are now in Dr. be the Ford Motor company in High- apers, readmission affdavits, etc. Information. May's office. Dr. Sunderland's office land Park and the Cadillac Motor Car Lines Europe, Orient, Cruisem, Tours, etc. T. Mair'elhIs Marshall and in the hallway of Waterman gym- company. s papers bring relatives and friends to Within a short time Mr. Marshall nasium. id Best ELur 6s nes ome Suot. will be placed at the head of an eu- sides these there ae many oter Patronize The Daily advertisers. Phone 1384 ANN ARBOR, MICH. remnants of Michigan's greatness in cational institution to be established athletics which are at present stored at Charlestown, W. Va., exclusively in the office of the Athletic associa- for men and] wcen whn h d tion. Prominent among these are two 3i g business needs bigien There is room and need for capable men in all the allied activities of big business. But nowhere is there greater need or greater opportunity than in that very essential service to all business - Insurance (Fire, Marine and Casualty). Insurance, as a profession, affords con- tact with the most vital activities of the commercial and industrial world. The Insurance Company of North America, the oldest American Fire and Marine insurance Company, has been an integral part of big business since 1792 and the earliest beginning of national affairs. Out of this long experience it urges those who are about to choose a calling to cone sider the world-wide influence of the insurance field. Insurance Company of North America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insurance Company of North America 4~rite 'aaically'every form of insurance except life j LL 1MI tIIU w(Iltu wm ave serveu terms in prison. He is also sponsor- ing the school, which will be known as the Letha Watts Memorial univer- sity. Mr. Marshall is a millionaire moun- taineer who has long been prominent in educational circles. He was the first person to be elected director for life by the National Educational as- sociation. DAILY REQUESTS LIST OF J-IiOP GUESTS FOR EXTRA ! I Eji AS~ fLOWING Lii BLUE BLAC~( For real Fountain Pen Satisfaction Use t'The Ink That Made The Fountain Pen Possible" 3AF ERDSE of Ornaments - T e ,are like a lot i6 The Daily will publish a J-Hop Extra Saturday morning, Feb. 9. All campus organizations hold- ing house parties at that time are requested to mail a list of guests and chaperones to the editor of the J-Hop Extra as soon as possible. ; . r rl } i Said a clerk in one of the New York Stores during the Recent Pressmen's strike, which Prevented the regular newspapers from Publishing. i r - - - I, i t$250 nxP' .e What 10 words best desCribe the new cap. As you see,theWilliams' Shaving Cream Cap is hinged on and can't get lost. Tell us how it helps you. Do you find it a time- saver? Do you, because of it, find greater satisfaction in quick - working Williams' lather, so gently beneficial to your skin? Read our offer; then write us a winning slogan. Our prize offer "We wcar on co "i ion end i It's the Newspapers that bring People to''' the' Store" .1 ' It's true efftl ency to use Classifleds.--Adv. Daily a -Only too true and during that recent Strike New York Merchants were quick to see The great advantage of newspaper advertising. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. Ihh Popular C Place O'UR VICTOR RECORD DEPT. UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For the beat sentence of ten words or less on the value of the Williams' Hinged Cap we offer the following prizes:- 1st prze$1O0; 2nd prize $50; two 3rd prizes $25 each; two 4th prizes, $10 each; six ith prizes, $5 each. Any un- dergraduate or graduate student is eligible. If two or more persons sub- mit identical slogans deemed worthy of prizes, the full amount of the prize will be awarded to each. Contest closes at midnight, March 14th, 1924. Winners will be announced as soon thereafter as possible. You may submit any num- ber of slogans but write on one side of paper only, puttingname, address, col- lege and class at top of each sheet. Address letters to Contest Editor, The J. B. Williams Co., Glastonbury, Conn. Ann Arbor Isn't New York-but, in proportion, its Buying power is.as great. on ...., P. ""-1" i i The Michigan Daily-published six mornings every week Is read by faculty, students and townspeople. To help you build up your business and carry your Message to regular customers-it offers you How does this sound? Chicken a la king on toast with ten- der little early June peas. elle , it tastes even better! For lunch, dinner today, 40c Modern Advertising Facilities and Low Contract Rates CALL 960 I -' A I L I