THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,.A.....,,,..w..,. ____ 1 are undesirable substitutes for good - humor and the resorts of unoriginalI minds alone. And in a positive way OFFICIAL .NEWSPAPER OF TILE we stand for freshness and spontan- iety of wit, justice, and reform." In pursuing policies such as thosc Plised ve rni rsity y xcar by be ord nexpressed by the Princeton man, thej Control of Student Publications. humorous publications of various col- ~ --____ -leges can do much to stimulate a clear- ,t e orE er judgment of true wit as disting- ~ ~ ~~-uished from foolishness and vulgarity The Associated Press is exclusi--ely en- America has many masters of humor titled to the ie for republication of all newsA c a Y ae h dispatches cretiited to it or not otherwise I on her lecture platforms, her college credited in this reaper and the local news pub- facul , an n her libras Ev i:;hed therein~.I auteadihelbris:E n rEntere! at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,th sule ngih wt hch sa .ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate through centuries of development be-# of postage granted by Third Assistant Icst- come renowned for its impenetrabil- master eneral. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by malnil, ity, never had any exponent as char- Ofics: Ann Aior Press Buikting, May- acteristic as Mark Twain, the embod- njar! t et.E ,76-M; B si- iment of freshness and spontaniety. hess, 9ba. d Humorists can lay too much stress - ,on the exclusion of the uncomely fea-! signed conmunications, not exceeding 300 xoi dl, wi be published in The Daily at tures however, and fail to instill thej the .11s-retiort of the aditor. Upon reqst, Oitie" qualities without whichI the ld,.rtity of conIimuniatts will be re- Oh~ garded as confidential. Icleverness ceases to be wit. It is this phase of ' college humor Which -I- - Yesterday the Gar. goyle Was Sold on the Campus] Today, kiddies, as an extra special treat because exams are so near, the kind and generous Cowles is print- No, we cannot see the man his feet, but that is what waves in a bathtub. * * * kicking make. Diaries and Desk Calendars And now kiddies, you've had your little treat. And isn't Mr. Cowles r kind man? Yes indeed Mr. Cowles is a very kind man. 3-1r. Jason fowles. ,; , ing some nice pictures for you to look at and admire. Here they are. L E C T U R E R This man is a lecturer. He has just finished his lecture, and the peo- ple have applauded, and he is bowing to them. The reason he is smiling is because he is pleased because they ' applauded. If he only knew it, they t? j f CAMPUS OPINION GETTING WHAT THE S.C.A. GIVES To the Editor: The Student Christian association BTENOTAHAIVAGN L IK BOTH ENvDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK I EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR HARRY D. HOEY beckons for genius, either another Mark Twain, or a Stephen Leacock, or even an Irvin Co; b. WITH THE EXAMINATIONS FO1W. Nlews ditor............... Julian E. Ma- k I I i*THISSUILE probably didn't really like his lecturei Editoi2 Board Chaira....R. C. Moriarty City Editor... .. - Twice each year, there comes to but just applauded because it is The Night Editors many persons here on the campus "a Thing To Do. 1;. H. Ailes A. i. Connable fear that tells of many things. 01 He has on a tuxedo, which some .AryiC Clarkn P. M.Wagner some, it tells of the ending of an ex-! people call a dinner suit, and some Spoits Fditor...............Ralph N. Bjers istende both desired and undesired; people call a dress suit. Other peo- Vomen's Editor..........i"ona Hbbard of others, it tells of the beginning o ple call it a tux. TIelegr aph Editor.........R. B. TIa~r Sunday Mogaziz.e Editor.... .F. L. Tilden a totally new period in their life ex- * * * ssia Editor........Kenneth C. Kellr periences; and so it continues on and L A U N D R E S S E-litorial Board on, never really changing even though Paul Einstein 1?01ert Ramsay the persons concerned are different Andrew Propper people. There are however several Assistants . things that are worthy of notice, par- B rkan E. C. M.tckt ticularly at a time immediately pre-1 LIlen Br-own Verena Moran fCdn xmntos Ier-radette Cute Regina ReichnmAnS ceding examinations. G. W. Danis W. if S'oneman In this period referred to, namely er.. . Erlc K. I.RStyoer that of the present, there are many . . lenry N. R. Tael who are apprehensive lest they fare ! orotliy Kamin S. B. Tremblyt~ oseph ruger W. J. Waltmaour disastrously in the coming series of _ zabh _-ee--- examinations. Their fears are based BUSINES STAFFon the fact that throughout the se- This lady is a l'aundress. Her du- USINESS STAFF hmester just passing into history they ties are to wash clothes-socks, pa- Telephone 960 have failed to do their part in the pro-I janras, shirts, small-clothes, handker- -- cess of becoming acquainted with a chiefs, and laundry bags; to hang the BAUINESS MANAGER I particular study or field of research same on a line where they. will dry;' 1 In this, of course, so far as being able r and then to iron them and make her Advertising..................E. L. Dunne to definitely answer specific questions little boy haul them away in the ex- d..W Ro dssey is concerned, they become unfortunate press wagon Santa brought him last A dveitiwing............" .R se Adveitising.-. . .....W. xSchcrer individuals. But finally, there is nc Christmas. She is here seen hanging Accouiits ..............A. S. Marton Circulation ................Perry M. Hayden one to blame except themselves. Be- up a handkerchief to dry. Publicalion................Lawrence Pierce ing engaged in school activities as an She has just finished hanging up twc Assistants excuse, is, too, a very weak and un- stockings. She has on an apron, and G. ll Campbell N.wE. .olanda acceptable measure that some resort behind her may be seen her "laun- Chas. Champion M. L. Ireland to. These thoughts are petty, and in dry basket," in which she keeps the John Conlin Haroid A. Marks Louis M. Dexter Byron Parkei themselves of no value. clothes before she has hung them out oseph J. Fini 11. M. Rockwell But there is one compensation and to dry. David A. Fox II. E. Rose Lauren Haight A. J. Seidnan that a trully good one. To the indi- She is a colored laundress. I. L. Hale Wili Weise i. w h o rg e R. E. Hawkinson C. F. White vidual who has gone through the so- R. C. Winter mester without devoting his full en- A M A N ergies to his studies, but has ratherf chosen to divide his time in a mannei that speaks of sincerity in a field o, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1924 two other than his studies, there is duer," Night Editor-THOMAS E. FISKE a certain amount of respect. In all S - - cases, it is not the person who is an THE END OF AN IDEALIST all A student and who is fairly ignor- Bringing to a close one of the most ant outside of the several courses hE romantic careers of history, the death happens to pursue who is the indivd- of Nikolai Lenine, premier of Sov- ual that adds to the glory and pride of iet Russia and leader of the Com- his Alma Mater. But then, even these T .unistic regime, allows aharassed are at times situation coming under This is a man. There are probab- 1 ac. ..[ ._.... ,J VO a Ja i must justify itself in the hearts of the amount of fighting t men, not in print. "By their fruits pe'ace plan has engender you shall know them," said the Mas- likely that the older cry ter, and interpreting this spiritually be reinstated. this means for the Student Christian Association that it must by its exist- It's true efficiency to ence help Michigan men be better cit- Classifkds.-Adr izens of the world. If the Student Christian Association by its activities does not enter into the lives of men spiritually and morally, then surely it jDETROIT UITED ought to close its doors. EAST d OU To get the most out of an organi- Limiteds: 6 a. in., 9:10 zation like the Student Christian As- every two hours to 9 sociation, a student must give. Not I Express: 7 a. in., 8 a m money-but his life. A student whc two hours to 8 p. in. wishes whole-souledly to get some--" Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 thing for his life from the S. C. A., very twTo psilanti ought to volunteer to be a leader o 1 . o, 1:25 a. si. an a freshman discussion group. He WEST BOUN] ought to have had part in entertain- Liiteds: 8:47 a. m. an ing the under-priviledged kids of Ann, hours to 8:47 p_ m. Arbor at the Student Christian Asso- Express (making local s ciation Christmas party. He ought tc a. in. and every two he have been one of Michigan's delega P. m. tion to the Student Volunteer conven- j octiis: 7:50 a. in., 1Z:1 tion at Indianapolis-the largest single delegation there. He ought to catch the message ofI the Student Christian Association', JANUARY University services' speakers. S 3j T W T He ought to serve through the ktu- .. 1 2 3 dent Christian Association Extention 7 8 9 10 S11 15 16 17 service committee. He ought to serve ' 3 1 1' 23 24 others. 27 28 29 30 31 It is only too true that a religious- organization is an exacting master FACTORY hAT The Student Christian Association 617 Packard St. 1 has been putting on a drive for funds I share the view of many that the (Where 1). U. I. Stop Student Christian Association is en- __ tering into the lives, of many Michi- gan men through its varied program ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR and I, for one, am going to share in Central Time (Slow the extension of its service. We'ekChamber of C Lionel Crocker. * -. . M . ..'A.3~ X LINES a. M. and :10 p. m. . and every a. m. and 8:56 p. im., o nly, 11:40 d 1:15 a. m. 'D d every two stops): 9:5u ours to 9:54 ) a. M. the proposed red it seems y could well y 'S 4 5 It 12 11 19 25 26 STORi hon 1792 s at State) BUS LINE Time) mmc rcC .:nrays -45 R'-. M. ---- "I S S YESTERDAY By SMYTHE soul its first peace. Biographies of I the head of speculations.1 revolutionary leaders are not to beI found among the dullest pieces of lit- FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS erature, and the story of Viadimer II- Every year in Ann Arbor, thousands lytch Ulianoff whom the world has of dollars worth of property is des- known only by his nom de plume is troyed by fires many of which are the: no exception. * The son of a bourgeois result of carelessness. The State family of Tartar descent, the student Fire Marshall in an effort to eliminate Vladimir was an incorrigible reader of a great deal of the danger and waste Marxian doctrines of socialism and resulting from this ,cause has issued' later developed an insight into Coin- a list of prohibiting conditions which, munistic theories which he employed if observed, will aid materially in re- during his dictatorship of Russia. ducing the number of fires. Cooper- Chased from one country to anoth- , ation of every house owner, tenant and' er, persecuted by autocratic govern- roomer is necessary,- however, if these iments and pursued by enemies all 1 simple laws are to have their great- through his life, the versatile Russian! est effect. extremist led an intensely interesting The conditions prohibited by the existence. His ambitions were great State Fire Marshall are that: and, his ideals high, but the imprac- Ordinary electric light cord musl ticability'of his purpose was such as not be hung over hooks, nails, curtaint to preclude success for "'the great rods, gas pipes or water pipes, nor experiment,-a dictatorship of the pro- fastened in contact with any kind oI letariat." Lenine was essentially a metal. If light cords are to be huntf thinker and theorist. up they must be on either fibre orf It has been proven through history, porcelain insulators or tied by stringy however, that the greatest geniuses to a metallic support with an inch ort are not always the ones to put their more of space between the wire aneCI ideas into successful operation. If metal support. All permanent wiringr Russia were prepared for the Utop- must be installed to comply with the+ ian existence which Lenine would "National Electrical Code" by a coin- have established, his death would have petent electrical contractor or elec- marked the passing of world acknow- I trician.C ledged spirit of reform. As it is, he Stairways, both front and rear dies the ignoble death of a vanquished must be kept clear and free from all exponent of an impossible ideal. obstructions.3 Old papers and other inflammable AMERICAN HUMOR materials must not be piled in base- In response to an editorial recent- ments or attics. ly published in The New York Times Metal ash bens and containers reminiding those in the academic cir- should be used. ly a lot of other people watching him but they are not in the picture. He is probably the Life of some Party or other, because people generally ad- mire a man who can balance a cane on the end of his finger. And that is what the man is doing. FAMLY G ROU P i Oioqk I , Prohibition Voting With colleges all over the country taking votes among the student bodies and among the faculties, it is rather interesting to note the results obtain- ed among the various schools. Prac- tically all the majorities are in favor of a modification of the law, which speaks of only one thing, and that is that there exists a dissatisfaction in reference to the law. What the conse- quences of this voting will be is o: course of a great source of specula-I tion. Faculty ballots received recently by The Yale News referendum on the Eighteenth Amendment however speak of another view. It was found that 86 voted for enforcement of the: law, 83 for modification, and 48 foi repeal. In this instance the majority favoring prohibition as it now stands is a small one, but nevertheless it is a majority and as such presents anI added thought or two. It seems to up. hold the old way of thinking that the older one becomes the more conserv- ative he becomes, and also that youth is still the youth of years ago. continually rebelling against the ex- isting order without any truly Aigni- ficant reason or reasons. But then that too is a matter of meaningless speculaticr. General Dawes' Work Since the committee headed by Gen- eral Dawes has been working with some noticeable degree of interest on the question of attempting to put Ger- many again on her feet, there has do- veloped among the different natiom of the world an attitude that bespeaks of greater sympathy and understand- ing. The jealous and greedy feelings and emotions of those on top have be- come somewhat subdued; they have become slightly appeased by the turn in the interest of other nations to- ward the future of Germany. This is undoubtedly a good thing, and speakEI well for the work that Dawes and his associates are striving to carry out Being able to show one's strength by dominating over the under dog is o credit to no individual or to no na-i tion. When breath is needed to pro- long life, then by all means let there be breath. Forcing speech from 2 dead man is no easy matter. :L/2 mon"'s 12-5 P :5 Pr 4:45 p. n. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Phone 926-M Adrian. Mich. New Hadqua ters 1 1215 South University Ave. as my new business place for ! STUDENT SUPPLY in what I've for them. SDR. TOM LOWELL r- .s:+111 11111 11111 13411 1157 / 11141811 fll lo 1147 ,n . Absolutely all of our stock of Mens Furnishings go on sale this morning at 1-2 Price. It's Your one big opportunity of the year to buy haberdashery at prices far below cost. Ab- solutely everything is brand new merchandise, we having been in business only since October. Be here early this morning. NEVER SUCH BARGAINS BEFORE The object on the left of this pic- ture is a little girl. She has in her hand a muff. She is using just one hand to hold her muff, but her moth- er, the larger object on the right, is holding her muff with two hands. We may be allowed to guess from this that this is a winter scene. The lady on the right who you will re- member, is the mother, has on a flat hat. Projecting from the left of it is a hat-pin, which prevents it being blown off by the Cold and Wintry, Gales. The mother's hair is sticking outl from under her hat. SHITS Ik'M~~Iqifi'f Arr'owv tlaldhEarl .& ljs-on $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $5.001 Valuei..............1.00 Values ................ 1.1 Values................1.25 Values................150 Values ...............1.75 Values................. 2.50 NECKWIEAR She is scowling. I * * * B A Tf 1 'T U B Everything included, four-in-hand or bow. 50c Ties.............. ......25c 75c Ties............. .......8c $1.00 Ties ................... S.Oc $1.25 Ties . . . . . . ............. 3 Buy several at these siarting2 prices. cles of our universities that the task of developing a serious attitude to- ward humor in the American public rests largely in their hands, the edi- tor of The Princeton Tiger has for- inulated a set of principles for the college humor magazine as an instru- ment in the establishment of a sense of humor "as a fundamental American virtue." . Quite in contrast to the character o Twenty-Five Years Ago At Michigan From the files of the U. of M. Daily. January 24, 1899. Wisconsin and Chicago have arran- cea GLOVES Cloves, too, have not been spar-d in this startling sale. Buy thf-m at One-IHalf Price. Never bargains like these again. This is a bathtub. It is white, and inside it is shiney and slippery, but!- you can't see the inside. The inside The end of January vies with the I1 NEVER BEFORE SUCH A SALE IN ANN ARBOR. C I i