RSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1924 THE MTCHIGAN DAILY PAGZ _ . .,.-- . , , Woman Lectures Miss Bain Calls Co-Education On Opium Traffic; Beneficial ToMenAnd Women iO0MILESIN 17 DAS Members of Sigma Delta Phi will Co-education is a great benefit to normal and happy life as it is found ini meet at 12:30 o'clock today at (dthe women's dormitories and wishes Seward, Alaska, Jan. 23.-(By A.P.) 1Iysstdotohv herpctrIa both men and women, according toI Dey's studio to have their picture tak- Miss Elizabeth Bain, field secretary of that all housing problems might be -Miss Nellie Cashman, of slight fig- en for the Michiganensian. met in this way. re and wrn by years of prospecting the American Social Hygiene associa- -__n__ryer___rspg I tion of New York, who is spending and mining in the north, fully main- All women who are resting or IlinoNe Yrkwh ispndg walking for teir gymnasium work several days in this city as a guest GERMAN DEALERS tamed her reputation of being the are requested to report to Dr. Bell 3 at Helen Newberry residence . DISPLAY JEWELS champion woman musher of the world,r sometime before the end of this week. "The normal and wholesome associ- 1nteoiino ioer ee hn if { I ation of men and women is an excel- r .;n ting," men Bd on san excel- Berlin, Jan. 23.-Diamonds as large she came to Seward recently to take Any ouss wichwoud lke lue ~ ' (entthig,"Miss Bain stated large- Any houses which would like bluel day. "It can be of great help to those as hazel nuts and other precious a steamer for the States. C Margaret ixon, 452. re.uested to cawho have had the proper kind of prey- stones appeared like magic in the Be- To reach Seward Miss Margaret Dixon, 452. ious home training. Those who at- lin show windows when the mark be- mnushed, that is to say, part of the tend a co-educational institution, how- ltime she ran behind a dog sled and The Girls' Mandolin club will hold ever, should have strong ideals and part of the time rode by standing a regular meeting at 5 o'clock today strength of character in order to cope the paper mark was tumbling jewelers on the runners, 750 miles in 17 days. in Newberry hall. with the many situations that arise," were timid about displaying their val- In the 17 days, with a good dog team "As a result of the intermingling uable wares, especially diamonds, and and the lightning-fast ice that pre- Members ofs the Senior Girls' play of the sexes in a large co-educational kept them in their vaults away from cedes the heavy snows, she traveled committee will have their picture tak- college, men learn to be at ease among curious eyes and brought them out along the Yukon and Tanana river en at 12 o'clock today at Dey's women, and gain a certain amount of only when likely looking customers from Koyukuk, Alaska, to Nenana, studio, refinement which could not be other- appeared with foreign currencies to whence she rode the cushions on the wise acquired. In a co-educational in- spend. government's Alaska railroad. There will be a special meeting of stitution women acquire a dignified in- But when the renten mark gave the Miss Cashman is bound for New Thereanwillobeiaespecial lmeetingrof Mortarboard at 7:15 o'clock tonight dependence of thought and action merchants confidence the large caret York, to make arangement for work- at the Delta Gamma house. which enables them to adapt them- stones were withdrawn from their hid- ing her mine next year. She was one ----selves to almost any situation that ing places along with the canned milk, of the first white women in Alaska, The election of officers will be held Mrs. Helen Howell Moorhead may arise, whether it be in their own eggs and cheese, fine wines and other coming to Wrangell before the coun- at the meeting of the Portia Literary Mrs. Helen Howell Moorhead, wife country or in far away India. Through delicacies ,which none wanted to dis-" try was explored, going from there society at 7:15 o'clock tonight. of Dr. John J. Moorhead, eminent New contact with so many types of people, pose of for worthless paper notes. into the Cassiar district of British Col- York surgeon, is lecturing in various principles which are fundamental in umbia, and working her way through Due' to an error, Spaulding house cities of the country on the dangers of home-making are also required." Lutheran Club to Meet the Dawson, Y. T., and Nome, Alaska, instead of Waite house was named in the opium traffic. She is the secretary Miss Bain thinks that happy home The Young Peoples' society of St. gold booms. yesterday's Daily as one of the honor of the opium committee of the For- life is the basis of all success. Paul's Lutheran church will have a Leaguo houses. eign Policy association. It is largely the broadening effect! sleigh ride and a box social at 7: 30 Falty Women to Give Tea Mrs. Moorhead is a graduate of Bryn that makes co-education worthwhile o'clock tomorrow. Those who plan to An informal tea will be given from Mawr college and later studied at the in Miss Bain's estimation. To meet be at the party are asked to call 765. 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock today at the Fac- ATH ENA SOCIETY University of Grenoble, France. As a people under the proper influence and - iulty Women's clubhouse, 226 South In- ELECTS OFFICERS member and active worker of the New direction and to come in contact with It's tru efficiency to use Daily' galls street. Mrs. William G. Smeaton York State Charities Aid association, life as it really is, may be considered Classifieds.-Adv will be assisted as hostess by Mrs. Mrs. Moorhead, before the war, had an education in itself. Officers for the second semester her attention brought to the narcotic "The women of the Uiiversity of were elected at the meeting of the addicts on Blackwell's Island. Dur- Michigan do not realize how fortunate 1 Athena Literary society which was ing the war she was superintendent of they are in having 30 oriental womenCE held Tuesday night. They are as fol- surgical dressings at the Red Cross students among them. This element - los nle 25,cpre nt national headquarters in Washington. has much to contribute by way of Beata Wagner, '25, vice-president; Iidasbuwerellooptothk Elizabeth McDowell, secretary; Helen ideals, but we are all too apt to think Gustine, '25, treasurer; and Margaret DECLARES MOVIES HARMFUL that the best is only in America. May, '25, parliamentarian. Mary Mc- TO CHIL{DREN OF TENDER YEARS Miss Bain has worked with young Cully, '24, was chosen to represent the people fnder many and varied circum- society on the Oratorical board. Stockholm, Jan. 23.-Studying the stances and is in a position to know The first two meetings of Athena effects of moving pictures upon the tleir' present-day needs. She was next semester will be open to visitors, young, particularly under ten years of engaged in educational work before --. ndt smte thid tryots fo m tors, age, Dr. David Lund, of the Prisons entering into social service and has ship will be hld. This elan was fol- I board, has reached among others the but recently returned from a year's A New Pattern lowed this semester and provedvery following conclusions: work in American communities lin successful since it gave prospective That the avearge movie drama is the Philippines and China. After herN members a chance to become fairly harmful to the young child. They can experiences in these countries. she SAMPLES not distinguish between fact and fancy realizes more than ever before the op- well acquainted with the society be- on the screen. Their imaginations portunities afforded in America for Prmanenty on Display at fr________g___._are confused, and they are likely to the wholsome social life of the young GUY WQ0LisLK CO. mistake falsehood for truth. The dis- people. She was impressed with the GLe& Gives Up Eating to Heli Others tortion of reality and the frequent 836 S. State Street Berlin, Jan. 23.-Dr. Eugene Sch-$ discrepancy between cause and effect Ngtts 0 o S200 Ann Arbor, Mich. wartzwald, manager of the dining room tend to warp the child's reasoning GA'Samat oo. S0to $1.0 - Designed by for brain workers which Austrian wo- men are maintaining in an old imper- i power,an th spmiuseoos menar minaiinginanol ipe in the average photoplay are disturb- WA LKE R W HITESID E W HIT EH OUS E & H Y* sal castle in Berlin, receives many iii- sot H U S E & ,CARD- teresting letters fromn persons whoni BROADWAY40"STREET 144 WEST42"STREET want to help German students. It's true efficiency to use Daily sDuestothe illness of ais Emi Stevens. the d mR m OE AOULn. KNICKEDOCKER B '.ILDN A Danish student wrote: "I have Classifiees.-Adv. peyng o o in a we otae, hth aWs19,NEW YORK Classfieds-Advschedled for this week, has been postpone given up lunch for three months. I enclose the cost. Please give my lunch t&' a Berlin woman student, but I sbou hld like her to b e pretty." ;, 'W VWTmTai r f111T1110 Islams M Mr -- .- ..U ~U'A I~' Eugene H. Leslie and Mrs. Walter L. 1Gamnmp Phi Beta will play Zeta Tau Badger. Alpha. Referees for thle con teo'ts this after- noo will be Evelyn Do>nhany, Martha will aFINISHGill, Dorothy Bogan, Dorothy Davis, Muriel Hall, and Alberta Adair. '/Io third round of gaines will begin aft- er the opening of t he new semester. CORRECTION Final games in the second round It was erroneously stated in yester- of the interhouse basketball tourna- ay's Daily that J. J. Kane, '26, was in- ment will be held at 4 o'clock today in itiated into Alpha Delta Sigma, nation- Barbour gymnasium when Alpha Gam- al honorary advertising fraternity, ma Delta plays Alpha Omicron Pi Tuesday nighf. Joseph J. Finn, '26, and Martha Cook dormitory m(,t: was the man who, was taken in in- Helen Newberry. At 4:30 o'clock stead of Kane. M A NOW PLAYING REGULAR :RES LAUGHS- w .# M CI~ ., 's " Come faster than you can count in EDWARD PAULTON'S famous B oadway succ:!s "spa AT THE THEATRES (i Scrien-Today Arcade -- Sidney Chaplin in I "Her Temporary Husband." LI, ; Majestic-"Ashes of Vengence," with Norma Talmadge. Wuerth - Elinor Glyn's "The . °World's a Stage." Orpheum-Edna Murphy in "The ! - Man Between." S!I Stage-This Week. Garrick- Walker Whiteside in "Mr. Wu." It's true efficiency to use Dafl1 tlassielieds-Adj. VIIII B 1111 1 lfd11 fI °i. i ne store oTf uaranieen ac~tiSCIon °. MONDAY, JANUARY 28 MvfS5.,SH-UBr:T -E ROMANTrGI "p us 3 Cr ,° F MVS CAL i : YEA(ZRU.fN A t/ :h. TRDE-A(IM5ADAO -A0DHRA TNEA1~E NEwy~~\ YRTLE SCH4AAII 'RtEC/6ELW 77-ie .SAME -ItaILL1AWtV- CAS T dnd PX1CjYoM 4:5 IN. NX 1/, ~1I Sprig, g Clothes With SIDNEY Creating fun just like his brother CHARLIE B~Y the aster Jakers OWEN MOORE She said, "I love you dear- Will you marry me.' The old boy felt an awful Thrill, and said "Now let me see- I'm ninety-nine on just one side, But if 'tis Cupid's dart, That I should wed with you, dear one, Then, let's, till death us part. IN ADDITION FIGHTING BLOOD (Round Eleve) NEWS ORCHESTRA When SPRING clothes are so reasonable, why try fetting along with the old ones? I '1TIL~N P. Come down today and give us the opportunity of showing you the new merchandise. "V" : -RR 6 SYLVIA BREAMER TULLY MARSHALL And All Star Cast STARTING SUNDAY, JANUARY 27TH Startling Revelation of YOUTH and the Secrets of BEAUTY t / ° BALCONY $1.10-$1.65-$2.20. ORCH. $2.75 ALL SEATS RESERVED LINGER AWOHILE- Fox Trot NEW VICTOR RECORD PAUL WIIITEMAN AND HIS ORCHE STRA UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE Plenty To Eat Combination Lunches 25c to 50c The Washtenaw Inn 1309 Washtenaw Phone 2925-M Two Blocks from Dental Bldg. - - -T Y- - - - , SSHORTHAND, TYPEWRIITINO, NOW! NOW! ""atineeNights S2 :00O-3 :30 "e 00-8 :30 One of Filrndoin's Greatest Efforts- a g I -, in a romance of Old France Ashes of Vengeance Suits of imported and domestic fab.'ic3 > whatexcr ztyle you may des"Y Tuxedos We have the very best line of TUXEDOS in town with all the fixtures that go with them. You will save money by going down to ," "" F-N-,q Some idea of the magnitude of 1I"' 7 r _ ' _1. ._ . __ .