THE WEATHER CLOUDY AND PROBABLY COLDER A60, 4ir 44 A61 LEAy ยข )lWRE S ER1vi8 E 3iitE VOL. XXXIV. No. 89 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, VIVE ... ... ..._.r-._____._._.,. .. GATHER TOMORROW IN FIRST MEETING OVER 70 VISITING ENGINEERS1 WILL GATHER-IN ANNUAL CONFERENCE HERE COOLEY S NYS SESSION WILL IMPROVE SYSTEM Reception Will Be Given At Union For Visiting Representatives} By Faculty In response to the invitation of President Marion L. Burton extended before the first meeting of the divis- ion of deans and administrative offi- cers of the society for the Promotion of engineering education held at Ithaca during the past year, repre- senatives from more than 70 engin- eering institutions will convene here tomorrow for the first mid-winter con- ference of the committee. Dean A. M. Greene, of Princeton University, is chairman of the commit- tee this year, succeeding Dean W.Ob. Raymond of Iowa. Plan to Broaden Course The society for the promotion of engineering educationhave been dis- cussing the question of the general broadening of engineering work and studies more in the way of general business course. This has been made possible by the donation of approxi- mately $150,000 by the Carnegie Foundation for the systematic study of engineering education. This has been started' under W. E. Wickenden, formerly vice-president of the Amer-. ican Telegraph and Telephone com- pany and now director of the investi- gation. In commentng on the conference, Dean M. E.Cooley said yesterday, "I believe this to bie one of the biggest and most original investigations in education and it bids far to material- ly revolutionize the education system for engineers." Dean Cooley will sit at the conference as a representative of the University. Activities of the conference delgates, are scheduled to start at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning when they will make an -inspection tour of the Col- leges of Engineering and Architect- ure, the General Library and the Clements library. Following this luncheon will be served at 12:30- o'clock in the Union. The first con-1 ference will open at 2 o'clock in room I 348 of the 'Engineering building. Advance Six Plans At this session the "Length and Content of the Curriculum" is to be' the topic of consideration. Six plans will be advanced at this time. Dean W. G. Raymond wil introduce the Iowa plan, Dean H. J. Hughes, the Harvard, Dean M. E. Cooley, the Michigan, Dean G. B. Pegram, the Columbia, Dean E. J. McCaustland, the Missouri and President A. C. Humphrey's, the Stev- ens Predicts Briti sh Labor Party Fall "Labor will not continue at the head of Parliament very long," said Paul Blanshard, field secretary of thef League for Industrial Democracy, yesterday in an interview immediate- ly following his lecture in the auditor- ium of the Natural Science building.' "They can't hold out in Parliament long," he went on. "All they can do is to make manifest their standards." When asked what he thought the labor party might attempt to do, he said, "They may be able to put through an act for the disarmament, being a pacifist party. They may try to stop the present Ruhr activities, thereby causing Poincaire's downfall. Belonging to the national labor or-I ganization, they may hope to bind1 themselves closer together with un- ions in other countries and by means of strikes attempt to stop any war which might occur in the future." ORGA9NIZATION ON B U S1IES BASIS PROMISE[D BRITISH' NEW PREMIER WILL LOOK FOR PIUNCTUALITY ON PART OF ASSOCIATES LABOR LEADER MAKES FOREIGN OFFICE CALL. Secretary and Assistant Both Absent and MacDonald is GIven Long Wait MEN WHO WILL LEAD 1925 J-HOP State Bureau Men To Inspet Houses Several investigators from the state bureau of labor and industry are at present in Ann Arbor inspecting fraternity and sorority houses, dorm- itories and league houses and all stu- dent rooming houses for possible fire hazards, it was learned yesterday. investigators came here on request of Chief Andrews of the Ann Arbor fire department and Mildred P. Sher- man, assistant dean of women, fol- lowing the fire at Spaulding house a short time ago when one girl was injured in jumping from an upper story window and several others had to be carried to safety. It is planned to make investigation, thorough and when it is found nec- essary the investigators have author- ity to order that proper precautions, such as the building of- fire escapes, be taken. HOSECOMMITTEE, COMPROMISE OFFER- STILL UNACCEPTEDI DEMOCRATS SILENT ON PLAN TO' WORK WITH REPUBLICANS ON NON-PARTISAN TAX BILL MISCELLANEOUS RATES UNDER CONSIDERATION C! (1 P_ ProDrnm Ad atod on Par-t PROFESSORS AND RAI XECUOTIVE'S WILL MEET TOOl AIM OF GATTIEKING IS TO FOST INTEREST OF STUDENTS IN RAILROAD POSITIONS DAY AND WORLEY WI l ADDRESS ASSOCIATIC President Burton and Regents I Be at Dinner of Committee Tomorrow Noon With the aim of fostering closer lationships between railroads and iversities of the country, twelve u versity professors and railroad ex utives will meet in conference h today and tomorrow. The men m up the committee on co-operative lations with Universities of the An ican Railway Engineering associat The committee, which came into The 1925 J-Hop Commiittee The thirteen members of the junior classes of the University who aro in charge of arrangements for the 1925 J7-Hop that will be held Feb. 8 in Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums. The members of the committee are: Top row, left to right, W. C. Cartier, '25D, James K. Miller, '25, William Roesser, '25, Charles Merriam, '25E. Second row, Ray A. Billington, '25, Wil liam Kerr, '25E, Edliff R. Slaughter, '25E, chairman, Robert Snodgrass, '25L, Harold Cassidy, '25A. Lower row, Ri chard Travis, '25M, William Cusick, '25P, James Collison, '25, John Tracy, '25. i a i ALENTO SPEAK London, Jan. 23.-Ramsay MacDon- ald, who took office today as Eng- land's first labor premier, gave tacit THS 9 T H U N notice to the country and his col- leaguesttodaythat he expected to give Lecturer Will Talk onI Relation of I the British people a business-like or-j "Poetry and Drama" in Natural ganization and would look for punc- Science Auditorium tuality on the part of his associates in ._ reporting for duty each day. I LELAND STANFORD PROFESSOR Soon after partaking of a light HIERE ON UINIVERSITY SERIES quick luncheon in theAmerican fa- shion, he called at the foreign office about 2 o'clock this afternoon in the Professor Raymond F. Alden, of Le- expectation of seeing Marquis Curzon land Stanford university, California or Sir Eric Crowe, who in the foreign is to make an address on the univer-; secretary's absence is the executive ' sity lecture series at 4:15 o'clock this head of the department. LordCuron ad lredy ive urafternoon in Natural Science auditor- j Lord Curzon had already given ur the reigns of state and gone home and ium. He has announced as the sub- Sir Eric, like most British officialE ject for his talk: "The Relation of Po- who believe in a full two or three hour etry to Drama". siesta at midday had not yet returned Prof Alden is at this time on r from luncheon. Sir Eric Crowe did not arrive until leave of absence from Leland Stan- after 2:30, Mr. MacDonald meanwhile ford university for the entire year, anO, having cooled his heels in the ante is making an extended tour througl room. Sir Eric apologized profusely this part of the country. He was tak- for his tardiness after which the pre- en up his residence at Swarthmore mier engaged him in a long talk over Pa., although he is at present engag- the personnel and functioning of the ed in giving a series of talks at the various departments of the foreigr University of Chicago. He made anI I office. address before the Graduate Englislh -_Club yesterday in Newberry residencej tU d it i sc tl. d th t h w ill h hbmld . . 1 . g p" y 1~iiiA VIM l .i . Vote With Frear, Wisconsin, D e a ns Despair; MEnting ICam pus Canines Washington, Jan. 23.-The offer of KCgAUARepublicans of the house ways and K e ep' C vemeans committee to compromise-with Ithe Democrats and work out a non- Twelve men met in the office of Rebels in Flight Pursued by Cavalry; partisan tax bill remained unaccept- President Marion L. Burton yester- Victorious Troops Supported ed tonight by Democrats while the day. Twelve men representing at by Airplanes committee proceeded with consider- as ma utlooks if not mreation of the miscellaneous rates, us- least as many outOBE(ON RECONQUERS ing the Mellon plan as a basis. on the problems of University life STATE OF TUMAULITAS Representative Garner, of Texas, They were the Deans of the Univer- speaking for the Democrats in com- sity. Washingtoii, Jan. 23-(By A.P.)- mittee, said his party would not yield And for a few minutes after their Mexican revolutionary forces under on the rates outlined in the Demo-. meeting had opened, all of these men General Estraea have evacuated cratic tax revision plan, of which he picked for their shrewdness in handl- Guadalajara, capital of the state of is the author, until the Republicans ing the University's affairs, concen- that name in the face of a steady ad- had proposed definite terms of com- trated their attention upon a prob- vance by federal troops, the Mexican promise. lem which, no matter how diverse embassy said in a statement today. harn ree, ofr thecom e, their interests, touched them all. They "The rebel defenses on the west or who made thae rtsic- were discussing the dog evil on the Jalisco front have completely col- ans, indicated that while consider- campus. This body is of the opin- lapsed," the statement said. Unable tinoed in full committee it was possi- ion that the campus is entirely toe to hold his army intact in the face of ble that majority members might de- St"doggy". It seems that the Deans steady advance in the face of Federal cide upon a schedule among them- are tired of being chased up and down troops Gen. Estraba has evacuated the selves, which could be adopted maj- the highways and byways of the cam- city of Quadalajara, the rebel strong- ority vote in comittee. pus by enthusiastic canines, and that hold. A strong federal column pre- Representative Garner urged that they are tired of the piercing yelps ceded by airplanes is advancing to re- the rates be considered in the order which, ever and anon, ring out above sume command of this region. Cav- in which they came in the bill, which tle drone of recitations. airy units are pursuing the rebe! would bring the income taxes up So they decided to put a stop to the groups throughout the state. first. The Republican program was menace. They referred the matter The city of Victoria, capital of the adopted on a party vote, with repre- I to the secretary of the University state of Tumaulitas, where a small sentative Frear, Republican, Wiscon- Mr. Shirley W. Smith. Mr. Smith i, band of federal troops went over te sin, dissenting. at present in California. I the rebels has been retaken. General Aquirre, at the, head of A large force of Sonora troops, is advancing int TI i a i , . 1 istence as a result of the inquiry railroad men as to why they are i getting university men in the railrc industry, consists of the followi who will be here today and tomorro Robert H. Ford, chairman, assist, chief engineer of the C. R. 1. and R. R.; R. N. Begien, general man er of the Baltimore and Ohio R. I W. C. Cushing, chief engineer of Pennsylvania system; E. T. Hows Western Editor of the Railway A; Edwin B. Katte, chief engineer of Electric Traction department of New York Central R. R.; Milo S. E chum, Dean of the engineering partment of the University of I tois; Brig.-Gen. C H. Mitchell, D. of the Faculty of Applied Science Toronto university; G. J. Ray, cl engineer of the D. L. and W. R. I Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the civil gineering department here; H. Stafford, vice-president of the C. and Q. R. R.; G. F. Swain, of Harvard engineering school; and G. Raymond, Dean of the Colle of Applied Science of Iowa. Session to Start at 10 o'clock The session, which starts at 10 clock this morning, will be addres by members of the committee on s jects of interest, as well as by P Edmund E. Day of the economics partment and Prof. John S. Wor of the Transportation engineering partment. Luncheon will be served today the dining room of the Union members of the committee. Ot events planned include a resumpi of the conferences and an inspeci of the campus and the Univer buildings starting at 4 o'clock. Plan Future, Work Following the above meeting, a cussion of the conference and mation of plans for future work, well as the outlining of a report the annual meeting of the Amer Engineering association, will i place. President Marion L. Burton and Board of Regents of the Univer will be present at the dinner wi is to be tendered the committee by University tomorrow noon. Christiau Charms In Organ Recii 1 The second meeting will take up the "The Place of Research in thej Engineering School" which subject is to be sponsored by President C. R. Richards of Lehigh university. A sec- ond topic brought forwardrat this time by Mr. M. W. Alexander of the ! National, Industrial Conference board is to be "The Relation of the Engin- eering School to the Industries.". Saturday evening a reception will be held for visiting college represent- atives in the Union. The entire fac- ulty of the Engineering and Architect- ural schools and the Deans of the various colleges of the University will meet the delegates as hosts of the occasion. At 7 o'clock following! the reception there will be a banquet in honor of the University's guests. President Marion L. Burton is to give the address of the evening.j Naval Reservists Pla n Athleticsi Plans were made last night at the Naval reserve drill for a smoker. af- ter this semester's examinations were over and a committee was formed to handle the athletic events of the div- isions. The committee of athletic suipervision is composed of the follow- ing men; Charles Neidleman, '25E, chairman; R. W. Davidson, '27E, H. T. Kinley, '26E, S. D. Richardson, '27, and Robert Ingle, '25. HOP* There are a number of things that will be needed for the com- ing great social event of the MARCH 2815 DATE SET FOR FRESHMAN FROLIC March 28 was set as the date for the 1927 Frosh Frolic at a meeting of the Frolic committee Tuesday night in the Union. The Frolic this year will be held in the ballroom of the' Union as on previous years. Applications for tickets will be mailed to members of the freshman class on or about Feb. 20. The price of the tickets this year will be $5. The' number of applications, accepted this year will be limited to 250. Funds necessary for current ex-1 penses of the committees are'being ad-.I vanced by the freshman engineering1 class. It was decided at the general; assembly of the class held last Wed- nesday that this would be done to! expedite the work of the committee. The money advanced will be repaid at the time of the Frolic. Every effort is being made to ob- tain the cooperation of the whole freshman class in making the Frolic a success, according to Mark Harring- ton, '27, chairman of the committee. ana itis expectea at ne wi re auic to present one of the most education- al lectures of the series. Professor Alden is nationally prom- inent in his field, and has made a life study of the literature of England which has proved to be invaluable te all students of the English language i uN h~I et t b L[ LTamauiitas. _- PPERSAPSNTIooreas I Repertorv Conedyv CALENDAR FOR SEMESTERH i He has also made a special investiga-1i J L vrv vw vw nga Plans were put under way by the tion of the works of Shakespeare, and ) Giving practically the same program Student council in a meeting last has contributed much to our store of as the one offered here last week, thc I Douglas Moore of the Cleveland night for the formation of the cheer knowledge of the famous author and University Glee club gave its annual|Playhouse, as Geoffrey Wareham, was leading squad for next year. A com- playwrite. ' recital in Pease auditorium, Ypsilan- the individual star in "March Hares" mittee was formed to take care of ti, last night, before an enthusIastic the entertaining comedy presented by this proposition, James Rice, '24, be- omaudience. Conendations were re- Ie Michigan Repertory company at ing appointed chairman. Another January TIc n ufinl teIMcignRprtr oun ti ceived by George Oscar Bowen; direc- I the Whitney theater . last night. He committee was appointed to make out S Number Delayed Ifor of the club, after the concert played with engaging casualness a a calendar of events for the second uwhich tended to show thc a thhe ner part which could have been played in semester, such as Cap Night and the T policy undertaken by the organizaor no other way-that of an indifferent I Spring games. This committee is was well liked. Adonis in a household full of wolfish composed of Donald McCabe, '24,i gan Technic, magazine of the collegesRThe chorus sang the same numC women. chairman, Howard B. Hoffman, '24M,r of engineering and architecture, has'Ih be engdeaennd aherinter inDha ers that they offered in their pre- Norma Harrison Thrower had the A. B. Connable, '25. troit and will probably not go on contest recital. The Varsity Quarte' courage to make herself exceptional- sIa unill of the we on and String quartet were also on the ly disagreeable in the part of Claudia Indianapolis, Jan. 22.--International a hh .Kitts, and as a result her work stood j President John L. Lewis called the ies were to have been deliverecd yes- progranm.j E wut have not ye ivedy Immediately after the concert, the out from the rest. Local talent was twenty-ninth biennial convention of terday a y. men who will represent Michigan in represented by Mattie Proudfoot, '24 i the United Mine Workers of America Carl Brandt, formerly of the publicthe glee club competitions to be helW who took the part of a coKx. J.C. to order yesterday. speaking faculty, addressed the meet- -at 'higo on Feb. IS, were named.I ] _ . jami.y ing . [,c.W il~i a n 1(~11) 1-1l A 1.i- ~ i st A.n 9iM 1It fAs.I - "' f. f/ i 4 Girls Take Camp ing of the Republican club bold last, night in the Union. He considered Isome phases of political problems. I us Approval ANNOUNCED AT BANQUET Ruopssn pera Ltar 10 zng In Hill Auditorium Tomorrow Yesterday afternoon's twilight al at Hill Auditorium seemed to cate that Palmer Christian is s ing his programs with the com: able design of presenting pure music upon that instrument, an the customary group of compo made over from those intende other instruments. A few of the bers served as further demonst of Mr. Christian's extraordinary ity. The Bach little fugue in E or was as intellectually satisfyi d'Evry's Meditation was charn sentimental. It is difficult to know whethE acoustics were detrimental, or v er the organ was at fault durn Angel scene from Haensel and tel, but a certain haziness hun the entire piece which no degi 'attention could clarify. This ce ly could' not be put upon Mr. Chi whose adroit fingers glided an( from manual to diapason wil tounding alacrity, particularly r able throughout Saint-Saens' Rhapsody on Breton Melodies opened the recital. His accure registration and exalted interpre made of Vierna's Finale from phony I a tremendous musical e D.E Americaun Legion Gets Approp: ByStorm With January (argi At a banquet held last night in Wil- let's cafe the 1924 staff of The Michi- gan Technic, publication of the col- With a barrage of parodies, poems, of the fair members of the sisterhoods leges of engineering and architecture sketches and bits of humor through- was one of the outstanding illus- was announced. Dean Mortimer E out the January number of Gargoyle, trations of the ability of the girls to Cooley was the principal speaker at the girls have taken the citadel of make use of one of the man's failings the banquet. campus approval by storm. There were to produce good humor. Fred A. Leisen, '25E, was named as many who doubted the ability of the "Men", a parody on Kipling's "I've managing editor for the coming year fair sex to produce a humor magazine taken my fun where I've found it" while Fred M. Freeman, '25E, will head equal to a product of masculine pens. struck the most responsive chord of I the business staff. Other members of The idea of a girls number by girls any of the contributions. Wherein the editorial staff will be as follows:1 alone was viewed with apprehension I lay its appeal as a matter of diverse Fred A. Kimmich, '25E, associate ed- - ,~~~ r - 4-- 1 ~ t: Feodor Chaliapin, the most famous of living bassos and an outstanding figure in the musical world of today will sing at the fifth concert of thej Choral Union series tat 8 o'clock to- morrow night in Hill auditorium Chaliapin won fame for himself inJ the early part of this century, but be- I tween 1914 and 1921, when he was1 not allowed out of Russia, Europe and America lost sight of him. His re-ap-' pearance October 1921, when the So- viet government granted him leave tcl received no training until after he had won public recognition.. In 189f he made his first debut in opera Thereafter for some time he was spon- sored by the millionaire Mamontev His fame was soon established and he became he idol of the Russian peo- ' ple. All of his concerts in New York and London have continued to sell out en- tirely, as have many extra perform- ances. Chaliapin urges his audience to glance over the words of his songs as he announces them. It is his op-