JANUARY 22, ID21 "" THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 rrrrrr YMr Yl ri rf i ir ir r ri y ! r , LOSES 3 P.M. LASSIGFIE jOLUM ADVERTI SING AT 3 P.M. LOS'S ACK TRAVELING Hag by Fred turmer, 509 Division, name on ag. Reward, phone 371. [ KAPPA Alpha fraternity pin. ame engraved on back. Phone 094. DOUBLE ROOM for second semester. Hot water and heat. One block from diagonal walk. Phone 3039-W. THERE ARE 2 vacancies for women at Westminster Hall. Phone 1463 R. 1 NICELY furnished double room al- t anUU±U. l±n 1- 92 bln k fr SUITE FOR three. Preferrably En- FOUNTAIN PENS I FURNISHED apartment or light gineers. Price iaonable. 1 block !housekeeping rooms for a youngi from college. Phone Cameron or Fountain Pens and Pencil insur- married couple. Phone 1637-R. Thompson after 6:30, 2809-R. ance. Have your name e~mbossed on them. Price 25 cents. ROOMMATE forcongenial student in 3 FURNISHED light housekeepingt c. D. MORRILL private family. 346 E. Kinsley. I rooms. Reasonable. 1340 Vollard 37 Nickels Arcade A WELL furnished suite of rooms for' St. The Typewriter & Stationery Store. three men students, loaio o n- A ROOM for two boys, board if de- CLEARANCE SALE ey. sired, in private home. 916 Mary Eversharp and broken lines of mech- St anical pencils also Gift Sets of TWO SINGLE rooms for next semes- Fourntain Pens and Pencils one-half ter. Box R. H. GA tAGE, cement floors, lights. 1234 ________________ Prospect. Call 3414. . . M(RRI ' I WILL get that these out on time. NICELY furnished room for 2 girls, 17 Nickels Arcade Typing done'at reasonable rates. $4.00 each. 511 Cheever Court,; The TypewriesStationery Sture. Call 3067-J, noon or after 7 p. m.' phone 516-J. FAMILY and student washings. Work' MUSICAL i guaranteed. Phone 1171-M. TWO LARGE suites or single rooms. -- -1 .7 Can accommodate five or six boys KEEP PHYSICALLY fit by the daily TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Opposite "Sleepy Hollow", beauti- ° use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen Agd ful view, ideal neighborhood to on Records. Complete outfits sold AlvL MAKES. Agency s oodstoc and study. Hot water and hot air by Schaeberle & Son. Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- . Ho Waer nd at ar. y Shaeerle& Sn. "V nnhin TiL rinj Ti nn Typewriung ana iimeographing promptly and neatly done. Theses, student notes and college work a specialty for fifteen years The Typewriter & Stationery Store. 0. ID. MORRILL,a 17 Nickels ArcadeI STUDENT desiring lessons in Span- ish to perpare for exams call 1104. FOUNTAIN PENS Exchange that misfit pen for a. Rider Master Pen plus Rider Service at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St 3 i I , i fi F Get you examination pen now that you will be sure that it workl you wish it to. We have ten ki including Wahl's New Signature and The Rider Master Pen. We fit and service every pen sell. This insures you better v. at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St EVERSJIARP PENCILS Our stock of Eversharp Pencil still large and complete. Take ad tage of the special price now at Wahl Service Station. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. ;lb 1so singie room. - vocK irons DER Master fountain pen. Name campus. Phone 2310-M. E. H1. Strohm on barrel. Call 2024---_..--- M. SINGLE LARGE Room for gir'1 stu- dent. Next door to Newberry Res. EDNESDAY, a pair of glasses in j Warm, 'convenient. Tel. 2707-J. eather case some place between Library and University High School. LIGHT WARM room. Call 2100-M. -all Miss Dow, 3237. or at 529 Walnut st. EV BARRELW f.WhlLi nen DOUBLE OR SINGLE room with a rrrrr . wr..rir. +rrr. rr.L rte! 1 r +rr.uri . . r ti Security'- yI about two weeks ago. Return to Miss Brooks, phone 570. OUNG BRINDLE bull pup answers to name of Jack, :on Geddes Ave. Sunday. Reward if returned to 6831 Oxford Rd. or phone 489. private family. Phone 2893-J. ROOM FOR Two, one block from cam- pus. 432 Maynard. Phone 1479-J, after 5:30 p. m. SINGLE ROOM at 613 Hill, first house off State, heats well. Ph one 1660- J. ROOM suitable for two, madern con- Veniences, quiet surroundings, pri- vate family. 346 E. Kingsley. Rates resaonable. 1426 Washington Heights. Phone 781-M. DOUBLE room with sleeping porch, 3 blocks from campus, call 3056-R TWO PLEASANT rooms for girls at 1020 Church st. Phone 1405-W. COMFORTABLE two room suite, near State St. 524 Hill st. LARGE WARM single room, 3 blocks from campus. No other roomers. Phone 826-J. ROOMS FOR Rent, dpuble or single, One block from campus. 1011 Mon- roe. SEVERAL GOOD orchestras left for your J-Hop party, Feb. 9. Call Folk, 751-W evenings 7-9. WANTED (ing maemne, Lne-a-rime copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 886, downtown .DY'S GOLD wrist watch. Call Miss Heiser, 815-J. Elgin. J-HOJ Ticket. Call 2775-J. MISCELLANEOUS BY GRADUATE Student, room in TUTORING IN Spanish by Univer- . private home where no other stu- sity graduate. Call 1104. dents in house. Southeast part city desired. References if desired. Ad- SKATES hollow ground 25c. The dress J. D. L. Daily. Sharp Shop, 306 S. Ashley. STUDENTS FOR house to house sell- TUTORING IN Greek and Latin, Uni- ing proposition. Good money dur- versity graduate. Greek: Cources ing s pare time. See De Ruiter, 806! A. C and I. Latin: Courses, Y and Hill. 1B1. Phone 3327-R., 915 E. Huron. May be found for your valuable docu- ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault. The service will please you. Farmers & Mechanics.Bank FORD AUTOMOBILE title. Naie Lester Fooney, call 1317-R. Re-1 ward. FOR SALE TWO "Chaliapin" concert tickets for Friday, Jan. 25, main floor. Also one pair nickel plated Hockey skates, practically new, cheap. Call at 720 Haven st, noons or 6 p. m. TUXEDO, good tailor made tuxedo. $30. Phone Kohler at 63. THREE pair shoe hockey skates. Windsor Specials and Tubulars. Call Van Foo, 2417-M. A NINE room house, to trade as a down payment for a large income property. Call 617. SPENCER Miscrope, excellent con- dition. Mechanical stage. Call House Physican, ;University Hos- pital COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE 224 Nickel's Arcade By Appointment only Phone 1167-R. 3-6 p. m. TYPEWRITING TYPING. Accurate work on manu- scripts, letters etc. Would take TYPEWRITER S of all makes Sold, rented cleaned exchanged and repaired. 0. D. MORRRILL' 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store.! 101-105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE -U -- -Ir~ I 4 m 04 MORE SERVICE In a Rider "+'terw petk" It holds a whole bar- rel full of iWk. Not a barrel full of trouble- making parts. I WU lt's ideal for Costs but little more and serves for- over. I Guaranteed and Serviced by Rider himself. Foe Balance of "VALI th School Year Your these and notes will promptly and neatly TYPEWRITTEN at BUSINESS SERVICE CO., be 0,14r, MAKERS 4at Ag A6V a tAmbh.OOM rd Your qwn newspaper! If there are not enough papers to go around, order more today. This is a season of bargains. Get yours! I Phone The Circulationr Manager lol A% AM d% I w m - - m m m _ b-w