f1__HE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1924 kl -73 ...,., :..r,. _T _. _ .T. t Cnof 'old Weather Aids Hockey I } for the balance of the week: 7,tonight, triiSi HGHSq ad IJflI Il°V Ll Theta Xi, Phi Ci, Nu Sigma Nu, 8 I I HS u d dn F erfectGing lLay, o'clck Beta Theta P, Delta Theta 'QIiPh,Phi Sigma Delta, 9 o'clock, Delta \_' "_qd I F r c iP_____ r~~n Chi Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta *i_7 oclock, Wednesday night Sigma f I ILAWith the return of cold weather, last appearance on a Michigan hockey I Ch ,LGamma Ets bsmtblisto Tte Michigan's hockey sextet is hard at team of two of Barss' stars. "Andy" By mistake in Sunday's Daily it wasDli Delta o'clock, Phi Rho Sim a Ts By Dlta 8 'clok, hi ho Sgma l'Dutch Leona .eh Smellie Has Squad Of 80 pet Andero;wigad "Clayt" .HendeeDutch Leoni aihi wys a or eng Out Daily In Waterman work preparing themselves for the Ason, win ad t Cyt F eb r (Continued from Page Two) announced that the education team in maga, Phi pa, Psi, 9 o'clock, Del- his ways as a Gymasui games remaining on the Wolevrine inasmuch as there are no more games work when they downed Ohio State the class basetballleague would! Delta lsilon 7 o'clck Thursday ben schedule for which Coach Barss hopes on the schedule until next semester, 2pl2 lag elydue to thedexcellent meet the junior engineers. The sched- night, Theta Chi, Sigma Nu, Phi Deltas n ST TOtURNAMIENT IN SPORT to have the team's combination play the two veterans will not be present aving on, praing and ule should have read junior laws vs. Chi, 8 o'clock, Alpha Sigma Phi, Sig- outlaw baseba ILL WE HELD NEXT SATURI)AY perfected. when the Wolverine agregation skates Chicago may still be considered in junior engineers for 9:15 o'clock to-: ma Delta Kappa, Acacia, 9 o'clock, In 1915161 The disconnected practice period onto the ice for its next game. Both the running with victories over In- night. Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Phi, Tau Red Sox, wa Ithough at present in an embryo which has been forced on the squad men covered themselves withglory diana and Northwestern and one (e- Following is the schedule for the Delta Phi, 7 o'clock, Friday night, best pitchers fencing as a cmpetitive sport madle it almst impossible for the sn srs, d feat at the hands of Purdue. The balance of the week: 7 o'clock to- Theta Delta Cii, Trigon, called him for rnises to make great strides at coach to get his aggregation ready for sextet. Aderson sot a goal in each Windy City quintet will tackle the night, Phi Ga a Delta vs.ei as te o t t the games to the extent that he de- of the two tilts with the Badgers while powerful Badger five Saturday. Illinois Delta Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Kappa| roll in th preliminaries of the Michi- go to the Yan sired, but the present coldsnaphas lost to Minnesota and Michigan Kappa vs. Phi Mu Alpha, Sigma Delta gan raternity meet, can roll themr eventually wa 'aeig an ing the broflsmendnwsrd u the prsn cl~ sa enderson's al-around play sparkled scores any time by arraning with the to Tes' aged in handling the foils and the should help materially to gie the T Co s not decied who wll and won from Ohio State and North- Kappa vs. Delta Sigma Phi,, Tau Ep- sgg troit Tigers. rest displayed in it are an mdi- Varsity mentor an opportunity to pol-western. silon Phi vs. Phi Beta Delta; 7:45 - Intramural department for a date. decided he wa asi t etorm a opte ortun ne ity o p- aketh plcereet penbythegrd- Ths applies to those not entered in Owner Ravinn on of anything ish up the team play of the Wolverine nation of the two men. Todd isay clock, (Freshman league) group 7 vs. very afternoon the foils and pro- sextet. Although Iowa and Minnesota are the Western Conference tournamen, salay ReynorThe two-game series with the Wis krholdingdownfourth and fifth lacesses made in this tournament count- Navin told1 end of Waterman gyni, becomes, consin team showed Barss' team to posi'von. holinghowncourtrandfprespectivelylages 2 vs. group 6; group 4 vs. group s in as the preliminary round figurem seera ma sks a enou g utandmth e The to g m eis ihte Wi-ji fecie a ieetrorsine rs ecieiotohvncp bl gge 8:30 o'clock, Phi Kappa Alpha vs. Ciii for the local tournam ent. em t n e several hours, a fencing academy. be one of great potentialities. Against gations and are eixpected to place bewentrandnem Ward off danger 'of injury to the; the Badgers, Michigan's sextet dsImprovement Encouraging much higher up the colmn when the Phi, Alpha Delta Phi vs. Sigma Ci went to the wrad of nger psof injuryltdethehtimeaBagersiMichigan'sLsexte dis- column whetatheplaying indep4 practicing, the tips of the blades played excellent form, winning the Fri- The vast improvement in the Michi- final whistle is sounded. Indiana, Phi Chi vs. Lambda Ci Alpha, Zeta With the closing of the basketball Leonard decidp securely bound with hard rubber day night game and tying Saturday's gan aggregation's passing against the Ohio State and Northwestern are ap- Beta Tau vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon; 9:15 tournaments tomorrow evening, whichL this precaution combined with theShI 'cokPiRoSgmvsDetTaj few good year contest, the score of which was 2-2. Wisconsin team was most encourag- parently out of the running as ahe o'c ck, Phi Rho S'gma vs. Delta Tau arc being sponsored by the Intramural fe nd ,y masks assures the mali hand- Three overtime periods failed to de- ing to local rooters In spite of the two latter teams have as yet failed Delta, junior medics vs. upper ,dents depiartment, Waterman gymnasium Landi, anco the foils of complete safety from cide the game which was one of the fact that Coach Barss has not been to secure a single victory. fresh engineers vs. senr lits, junior will be closed in the evening until af- Ladis r stabs aid scratches. fastest tilts of the season. The Michi- able to give his men an appreciable Games this week are Ohio at In- laws vs. junior engineers. ter the start of the second semester onard his qad umbers . . gan sextet outplayed their opponents number of workouts on combination diana, Friday night, and Wisconsin The schedule for Wednesday is as However, the presentithereare about 2 acte thoughout the game, and had far play, the men have been co-operating at Chicago and Minnesota at Michi- follows: 7 o'clock, Alpha Rho Chi vs. open vry day an te wh ae George Cut ent partiin t in at ne spor more opportunities to score than the with him admirably so that every gan, Saturday night. Kappa Sigma, Theta Xi vs. Cygnus, cepeting in the athletic classics this (Continu visitors. practice was utilized in polishing off W L Pet. Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Delta Upsilon, winter will be allowed to . advantage of the fencing eqyip- Use Old Style Defense the rough spots and giving the team Wscnsin...........3 0 1,000 Alpha Chi Rho vs. Sigma Phi; 7:45 tlls can be secured at the Intra that can be found at the gym. The old-style four-man de'fense em- a start on the intricacies of team 'ieliigan............. 2 ) 1, o'clock. Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Pi, s sm first call for fencing candidates ployed by the Badgers made most of play. The cJver passing of the Wol- Purdue..............3 1 .750 lpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Kappa Ta oe by signing for them with the All men d ght out 70iintereste n btthe Michigan attempts at the goal verines was responsile for the de- Chicago"............. 2 1 .67p Beta Phi Delta vs. Phi Upsilon, Del assistant t lack of sufficient equipment has failures, however. It was a case of cisive victory of Friday night, and the Illinois...............2 2 .100 Theta Phi vs. Theta Clii; 8:30 o'clockI urged tor mnme t a waty although ithi the defense being the offense, and it same factor was instrumental in the Iowa...............1 1 .500 Z . . . 5maD- An Tntramural wrestling tourna. this week a cte that with the arrival of the was not until the third period that the superiority of Barss' team over the iesota....2 Zeta Psi vs. Sigma N, Phi Sigma ent for all men who are not on the I um. fencing supplies most of these Wolvertnes were able to break through 'Badger Saturday afternoon in spite ndana...............1 3 .25 . Varsity suad or have not participated AR i agai epor for nstructon and score a point. The Badgers bad of the fact that the score was a tie Ohio State 0 2 .000 4s. Tau Delta Phi, A aiavs.Tri-ih isl Coach Smellie, Michigan fencersi but two shots at the Michigan goal The Michigan team's combinations Northwestern........0 3 00gon. (protessial cirles gwil be held combinations .00xpr-0 urn te istprid ad n o ep he-(Continued on Page Eight) Snh a a. hering the first period, and one of kept the puck well to the visitor's n the blade game. While at them resulted in a goal on a long end of the ice during A 'ost of the Sensemann to Address 'Teaebers Quite a few commendable scores_ .o lts, Smelie was captain of the shot that hopped past Weitzel, the game, and with the intensive work on H. L. Sensemamn, director of the ave been turned in for the efforts ofi ing teamand in 1921the eleat- Wolverine, safety man.. this branch of the game that the Coach Alumni catalogue office, will address the teams narticipating in the Wet- in official in the Intercollegiate The ice was in extremely bad shape, plans to put in this week, the Michi- the teachers. ofDeKalb county, Ind en Conference fraternity bowling ding Association, the only organ- being covered with ruts and cracks. gan team should be a I T HE FIRST NAlTIONA on of Its kind in the country,ganta highly polished at a conventio Feb. 2, uon the Atournament. They measure un to last Ilie is now an assistant automot- Consequently, the puck was rolling or aggregation by the time of the Notre subject, "Excursions in Teaching year's highest scores in every respect. i engineer instructor at !Michigan spinning most of the time, and the Dame game next month. Literature." Following is the bowling schedule ORGANIZED 1863 his services as fencing coach has Igal tenders were seriously hand- carped'The disc advanced in short, __________-w-___________ n the sport a great impetus at the fast hops and it was next to imnpossi- erstTournament Saturday ble to judge its height or speed with xt a m the result that the goal tenders were t Saturday the first tournament fre otk ln tba h be .held among the candidates for forced to take a blind stab at the O r service ourteous ear. The meet is scheduled to puck in hopes of stopping its pro- pe.in the afternoon at the I gress. The Wisconsin style of play and pleasing inevery pdace t twas effective considering thee con- rnn gym and from the results it, dition of the ie because. of 'the ipcted that some definite idea fact that four men were grouped IOLS K IN AN hie fm ti on fa tlea my w il bt- e r h g auad wh n on: ned. Sm elie has already writ- of the Wolverine athletes took a shot, o ether universities concerning the puck was usually stopped by MAIN STREET AT HURO iing to eetMihan itpwoldebeen someone other than the goal tender. __ rise to see Michigan represented After Anderson put Michigan in the* mU ' he fencing mat against some lead in the first five minutes of the ern school before the end of the initial overtme period with a goal nI year.ss short range, the Badgers started a --- m 'i- fencing team consists of three fast offensive game which resulted Two men enter the sabre event in Captain Johnson's goal which tied one the dueling event. Ab meet the score. The Michigan sextet muff- h r G a s entirety consists of nine bouts, ed a victory in this situation by not All S k atoss-en hoes _ i man on the team meeting each } resorting to the same defensive tadt- f on the opponents' team. Among ics which were employed by the Bad-d iore promising candidates for po- gers through out the battle. After s on the Michigan squad are Adro' olteMcia ees ry Keller, Beardsley, s enaom, Andersoncgal the Mige an deeete di o ls peog oke h 2 ot tt t 1Jrn. ry, and Packard. All of these trailing Badgers bottled up and the______________ have reported for regular prac- tie score resulted. nd have had some experience i The Wisconsin contests arked thee ep one3102 glng the foils. although his differences with the man- - Dagement are as acute as ever. The Braves may part with one ofMa Tn NfllTRlI nnQ IrCC heir catchers, particularly Earl y® £f A * S ft % t * EM. kil~ ard has seen the error of djudged by Judge Lan- The once great south-, told he can remain in 31. 8 Leonard, then with the s rated as one of the in the game. The war a time and when -he re- diamond he vas told to kees. Dutch balked and s purchased by the De- Two years ago Leonard s worth raore money to and struck for a $15,00; him the figure couldn't onard jumped the traces,' Pacific coast and began endent ball. Recently ed he was wasting what s remained in his base- asked to be re-instated. ding to dispatches, told plea was a bit tardy. shaw, veteran second ed on Page Eight) esiring to try out for rack managers are eport any afternoon t Waterman gymnas- THUR o. GRAVES, Track Manager. . L BANKI way N ARBOR N atisf action 4w ers Ve) I .x on IT O IJUJ l Ul flh w York, Jan. 21.-A deal between 3oston Braves and St. Louis Car- s is expected to be completed n two weeks by club officials who luded a week-end conference. The is said to involve Rogers Horns- He announced last night that lie d carry out the orders of his club1 Smith in exchange for a pitcher, pos-' sibly big Jeff Pfeffer. At least, both names were mentioned in the week.. end discussion. The Braves have been negotiating with Pittsburg to obtain the services of Rabbit Maranville, shortstop form- erly with Boston. Ix It's true efficiency to use Daily . Classiefieds-Adv. 11''C(IML t UNPIL On Genuine "WEED" Auto When SPRING clothes are so reasonable, why try getting along with the old ones? ' G HAI N s Hair Nets 30x31 2 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 .$3.65 . 4.50 . 4.50 . 4.75 . 5.35 32x42 ... 33x4 2 . . 34x4' 2 ... 33x5 ... 35x5 .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$5.35 .. 5.50 .. 5.60 ..6.35 .. 6.75 Come down today and give us the opportunity of showing you the new merchandise. .'y A; .1 ITOR 3 ,. This week we offer our regular C. F. D. CO. nets that sell at 15c or 2 for 25c at a special price of I I Other sizes in proportion Suits of imported and domestic fabrics inewhatever style you may desire. N 4 RID-O-SKID Chains Truck Tire Chains " Weed 1" DeLuxe For Extra Service Extra Heavy "Weed" IChains for Delivery Cars i 98Cdozen per 1, 1 Extra cross chains to repair your old tire chains All styles of Auto and Truck Tires, Chains and Springs We have largest assortment of new Wool Auto Robes, Steamer Rugs and all kinds of finest Spring Hats and Caps We have also just received a large supply of the latest in SPRING HATS and CAPS. They are made of the finest materials and sell at a reasonable price. They are extra good nets, carefully made and rigidly inspected before they are packed in envelopes for us. They give good service. Either single or WOOL BLANK ETS : 7-