ESDAV JANUA RY 22, 1924 TE MCIA AL THE MICHIII.-JAN DATLY .......... __ EANKRAus ADDS THREE PROFESSORS ++ TIJUERTA MAY BE MAKING SECOND V ERA CRUZ CRISIS 4 . Y\. .. Ss S , V "!"44~..%f4 116 4,'ii ';: s :?4 i{:^,' "j.Yv,4i fw i'" I ''fIM E9IY1OF MEXICAN MOVE Read The Daly "Class ified" Col Faculty of History Depanient Suniner Session, Increased, Announcement forj DL' CALF, OLDFATHER, CRANE WIVLL OFFER COURSES HERE Th.re2 new professors have been rdded to the faculty of the history de- 'partment for the Sumimer session of 1924, it was announced yesterday by IDean Edward 11. Kraus of the 'Sum- mer session. Prof. Frederic Duncalf, professor of European history at the University of Texas, Prof. Charles H. Oldfather of Wabash college, Craw- fordsville, Ind., and Prof. Verner W. Crane of Brown university are the mnen from the schools who will give cou r;es here this summer. In addition to the professors from other colleges who will give courses Prof. Edward R. Turner, Prof. William A. Frayer, and Dr. Arthur H. Aiton will instruct in the Summer session. Prof. Frederic Duncalf who is known in this country as one, of the great authorities on European history will give two courses, one on "Medi- eval Civilization" and the other on "The Teaching of History." T.Professor Oldfather. from Wabashj will instruct in "The, History of Gre-,ce to Death of Alexander the Great" and "Roman H-istory from Republic to Principate." Professor Crane who was connected with the history department here' from 1916 to 1919 will give a course in the "De- velopment of the United States: 1783 to 1850" and another in "Seminary in American History." The latter course will be given in Clements library, this being the first,.time that it has been used during the Summer sessions. Professor Turner' will give a course in the "General History of England from the Ascension of James the First to 1924." Two courses will be given! by Professor Frayer, "French Revolu- tion and :Napoleonic Periods: 1789 to 1815," and "Eurolie since the Franco- Prussian VTar." Dr. Aiton will in- struct in "American Colonial History" and will give two .courses in "His- =Dame American History." Prof(). R. T. Cranme Points Out P~recedent % As Onre of Juistification of Procedu, ASSERT"S QUESTION MERE14Y MATTER OF PARTY POLITIC' 'Prof. R. T. Crane, of the political science, department, spoke emphatic- ally in the affirmative when asked yes- terdlay whether or not the permission of the United States, allowing Mexi- can troops to move through the state of Arizona and Texas, was legal. "There is absolutely no question as to the legality of the matter," Prof ICrane said. Explaining that railroad connections were in such a had con. ! dition that" Mexican Federals coule jmove no other way, Prof. Crane cited former instances of similar caseF where troops had been allowed to pass through the States. "In the case of Villa, troops were permitted to pass through. At that! time a baggage car containing armF was allowed to be sent,". he said. An- other instance was cited, when the English were 'given permission to use the Canadian Pacific rai?' oad througb' 'prsof the United States for trans- partsn both Canadian and Englishl{ troops. The 'frozen condition of the St. Lawrence river was given as th( reason in this case.E Prof. Crane summed up the questionI by saying that it was merely a mattez: of politics. Prof. T. H. Reed, of the same de- partment ,seemed to agree. "It is leg- ally correct for the United States tc allow the passage of the Mexicar. troops," he said. "It is no novel thing and has been done before." i 1,11 11IN. Aiiiiii I i r Elr,4 q1i 'showing the position of Tam- tio and (X) where the Tacoma weAt on the rocks. The cruisersI Tacoma (above) and RichmondI tbrluw.). +c I i141 *1 1 -rrr~ - ains - qw - ma - S® - wrap - totk -ie eae d uY rigleys is made of re chicle, and other xredients of highest aliW obtainable, ant it iS no us'e to ike W iGLEV*S 100% qualmt and thena reach u in Poor condition. t awe Put it In the Wa* - >Ped Package and ED IT T HT ~ep it good rYou. digestions els teeth ce-o //(J///Y SHOWING WOO -~ ;_ --M-W - . . -- -- -= --. An international incident parca. sibility if :Adolfo de la Huerta, head o an embargo on the port of Tamu;;ico. dered to Vera Cruz, headquarters oft of the city, necessitating 'rushinig anc Ileling the seizure of Vera Cruz by American sailors and marines is a pos- f the Mexican revolutionists, persist s in attempts to enforce his decree of When warning was sent him by Was hington, the cruiser'Tacoma was or- the rebels, to be handy but she wven t aground on a reef two miles outside other cruiser to aid the Tacoma and take up the patrol work.' The Richi- CLOTHES FOR THE COLL13GE MAN~ mones, one of the, fastest of the Navy's modern 'vessels of the scout cruiser type, was chosen for this purpose. Varsity Glee Club Will Send Twenty-Four MVen To Chicago) i AT THE THEATRES Scrc en-Today ( Arcade-Marie Prevost In "The Wanters." Majestic-"Ashes of Vengence," with Norma Talmadge. { "' Wuerth-Kenneth Harlan and Mildred Davis in "Temporary Marriage." 0 Orpheum-"How Women Love." At the glee club competitions to bet held at Chicago, Veb. 8, between mid-' western schools, Michigan's Varsity{ Glee club will enter the contest, send- Ing 24, meni of the club to sing.' Thisl is the first year that Michigan is as- 1 sociated with 'the Intercollegiate Glee 1 clubs, having recently been "accepted as a member of that conference. Wis- consin won the competitions last year and as, a result went to New York cityj to compete with the winning clubs of the east. Thirt(*n Schtools Ent~red 'Thirteen schools will be represent- ed at the contest. Chicago, Illinois Iowa, IMichigan,- Purdue,. Wisconsin1 Armour, Pelt, Grinnell, Knox, Milli-] k in, La~e. Forest, and Wabash. collegc will se id their respective clubs.- Each " club will, be required- to sing a grout and all, of the. men of the 13 clubs will appear ' in a grand finale,. while the Judges decide the ranking of the clubs Seats for, the o~on test may be obtain- ed from :E. C. UPton, 'Michigan's' rep- resentative on' the board. Applica- tions should be mailed to him at 175 N State street, Chicago, not later than Feb. 7. members who expect to attend the contest on Feb. 18. Members will in- cludc% the men in the club, two altern- ates, business manager, director, ac- companist, and any students who ex- pect to attend the concert. The ti jmay be made from Feb. 14-18 'inclus- ive, and the return trip can be made any time between Feb. 18 and 21. Students who intend going to Chi- cago at this time will not have tc accompany the club to take advantage of the reduced rates. Railroad cer- tificates must be obtained from John M. Russell, '24, Manager of the club and anyone going at this time will get reduced rates. Daily 'classified for real results. We liver Reminngton PoUble Tyjsewrl eaii 601 t.' L C 7adi-aon S. Pho e 18, 9. Read the Want Ads JANUARY S M T 11 T F Sj 1 2 3 4 5 6 99:1 1 23 15 16~ 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FACORYHAT STORE ! } \ ft, ..' '~. mmmmw X11 11 F Thne DINNER SUIT E B ONA IR, comfortable, tailored with the care that in- sures both swartuese and wear, frotm materials approved b x clusive use. The comforsten to the price. DINNJR SUIT (Shawl cllar or notch) $39.50 E i a 3 iIy} I t I i i i it i !4 617 Packiard StL Phone 1792 I 2 - ( (Where D. U. R. Stups at State) the Wrappers I SHORTHiAND, TYPEWRITING, I ]BOOKKEEPING, ISE('RTIAItIAL TRtAIN'ING valuable Presen ,s :AtFS ____ I I Stage-This WeeLk. I Witney-Wednesday- -tichigan E IRepertory. company in "March Carrick- Walker Whiteside in " r u"A R I A - A N N A R B O R B I S L I N E Central Time (Slow Time) 'Leave Chamber of Commerce Week Days Sundays 6:45 a. m. 6:45. m- 12:45 P. m. "6:45 P. M. JAS.H. 1ELLIOTT, ProprietOr Phone 926-M Adrian, Mich. I New Term Feb. Il I HAMILTON I BUSINESS I ' COLLEGE i p STATE &WILLIAM I Manufaciurd and sold exclusivey by, NAT LUXENBERG&Baos. New address 341 Broadway N. W. Cor.,13th St. Stuyveseat 989$ New York City -0 79iranclies 23t Wster St. 863 Broad St. Excter. N. H. Ncwvark. N. J. li r Bradwa~y.N. Y. C. au r style. memo, book will be start free, on request --, . t, 1 j \ + i l l rk; : to I I SpecailRhalrad Rates A .round trip rate: of one half the { uisual fare has been granted to all GANIKights Soo to $ 201 GARRICK !at.Mat..600 to $1.60'! Wed. 'Mat. 60c to $ 1.00 WALKER, WHITE SIDE Due to the Ulness of Miss FEmily 5te,(-rnsth plygof "L ovc iu a Cottage," hc a scheeld for this w eek, has been postponed. IiWhen we fix, your shoes- Ithey are ,good for a long Damon- "What's the matter? Can't you read your notes of the lecture F' Pythias- "No-doggone It. I skipped over to class t:4morning without, my Dixon's Eldorado !" 17 leads-aUl dealere IXONDS time.. UTnr wei-t~ Neatly combed,welepharia +I )usinss and social asset. I; STACOMB makes the hair stay combed iIn any style you like even after it has Ijust been washed. I STACOMB-the orginal--bas been sed for years by stars of stage and screen-leaders of style.. Write today for free trial tube. Tubes--35c Jars--75c Insist on STACOMB-in the, black, Iyellow and gold package. I For sale at your druggist or wherever toilet goods are sold. I Standard Laboratories, Inc. ISO Stanford Avenue Los Angeles, California Send coupon for Frowa Trial Tuabe. VrA i ~l~a A :t,' I inia, D.~, 7Ph*"ssend ae free briml tabe. liana IAarr {-p K "Prmpt Srvi ce- F or K een Appetites" I Thomson' Swetlan nowhas ddi 1= - I r a I Sweetlan candeeslare fres tday- ~ioa andiev reay. C oolat odipe are Iosuser appndgFruts and wabout eier ordelicinfouskntoutan itgne iii= lit. 'a. .,! . ; i 1 w '17 I~ fit~ ' J, a '{ "" te ' a' + j rj _ f,1' ,. ILIA I Prompnt 'Service Work. Guaranteed .Moderate Prices i _ E i " ' Il6 i" c " }.1 .a ' % S 1 ' ' : T ' ' ' 3 , ' : Sae. SreetShoe R301" S.State Next to Wagner & Co. I IRVING WARMOLTS D.S. C. Graduate and Registered, Chiroiodist anid Orthopedist' 707 North University Phone 2652- 1 "boom" NOWAMM :i r Here's ProofT hat Advertising F Famous Wrigley Building in Chicago Being Doubled iN.Size i. : wMrrDAI ATI:AMUIl IT II WfKFC ITf l n