tions, 9c per reading line for nimuro, 3 lines per insertion. one or two insertions, 11c per ite space charged for at same phones. Ask about contracts Patronize The Daily advertisers. M~USICAL Let us furnish you with a Piano or Victrola. Very low terms. Rent ap,ji plied on purchase. University Music H{ouse Phone 1799. VICTOR RECORDS-All the latest al- ways.-New records every Friday- try us for real record service. U~niversity Music House Phion e 1799. fHou ITEIT BODY (Continued from Page Six) There must be work of reserves, work of freshmen, w~iko everyone. En- thus iaIsi'fine but work 'Whim. There. !fIust be ful quotas of, good men for F1Tive room apartment, unfuris~hedt,1 centrally located. Coal ibin-. '3 month. '523 AW.r Liberty.' TYPE WRITEIRS ANN ARBOR TYPWRITERW EXCHANGE PRIONE 866 Dealer in Woodstock and Oliver .Type- wrfters. Sundstratid Adding 71 Aa- chines, Rubber Stamps and Type- writer supplies, Line-A-Time Copy l H . olders. 9 Savings Bank Blockt (Down Town) H~ave you see~n the Noiseless Por'table? YOU~R SILENT PARTNER., 4 A. C. Stimns~n' 3 S. StateI tPhone X10-TAI 2nd 'lo'r freshmen and reserve teams. There entire student body. Winninig in the Conference is a much bigger job than it was 10 or 15 Jyears ago. It must be borne in mind ithat about five of thf, other Confer- ence universities have practically the sam~e number of students to draw from as has Michigan. They have ef- ficiently organized athletic depart- ments, high class coaches and are working just as hard to win as we are. The stepping is getting t~o be Mighty fast. If we slack up a minute we willi, be left behind.I PRESENTS A DANCE ORCHESTRA INCOMPARA No victories can be won nor any physical growth or development at- tained by recourse to soft cushions, low igh s, -and pink teas. Every Michigan student must put his shoul- der to the wheel and push. Remem- ber, we can't win today on what. we d'id yesterday. 4Patronize The Daily advertisers. THE DIRECTION OF PH--IlL DIAMOND. alo I FOR ENGAGEMENTS, SEASON PHONES 1. 601 E. WILLIAM ANN ARBOR Nr. It riLSII"A' ' flS' -Ukuleles and Banjo ukuleles at- prices that "Cannot Be Beat"-See us dur- d ing our' September sale on these l popular instruments. Specially n riced and sold on the easy payrment pln.University Music House Phone 1799. 9A-N TE1 3*HELP SPECIAL SALE~-One half price on leather music rolls and bags-L~arge assortment an~d wonderfuk values. University Music' Hous~e Phone 1799. Readers wanted. Prftrece will be given to students who have domie work in English literature andt modt-! emn languages. Readiimg Will be mainly, in Shake speare criticism and w~ill conltinue 'thiroughout thel vacation. FTor further particulars, call 1270-J. Young Women to work part 'time at the telephone oi-4'1as at cost at the company's cafeeria. 'MAlss B. Edwards; chief opbratof'. Cdr. Washington 'and V4ain. Fair Weather or roul I It's true Classiefieds _ .. o ficiency -Adv. to use "Daily -- g HENthe business sky clouds over, anda WV storm threatens, those who have a storm ce: ~I It's- easy. to remember the shape of a substantial savingcs account are the name axed yoca' Ihelp remembering the jgood food, low prices ! great deal .of worry and a good deal of actual loss. too- when1 business 1s boomingy the man who cafe ma.d 'ready cash on short notie is the one who most. II, No matter what the wea-,,thelr,. in the busincesg savings account will always be a Start that thrift campaign today strong asset to anN + iR iII A THE 'AMM, SAY %us I : The Bank of F'ridndlN Service RESOURCES OVER $5,000,000.00 TWO OFF, ICKS M ICH I G AN CArFETERIA p 4 612j Last Liberty p -- ' ...r- F <. - '. . aCTES GU AR Sol Candly Andy is made in our own. Lunc-hes After the Dance or the r qur delicious -Sugar, nches invite you. We Only candy manu- Arboar. Ice Cri ati The- ,.,Bwl e are Preketes Cream.. Itis4to 8 Ice Cream is pe. ring plant in Ann richer than the cream u Quality ice you. Choco~ates '&Sir ous for your call b ecause v e knew that our service will satisfy your strict requirements. your coffee. For dessert a q. Qr twyo is good tate. q4L ir a - "I L e '4 im , I 11%