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January 22, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-22

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4ntr t Oc4n

VOL. XXXIV. No. 87



Colored Organization Of Louisville
Will Be The Feature Group
Of' .Dance


The drys made a great ad-
vance in yesterday's voting in
the campus prohibition itraw
vote, including in their number
one faculty vote, the first that
has been received. The tally
now stands: 37 against repeal
of the 18th amendment, and 13
in favor of repeal; 28 against
beer and light wines, and 25 in
favor of the same; 33 in favor
of strict enforcement of the ex-
isting liquor laws, and 16
The coupon may still be found

Expect More Than 500 Notables From
Newspaper, Student, Faculty

Edwin Denby, '96L, secretary
of the Navy, who has accepted
the invitation of the University
to be the speaker at Cap Night
ceremonies, has "written to the
office of th'i president to an-
nounce that May 17 will be the
date best suited for his appear-
ance here. Either May 10 cr 17
was under consideration for Cap
night by authorities in charge
of the event.
This will'eSecretary D:nby's
second visit to the University
this year.


in the Toasted Rolls
page four.

column on


Orchestras that will play for the 19- Michigan's second annual Gridiron
25 J-Hop were named yesterday with Night banquet will be held on April 1.
the completion of arrangements and The date was set and preliminary ar-
the signing of the final contracts. rangements made at a meeting of t
Bargee's, Leading Orchestra Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-
sional journalistic fraternity, that f
Roy Bargee's orchestra of Detroit O sponsors the affair, held Sunday after- C IIJI'JINi6iL
will be the leading orchestra at the noon in the Union.
Hop. :Mill's orchestra of Flint and ULUJI
Jordan's colored band from Louis- "Face-The-Facts" Conference Held At Prominent Men __p
ville, Ky, will be the other two or- National Capital; Prohibition The Gridiron banquet is modeled ARTHUR SHATTUCK WILL MAKE e
chestras that will play. Condemned after the giant affair held each year FIRST ANN ARBOR
Barge has been playing during the in Washington when prominent men APPEARANCE
past year at the Ritz cabaret In De- COOLIDGE IGNORES QUESTION from all over the United States are e
trolt where he has established a name OF CHANCE IN PRESENT LAW s
Detrit dnces. ____summlonedl together to be "panned" OSSIP GABRILGXVTSCH-
for himaseaif among Dtotdnes necfly niain ilb
A natvie and a product of Toledo, Washington, Jan. 21.-Wet forces en to leai g stud nts, acul bmein- TOCONDUCT PROGRAMt
sent'toaeadingstudentsdfacultmmoi-al CONDUC
Roy Bargee started his musical car- brought their fight against the pro- bers, and men throughout the state
eer in that city. His fame soon spread hibition laws to the national capital ty ]a it-Saens' Fifth Concerto In F
so that he was signed by Benson of today when they assembled here in banquet here. public eye for the 'i ajor Will Be OutstandingF
Chicago as a pianist in his leading a "face-the-facts" conference of the More than 500 guests are expected j llutar
orchestra. He later started an or- association against the prohibition in Ann Arbor to attend the affair Number
chestrs of his own, playing in Chi- amendment and delivered a barrage ArthurnShattuckowitlebe the afoairis
cagosuntil he took the contract with of condemnatory speeches that ! They will include newspaper men, Arthur attuck willbe the soloist1M
the Ritz that he now holds. brought a hot return fire from chain- publishers, and others that have at- and Ossip Gabrilowitsch will con-ir
nFlitonhthe floorn ofthe House pubm-tiser fand other s duct the Detroit Symphony orchestra, p
Mills From Flint pions on the floor of the House. fame in other fie at their concert at 8 o'clock this even1
J3argee, who is known' throughout The Gridiron Night banquet is aathercnrtt8o'lktisvn-e
They also took their cause to the Ts ing in Hill auditorium, the fourth of t
the country through his ability on the white house and to their please for general razz fest at which those the Extra concert series.
piano, has recorded a number of rec- modification of the existing dry laws, attending are placed on the gridiron
ords, both In piano solo form and along with a declaration for "law of public sentiment and roasted by who has won for himself through hist
with his orchestra. The Victor com- and order" they received a brief re- i the others. A skit will be presented, woay wn fovimlf rugi d
withhis rchetra.playing, an enviable reputation and b
pany has done most of the recording sponse from President Coolidge, ig- written for the occasion, and having the praise of critics. They attributej1
for him. 1 noring the question of modification as its characters men that have fig- to him a tone of splendor and sonor-it h
Mill's also brings a ten piece orches- but expressing his gratification at ured in prominent positions and that im fatoes s endor and soor-
tra to the Hop. Mills is a native of the asurance that the association d.edfatlesandchniquend ypl sl
litan islieBrea piano sodbeidte(a.jare attending the banquet. As the ed style, and consistently pleasurable s
Flint, and is, like Bargee,stood behind the law. crowning eevnt of the evening, the performances. He will play the n
player. He spent the summer with "Oil Can" will be presented to one Saint-Saens Fifth Concerto this even- e
his orchestra Chicago wGardens. person there. The name of the per- ing, concerning his previous playinga
Mills has played with a number of the '. son to be so honored is kept a secret of which the late Henry 1 . Krehbiel t
mlost s prominent orchestras, n t until the time of presentation. ,commented with unrestrained entliusi-
those of Isham Jones, Frank WestfalllSmth, Chairman asm. This is the pinists' first ap-
oI~. NeGokan l S ot. W ie ap An Abor 3t
th s f a n Jones , he ecr e a LPIL iE gneRalp Sm ith, '24, ha s been m ade pearance in nn r o r. t
of New York, and Al Shbrt. While h b e Mr. Gabrilowitsch has been st-
w th Westfall and Jones he recorded'a WIL S E general chf'irman of the banquet this ied to b direct thithas concert by e the orch-
number of records. year by Sigma Delta Chi. Assisting edto, it ts conce by t or- a
estra, its last appearance in Ann Ar- pa
Jordans to Feature rA thim will be a number of committees. bor this season. The program he hash
The third orchestra, six colored Professor Raymond M. Alden to D ,jDonal Hamilton Haines of the journ- chosen to present contains much of i
syncopators Kalism department will take charge of interest and variety.
the feature orchestra of the dance. Poetry to Drama" the entertainment. The invitation Prelude, Choral and Fugue Bachg
In the several years that theyR UGhaveLU committee is headed by Ray A. Bill- Fourth Symphony in D minor . a
been playing about the south they RADUATE ENGLISH CLUB TO ington, '25; the publicity committee Opus, 120 Schumannh
have made a name for themselves as HEAR EDUCATOR THURSDAY Martin Codel, '24; the location Introduction: Allegroin
among the best colored orchestras byMarin CodeyR'24tT ,4ea
of that section of the country.( committee by Robert Tarr, '24; and Romnan
thetwo larger orchestras will be Raymond M. Alden, professor of the epitaphs committee by Thomas E. Scherzo
pTaced in Watera gy asm wile English at Leland Stanford university F e, '.Finale
placed in Watermans gymnasium while ?nCalifornia, is the next speaker on the FIn addition an executive committee Fifth Concerto, In F major for
Jor' gynaius The two or University lecture ,series, and will piano and orchestra,
Barbour gymnasium. The two or- make an address here at 4:15 o'clock ,will supervise the arrangements. It Opus 103 Saint-Saens
chestras in the larger gymnasium will next Fid ftoon in Natural Sci- is composed of Edwin Burrows of the Allegro moderato
take turns playing so that the djnc- journalism department; John Steph- Andante
ing will be almost continuous. Bar- ence auditorium. ens, '24; E. Parish Lovejoy, '24; and M r."ShAttugk
,"IProf. Alden Is nationally prominent en,'4; ~ aihLvjy 4 n Molto Allegro
gee's orchestra will play The Vic- . .cJ. L. S. Scrymgeour.k
tors" for the grand march as has been? in his field, and is ranked with the .L.SScmeur
theusto forr mrh yeas. s nfoeimiost authorities in the study o Last year the Gridiron Night ban- "Le Rouet d'Omphale" Sym-
planned to have twenty dances allot-I the English literature, both of the past quet was attended by more than 250 phonic Poem, Opus
ed on the program. yd and present. 1e has made a thorough -f the leading men in the state. Prof. 31. Saint-Saens
_d__h_____ study of the works of Shakespeare. W. D. Henderson of the extension de- Scherzo from "Midsummer Night's
For his address he has chosen as his partment was presented with the "OI DreamMendelssohn
UPCION WILL subject: "The Relation of Poetry tc Can" at this occasion.iett hisconcertaad eRsm
-________Tickets for this concert may be oh-
rama." tained at the office of the School of
Professor Alden has also consented Voelker Deplores Music. /
YLBO LNGV to talk before the Graduate Englisl
clubThursday. He has made no state- dual Stre s
ment concerning the subject uponIBok Tells Senate
An overflow dance to accommodate which he will speak at that time. He "sh I "P an My A air
couples unable to obtain tickets to 1 is to arrive here Thursday, and will "TheUniversityof Michiganpiss " lheiyAffair
the J-Hop will be held by the Union) make his address that same night, in placing too much emphasis upon the l__
on Feb. 8, the night of the Hop. This Newberry Residence. While onlya fostering of individualism, said Paul Washington, Jan. 2-Edward W.
dance will only be possible if at members of the club will be able tc Voelker, president of Olivet college kBok, donor of the $100,000 prize for a
least 100 couples signify their inten- hear him at this meeting, the Univer- in a talk at the Congregational church world peace plan, repeatedly told the
tion of attending. sity lecture the following day is open last Sunday morning. senate propaganda investigating com-
A breakfast that will be served to to the public. The president stated that a man mittee today that he regarded solely
those attending wither this dance of Ishould be educated primarily for the as his own affair the amount of mon-
the Hop will also be served by tlfe purpose of being of value to the group ey he has placed in a trust fund to
Union if at least 100 couples make PRESS CLUB TO MEET or society in which he is to take his defray the expenses of the contest.
reservations. The breakfast will be I pice. He told how Olivet, because! After he had been examined less
served in the Union dining room hm- Election of officers for the ensuing of its' small size was able to avoid' than two hours, the hearing was ad-
mediately after the Hop and Union semester will be held at the meeting bringing out the individualism of it journed and at a later session, the
dance, which also will let out at 2:30 of the Student Press club of the Uni- I students by keeping ever before then committee directed Chairman Moses
o'clock. versity at 7:15 o'clock tonight in room the principles of Christianity and by to write Mr. Bok that it was not pre-
Reservatious for both of these.danc- 207 in University hall. Plans to be personally teaching them the qualities pared to proceed with his examination
es may be made now with Dennis Don- followed out during the next school of loyalty, honesty and morality, tomorrow as had been planned.
ovan, house manager of the Union. term will also be outlined. I
The price'-of the tickets to the dance New members are to be taken intc r imA
is $5 while a charge of $2.50 a couple the organization at this meeting. AllL 'T ice
will be made for the breakfast. If the students and faculty members- who are
required number have not signed for 'interested in journalism or writing Sunday In Second Concert
either of these events by Thursday, are eligible to membership. It is plan-
Jan. 31 it will be necesary to cancel ned to have the meeting as brief a~
thera. Payment must be made with I
eachm reservation, possible. Palmer Christian, newly appointed aim instrument from which the note is
- sUniversity organist, gave his second I so long in developing.
EDDY TO SPEAK AGAIN recital before an Ann Arbor audience Rhapsody Best

ever, came the disclosure from the
tate department that mining of wat-
rs in rebel Mexican control has been
vigorously protested by tbe Wash-
ngton government whichtreserved
he right to adopt appropriate meas-
ares," if the mines and other oh-
tructions to navigation are not im-
mediately removed."
The department issued a formal
tatement during the day after word
ad been received that Rear Admiral
Aacruder abord the cruiser had ar-
ived off Tampico with orders "to
rotect adequately the peaceful and
egitimate American commerce with
hat port."
No Reply Received
The statement said that Consul
Wood at Vera Cruz, had been notified
by Adolfo de la Huerta on January
7 of the rebel decision to mine the
arbors Frontera, Tuerta, Mexico and
era Cruz. The Consul was in-
tructed to inform de la Huerta im-
mediately that the Washington gov-
rnment viewed the mining operations
as an "unwarranted threat against
he commerce of the world."
No reply had come from Consul
Wood tonight indicatin g wha t action
he de la -Huerta leader- would take
in view of the American protest but
Aldares Castillo, personal represent-
tive of the revolutionary chieftan,
here declared it was his understand-
ng that the ports were to be mined
as protection against the Obregon
gun boat, Brave, now being outfitted
at New Orleans. Authorized pilots
he added would always be furnished
neutral vossels to bring them to safe

Detroit, Jan. 21.-The resignation
of Pr. John W. Laird, President of
Albion college at Albion, Michigan,
and for several days storm center of
charges, counter-charges and rumors,
has been accepted by the Board of
Trustees of the college, it was an-

"Common sense is good to have
but never let it master you for
11- i, i-n ~ isrt r'va t2~Vil Afthe

in Hill auditorium Sunday afternoon The Sonata of Elgar was remark- nounced tonight. F. H. Goodrich,
sinary and authorwod spe he in the regular series of compliment- able for its fine melody; the Panto- senior professor at Albion, was named
sionary and author, who spoke herei ary concerts given, by the faculty of! mime of Jepson was interesting for as acting-president amId a committee
at te Mchign Nght ereonie lathe Schoolrsidnofad Music.te
De hga p i teMi the School of Music its vivid picturization, and the wonder- was selected .to take charge of the af-
ecember, has promised the Michigan- Immense Range ful hand work of Christian; the Rhap- fairs of the institution until a new
their auspices inthe near future. The His program which was of immense sody of Cole was best with its or- president is selected.
Michigan-in-India club is conducted range, running from a Bach Tocatto1 chestral effects and brilliant climaxes. In a formal statement announcing
.Ito as modern a work as Jepson's Pant-' Saint-Saen's beautiful S w a n, the resignation of Dr. Laird, the
I_ _ ni a urean avrv nv ra. ln,,lntnrl *thntriah ,.c,,,ol~xrnlntrnby hr. 4-io nln is.--- - -

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