SAY, OCTOBF1R Z, 92( #7I-E. MICIGAN t}AILY ____ , LAS 'l Fr w S U1CCESS MEETS USE OF OIUMNCOLOSES ;TNT FORBLASTING ItE AT3 .M.ADVERTISING a AT 3 P.N. -___WaXVshi~n Oct. 1.- Useof TNT I)A1L CLA~l~i~d) LATI 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per readling line for; three or more ipsertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per iare;rior. Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11e per reading line for three or more insertions. White spaUce (lidrged -fr at samne rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. A-k about co tracts for classified advertising, "Jimnile-the-Ad-Taker"I Phont 960 has proved successful in the lhterna- tional ice patrol's efforts to keiep ~ndr- thern Atlantic shipping lanes, free from dangerous icebergs. .jThe annual recounting of efforts of the coast guard in the ice patrol work, whlicli 'was begun' after the Ti- tanic disaster, took pllact yesterday at the Treasury," where the Ice Pai- trot Board gathered to review the season's achievements and make plass for next spring. diirectly ndretlyacusd tayndirecititlltlylltaclcltlltlildIIFttaIFlytlttof RclF~~t11i(.ttt ttl'~lI' " not living Up, to her solemnn engage- ~E ~~ ments. He even remained slent'when ~ ~ t~A N Z r~r c c Gilbert Murray, of Great Britain, op- 0" FRA~4 NKI\BR OS. ~ enly reproached the League for what x 4 he termed its neglect in protecting THE-B weak communities against the chicane FIFTH AVENUE BOOT SHOP- T E 3 and tyranny of' the strong. = E OR A Representatives of several countriesNE Y I attacked the Ambassadors' Conference- WATCH F( for making Greece pray Italy, 50,4O00AT lire indemnity and crftictzed the Ant- E TI2.TI RT H bassadors for refusing to permit the FALL EXIIBI AT ' HE RID World Court to fix the reparation ,.in accordane witk. previous understand- Greece Pay's Indenty. E =1 Indemnity paid by Greece to Italy as' aresult of the Janina incident was 1 _3 received by the director-general' of the Bank of, Italy from the Bank of ~FNIFFi(I HN FIItIFF~lltllFIFIFUIFIF~~IlllfttFt~i Switzerland today. This settles the %'I Read The Daily "Classified" Columns Greco-Italian trouble. r1° FOR RENT FOR RENT-Single room $3. 803 Law- rence. TWO SINGLE ROOMS, 516 Cheever Ct. Phone 2577-J. FOR RENT-Nice suite of rooms in excellent section, $8 Also 4 dou- ble rooms." Call at 308 S. Fifith St. ROOMS for light housekeeping for men. 'Also few flats for families. 703 Moore St. LARGE ROOM for two or one, also spare in front room. 425 So. Divi- sion. -Phone 1565-J. TWO LARGE DOUBLE ROOMS on first floor and one. fine suite up-1 stairs. 'Use of good dorm if desired. 422 Hamilton Place. ATTENTION girl studenits, business women or nuses. Have large single room on secon'd floor for rent. 511 Cheever Court. Phione 516-J. FIVE-ROOM apartment, first floor, furnished. Phone 2831-R, 909 Packard. ATTENTION GIRL students, business' women or nurses. Have large single room on second floor for rent. 511I Cheever Court, Phone 51643. PLEASANT SUITE for two or threej men. One double room on first floor. I 325 E. Jefferson St., Phone 899-R. LARGE FRONT ROOM-Four win- dows, window seats, two built in1 closets. Suitable for two or three men students, teachers or married couple. 1110 Oakland. TWO ROOMS AND A KITCHENETTE furnished $10.50 week. 110 North Ingalls.I TWO -ROOM SUITE. Hlf block from, Campus. No other 'roomers. $8.00 per week. 213 S. Ingals.- Phone 3050-W. A LARGE GARAGE for one car. 511, 'Cheever. Ct. Phone 516-J. A VERY DESIRABLE newly furnished' room to be shared ith a 'congenial " student. Phone 2 717-M. 925 S. State.I THREE OR FOUR ROOMS for light housekeeping. Steam heat. 921 Mary 1313-J. LARGE STEAM HEATED front room_ on ground floor, one block from canmpus at 502 E. Liberty. Phone 47 0-M. ROOlMMA", J+ Y1 . "I ri)._ 1-1ou,;ti blocks from amn .5 per week. Lieut. E.- H. Smith, scientific ob- Very convenient. G12 (.'hiech St. server for the patrol, said that the - use of TNT in destroying the moun- VWANTED !OMAH- Aejet tains of ice will be expanded" next large airy roomz, z: w'y f t.nnlied; spring when the season opens. singe bds;bat adoinn~.3~; S. Several new inventions designed to Division St.I make ocean journeys safer from 'en- ROOMATEj-- .50 a1 ,->.Nf , ;if- croaching 'ice were conjsidered. The pleaant oom ~ ili-j 2I "Sonic range finder," 'developed by Packard. !Dr. H-. C. Haynes, of the United States Navy, to transmit and receive TO BUY 8-y0 room hlotu;e. Ea,'t o sound waves propagated beneath 'th o jMain St. Pox A. G. water, was described by the scientist STUDJENTS I'W N1.}1S) to n-'l (1d 1LI.n- able nursery stock durlm p:r timle. Comnni s1ion jpad \V(52k~y. IFor terms w'srite or c all Edward M. 1990im,27Cos~tet hn LEAGUE OF NATIONS IN DEBATE RBUKS ITALY TO OUR PATRONS! 1 3G-1. ( Geneva, Oct. L. - (By AT.)- Well CASIJIEP. F{OR ('fAF;TE II, _. Noons worthy of being characterized a world and evenings. Cxood )nf for forum, with voices rising 'from four capable and tustWOi't 1y e on continents, was the great debate in Arcade Cafeteria: the Assembly of the League of Na- tions when the delegates, while gen- FIRST CLASS Student barber at once. ;erally approving the decision of the Art's Garbler Shop. 7:17 No. Nni-' Council to submit the question. of versity. the interpretation. of the Covenant to jurists, scourged the old-time ,prac JEWELER tics of 'bigger states coercing "th~e weaker and also sent out a warning We wish to announce that we no longer offer for sale to the public White $tar or~ Starline gasoline at our yards or filling stations, and we will discontinue selling White Star Motor oils as soon as the small stock wc now have on hand' is ex~hausted. IN THE FUTURE _ DIAMOND. RIN 1 IiOU1NTING White gold and platinilml ring mount-j; ing in the newesl t styles3. Choose you-r mounting andc have your (i lamond mounted in our own workshop. 9 SPECIAL Solid platinum wedding; rings $20.0:}. 1 ARNOLD STA.'JE S'1mv0,1P~ JEWELER 302 S. State il21XiCLI l cvn r':om housein southeast section. aim- . r - ho'a~i 011 Packard1 Stree(t, close to Stiito.!, Two six rowu a t ,;n s i te wes t part of the city. Caldl 24:N d aytilam.- or 66 i-W feven in g,'. ALL KINDS a of trunk and rtldoor Ikeysfc 1136 W. Huron St., Phorne 2408. (I 3 yS t) p yp. ile , that henceforth violence must cease and peaceful methods be followed in harmonizing national difference. Thavt it was a hard session for Italy is the unanimous opinion in Geneva. ! Sg. Salandra, at the head of the Ital- ian delegation, said nothing during the debate, as speaker after spea~ker, FOX TERR.IER, black and white, brown collar, unclipped tail. Ans- rwers to name 'of "Mick!' Phone 14(;13- 14 S V- -Pair of tortoise shell rimmed gloeserrs Saturday night between the 1Majestic theater. Betsy Ross and 1208 Hill St. Finder call 390. Re- WO i'd. We will be pleased to offer to the users of gasoline, kerosene, and motor oils exceptionally high" grade products which will be sold at all our filling stations under 'the following trade names : .Mlv1hlgamme G, soline iTmo Grades "Nov Nav~y" Gasoline and "Aviation" Gasoline "Valyoline," "Veedolard," "Wolverine' Notor 011s Each of the above products are leaders in their line and conform to our belief in the policy of markeifng.'prducts of superior quality at the regular price. CONKLIN fountain Owners name on cap. Br onon. 15 "1 -W. pen Friday. Call Marjorie MICI fAMNIF Cor. North Wfnce~ster anid Twvelftli Cor. Huron and Ashley OIL REMINGTON '13UA 131,F] T ypewrit- er's. The only port-Odle with a standard keyboeard. 13lac k, (604 E 1i ie dion. 180f) Sizperiiuous FACIAL HAW11" Reimoved lrmaloelfly by IEe' trolysis ELECTIRO-Cos IYF1"PC SERVICE 1 SLTE FOR TWO, ,three blocks f rom campus. Sleeping porch. Excel- ently furnishd. Reasonaible rate. Call 2999. FU~RNISHED HOUSE wil piano. 1145 Forest Ave., Phone 261-3.I Hours: 1 to 4.30 P. M. 22 4 Ndi cel's;Arcade FOIL RENT-Large front room, steam B,~eat. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Wash- gton.I FOR SALE Same day optical service. Arcade Jeweler and Optometrist. TWO 4-PIECE SUITS size 38. One gray and one blue-bargain. 924 E~. Ann. SE~T OF DRAWING instruments. cheap. Call Pollen, 2956-J. SPENCER MICROSCOPE, 3 objectives $90.00. 531 S. Division St. SAX~APHONE, Lyon & Healy. E. Flat Alto. Good as new. Very reasonable. Phone 1809. 604 E. M~adison. FOR SALE with immediate possession one six and one seven room house very convenient to the Campus. Low down payment. Gorton Peal Estate Agency. Phone 2438 or 661-'W in the evening. MUSICAL TO' STUDENTS we offer our exper-. ience gained by 27 years of unin- terrupted service in recommending and furnishing musical goods best suited to their Individual needs. Quality. above price. Schaeberle arid Sons Music House. 110 S. Main street. WANTED FACUTiLTY FAMILY wants college or high school girl to help principally, to care for 2 small children in re- turn for room or rom and board. Hlours can be adjusted to conve - nience;. Telephone 1098-J. GOOD TENOR SOLOIST for c hurebi work. For information call 305 Maynard St. 1FOU!ND A place to have jewelry and wvatch repairing p~romlptly done. ON t;Ai1PIS., three 'o'clock Sept. 28, gold pin.- Owner can have samne byt phoning Merrill 2291-R , pr(oving ownership, and Ihaying; for this ad. 1 A BAR PIN at opening; -lance. Mlay obtain same by calling at Academly office. r g ! /ay SPECIAL SIPS months mrembership at! Y. M. C. A. 5. All privileges.j Bath and swim forn nmeumbr, al, s LOST' a fount ain pien bearing the na-mer Emile Hlade Vege. Please re- turns to 304, 915 Sybil. LOS '-Waterman Ideal fountain pen minus cap. Between U. Hll and State street by way of path. Re- turn to Daily office. BOARD A FEW1 young men to board in private home. Reasonable rates.' 600 Cath- erine St., Phone 2454-1. TH OSE TASTY meals you get at San- quist Inn, 615 church street, are the best anywhere. You should try them and be convinced. Under new man- agement. SIX YOUNG MEN to board in private homei. Reasonable rates. 1221 Prospect St. Phone 3337-J. THE1 BUSY EE PASSES WATCH'l FOR OPENING -OF- THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN Part ofte ay' Keeping posted on the events of the clay should be part of the day's business Know the News of the Mute Know the N4ews of Michigan Cor Fourth and Catherine 10 North Adanis, Ypsilanti -m -NMI is an- . 11- r Elma IN*. . ttheYZ. !. C. fA. c'pc. LOSTH 1_.1LT LOST-=-Tan I-Ia. Tintiis C. W. C.= Ri P FIT IF YOU WISH TO Call 3015. . SUCCEED. FRATERNITY PIN-FlK.A E ' IY GOOD TO YOUR FEET. e ai P h e 094. m'., SELF-SUPPORTING student lost two CH~IROPDISUT twenty-dollar bills. Finder Iplease -=unh*iu2{ ,. return to M. Salamo, 618 N. Main St. 707 N. Ujniv. Ave. Phy2~ Reward., There is no better medium than "TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY' to keep in touch with what is going on. is - t1 Cn J. .aAG";n N I ere i $ OR 1 $ 150 SuscrLOe Distinctive Exact .'y ti?: ii 1,1yfor z,'iurl corre- sponioC:?{:'. . G c,?ve E ZI-A aer has quality, :p- ac'And individuality at a sw ell o) t. Because it is made in the ii ,a-6 of thxa paper country you stet the iowest pi,;,- illC price. O n the GiAMPUS or at the PRESS BLDG. I TWO OR THREE unfurnished rooms or sn~ll apartment suitable for club. rnia flBox11-L'. Tha Mir~hiiran f t nndn "; vV711nrf "'D IkAniZ tl'2t1C;' .--- ai.d nnd .,. . III ^ n mi.e~mts os Ap eiiinn e)1uona a r-- 1111111 111 I i m m® ®uI