THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, - - TZ 1 NOED TRONOMR DIES FAKE MEDICAL DIPLOMA EXPOSE MAY GAIN HIM COVETED PRIZE, I St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 20.--When Harry Thompson Brundidge, reporter on the St. Louis Star, exposed the na- tional ring dealing in fraudulent med-. t r f 4 StanfV 4 Canain 'Obsevatonry and Royal Astronomical ical diplomas he achieved the crown- Society ing feat of an adventurous journalis- tic career and put himself promi- PLAYER IMPORTANT PART nently in line for the Pulitzer prize IN SCIENTIFIC SEARCHES for the most meritorious reportorial accomplishment of the year. Fifeen years ago, Brundidge, who Dr. Otto Klotz, '72, director of the s nowt29, ean. his nwpaer ca- is now 29, began.. his newspaper ca- Dominiontobservatory and past presi- reer as an office by on the Kansas dent of the Royal Astronomical .so-]ICity Post. eet1fCaaa-deIccnl a~i: had held this job for ~iety of Canada, died recently at~ hIs Ct ot ehdhl hsjbfr a year when h e was summoned by home in Ottawa, Canada, a victim of the editor, A. 13 Mc onald. heart disease according to word re- "Brundidge, if you will buy a pair ceived here. of long trousers,' I will make a re- In the death of Dr. Klotz, Canada lporter of you," the then city editor not only loses a distinguished scient- of the Post told him. ist and public-spirited citizen, but the Then began reportorial adventures University loses a prominent alumnus .that have taken him throughout the and scholar. Dr. Klotz was a life United States and to many foreign member of the Michigan Union, and countries. generously performed many valuable w'rote of Dlaz Revt acts for the University during his HeWsote tf c o tz a life.He was in the thick of the Mexican Dr. Klotz was born in Preston, Ont., revolt launched by Felix Diaz against March 31, 1852, receiving his preli Madeira. He went to Cuba for a mary education in the public schools while and returned to Mexico as a inay eucaioninthepubic cholssecret agent for Dial in the counter in his native town, and in 1865 and secret agent forta. i 1866 he won local scholarships which rel arin Hert -a, entitled him to free tuition in the EH re boig -aw erinad aIto gramar sools. th and worked in Memphis, New Orleans, Berlin and Galt grammar schools. A Alna akovle e etad Galt was a neighboring town to Press Atlanta, Jacksonvill Key West and ton, Dr. Klotz took adantage of the Springfield, Mo. latter scholarship and walked. daily He was assigned to cover the kid- the three miles to school. It was at naping of Baby Floyil Keet. His in- this tirethatletisthimbbedth vestigation resulted in the finding of love of good literature that was a the baby's body, the arrest and con- characteristic of his later career and viction of the gang responsible for also those methodical attributes the crime and an offer from the Star. which were of great advantage in his He has been on that newspaper for several years. pursuit of science. tBrundidge's stories on conditions Enters University in Missouri poor houses brought an In 1868 Dr. Klotz matriculated in investigation by the state legislature Toronto university and specialized in and remedial laws. mathematics, astronomy and science. One of his exploits was the affect- As the last two subjects were iq an ing of a truce between two desper- embryo condition in Toronto at that ate St. Louis gangs whom the police time., Dr. Klotz entered the University. had never been able to check. For of Michigan in 1870 as a sophomore, years a state of war had existed be- where he received more comprehen- tween the Hogan and Egan gangs. sive study in his particular field. Brundidge had obtained the confidence A year after his graduation from. of "Jellyroll" Hogan, chief of the the University, Dr. Klotz married Miss Marie Widenmann, daughter of the German Consulat Ann Arbor, and Fencers To Hold they made their residence in Canada. Novice Contest Led Expedition Dr. Klotz was connected with sev- Plans are completed for a novice eral important discoveries in the field.competition for fencers, to be held in of science. He was in charge of the cmtitin fyncsu t e eld Ir expedition to Hudson's Bay which en- Waterman gymnasium, every 'Satur- deavored to solve the problem of the day afternoon, beginning Jan. 26. All disovryd to colan the qubestiof members of the fencing teams and dishort routeto liverpot vquesti any other students interested in fenc- son's Bay. Dr. Klotz was aslo a dele- gate to the international meeting at The Hague in 1907; to Zermatt in 1909; to Manchester in 1911, and to Petrograd in 1914.- His methodical bent of mind is also W e have ai manifested in his keeping of a diary for the past 57 years. It now com -exclusive h prises 33 manuscript volumes andl has been placed in the public archives. of Ottawa. The inside story of the Alaska boundary dispute contained in this diary will be especially interest- J"H o p ing to many people in the future. Dr. Klotz is survived by his wife; two sons, Dr. Oscar Klotz,, professor of pathology at. the University of To- ronto, and Dr. J. E. Klotz, of West- boro. GCHICAGO APPOINTS TWO NEW MIE-PRESIDENTS~ Two new vide-presidents have been' appointed to the staff of the Univer- sity of Chicago, a new step in Ameri- can educational organization, accord- ing to an announcement made byl President Ernest D. Burton, of theI University of Chicago, at the 131st convocation held by students re- cently. Prof. James H. Tufts, dean of fac- ulties, and Trevor Arnett, formerly Vice-president Arnett will act ai business manager upon the retire- ment of the-present business mana- ger, Wallace Hackman, next June. This system will relieve the president from a portion of his duties and give him more time for contact with the students of the University. Wolfenson to Speak Tonight Prof. L. B. Wolfenson of the Hebrew j Union college will address the Jewish Student congregation at 7:15 o'clockl tonight, in Lane hall auditorium. Pro- fessor Wolfenson has chosen as his subject, "Religion in the World To- day. ' P 1'rfac Wnlfain bfn L'inyI A D OLLAR'S worth of work free! A $5 invest- ment immediately worth $6! That's what you get when you buy one of our cash cards. Con- venient, too, for you needn't wait around to pay our driver. You win. Every way! j auditor of the University; and a sec ro essor Y Uens unjiA ore gong retary of the general education to Cincinnati in 1922, was a memberI board in New York for the last five of the faculty of the University of years, are the men chosen. Vice- Wisconsin, where he was also active president Tufts will be in charge of in the work of the Wisconsin Jewish the development of the rapidly en- student congregation. Prof. Wolfen- larging educational program of the son spoke before the congregation University. here last year and was well received. Fr E 3 1 ~1 r . e e Harry Thompson Bruntidge Hogans, and was able to obtain a promise of peace from him on the condition that Dinty Colbeck, gener- alissimo of the Egans, would likewise sign a truce. Colbeck agreed and the. city was able to breathe easily again. Wrote Pershing's History. When Pershing burst into the pub- lic commander-in-chief of the l A. E. F. it was Brundidge who du'g up his)life story. His articles were published in many newspapers. Hoe rBrundidge exposed the fraud- ulent diploma ring is now familiar with newspaper readers all over the country. He went to Connecticut un- der an assumed name and succeeded in buying a doctor's diploma suppos- edly issued by a St. Louis school of medicine, which he' discovered to be defunct, and made an investigation of the ring. His stories have, led to a nation-wide probe. HATS s_ { " I " ! , t " ,,1 ,/ ., / i ._ t c f 1 i 6 , +Pr .. ,r' _ -.. Telephone 13 Goldman's' Hat styles come and go and the wiser man -will prefer a hat in the prevailing spring style (now on display here) to buying leftovers from the fall and winter lines. We are exclusive in Midhigan for lChaue of NeWhaven ,and Thos. Townsend of London. OPEN NINE TO SIX ..: 1 ing are eligible to enter the compe- titions. The object of contests will S be to give experience to any foilers 1 desiring combat experience. Anyone, intending the participate in the coming bouts should see either Dr. George A. May or Edwin F. Smel- lie as soon as possible. Patronize. The Daily Adyortisers. Anroouncing ~1 OSSIP CABRILOWITSCH WILL CONDUCT THE Detroit Symphony Orchestra WITH Arth ur Shattuk American Pianist AN INNOVATION IN ..LUNCH SERVICE.. - Sund y 'Y 20th, in the following program I H 'll Aud i torium, TUESDAY, Jan.22, 8p,m PROGRAM Prelude, Choral and Fugue.. ...... .......Bach Fourth Symphony, in D Minor.........Schumann Op. 120 Fifth Concerto, in F major, for Pianoforte and Orchestra, op. 103 .... . ....Saint-Saens Mr. Shattuck "Omphale's Spinning Wheel" Symphonic Poem, Op. 31. . . .Saint-Saens Scherzo from the music to a "Midsummer Night's Dream" ............Mendelssohn erman Cartoonist Creates "Raftkes" Berlin, Jan. 20.-A cartoonist in erlin not long since created in his J ictures a family of profiteers and imed them "Raffkes." Bediamoned, verfed and overdressed, he pictured teir doings, and the music halls were ot slow to take up the idea. Then play was written about the "Raff- es," and duly presented on the stage, id today the name is used all over ermany to designate those who are elieved to profit unduly. I MOP, The convincing argument for to-day's dinner is last Sun- day's crowd. Especially when we say today's dinner will I be even better. r r