.Ae 4 4
VOL. XXXIV. No. 86
New York Papers Adndre "Sparkling
Show" and "Dazzling
Fashion Revue"
."Cotton Stockings," the eighteenthz
annual Union opera, swung through
the east and middle west and estab-
lished itself as "the greatest college
opera ever produced," if criticisms
written by dramatic critics viewing
the performance can be believed. Ex-f
tracts from the reviews have been
pouring into the office of Homer Heath,
manager of the Union, for the past two
Toledo was enthusiastic in its
praise. "Tricked out in the trappings
of a Ziegfeld revue and displaying
professional perfection in the aston-
ishing variety and novelty of its nu-
merous dance numbers, 'Cotton Stock-
ings' revealed itself to a packed house
in Keith's theater Friday night as the
most beautiful and elaborate college
show ever seen in Toledo," says V. K.
R. in the Toledo Blade. Dick Meade,
'writing for the Toledo News Bee,
goes even farther than this and says
that "there hasn't been a show in To-
ledo this winter that was as brilliant
as 'Cotton Stockings' in a dancing
way." The same critic also adds, "In
our experience Vs fan observer of
Michigan entertainments, the present"
effort is far beyond anything that has
come before."
Lauds Chorus Work
The choruses of the show were
judged well nigh fit for the profes-
sional stage by these same critics.
"Except for the fact that there is no
artifice of makeup which can make a,
gnarled and knotted male leg look
like anything else in the world, the
entire display might be one of the lux-
urious girl and music shows sent out
by Broadway's leading producers," ist
V. K. R.'s comment. Dick Meade be-
lieves that: "Individual stepping anda
team and chorus movements were'
done remarkably well, so good, in
fact, that iost of these boys, strange
as it may seem, might jump into the
chorus of a standard poduction and1
get away with it." .
The Cleveland Plain Dealer an-E
nounced in the headline over their re-
view that the "Boys in 'Cotton Stock-1
ings' wear everything but" and went
on to call the performance an "Il-
lusion in the n'th degree. Costumes
of rich brocade, dazzlingdsilks, ostrich
feather headdresses and baby Louis3
heels turned college dancers into but-
terflies, jumping jacks, and sleigh
James Dresbach, '24, is hailed with:
"The only pink hair in town, so far,
appeared on the skull of James Dres-t
bach. who furnished considrable com-t
edy," by the same critic.,.
Calls Production Elaborate <
In Buffalo the opera scored a
"unique and unparalleled success" int
the words of the Buffalo Courier. "Thef
audience burst into thunderous ap-
plause," he says, "when at the finale
the company, stepping out of its parts,
male chorus girls included, roared outj
the strains of Michigan's famous foot-
ball song, dear to the hearts of all
Originality was the thing that made'
the show score the success that it
did, in the opinion of the Buffalo Ex-
press critic, who says that "in cos-t
tumes, stage settings, and in the danc-
ing of the choruses the students were#
continually surprising the audience1
with effects that won enthusiastic en- ,
cores." The Buffalo News classes c
"Cotton Stockings" as "something ;
- (Continued on Page Eleven)
Crests Of Oxford
Put On Exhibition
Seals and arms of Oxford college,
are on exhibition in the main hall of
the Engineering school. The crests
were purchased by Henry S. Booth,
'24A, from Ryan & Co., of High street,
Oxford, England. The seals are the
work of Nelson Dawson, of London,,
who is considered one of the two most
prominent British enamellers of to-
I day..
Booth obtained the crests while
traveling in Europe. Mr. Dawson ex-
I ecuted eight different college arms.
and duplicated one of them. No other
man has done the Oxford crests in'
enamel such as the ones on display
are finished in, this fact making the
arms unique..
The crests will be given to the!
University college of Architecture.
Exeter, Oriel, New, Trinity, St. Johns,'
Magdalene, and Brasenose colleges1
are represented by the shields now ont
Democrats To Meet In Madison Square;
Convention Activities Now Under Way
f ii $ }? i r s
Professor Snends M4,OO In Gather- I
in Data ForReprtr
SDa a eotHow the Madison Square Garden wl:l look when the remodeling for the convention begins. The photo was
On Beverage 1taken while preparati'ns were being made for a recent bout
Prof. Samuel C. Prescott of Massa- . Madison Square Garden, turned decorated and remodeled once more convention comn:ittee over San Fran-'
chusetts Institute of Technology has into a flowery bower for auto shows, for the Democratic National conven- cisco when Chicagoans withdrew their
announced the results of three years' speed track for athletic events andT
intendive investigation, costing $40,- arena for boxing shows, will be re- tion. New York was chosen by the bid in favor of New York.
000, on coffee as a beverage. Profes-
sor Prescott does not deny that coffee Will Try Cairo T[Interurban Fares
is ijurious to a small minority ofn
Students Create PDAA ( irr ri
Masks On DisplayIIIU IIV LLLU I
"Dried faces" which have been dis-
played during the past week in the _IINII
window of one of the State street
book stores, are not the property of "Primavera," By Respighi, and "S
the anatomy laboratory, as some pas- Drifts," By Delius to Be Sun
sers-by have thought, but are the At Ia Festival
work of Harry Burnett, '23, and An-
gus Babcock, '26. These masks are
made by a composition of flour, wa- OTHER CONCERT ARTISTS
ter and wet newspapers being applied TO BE ANNOUNCED LATE
to a plaster cast of the modelled face
and left to harden. When painted,' "Primavera," a lyric poem by Rei
these masks are thin enough to be pigli, and Delius' "Sea Drifts" will 1
worn while acting.
worn hileactig. Ithe outstanding choral works to b
The object in displaying these gro- giventsyadhegChoral non t t
tesque faces is to introduce the pos-
sibilities of wearing them at plays coming May festival. These two con1
given by the dramatic societies on positions are being presented i
the campus. New York became ac- America for the first time, at th
qainted with masked players when i Festival. No full evening work wil
"The Spooks Sonata," by August bei
Stringburg, was produced at the e given, comparable to the opera
Providencetown theater last week. presented in former years.
Kenneth MacGowan has an article in Respigli's "Primavera," which wi:
the January "Century Magazine" en- be sung at the Saturday night con
titled "Masks" in which he urges cert, has recently been completed
the return of the use of masks in and bears the copyright date, 1923. I
plays. is written in the fluent Italian styl
and employs somewhat modern or
chestration. The work calls for sc
i C rmuinEPARnM[NT prano, tenor, baritone anr bass so
loists, and, this, wtih" its unusuaE
gle number on the Festival progran
,Wier Makes Translation.
Pyrex System 1Plesents New Method Respigli is a member of the mod
ForConcentratingOrangeern. Italian school of composers. H
JFicatig range first came into prominence at th
publication and performance of hi
lyric, "The Fountains of Rome." Prof
Apparatus for boiling down liquids M. C. Wier, of the rhetoric depart
which are to enterhinto foodcproducts ment, is making the English trans
in such a way that they come into! lation of the "Primavera," and he wil
contact only with Pyrex glass, or hold the copyright.
earthenware known to the layman in The performance of Delius' "Sea
the form of baking dishes, is the Drifts" will be given at the Thursda'
latest development of the chemistry night concert. Delius' work, which
department. The difficulty previously calls for baritone soloist and chorus
encountered in designing equipment is set to the words of Walt Whitman
in which liquids could be evaporated This performance has been arranged
has ben solved by a machine which through the Universal Editing ani
is now in operation in the laborato-'publishing company. Though neve
ries in the East Engineering building. given in this country, this work is a
This work was begun on the sug- favorite in England and on the con
gstion of the manufacturers of con- tinent.
centrated orange juice, who asked for Chicago Symphony to Play
this equipment because orange juice In addition to this, the Choral Union
contains an acid which attacks any will sing several choruses from the
ordinary metal from which an evap- I Bach B minor Mass, on Thursday
orator could be made, and because evening, while the Introduction and
they wished an apparatus which could Hymn to the Sun, from Mascagni's
be kept spotlessly clean, since it is "Iris," will be given on Saturday
in connection with a food product. with the "Primavera."
Pyrex glass has fulfilled both these Artists for the Festival will be an
requirements. nounced in the near future. The re
In operation, the orange juice to maining' concerts of the series wil
be concentrated is fed as a thin be given by visiting artists and the
liquid into a spiral of Pyrex tubes Chicago Symphony orchestra.
contained in a steam chamber. In
people whose health is below normal;I To London Flight
but he has swept aside the idea that
drinking coffee is a slow, method of London, Jan. 20.--To Cairo in one
poisoning. day, and to India
The report of the authority brands y in four days, is the
coffee as a servant rather than a de- aim of the new Imperial Transport
stroyer of civilization. Properly pre- i Company. The company, says the
pared and rightly used, he finds that Evening News, seeks tenders for
coffee acts as a mild stimulant, but planes with twin or triple engines,
without harmful reaction. It aug- capable of cruising at 105 per miles
Iments the activities of brain and per hour with a top speed of 125 miles
muscle. It aids mental concentration and being able to fly 1,000 miles with-
and sustained brain work, and has out a stop.
been an important factor in the pro-
duction of masterpieces in art, letters
and music. Coffee is not habit form-f
ing. Its operation is somewhat com-W
parable to that of oil upon machinery.
A large amount of 'technical litera-
ture on coffee was collected. A digest !
of more than 700 articles, books and !
papers, covering a period of many Chester H. Lang, '15, has been ap-
years, was made. The survey included pointed one of the two assistant man-
most of the reports published in En- agers of the newly organized pub-
glish, French, German, Spanish and licity department of the General
Italian. Abstracts made from theseEy
artcle exeeda tousndtypewrit- Electric company at Schenectady,1
articles exceed a thousand tpwi-New York,, which was recently formed'
ten pages and form a valuable his-'
torical contribution to the subject. by the merger of the publication and
It was proved that the quantity of advertisig departments of the com-
caffein normally used by a coffee pany.
drinker has no injurious or deprecia- Mr. Lang was an associate editor
Cory effect. It would require an of The Daily and baseball manager
amount of caffein equivalent to that in his senior year, and an associate
'editor of the Michiganensian. He is
contained in 150-200 cups of ordinary a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
strong coffee taken at one time tob
kill a man weighing 154 pounds, it~ and Michigamnua.
was estimatedafter a seriesofaHe is one of the most active mem-
wasetimate afterse-hers of the Schenectady chapter of
riments on rabbits. I the Michigan Alumni association, and
BURNETT, 917, WINS PROMOTION takes a leading part in the affairs of
Schenectady Post, American Legion,
Verne E. Burnett, '17, is now direct- ! of which he is an ex-vice commander.
ing advertising copy for General Mo-'
tors corporation, Detroit. Burnett,
who has been advertising manager for Bu sey Commends
the Cadillac Motor Company since Sigma
1921, has been named as a member ___
of the Institutional Advertising Coin- A
Alpha Chi Sigma chemical engi-
mittee of the General Motors torpor-'
Firin r 11111 FAn i,: r ~ ------C
Y j
Thousands Crowd Building to
Latest Arrhils In Car
To A dvance Soon ,
Under authorization of the Michi-
gan Public Utilities commission, in-!
terurban fare on the Detroit, JacksonI
and Chicago railway will advance to;
two and three-eights cents per mile3
January 15.
However, for the benefit of regular
patrons, the company will inaugurate;
a 60 day trial period with a series oft
commuter's tickets that will permitt
riders to travel between two given
points at practically the same aver-
age rate as has existed before.
FROM $265 TO $14,500 SEDAN
Detroit, Jan. 20.-Thousands of auto
enthusiasts crowded the new conven-l
tion hall at Woodward and Cass ave-.
nues to usher in the twenty-third an-
nual show of the Detroit Auto Deal-
ers' association last night.
Last night's was the largest crowd
ever to attend an auto show in this
city. The brilliantly lighted hall withp
its immense floor space of 180,000
square feet was massed with 20,000
auto fans, who taxed the building to
its capacity. The throng was a va-
ried one, all kinds and conditions of
people seeming interested in the new
models, many of which recently ar-
rived from the New York show. Four
orchestras played in different parts of
the building.
Interest in the new models was
keen. No display was without its
little knot of people surrounding the
beautifully finished coaches, listening
to the salesmen tell of new or imp
proved features, clambering in and1
out of the luxurious sedans and talk-
ing excitedly among themselves. Sev-
eral new makes of passenger cars,i
never before exhibited in Detroit. at-(
tracted particular attention.I
Altogether, there were 329 passen-1
ger cars exhibited and 87 displays of
commercial vehicles. An unprece-
dented number of exhibits of automo-
tive equipment were also shown.
There is something of humor to be
found in the arrangement of exhibits.
The highest priced car on the floor,
a Rolls-Royce, priced at the modest
figur-e of $14,500, stands next to
Ford's latest creation, a roadster at
The annual interest displayed in
this year's show has been predicted
by automobile dealers in Detroit forl
some time. The much improved facil-
ities for showing in this city, together
with the remarkable improvement in'
passenger car construction during
the past year are given as the rea-
sons for the striking success of last
night's opening.
French is still the most popular{
language in the University, accord-I
ing to figures given out by Registrar
Hall. The figures show, however,,
that the number of students taking
that language has decreased fro
1,596 in 1920 to 1,296 a year ago. Ger--
man, on the other hand, has increased
in popularity, the number of students
in that department having increased
from 537 in 1921-22 to 616.
The re-instatement of German in
the high schools and its extensive use
in scientific works are given as rea-
sons for its increased popularity.'
11 Men Initiated
By Musical Society
Alpha Epsilon Mu, honorary musi-
cal fraternity, initiated the following1
members at a recent meeting of the
chapter. The new members are: John
K. Altland, Bruce G. Booth, Detroit;
Quentin M. Klein, H. S. Osmun, George
Oscar Bowen, Paul B. H71. Pike, S. C.
Wilkening, Ann Arbor; Lawrence A.
Gleason, Lansing; Frank H. L~. Van-
natta. Erie, Pa.; Harold M. Stephen,
Vassar, and Charles I. Campbell, Po-
land, Ohio.
:ryI - rimr not n
the present evaporator the liquid
has to pass through 55 feet of this
coil before it escapes. A high vacuum
is carried in the space inside . the
pipe, so that the liquid boils with a
very moderate amount of heat, and
therefore the flavor of the food prod-
uct handled is changed as little as
possible. At the end of this coil of
Pyrex pipe the boiling liquid flows
into atpot of acid-proof earthenware,
from the bottom of which the liquiti'l
is withdrawn into glass receivers. \
This development has been carried
out 'by two students in the Depart-
ment of Chemical Engineering, work-f
ing under the direction of Prof. Bad-
ger, and the cost of the equipment
has been -met by the Swenson Evap-
orator Company, of Harvey, Illinois,
who suggested the problem.
/ -
Mr. Erle M. Billings, head of th
research work of the Eastman Koda
company of Rochester, N. Y., was
Ann Arbor Thursday for the purpos
of enlisting two or three gradua
students in physics or chemistry fo
summer work and possibly perm
nently with the Kodak concern. M;
Billings in making the rounds of th
campus lauded the New Engineerin
The Eastman Kodak company ha
been supplying many institution
throughout the country with organ
chemicals for research work. M.
Billings said that the latest contr
bution that the Eastman resear
laboratory has made is the panchr
matic film. This is a film used
airplane photography and helps
eliminate the atmospheric haze.
- -- Today In The Chure
Congregational ChurchC
President Paul Voelker of Olivet
College will be the visiting preacher'
at the Congregational 10:45 o'clock
service this morning. He will speak
on "The Need of Christian Educa-
tion." Slupper for the University stu-
dents will be served at 530 o'clock,
and will be followed by a "Theologi-
cal Parley: Why So Many Creeds?"
First Presbyterian Church
held at 5 o'clock.
ble will talk on "O
at the student sup
served at 6 o'clock
Church of Ch
Prof. Lynn Fro
Bible classes, whirl
o'clock this morni
of Christ Disciples
cation" has beenc
mon text for the 10
neering fraternity, recently received!
a letter of congratulation from J. A.
Bursley, dean of students, commend-
ing the fraternity on its high stand- I
h .es --- ard of scholarship. In 1920 this fra-
ternity held second place among all
fraternities, and the following year1
held the top position among fraterm-I
Mrs. Charles Dib-t
pening the Oyster" In 1922 repetition of 1920 took
per, which will be place, while last year it was first
. again. Out of the thirty-five mem-
rst) Disciples hers, twenty are entirely self- sup-
lt will lead the porting and nine are partly self-
hi will meet at 9:30 I
ng at the Church supporting. The average for last
"g ayear was close to eighty-one per cent.
As the heroine who is elevated by
marriage from the conventional uni-
form of a serving maid to the bewil-
. -Christian EdiU-
chosen as the ser-(
:30 o'clock service.
"Seeming Unreality of Spirituality" The Men's Service Club, led by Dr.
will be the subject of discussion at Stouffer, will assemble at 9:30 this,
the 10:30 o'clock morning worship at morning instead of the usual hour.
the First Presbyterian Church. Bible Christian Endeavor meeting will be
classes for all will be conducted by held at noon.
Miss Mary Ross, Father Iden and First Bavtl1st Church
Prof. W. D. Henderson at noon. Open Mr. Sayles will address this con-
House will be held at 5:30 o'clock gregation on "The Peacock Spirit"
and followed at 6:30 by the usual this morning at 10:30 o'clock. Sun-
Christian Endeavor meeting, at which !day school and Bible classes will
Alex Burr will speak on "How Would meet at noon in the Guild House. The
the Application of Christianity Affect Friendship Hour is to be held from
Social Conditions?" 5:30 until 6:30 in the Guild House,!
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and at 6 the B Y. P. U. society will
Record Collector
Now In Existence; MUSIC AND
N tI dering luxury of a society favorite's
I Lnexhaustable wardrobe. Marie Pre-
Iann- vost stars in her latest picture: "The
Wanters," which features at the Ar-
STUENT _ bcade today through Tuesday.
Poor all her life, Marie Prevost, it
Hundreds of students call at the the role of Myra, is a "wanter" of the
Health service weekly, a good per- most confirmed sort. In order to be
centage of these secure remedies at near the luxuries she craves, she ob-,
the Realth service pharmacy, but tains a position as maid in the home
scarcely one stops to think what he of the Worthingtons. Young Worth-
is saving by not getting his prescrip- ington falls in love with her and
tion filled at the "corner drug store." when, following her discharge, he
It is estimated by those in charge of brings her back home with him as
the pharmacy that approximately his wife, she is met with snobbish dis-
ninety prescriptions are made each dain. It is through the near tragedy.
day. With each prescription selling I which follows that she learns that
at 75 cents, this would mean that true happiness is never found through
close to $65 is saved daily by stu- empty wanting.
dents, making a weekly total of $455. Blanche Ingram, the heroine of
As for the type of medicine disposed "Her Temporary Hsuband," to be
of, those remedies relieving colds and shown the last four days of this week
like ailments are used mostly. The at, the Arcade, was to receive a for-
- - ---A1 - , 1__- __ . -1 _ .-- -
Traveler Stops
Steamer At SF
Pernambuco, Brazil, Jan. 20.-Fr
erick J. West, a member of the 1
York Coffee Exchange, claims he
the champion long distance commu
of the world. Mr. West's busin
makes necessary frequent trips
Brazif, each round trip being a 10
mile "commute," as he puts it.
has made so many of these trips
be has forgotten the number, and
tIo mileage is a matter of hig
Making a flying visit to this city
a coasting steamer and being i
hurry to get back to New York,
no American ship touching this p
Mr. West recently showed a coma
ter's resourcefulness when he w
out to sea in a small sailboat to c
the Lamport and Halt liner
Added to the already long list of}
collectors, a new kind has come into
existence in the form of the phono-1
graph record collector. Michigan's
campus record collector is Hamann
Lyon, '24, of Ann Arbor.
Lyon has accumulated more than
1,100 records, of many different
makes, and from abroad as well as
in this country. The collection con-,
tains no jazz or ragtime in any form,
One of the most brilliant debuts'
the history of the Metropolitan Opera
house took place in the fall of 1900
when Madame (or, as she prefers to
be called) Mrs. Louise homer made
her first New York appearance after
her European triumphs the year pre-'
vious. Ever since that time, she has