THE MICHIIGAN DAILY ...., ----T DAILY OFCAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received br tl% Asitant tc the 1?esdept until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturr'av.' Voiumie 4 SUNIIAY, JANUA RY 20, 19241 Nunthmer SO 0 The Deans: There wii be a conference of thO Deans, Wednesday, January 23, at 10 in., in the President's office. X. L. Burton. nilversit~y lecture: Professor Raymond M. Alden, of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, will liver a University lecture on "The Relation of Poetry to Drama", Friday 'ternoon, January 25, 1924, at 4:15 o'clock in the auditorium of the Natur- Science Building.' The" public is cordially invited. F.' E. Robb in,,. oAll Students: Students intending to change thWeir rooms at t he end of the present smester are hereby reminded of the fact that they are to inform their ndlady of such intention at least two weeks prior to the' end of the first meeter. It is advised ,that notice of such intention to move be made in riting and dated, each party keeping a copy. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. eshman Elections: All literary Freshmen must complete not later than Monday, January the filling out and filing of election blanks an class cards in accordance th the sheets already handed. After that date thte penalty wil be charged. Arthur G. Hall, Registrar. xlhibitlon of Paintings: The exhibition of paintings by Ca lifornian artists, those of the Taos )Iony and other western artists, in the West Exhibtion Room at Memorial all, will be open on Sunday, January 20; from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. This is . last day these remarkable paintigs can be. seen. z Warren P. Lombard. teulty of the Colleges of Engineering and, Architecture: There will be a meeting of the faculty of these {colleges on Monday, Jan- ry 21, at 3 o'clock p. in., in Room 411 West Engineering Building. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. [blic Speaking, Course 10: Students who have been given permission to elect Course 10 and who tye not enrolled please call up 689-M. Thous.,C. Trueblood. odern Languages, College of Enginering': I shall not be able to meet my classes on Monday and Tuesday. A. U. Lee. nior Engineers: Dein M. E. Cooley will address the Junior Engineers on Monday, Jan- ry 21, 1924, at 10:00 a. in. in room 348 Engineering building. It is in- wtant that all juniors attend this assembly. C. E. Wilson, Class Mentor. nior~s in Engineering and Archtitecture: Seniors in Engiineering and Architecture expecting to graduate in Feb- iary, who have not already checked their requirements in the Secretary's Tice, should do so at once. Louis A. Hopkins. adnale English Club: The Graduate English Club will meet Thur-sday evening, Jan. 24 at 8 clock at the Newberry Residence. Prof. Raymond M. Alden has very ndly consented to address tihe Club at this time. Harris Fletcher. lyers Club: The following, students have Been given parts in the cast of "The D)over )ad" which is to be presented February 20th under the direction of ement A. Smith:-Robert Henderson, Elwood Fayfield, Earl Fingerle, onald Snyder, June Knisely, Margaret Geddes, Rhea Schllaack, Helen Boor- an, Alva Johnson, and Albin Sepanski. The cast will report to the direct- Thursday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock in room 203 Mason Hall.. Stacy RR. ;Black, President. Stu~dent Prodigy Now Store Clerk; Tired Of Thought. 1oo00121 .UnioT.. 6 :00---Mi ies' dinner, room i318.20, Un. jj C K El AP P LIT0N S W A'GON ON 4:f0-4:00-Sclick tests.FOFOTALECIO 8:00 - Detroit Symphony oreliest ra FRFOBILRCIE concert, 1l11l auditorium. fn the year around. All other r( received before Sept. will be tre a similar fashion. "eare pleased to note thisi increase in our games," said Tillotson business manager ofi sociation, "and especially the 'ing tendency of the public to :{ :J"i't":":':" "::."1 I A,..111: i 1 :t L SUNIAY 9 1:30 a. ni.-l niversity Men's Bible U-.NOTICESI (hass mI)eets in Upper rooinm, Lanef An ,txlilbil ion of paintings by western hl. rii artists as well as by Leon Bakst is 10:435--Presideth'i oe,', of Olivet now hanging in the opper gallery of college, speaks at the Con gre ztion- AlliilMemlilorial hall. The exhibit al church, is open daily from 1:30 to 5 o'clock. 12:00-Student class hti Presbyterial All organizations and fraternities church. must have their group pictures tak- 12:00-Student Guilid class in Ibitptist enu(luring the month of January. Guild house. All1 elasse,,.' ""pus societies, and or- 4:00-Sigmia Delta Chii mieets in mrn ganizations must pay for their space S 304, Union. in the Michiganensian : before Jan. 4: 1.-5 a tieeital, lill auditorium. i28. 4:30-Sopli Promi committee mneets in E Organ~zuitioi' space is still available at Union. the Michiganensian orrice. Contracts 15:30-Cotigregatiotial student sociat' should be signed at once for this hour. Topic: "Why So Many! space by' organizations which have Creeds."I not already done so. 5 :30-SoclI hour and open house att4 Presbyterian church. I sport Snap Shots 5:30-Lutheran stl1ient forumix I Luther chiapel. Professor Kirkpat-1 rick speaks on University self-gov- I tContinued trom Page Six) s ernmnen t. Moore, Danny Edwards, Mickey Del- 6:09--Baptist students' guild social mont and some other good boys and half hour followed by regular eve- has fared well. Pa Murphy is blind. ning, meeting. He couldnotrithlahmsf 6x0-=Stuens' uper t arrs all so found Joe Wagner, another old C. L. Dibble, '06.. will speak. Topic: time fighter, and asked him to serve "Opening the Oyster." I as trainer and manager of the boy. i 6 :0--Presbyterian Christian Endeav- Wagner and Murphy Sr. fought five or. Alex. Burr, grad, leading. merry battles years ago. 7 :15--Jewish Student congregation meets in Lane hall. L. B. Wolfen- Austria will be. represented in the sen speaks on "Religion In tihe Olympic games at Paris next year. World Today." Which is another indication that that I, already been received by the Athletictiirapplications for ticketse association, at an earlier date than ev- We cannot, hlowever, keep our er before, probably predicting a rec-, ball books open the entire year ord attendance for the 1924 season are forced to return all applicat The first of these requests camne in that reach this office before Sep to the ticket office on Dec. 7, twoc weeks after the close of last season Dean Mortimner E. Cooley, of and it has been followed by many C ulle 'es of Engineering and Archi others since from tall sections of. the: tuice, will adldress an assembly of Middle West. ior engineers at 10 o'clock tomto: These applications have already in roomi 348 of the Engineering bt been returned as the Athletic associa-ig tion feels that it cannot sell tickets~__________________ Williamn J. Sidle 1 When William J. Sidis, son of the late Dr. Boris Sidis, famous psychol- ogist, was two years old lhe was able to read and write; &'% seven he was a master of' algebra and anat- omy; at eight, he spoke four lan- guages, and two years later, as a boy of 10. he entered Tutfs College. At eleven he lectured at hlarvard on higher abstruse mathematics. He was only 16 when he was graduated from Harvard. Now, at 26, he is a clerk in New York at $22 a week,, and shuns work that demands thinking. s l u at the football_ gamnes next liall have will not knowv whether you're fight- ing one or six opponents. Gene's a good man but Carpentier, old as he is, knows too much for the A. E. F. champion. Bartley Madden, veteran trial horse, wants to meet Harry Wills. Which makes us wonder whether Bartley has been disappointed in love or wants to fool the life insurance people by passing out before tihe mortality sta- tistics say he should. "Long Tom" Hughes veteran Amer-; ican league" hurler and remembered particularly as the nemesis of tile Cleveland club year after year makes a plea for the pitchers of to- day. H1ughes, who retired really and truly a year ago, say, that it is tin-, fair to the pitchers in the big show to go into the minors and pay froms $25,000 to $50,000 for outfielders or'I infielders who can hammer the day-1 lights out of the pitchers. Elimnin- ation of several of the rules now curb-! ing the pitcher's effectiveness is urg- ed by the former Washington star. Hughes pitched semi pro ball a: season or two after spending three or four declining years in the Pacific Coast league. Classifled--Con's To people of this community the hibition is doubly interesting and structive. Mr. Mayn~es, the owne the exhibit, worked on the projec 13 , years' and is now exhibitin thoughout the country. He has finished exhibiting this at the la county and district fairs. The exhibit shows in detail ac mining operations as they are cai on below and upon the surface modern machinery, including latest underground loading sh the Mayne Leader of which Mr. M; is the inventor. Miniature fig are' seen going througah all the cesses of mrining while cars hoists are shown in actual opera IIn the model city there are si of all kinds and electrically lig 'streets with cars and automobiles p ing upon them. It is seldom that any attna has come here that is more educa al and interesting than this wor f'ul invention and we recommer very highly to every person in city; shown at 609 Church st. Daily classifled for real resul 4 F s E F i F MONDJAY 12;:10-Jounrial clab 1luncb. 1 :30--Freslnnan Girls! Gie2 in Barbour gymnasium. 6:30- E chanae dinner lit 20o, UnIon. club mecets room 31. part of the former Hapsburg empire isgetting back to normalcy against what seemed overwhelming odds for a time. Joe Lyntch, bantamnweight cham upion, is contemiplating 'a trip to Europe "in quest of imome hon- Sors." Onr tip to Joe is that lie FIGHT ON HOUSE BRLS ENDED BY PASSING YOTE , jWashington, .Jan. 19.- -Theihouse rules fight, in progress since MondayI ended late today with tile adoption of a resolution providing among other things for repeal of the Underwood amendment rule, votes on discharge of committee petitions of 150 nmenm- hers, and creation of a new house committee to handle legislation ef- fecting war veterans.I An utisuccessful, attempt was made at the last minute to eliminate the committee discharge provision with the Underwvood rule as the main point, at issue. Representative Madden, Re- p~ublican, Illinois, offered a resolutionI to strike out the section but it was re- jected 253-214. ';here was a sharp party line in the vote on the motion by Mr'. Madden who is chairman of the appropriation com- miittee.. Its supporters, wvhich includ- ed Representative Tlilson of Connecti- cut and a numbher of other Republican leaders, were those either opposed to, the whole propostition of facilitating the discharge of legislation from coin- mnittees or of the impression that at least a majority of house memllers should be required to sign petitions. Members of the Alpha Sigma Ph' fraternity were awakened at 2 :30 o'-I clock yesterday morning b~y a fire in the basement of their house. The blaze was extinguished b~y chenmicals, before it has time to spread. The dam- age is estimated at $200. Patronize The Daily Advertiser's. TUESD)AY ouig ht to prove conclusively to i Ql: lt 011-c trck 41 ipli lieria lip- Americans that lie is a real munity tests in Health :sevie.ihap before hie starts takingit l 110-~edea" fauly lnch V1101.1more territory. 12:01 - Mteic a rdc in y Iii i hal n cm ion. ____ I :11-tat bardimmsial unc ~ Gene Tunney says he may accept room 319-21. Union. a b~attle with Georges Carpentier. v :30-Alpia, Delta Signi a iez'ts ir Make out your will first, Gene. You Advance Showing of Spring 1924 Fabrics t i .K 1 . 11 Our complete collection represents the result pt (Mr. Arthur M. Rosenberg's recent trip to the English and Scotch mills and surpasses for elegance, quality and style, all previous efforts. Early ordering insures good service. JERRY COAN AT ALLENEL 'HOTEL TO -MORROW January Tiventy-one BRUCE BOOTH'S ORCHESTRA 11 Patrons for 1923 rsity Glee Clubs: The Glee Clubs picture e Glee Club is. to come in ing their instruments. and wil be taken at Rentschler's today at 12: 30, full dress. The Varsity String, Quartet should dress in Tuxedos. John 31. Russell, Mgr. ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALPHA KAPPA KAPPA ALPHA PHI ALPHA SIGMA DELTA CHI DELTA DELTA DELTA GAMMA ETA GAMMA HERMITAGE KAPPA ALPHA THETA KAPPA DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA PHI GAMMA DELTA SIGMA PHI EPSILON TRIGON ZETA TAU ALPHA GILEE CLUB TRIP MILI'TARY BALL There will be a :meeting of Triangles In the Main Dining Room of the [on at 6:15 Sunday night. A general discussion will be held, led by the ulty Triangles. The. 'Ensian picture wii be taken at Dey's Studio at five on Monday, uary 21. C. W. Mlerrinman, Jr., President. lead The Daily "Classified" Columns THE &eur uhAeVbJ 1014 CHAPEL STREET 11 EAS NEW YORK ST 47t!h5TREET' PHONE 2666 S "ecro JffR,-f &i Ca MrVd6 -e Clolfie